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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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The Frost Prime turned, stepping back into the center of the arena, stopping in front of Natalia, he took a kneel before her, touching a spot on the warframe's collar bone, at which point it deactivated, collapsing down into something like a backpack on Natalia's back, revealing the jeans and T-shirt she always wore beneath her frame. She gasped, and looked at the Frost Prime, who stood. He had raised a hand, a rings of ice had encircled him and Natalia, chilling the air. Natalia shivered slightly, and he looked down at her, touching a finger to her forehead, which, surprisingly, was warm, it spread throughout her, making her impervious to the cold. The primal Frost Prime stepped back, slightly surprised, but composed himself, creating more and more rings of ice until he and Natalia were encompassed in a snow globe as reflective as a water droplet.

"Arise." He said quietly, and she stood, this time of her own will. "The ice accepts you, welcomes you. So too do I, sister, it pains me to realize that the world may not be as two dimensional as it should be, and yet there is the fact." He turned to look at Fili, "I name you Alexis, in honor of your charge. So go forth, you are accepted by Frost incarnate. Which is more than can be said for your, significant other." He said, referring to Halcyon as the globe broke into snow, converging on him with a flurry, "But there is always more to know." He chuckled, gone as the snow blew away, the room returning to normal temperature. Natalia let out an audible 'whew,' going to wipe some sweat off her forehead and seeing that her skin had turned completely blue. She simply stated at her arm for a while, going through the implications.

Edited by ultimatumcore
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Fili watched worriedly at the scene, expecting the Frost to, at any moment, attack Natalia. Not wanting to worry her, Fili tried her best to hide her reactions to his taunts during the quiet parts. However, as time when by and the Frost talked, seemingly not showing any intention to harm Natalia, Fili's fear slowly changed to curiosity. She still shrunk back, however, when the Frost looked at her.


After the Frost had gone, and all seemed safe, Fili walked over to Natalia, still carrying the silent Osprey."What happened?" She asked.

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"You did end the memory to where Baije got me on motorcycle and drove away somewhere remember?" Nida replied. "Well after what you told about vehicle accident and Baije long shot downing the enemies of that age. I wouldn't be surprised that she stopped replaying the memory" Talvi said "I know" Nida said.

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"We are not judging you Lisa everybody is different but it sounds like humanity wasn't this own friend too... Huh... I would have guessed that they would have had much more better time than we Tenno back on old war" Talvi said. "People were afraid" Nida said. Talvi nodded.

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"What will be your opinion about this Lisa?" Talvi asked "Being curious a bit" Talvi said. "She is a nice girl. Rarely is found that golden hearts having people" Nida said "Right. So any kind of proves you have to really show that you have had been magician?" Talvi asked. Nida thought a while she grabbed the thin blanket and from there pulled out a soft toy shaped like bunny. "That settles it" Talvi said eyes wide open about what he had seen. Nida gave the soft toy to Lisa.

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Nida smiled too "I am sorry what I said about your thoughts of Nida, Lisa you are right on what she is but I wonder how do you do that?" Talvi said "Let's say that it will be mystery to all living" Nida said and smiled "Well everything can not be explained that is a fact too" Talvi said.

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((Anyway let's get back in to RP what we have on our hand. I didn't know that I have that good memory though... I have played the Borderlands 2 only twice through though))


"Don't get any ideas to turn it to a living bunny Nida" Talvi said "Don't worry. I am not that foolish person with magic" Nida said and went to sit down on a bean bag chair "Once done you will not change the thing?" Talvi asked "Everything can not be perfect besides turning a toy in to living thing demands much more from me than doing that" Nida said "So there is limits. Good thing that you know your limits" Talvi said.

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"So Lisa how about letting Nida. See the memory to the end. I would like to know what happened to Nida back on the time before old war?" Talvi asked "You don't need to ask something like that. It is about Lisa does she want to to do that or not besides I think she has gotten enough of seeing violent things like that for now" Nida said as wrapped the thin blanket around her.

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Lisa was in Nida's memory but she had accidentally started from the time where Baije started checking the vehicle. Baije actually said something as she found Nida unconscious "Night sky do you read me?" Baije said quite surprised and started to get Nida out of the vehicle carefully. "I read you. What's going on?" Is'Gol replied if Lisa listened carefully. "I found a civilian alive. With personal weaponry. She is unconscious. Getting her out of the vehicle. I need an evacuation immediately" Baije said. "Roger that. Get to your motorcycle and drive to this checkpoint I have a bird for you take there" Is'Gol replied sounding a bit surprised too.


Baije managed to get Nida out of the vehicle with her own weapons then carried her to the motorcycle placed Nida to front while set slightly more behind from usual motorcycle driver spot. Soon as Baije dust off and drove a while until she had line of sight on cargo ship. It is flying forward slightly faster than Baije's motorcycle. Baije accelerated in to higher speed to get in to the cargo ship what had this bay door on the level of the road so she was able to drive inside of the cargo ship. Soon as she was inside of the ship door closed and Ridan started checking Nida.


Talvi was not able to see anything else than Lisa staring at nothing and Nida being paralyzed.

