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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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Talvi arrived with Mihya to scenery where unconscious Natalia, Halcyon and unconscious Fili. Talvi was still on his knight gear. "You have quite a lot to explain now sire" Talvi said as Mihya knelt before Fili laid her hand on Fili's neck to find a pulse.

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"Alright then. There you should explain following your own sense what you can tell" Talvi said Mihya spot movement. "Talvi. Condition two" Mihya said "Alright" Talvi said raised Fili to rest on his shoulders. "On your go" Talvi said to Halcyon and Mihya waited to Halcyon and Talvi to move.

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Talvi turned to look Oracle. Mihya tripped backwards on the ground and crawled away from Oracle. Talvi walked to Mihya and offered her a hand to raise her up Mihya took grip from Talvi's hand and Talvi pulled Mihya on her feet.

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Mihya is slightly smaller than average woman. "I didn't choose to be Tenno because. I wanted to fight. I choose to be Tenno to help better way than what I was able to do without a warframe" Mihya said and backed off from Oracle.

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Talvi felt the weight changing the positions and had to set his leg to keep the weight stable on his shoulders. "Well glad to know she feels good to have somebody close of her" Talvi said.


"I don't know what you are and... I am... Shy" Mihya said as backed off from Oracle. Her pink eyes avoided to have eye contact with Oracle.

Edited by Revel72
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Mihya shuddered as felt Oracle landed on her shoulder. She took deep breath and her shy side slowly pushed Oracle away from her and backed off towards Talvi. "I am a nurse" Mihya said she has a pin on her hair as mark of nurse.

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Halcyon dumbfounded for a couple moments, shook his head to clear it of the random oracle, turned and lead the way to the room he'd got for Natalia and Fili,

"Cmon Talvi, the ball won't hurt the teenager." He grumbled, heading out of the room.

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Talvi followed Halcyon Mihya near of him. "Sorry no" Talvi said "Well that is not really why I am worried about her. She is not my girl friend but she is Mirage's daughter and she is shy. It doesn't feel nice to see her being teased. Took a while me to cheer her up" Talvi said.

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The Osprey rounded the opposite cormer from where Halcyon was headed, beeping happily as it saw Fili. The Combat AI had managed to shut down the Osprey remotely as it tried to take control, having aimed to isolate Fili from any possible sources of comfort.

It jetted forward, coming to a halt beside the android. It's happy beeping ceased as it saw Fili unconscious, its beeps now becoming lower, quieter and less frequent. Worried.

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"At least you've got your work cut out for you, irrational fear like hers means that you can comfort her all the time, a never ending cycle of making her feel better about being afraid of everything." He growled, entering the room and resting Natalia on the couch.

"Go ahead and place Fili on the other bed, sty nearby and I'll explain what I know of the situation." He offered, pulling up a chair from the table near the kitchen.

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Talvi slowly laid Fili on the bed and pulled blanket over her. Mihya sat down near of her. "That really sounds like who has stubborn on his way of thinking. Everybody has freedom of being what they are. They can themselves choose are they willing to change. She is just one of the few who I have met to be shy. I am not coddling her all the time. That is her mother's job but my mind tells me to do what I know is right" Talvi said as sat down on chair. "Just let me know if you are feeling hungry" Talvi said.

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The sleeping Fili was reluctant to let go of Talvi, though she eventually released her grip and let him lay her down on the bed. She curled up, cold, until the Osprey came close to and snuggled up to her, at which point she grabbed it and held it close. She smiled slightly at the comfort it provided, slowly uncurling her body.

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Halcyon snorted,

"Humans, Tenno, they are incredibly stupid, they don't change, they don't learn, they just fail, over and over again. And me? Stubborn? Talk to her mother, I had to destroy her lab before she accepted advice, so don't talk to me about being stubborn. And what's right? Oh give me a break, there's never a right answer, there are only answers that are less wrong. And that's the end of it." He said, gesturing to the other three chairs around the table,

"Take a seat if you like, I've gotta repair Omega." He added, retrieving the egg shaped proxy from behind his right shoulder.

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"Well if there is no right answer there is no wrong answers and if there is no right questions there is no bad questions either. I heard from that somebody decided to be a god for somebody and destroyed the lab without actually talking the things through. Sounds like an Orokin creation to me" Talvi said as he is sitting on a chair. "What comes on stubborn. We can change a tin can in to fork but how difficult it is to change ways of living?" Talvi asked.


"There are right answers. There is just too much angles to look at the questions on your case you just bust down a wall before asking" Talvi said "You sound like you had lost hope on everything and decided to do what you see is right without asking from others. You are not a leader because you made yourself on that position but I bet you haven't been on real leaders position like Is'Gol has and still is. I know where I stand. I stand before people in time of danger" Talvi said.

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"Really? You stand in front of the endangered people? Then where were you when the orokin were slaughtered in droves? Where were you during the mass genocide of our creators? That's right, fighting along with all the rest of your brothers. "For freedom" they said, "for our future" they roared, as they murdered, robbed and looted. Was it right that I avenged my master? Who never did anything wrong, who saved. My life? I never wanted to be a leader, I was always happy to take orders from the one who created me. And then I'm supposed to listen to some orokin AI? To the people who killed so very many? An entire species, obliterated. Was that right? Please tell me." He said, looking Talvi in the eye. "I would love to hear about how mistaken I am about everything, for centuries upon centuries, some wisdom have avoided me. And yet you found it, in the punt lifetime you've had. Please inform me."

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"I save what I can. We can not save everything what we see. Relays are an example where we failed. Where Orokin failed. I do mourn the past but I have still those who are important to me. My father and my mother. I have still what I fight for friends and my goals. What comes on your question. I am not the right person to answer to them. There is no right answers, there is no wrong answers. Those questions you should ask from yourself. I do not remember what happened in the old war but what I value is present" Talvi said.


"I am not one who is judging you what you had done on your past. I judge you depending on what you have done on present. We all walk forward. We can not stop if we do... We either die... Or mourn those who couldn't walk forward anymore. You are not going to beat me in argument like these nobody is not able to win when argument becomes a fight and from there a war. One thing what I have learned from war is... That it never changes. It is inside of everybody. Nothing can not be right. There is always at least one thing done wrong" Talvi said.


"Perfection can not ever be achieved but everything can always done better" Talvi said "People who we have killed were not wrong either right. They did what their very being wanted them to do" Talvi finished. His dark and ice blue eyes looked on Halcyon.

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