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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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Natalia, ignored and apparently shunted out of the way, stepped back to let Mihya try what she was going to do.

Thalia stood between Halcyon and the Primal Frost Prime.

"Alright, so what's the deal between you two?" She asked, looking at the Frost Prime first.

"This. Vermin, murdered my brothers in cold blood." The Prime said simply.

"Well then, Halcyon... Your side?"

"There's a bit more to it than that, the original Prime's were the strongest, practically unstoppable. Just about now, the Prime's aren't around right? Well, it goes back to the orokin themselves, my creators, masters of the tenno, of whom were killed in a mass genocide. The tenno thought that the Orokin saw them as tools, and most orokin probably did, but my creator didn't, I was something of a runt when compared to the stronger tenno, this Prime himself sentenced me to death for my apparent weakness. My master refused, took me in, trained me, gave me my warframe-"

"BLASPHEMY!" The Frost Prime roared.

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"You will need to show to whoever is inside you. That his ways are not right and would eventually be his end but do tell whoever is inside you that hate can be sated when he needs it most" Mihya said her pink colored eyes has unlimited empathy. Able to see good maybe even in the most dark person.

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"Are you deaf? It's an AI, it's not that he's inside her, he, is part of her. He's not angry, or hateful, he just wants control." She said, now moving forward again.

Thalia looked at the Frost Prime,


"They made our power, and they gave it to us, after that, they think they can just take it back, and give it to any fool that they favor, any fool that will never be able to use it to it's full potential." He said, and Halcyon glared at him,

"The rebelled against the orokin, killed all their masters, mine remained, I protected him, but these, tenno, the Primes, they tossed me aside, and killed my master, but let me live. Then they all went to cryosleep, but I didn't. The stalker wasn't strong enough yet, he had to train, in order to approach the strength of the tenno. So, I hunted them down in their sleep, I made sure that the monsters, the ones that killed all the orokin, they would never wake up, the ones that would wipeout the grineer, obliterate the corpus, exterminate the infested, I made sure they wouldn't. At the order, of an orokin AI." He finished, and looked at the Ancient Frost, "I couldn't kill him, I always looked for his respect. I didn't think the lotus would be stupid enough to wake him up." He said simply.

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Natalia, no longer paying attention to the other Tenno, Mihya, was torn, she wanted to help Fili, hated seeing her so afraid, but knew there was only a couple ways to stop it, only one of which seeming the closest at hand,

"Fili. If you can make sure your other AI don't bother me, I might be able to turn him off. I know he's part of your core AI, but if he keeps trying to take over, what good is he as part of you?" She asked, offering a hand to Fili, "Just say the word, and I'll do what I can." She whispered, tears welling from her eyes.

"What." The ancient Frost Prime sad simply. Thalia also raising an eyebrow,

"You murdered the original Primes?" She asked, and Halcyon looked away,

"They wouldn't'be let any of this exist. If you're not strong enough at the start, they destroy you. And if I'm considered a weakling, imagine how far below the bar most tenno are. This Frost can toss me around like I'm nothing, now imagine one of each of the warframes with that strength, they would cleanse the origin system in fire, burning everything that was too weak. Which is everything." Halcyon ended grimly, the ancient Frost not presenting an argument.

"But you did kill them?" Thalia questioned, and Halcyon nodded,

"Aye. All but one. One, who I looked up to, one who I thought would be inconsequential, one who the lotus urged me to kill regardless." He said, and the Frost Prime watched,

"That can't be justified Halcyon." Thalia said, and Halcyon nodded, "Cowardly, worthless pile of-" she started, unable to finish, the hallway cold as death as she released the ancient Frost Prime, but not Halcyon, who she pinned to the wall via metal.

Halcyon nodded, and deactivated his helm, looking the Ancient Frost in the eye as it strode forward, a blade of ice forming along it's arm.

"What may your last words be?" He asked, placing the edge against Halcyon's throat, cold as Pluto, hard as steel.

"Tell Natalia, I'm sorry I left her behind." He said, and the Frost Prime froze. "The blue one. She is yours?" The frost asked, and Halcyon shrugged,

"More along the lines of I'm her's." He said, wondering why the Frost Prime cared.

"This is as it should be, her strength dwarfs yours,"

"Hmm..." Halcyon hummed, but noticed the blade start to melt away.

"I can not hurt her." The Ancient Frost Said, "And yet you must die, or become better." The Frost said, deep in thought, "It is true, you doing here by my hand would be counterproductive toward the girl..." He continued, and looked back at Halcyon,

"You may still be tested, it's unlikely, but you may have grown stronger." The Prime offered, and nodded to himself. "Yes. Luminous one, could you transport this Frost Prime to the arena?" He asked, not waiting for an answer. Thalia looked at Halcyon, who shrugged, gliding along beside her, carried by a mechanical appendage extending from the wall.

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Fili looked at Natalia, hought of her offer. This thinking was cut short, however, when the voice returned.








