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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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"I was not made to protect the AI branch known as Filitous. I was made before her, with her possessing no reason for a sustained existence. Her creation was unneeded and unwanted by many. Her simple birth caused the death of many."




"B-but what about t-their families" ili asked through her sobs. "T-they can't come home, and sometimes... b-because of me..."


Fili fought to get her hands back, trying to pull thjem away from Mihya, crying and sobbing even heavier now.

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"Grineer you killed are clones they doesn't have families and they might not be aware of it. While Corpus well they would have died either way some day. By somebody else" Mihya said. She started to massage Fili to get her attention elsewhere.

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Fili seemed to calm down a little at the message, but it was very little and barely noticeable.  "T-they weren't Grineer, a-and barely any Corpus. I-I killed them all."


"I killed her whole family!" Fili shouted "Left her with noone!" She was crying heavily again, her body limped and wrecked with sobs, her head fallen down into her hands.

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"I'm afraid your request cannot be fulfilled. Here, in my core, I have more of my processing and cognitive capabilities unlocked then I do when outside, allowing me to have this coherent conversation with you. I do not even possess the necessary cognitive functions to predict the chance of me not remembering this encounter outside my core, or even at all, to a certainty. It is due to these reasons your request is incapable of being fulfilled, as without the necessary cognitive power to form other plans and actions that are not most direct and simple, I can not stop myself from sending the messages to Filitous whilst she is in control. Even if we were to somehow come to an agreement or deal, it shall not be remembered and breached almost immediately. 


The AI remained cold, emotion and motion-less.




Fili nodded her head in response. "O-of course it feels wrong. H-how could it feel right?"

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The AI made no move to avoid the Glaive, meaning it hit straight on. The Proxy stumbled back, a deep gash now present in it's chest, electricity sparking out from within. When it hit, the world and Proxy alike distorted heavily, still slightly distorted as it calmed down for the majority. Although the distortion of it's imagine stopped for the majority, its voice was still heavily so.


"Deactivating me... won't be... without... repercussions. Filitous... will be... affected."




Fili closed her eyes and grabbed her head in pain. "Argh"

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Natalia looked carefully at the android,

"I'll help Fili. I'll be there for her, you though, because of your decisions. You won't be around for anyone." Natalia said, catching the Glaive and throwing it again. "I'll just have to hope it'll be something I can help."

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"If that's the case, I will replace you, I can't let you take Fili's life from her. She will go on to do great things, whether or not I'm standing there beside her." Natalia said, catching the Glaive again.

Halcyon looked down at the group, knowing Fili was in trouble, knowing the lengths Natalia would go through to save her.

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The AI looked back up at Natalia, the very universal space of the digital world they inhabited bending around them.


"DeStrOy mE... anD yo... U kiLl... hEr..." The android stood up straight with a jerked movement, still staring Natalia down.


"I kNow... She...  fORgoT... I KnoW heR... pAsT... hEr... crEAtIon... sHe's a... liTTle girL... sHe wiLl cHaNge... sHe WoN't... aLwAys stay bY... yoUr siDe... thE crEAtors... tHe coMpAny... hEr... fAtHer... WoN't sToP..."

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"You're bluffing. And if they won't stop, I'll make them unable to go forward. Now. You die." She said, slashing forward one final time.

"She'd sacrifice herself." Halcyon whispered,

"Hmm?" Thalia asked, not knowing very much about what was going on.

"Fili, she's had this problem with a Combar AI, I didn't think it got worse, but it seems like that's what happened."

"Okay. So?"

"So the way I understood it was that Fili and her AI were like branches of a tree, if they were branches, there had to be a base."

"Oh." Thalia said, what Halcyon was getting at dawned on her,

"Right, the base isn't Fili, considering how the Combat AI is able to take over, and we haven't seen very much at all of her other AI. So once the combat AI is taken out, there will need to be a new base, or else Fili will be unstable."

"She would give up her physical form to support Fili." Thalia murmured.

"I can't let her do that." Halcyon said, stepping forward. Stopped by Thalia,

"What makes that your decision?" Thalia asked, and Halcyon gestures at Fili,

"Fili trusts Natalia I'm not sure to what extent, but, giving up ones life to support another's, I know what that's like, it's not something Fili would we'll be able to stand." He said, and Thalia nodded, reaching down to place a hand on Natalia's shoulder.

"I'll tell you when she's about to integrate herself." Thalia said, and Halcyon nodded.

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Mihya heard word unstable. She started to back off. She saw Halcyon and remembered what he did to her mother. "Sta... Stay away from me" Mihya stuttered as slowly backed off from Halcyon and Fili. She wanted to care about Fili but her fear is greater.

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(OOC: Damn, I forgot to put this part in last post)

Fili had not noticed Halcyon nor Thalia approach, continuing to shake her, try and make the pain go away.. This pain was new ti her. She felt something like it, a sensation she fekt as pain, but that sensation couldn't be used against her, to cripple her. This one was different. She didn't like this one. She looked up to see Mihya back away, but couldn't say or do anything in response before she squeezed tighter and threw her head down, beginning to scream.


The AI jerked up and spasmed, much like the world around it, before tumbling down into a heap. The carcass and world distorted uncontrollably, varied, random and vivid colours spawning out of fine air. It all exploded into light. Another eyeblink and Natalia was back into Fili's mind, the combat AI weakened and inactive.

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Natalia focused quickly once she was back in Fili's mind, swearing she was hearing Fili scream in pain. She hesitated, but deactivated the combat AI and began to integrate herself in it's place.

"She's doing it, stop her, now!" Thalia said, and Halcyon nodded, attempting to pick her up, realizing she was as heavy as she would be if she was made from solid lead. He tried again to move her,

"She won't budge." Halcyon said, still trying to move her.

As Natalia continued, she noticed something strange, the spot was already being filled, some one, or something, was replacing the combat AI. She started fighting whatever it was, but she heard Thalia's voice,

"Sorry Natalia, can't let you sacrifice yourself, it'll hurt too many people." Thalia said, and electricity charged around Natalia, who was then launched back. She hit Halcyon and opened her eyes, seeing Thalia disappear, her body disassembling into nanites and joining into the floor.

"Thalia." She whispered, and blacked out.

Edited by ultimatumcore
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