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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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"I got message from friend of mine about suspicious movement in one corner of galaxy what I want to take a look at. This is nothing about you" Is'Gol said and Talvi came back with a Scindo Prime. "How may they react on this kind of weapon I wonder" Is'Gol said as grabbed the ax. "I hope you are not doing something stupid" Talvi said. "Every move of mine has a reason" Is'Gol said and departed with his team mates. Talvi hugged Eva.


Nida felt Lisa trying her butt she cleared her throat "You can be curious but this would be where I would draw a line" Nida said stopped hugging Lisa and continued making pancakes. "Lisa what caused you to despise violence?" Nida asked.

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"Strong is that person who continues forward but looking for person who doesn't do the same" Nida said Lisa was able to feel how strong and thick the muscles are on Nida's hips not because of being Tenno thanks to all the work she did before and at the old war also training seems to have had big part of Nida's well being. Another pancake was ready.


Talvi smiled too. "I am glad that you are not anymore sad about what I made you do" Talvi said and gave a kiss to Eva.

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"I love you too Eva. Though I wonder what my teacher is up to now" Talvi said "Should we go have some private time?" Talvi asked.


Lisa is able to smell the pancakes covering the most of the scent but Nida smells like Lavender. Might be her favorite.

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"Is that why he gave you those powers?" Fili asked. "Because he knows your protecting me? Because before you said he was evil."

"Mmm, not that he's evil, it's like he's dead inside, someone took away everything he cared for. And he hates that person, normally I'd hunt whoever did that to him, but he's powerful enough to do that himself, also, I think the one who did that to him was Halcyon." She whispered, stopping to look at Fili.

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Fili stopped, a look of shock on her face. "Why?" She asked. "Why would he do something like that?"

"I'll have to ask him, the Frost didn't let me know much more than that." She said sadly, "I'd hoped he'd always been good, but I don't know how he can justify doing something like that."

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Fili was quiet, despite the consequences that would result. She didn't know what to think about this.

"I thought you said he was a big softy..." Fili said quietly, before his taunts could take hold. "Why would a big softy kill the people that someone loved?"

She looked at Natalia. "Do you think he had a good reason?"

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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Fili was quiet, despite the consequences that would result. She didn't know what to think about this.

"I thought you said he was a big softy..." Fili said quietly, before his taunts could take hold. "Why would a big softy kill the people that someone loved?"

She looked at Natalia. "Do you think he had a good reason?"

Natalia seemed conflicted,

"I love Halcyon, truly I do, but he's always the victor, always the morally correct one, that can't always be the case, can it?" She whispered, starting up the foundry and letting it work on Fili's armor, setting a notification to her warframe when it would be completed. "Come on, let's go find a weapon for you, eh?"

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Fili didn't say anything for a bit, her eyes downcast. She was thinking about something, something that was lingering in the back of her mind. She didn't know how it got there, either through natural means or him putting it there. Eventually, she had to speak it.

"Natalia, answer honestly. If there was noone to protect me back at Station Delta, not you, not Watcher, not anyone... would Halcyon have shot me?"

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Natalia thought for a second,

"If you ran from him, I can safely say he probably would've shot your feet or ankles, but he doesn't always go for killing something he wants to know about. The exception is at the time when he wants to dissect it, but don't worry, it's almost never come to that before." She said, hoping to reassure Fili, "Things have been held back from Halcyon, taken. I hope you understand, he gets really attached to the pursuit of knowledge. Sometimes he even forgets me in his endeavors." She whispered, and looked back at Fili, "We really shouldn't worry about what could've happened, I really think it's better just the way it is." She added, heading for the room once again.

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"Takes over what? He can't actually control me you know, and he's too often pulled away to do origin system breakin stuff, so I can't consider him for taking care of you. But if he was, I don't want you to worry, he's more than capable, and the worst he would do is ask questions. I want you to feel safe if he's protecting you, but I want you to know, well, he's kind of old, and hasn't had a cup of coffee in fifty years, he can be grouchy." She warned, thinking for a moment. "Oh! You mean, him, well no, unless you count freezing you solid as hurting you." Natalia offered.

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Fili shook her head.

"No, I wouldn't. If he were in control, I wouldn't consider anything hurting me, since its not me anymore. Its him." She shook her head, looking to Natalia afterwards.

"If he's in control, I don't care what you have to do. I can rebuild myself. I just want him gone as fast as possible..."

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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Natalia nodded, thinking,

"For that there's always the go to Mk1-Bo to train with, but I must say it's not a revolutionary weapon, then there's hammers like the Jat Kittag and the Fragor, Kestrel..." She said, continuing, counting most blunt weapons off on her fingers.

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Natalia nodded, thoughtful,

"Until he gets back withy the ship, I can't think of where to get a Bo... Maybe at a shop or something?" Natalia offered with a shrug.

Meanwhile, Thalia had just gotten to Earth, having brought Urza's jet black designed Liset, she landed nearest to where she read that Urza had been.

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"Maybe. Let's go look in the shops." Fili smiled and the Osprey in her arms made a few small movements, though didn't make any sounds. Fili look, confused for a second before remembering why it remained silent. She stroked its head as she spoke gently to it.


"It's okay, you can talk now." The Osprey let out a happy beep as it was released, gently nudging her head, causing Fili to giggle slightly, before once again taking a spot floating besides her head.

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"Maybe. Let's go look in the shops." Fili smiled and the Osprey in her arms made a few small movements, though didn't make any sounds. Fili look, confused for a second before remembering why it remained silent. She stroked its head as she spoke gently to it.


"It's okay, you can talk now." The Osprey let out a happy beep as it was released, gently nudging her head, causing Fili to giggle slightly, before once again taking a spot floating besides her head.

"Sure." Natalia shrugged, making note that both Thalia and Urza had arrived on site.






Jack nodded. "Do it." He said and looked at Thalia.

"Hmm? Oh, you can't, I meant me and Urza could, you doing it would require disassembling you at a cellular level, which is incredibly painful since I haven't refined doing it." Thalia explained.

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Jack looked at her. "Yeah ok..." He said.

"..." Thalia shrugged, "Keep out of trouble." She warned, stepping backwards into a wall and disappearing, looking for Urza.





Urza cursed to herself, she hadn't yet found Ookami to figure out whether his DNA was the reason she had become slightly feral, and she knew Thalia was coming with Jack after her.

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((My bad, I was trying to think of what to do.))

Natalia wondered for a second whether there were shops in the dome that sold weapons before remembering that Urza had a Liset.

"Cmon," she beckoned to Fili, "Urza has a Liset and Thalia just got back with it, maybe we can say hello to them, if Urza's back to normal by now." she said, already heading for the hangar.

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