Killing innocents


Their screams


Their pain










She screamed out, tried to drown out his voice, before her face collapsed into her hands. She was crying, limp and defeated. "Help me... please... I can't take it anymore, m-make him go away... please"

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Talvi arrived to Fili and Mihya. "Good that you came" Mihya said "Yeah I know" Talvi said. Mihya hugged Fili. Stroke her head like she would be a mother "He will not triumph. I believe in you Fili. You can win" Mihya said. She knew that she is able to take this risk. Now when Talvi was at situation to protect her if necessary while Mirage was done on healing.

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"Alright Fili. I'll do my best," Natalia whispered, placing a hand on Fili's shoulder and entering her mind. Identifying Fili, distressed, a couple other AI who weren't doing anything, and one that was constantly sending messages to Fili. This one, she directed herself toward, looking for a way to deactivate it.

Halcyon was placed in the center of the arena, the ancient frost already there. Halcyon kneeled informer of the frost as the frost did the same, to look him in the eye. The Ancient Frost raised a fist, touching it to Halcyon's chest. As the process began, a swirling blizzard of ice formed at the ancient Frost's shoulder, traveling down his arm and expanding to surround Halcyon. The ancient Frost Prime was surprised for a moment, but continued, layers upon layers of mirror like snowglobes were created, increasing in size until the almost covered the arena. They rotated in opposite directions, and a column of ice shards formed above Halcyon, which Halcyon held back from hitting him, and the ancient Frost nodded,

"You have come far, too far, to have fear." The Prime said, and Halcyon nodded, letting the ice shards drop, they neared Halcyon, caught by the Prime and directed around them, eventually into the ground. Everything that was happening froze, seemingly in time, until the ancient Prime stood.

"You've grown stronger indeed, but are still at no more than a trainee, and your significant other's powers dwarf yours yet. There is much you can learn from each other, don't let her go." The Ancient Frost said, everything starting back moving again, mist curling from the ground for him to disappear into.

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Fili continued to cry with her hands on her face, not doing anything to reject either Mihya or Natalia.

"I-I can't him" she spoke through her heavy sobs


As Natalia neared him, something happened, like someone forced her to blink. For a split second, everything went dark, and when the blink ended Natalia was in a different place. It appeared that she was back in her own physical form, her own body. It was as if she were out of Fili's mind, any attempts to mentally return or exit this limbo being futile, the same result occurring with any attempt to access her nanites or Tenno powers.

It appeared she were in an open plain, the ground even, unending, unoccupied, the sky a brilliant blue, undisturbed, empty. Not even the sun was seen in the sky's unending. The ground was a perfect white, though unreflective, sounding metallic as she walked, and her footsteps would echo. The horizon was clear, except for one thing, a small, white dot, off far into the distance infront of her.


The Valkyr remained unconscious.

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Natalia blinked and looked around,

"Well that's interesting." She said, heading towards the white dot, walking at first, then building up to a jog, finally sprinting toward the white dot.

Halcyon stood in the middle of the arena, Thalia approaching,

"You are a really lucky person." She told him, and he nodded,

"Let's go explain this to Natalia, I'm surprised she didn't blow a gasket by now." He chuckled, and Thalia simply raised an eyebrow, following Halcyon through the halls towards the reception room.

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Mirage took Valkyr to patient room where this can rest. It is much more human looking and with really old style. Mirage sighed "My favorite room" Mirage said to herself as looked at it. Wooden walls with fresh smell of pine. (Gets my thoughts away from my job) Mirage thought as placed Valkyr on the bed and pulled the blanket over her then sat down to wait this to wake up.


Mihya waited and continued hugging Fili who is not responding. To her Fili might be a droid but much more Tenno. Than Caltroit units who are a bit like copies of real humans. Near of arena caltroit units were on the move towards the landing zones. "Come on! Come on! Move!" Leader of Caltroit squad shouted. They have weapons ready and loaded.

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As Natalia neared the dot, it would be evident that it was a humanoid figure she were approaching. A humaniod figure made of pure white, like the floor, like Fili. It's face plain, except for two rows of five glowing, red eyes, going side by side. The Hivemind android stood still, silent as Natalia approached, watching her with an unbreaking stare.


Fili continued to cry.

"I-I can't beat him... I-I can't..."

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Mihya pulled down Fili's hands "There is two persons in you. You who we know as Fili and the beast who you release in sign of danger. In war people dies. It is the hard and heart breaking thing... We just must accept it. It took me a long time not to cry so much when I saw Grineer marine killed by one of the security members of Dome. They kills on what they believes. They believes in home and neutral land where everybody will and must be standing on the same line with everybody" Mihya spoke and continued comforting Fili.

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"What if somebody he kills deserved to die? What about that? I myself know too that everybody has something good on their hearts but to make good you will need make way for it and our enemies are the obstacles. Good is made by killing and evil is caused by killing. At the end both doesn't exist. There exists only laws what people has agreed to follow to the end. Or be ready to break them to prevent something even worse happen or break them because of being forced to or willingly breaking it" Mihya spoke.


"People the person inside you has killed are not following the rules what they have agreed to follow they follows rules of war. Kill or be killed" Mihya said stroke Fili's cheek.

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