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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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((I am getting very forgetful of this thread, so sorry.))

Natalia noticed Fili's shock and raised an eyebrow,

"The nanites kind of ripple when they arrive, hard to notice, but easy to identify." She explained, leading Fili toward Urza's Liset.

Thalia followed Urza into the very depths of the Dome, where she found her sister, locked in a tiny room, not light, but not too dark to see, corners and edges of the cube like room let out dim light, and Thalia noticed Urza, sitting against one of the walls, holding her head in her hands.

"What am I?" She asked, not looking at Thalia,

"You are my siste-" Thalia started to respond, but Irza interrupted her,

"That's wrong, I am something else, something different, I mean, just look at me!" she cried, indicating her hands, her eyes, her teeth,"I'm some monster, and I don't want to hurt him." She continued, ending in a whisper,

"You won't, Urza, you aren't some monster, this is perfectly natural, though, I haven't quite seen you go feral before." Thalia chuckled, and Urza froze,


"Yea, every now and then, you start to transform, that's extra nanites, yours, when they structure you dependent on your surroundings." She explained,

"so you can make them go away?"


"Do it." Urza said, taking Thalia's hand to stand up.

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((Was waiting on Icedragonn, but I'll at least finish the tangent with Urza and Thalia.))

Taking Urza's hand, she siphoned the extra nanites off her, leaving son extra in case she needed to heal herself. Thalia also changed Urza's feral qualities back to normal, unfortunately, her eyes didn't seem able to change back, and kept reverting to the slit pupiled form whenever she succeeded in changing them,

"There, all better." She said, pulling Urza toward the hangar, through a wall, but Urza resisted,

"I can't, I don't want to hurt him."

"He'll be just fine, but right now, you are hurting him, he's waiting for you. If he was afraid, do you think he would come here?" Thalia argued, and Urza relented, letting herself be pulled up to the hangar. Thalia wondering the whole way what was wrong with her sister, who was normal never so timid. They appeared in the hangar, and waved at Jack, Thalia significantly more enthusiastic than Urza for some reason.

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Slightly shocked, Urza let him hug her, and hugged him back, resting her head on his shoulder,

"I thought you were afraid of me." She whispered, and Thalia left the room, closing the door to the hangar behind her, leaving the Liset warm in case they were going to return to Earth.

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Natalia nodded,

"It can be overwhelming, but this is where Thalia stores Urza's extras, if we got to the store room, you might go insane with how many are inside, deactivated." She said, and stopped as Thalia approached, Thalia stopped, and glared at Fili for a moment before she remembered she was trying to forgive the android.

"Hey Natalia, Urza's back." She said, waving hello.

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Fili nodded, although she was still trying to figure out if Natalia was being literal or figurative. That was, until a thought popped into her head, a thought that made her worried to no end. She was still deciding whether to voice her concern when they reached Thalia, who's glare made her shrink back somewhat, the Osprey coming in closer for comfort and protection.

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Jack chuckled. "Oh you know me..." He said smirking.

"I do indeed, and you are quite the scoundrel." She told him, heading through the door after Thalia,

Natalia nodded,

"Her Liset still here? We need to get Fili a weapon, she wants to learn to defend herself so that she won't have the combat AI returning to-"

"Kill more of us? Got it." She interrupted, now grumpy, brushing past her sister on the way to her room, wondering how Kosha was doing.

Natalia shrugged,

"Let's just assume it's still here eh?" She offered, patting Fili on the shoulder.

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Fili looked down at Thalia's words, obviously saddened. At Natalia's pats she looked back up and attempted a smile. "Okay"

Natalia frowned slightly,

"I'm sorry about her, it's just, she doesn't forgive people easily, and she got pretty badly hurt. Are you alright? Is something bothering you? Other than Thalia?" She asked, her tone like that of a concerned mother as she questioned her.

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Fili looked down again, and as such didn't see Jack or Urza coming up.


"Before I was thinking, about how you said there were so many nanites stored in the Dome, and what would happen if he were to take over while I was here."


She looked up again, back at Natalia, worry showing deeply on her face. "Could he activate and pull in all the nanites? Could he use them for himself? Could he pull the entire Dome apart?"