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Fili saw her breath coming out as a fog, although it wasn't cold. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

"I feel fine, but it like my tenperature has been lowered, a lot," she said, still inspecting her hands for any sign of the blue fading, there was none, and she sighed, slightly annoyed by the blue skin and clouds of most whenever she would take or breath. The reached back and activated her warframe, stretching slightly once it was back on. "He said he'd reward me, makes you think about what exactly he rewarded me." She chuckled, raising a hand to test her abilities. She tried to cast freeze, but instead a whirlwind of snow blew from her hand. Intrigued, she beckoned to Fili and used the computer to summon a test dummy. She tried again to cast freeze, this time finding out that the blizzard did no damage whatsoever, but lingered, much like a smokescreen, a snowscreen. She chuckled to herself, and looked at Fili.

"I'll have to mess with this later, we've still gotta find a foundry so we can build your armor right?" She asked, smiling, forgetting for a few seconds that her face was blue.

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Ridan made a full check on Nida "The cortex scan indicates that she has suffered quite a strong hit on her head but I don't think she might have lost her memory from this but there is a chance to it" Ridan said "Damn Gaius Force they shouldn't do these kind of things to innocent civilians who just wants to live their own lives" Baije said "Tell them about it. Like some of us had met this situation already?" Ridan said "I know" Baije said. "*sigh* We will need to get her to bed soon as we are at our HQ" Ridan said.


Lisa should see that Ridan is wearing odd bulky armor like it would designed for front line engagements while Baije's own is like recon or stealth attributes having one.

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Baije and Ridan didn't notice Lisa since this memory of Nida. There was nobody else than Baije, Ridan and Nida in the ship. Few minutes later Nida was carried to hospital wing of HQ. After three hours Nida woke up in somewhat pain. Mostly around her chest and sides. "Where am I?" Nida asked from herself. Ridan came to room with Baije both of them had their armors on. At this light was able to be seen an emblem on both of their armor's chest part.

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Fili followed Natalia, her eyes widening as she blew out the gusts of cold air. "Wow, he gave you that?"


Fili looked to Natalia, wearing a slightly worried look. "You don't have to get me the armour now. You can sort out what you have to sort out if you need to."

"I think it would be better. I'm sort of afraid of them, I wouldn't want to make a mistake and hurt you." She said, "We can check 'em out when Halcyon's around." Natalia said, heading for the door to the arena of ancients. Seeing a guard and heading over to it.

"Hey Guard, You know of any foundry I could use around here?" She asked, waving hello.

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Nida didn't seem to be scared "Are you two part of military or something?" Nida asked "Hmm... If the think this on official's angle. We are unofficially part of military" Ridan said and took her helmet off "We found you unconscious in a vehicle what had made a crash landing after getting a shot on engine. Do you remember anything about it?" Baije said "I don't know what happened to me but... What I can say is that... My chest and sides are seriously aching" Nida said "Hmm... Seems to be that she has lost her memory" Ridan whispered to Baije.


"Highly possible but I don't know would it be smart to recover her memory since we do not know much about her or we haven't met her at all" Baije whispered. "Who are you and who am I?" Nida asked "Ridan. I am the medic of Will of Freedom group" Ridan said "I am Baije. Sniper of Will of Freedom group. Sadly yes we do not know who you are since it is not really our problem but we do can help you out on that" Baije said.

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"We do not officially have any foundries for Tenno use but I guess you can ask from Garoy at workshop of his" Guard replied to Natalia while having the guard pose.


Nida sighed sounding slightly sad "Am I now forced to become part of your group?" Nida asked "No. You can choose and about joining decides our leader. Is'Gol" Baije said "That is some good news I guess I will need to stay here until I will be healed up... Or... Actually I don't even know do I have a home" Nida said "That is okay. Some civilians actually has home in here. We will just build one for you where you can live and from there you can get to work when you are required to be" Ridan said.


"Really?" Nida asked being extremely surprised "We mean it. Not because we are noble if people would hear about we exiled somebody. It would raise chaos at worst" Baije said "So you are doing this because you have to?" Nida asked "Yes and no. That is you to decide but I think it as possibility to learn something new" Ridan said "Like every day is a possibility to learn something new" Baije said. The emblem's background is diamond shaped having a person with a shield and sword guarding another person.

Edited by Revel72
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"I think it would be better. I'm sort of afraid of them, I wouldn't want to make a mistake and hurt you." She said, "We can check 'em out when Halcyon's around." Natalia said, heading for the door to the arena of ancients. Seeing a guard and heading over to it.

"Hey Guard, You know of any foundry I could use around here?" She asked, waving hello.

"Thank you," Natalia responded, now activating her helm to prevent unnerving other people.

"C'mon Fili, I think I've seen this Garoy's workshop before."

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Guard sighed "Jeez what's with Tenno today even painting their faces blue" Guard mumbled himself.


The memory ended and Lisa was able to stop having a control over Nida's mind. Talvi placed the soft toy bunny on Lisa's lap. Then continued waiting (I wonder how Eva is doing and why are these naps so important to her) Talvi thought.

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Nida took sharp and deep gasp then breathed normally. "I remembered everything from my awakening at that time. So that why the memory ended. Thanks to you I have a bit of insight what happened to me after the accident" Nida said "I guess we are done on this subject?" Talvi asked "Yes" Nida said. Talvi picked up Lisa and stroke her head sitting down on the bean bag chair where Lisa was sitting. Talvi gave a kiss on Lisa's forehead.

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