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Legendary Cores


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Anyone have any information on when these will come out? I mean, the mechanics for the core are already in place, what is DE waiting for? They can come out as alerts or invasion rewards, so I can't fathom what is the hold up. Anyone know?

I don't think they'll ever come out. If it did, it wouldn't be a challenge to max out mods like narrow minded, heavy caliber, serration, etc.

They may come out as compensation though...

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The statement about the L Cores being released in the untold future was said. It's right here in the forums, in the release notes on that faithful day they gave us compensation for our reverted aura mod.

Read up. It's not a rumour.

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LOL....then it will give birth to millions of "P2W" thread.


but then again is that pay 2 win or pay to skip ahead... given a few weeks/months (depending on how much they play a day) they would have accomplished the same goal.



*** and it just brings DE into the market, theres already players profiting off people wanting to skip ahead.

Edited by umm_me
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Just want to say that they will return eventually, no one knows how. 


The only evidence that i could easily grab is this



Last page in the PS4 forums about U12 before it was locked. DE Rebecca stated :The PS4 build includes the fix so that we do not release the Steel Charge in its unbalanced state. Legendary Cores were (controversial) compensation for this, but this is not the last we will see of these cores. They were not exclusive to the compensation situation.


So yes, they will be back, and no, not just for compensating.

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Don't hold your breath for them.  I am sure we will see them again, but I don't expect them, nor should they ever be, available in the drop tables or for purchase.  


I expect they will be around in the form of prizes, gifts, and compensation for changes.

Edited by Agent_of_Change
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Don't think that Legendary Cores will be available to get again.


The answer is pretty obvious - they're too powerful.

I'm not fan of grinding but if anyone could have access to item that can max out any mod without effort... That would be terrible.


In the mantime... I still have mine cores, waiting to use them when the time is right.

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