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"I...uh...hmm..." Natalia said, now thinking deeply, "That's a good question, Urza is in control of most of the active ones, and Thalia has the rest of them locked down, it's only the inactive ones we've gotta worry about, if he could get to them, and decided we were unnecessary, the system itself would probably be unable to survive. But then of course, Urza is protecting them, reinforced with Thalia, I'm not even sure what kinds of traps they've got going down there...I'll check into it later, but don't worry, for what I do know, he wouldn't be able to get to them immediately if he took over, they aren't all in the Dome, Thalia's been outsourcing the extras that Urza has procured somewhere else, and the ones here are only enough to make a couple corpus ships or grineer Galleon's, not enough for a Fomorian or anything intense, so we would probably be fine..." She said, but the idea greatly shook her up, she looked up, seeing Urza waving hello, and seeing a Limbo approaching, holding Urza's hand that wasn't occupied waving to her sister.

"Hey Urza, you feeling better?" She asked, smiling at the evident fact that Urza had regained her personality.

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Urza stopped when Fili greeted her, letting go of Jack's hand and lunging forward, the feral look in her eyes still not gone bad she brought Fili into a hug,

"I'm so sorry I left you, were you okay? Did anything bother you?" She asked, stepping back after a moment and lifting Fili's arms and looking around her for injuries. Natalia let out an audible sigh of relief, it had looked to her for a second like Urza's finger tips had sharpened, but she decided it must've been her imagination.

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Fili giggled as Urza checked around her, grabbing her wrists and moving her arms away, still giggling.


"I'm fine, nothing happened when you were gone" She looked over to Jack "Who's that?" She looked back at Urza and finally noticed her eyes.


"And what happened to your eyes?" Her tone was of curiosity as opposed to concern or fear.

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"Well, that over there would be Jack, we are...together, you could say, and as for my eyes, I honestly have no idea, Thalia tried to fix them, but they wouldn't stay normal, and look, I can control them." She said, as she spoke, her pupils went from slits to being gigantic, black, circles, rimmed by an outer circle of emerald iris. Going back after a second as Urza recoiled slightly,

"Ouch, light." She chuckled, and looked around for Thalia, "Where'd Thalia go, I saw her go down this hall, I'd've thought she would have stayed to talk a little, unless, she still blames you doesn't she?" Urza asked, stepping away from Fili a little.

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"Don't worry, I'll talk to her," Urza chuckled, "I bet she's ju- HOLY SH-" she said, yanking Fili out of the way of a part of the floor extending straight up and slamming into the roof. "Thalia?" She called, not believing her sister would have done that.

"Wasnt me." Thalia responded, her voice echoing from everywhere.

Another voice responded,

"That would've been me. Sorry about that." Halcyon's voice said, but coming from a smaller source. Urza turned to look at the three inch tall replica of Halcyon enter the hallway,

"Crap." Urza groaned,

"What?" Natalia and Thalia both asked at once, Thalia coalescing into a being as she knelt to pick up the mini-Frost Prime,

"He's so cute now, how'd you make him smaller?" She asked, holding the Frost in her hand,

"Don't play with it, he tried to kill Fili," Urza scolded Thalia,

"Fili killed you, I'll call it even if I get to keep him." Thalia retorted, and Urza hesitated,

"Fine, but he isn't allowed to kill people, and stop mentioning that, I'm obviously not dead, so she didn't kill me."

"Do I get no say in who 'owns' me?" Mini-Halcyon asked, folding his arms and looking up at the Giants around him.

"You don't." Thalia said, "You're just so adorable now." She giggled, unable to contain her laughter,

"Thalia, I wouldn't-" Urza started, and Thalia interrupted her,

"Laugh? Why not? It's not like he can do anything." She said, but was shut up when the Frost dropped to the ground, punching the floor and casting ice wave, a normal sized ice wave, and pinned Thalia to the wall via the ice shards, "Oh." Thalia said simply, dumbfounded that the Frost could activate abilities that weren't scaled down along with his warframe.

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Urza sighed, and looked at Jack,

"This is something I made to prove a point, it's a miniature version of Halcyon, no, not the real one." Urza said, andwering Natalia's worried, soon to exist question. "He has the memories of an ancient Frost, but I made him tiny just to bother him," Urza explained, and the Frost apologized to Fili,

"Sorry, I'd been trying to raise a platform so we could see... Eye to eye, but I missed." He offered, shrugging.

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