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Antimatter Drop Buff Or How Can We Get Rid Of Mprime Spammers (Hopefully)


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About a week ago I've written a blog in the warframe wiki suggesting some changes to the way the Antimatter Drop skill works. My goal with these ideas I've posted there was reviving what I think is Nova's funniest and strongest skill in order for people to start considering using Molecular Prime a little bit less often (until DE rebalances MPrime so: 1- Novas don't ruin the fun for their teammates anymore. 2- Playing Nova becomes more challenging than it's right now without ruining her high-end potential).


While this post didn't get too much attention, nobody seemed to say I was totally wrong with what I was asking, so I decided to bring the content of the post to these forums.


Original wiki's post: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:CodenameJR/My_ideas_for_a_better_Nova%27s_Antimatter_Drop


The post itself, for if you're too lazy to check the link or the wiki doesn't appeal to you that much:


I've been playing Nova for a while, mainly on mid to high-end stages of the game, and I really liked the concept behind the Antimatter Drop skill. However, I find the way it works really troublesome more often than not. That might be the reason most Novas just dump it into garbage when they build that warframe (because, certainly, Molecular Prime is easier to use and much more convenient when you, say, are surrounded by a crowd of high level enemies and you can't manage to "load" an Antimatter Drop and launch it effectively into them before being dps'd the hell out of your &#!). And even Molecular Prime ends up turning into a supportive debuff for the team once you hit the really really high-end stuff of the game (as the damage itself barely scratches the mobs).

So, I came up with some ideas that might be implemented (or not) to make Antimatter Drop a better skill:


1.- Make it so once you release the AMDrop, it behaves just like it does right now, but once you press the second skill button again it launches on the direction you were pointing at a decently fast speed. Meanwhile, you are not able to release another AMDrop until you already launch the one that is still floating in the air, preventing multiple AMDrops with stacking destructive power (which would be definitely OP if they are this easier to use).


Additionally, the skill can be modified for the AMDrop's sphere to become stationary upon release, so the lag one may encounter while playing (as it was observed AMDrops become totally useless no matter if you're host or not because of lag - Credits go to Darthmufin for pointing it out) doesn't affect the skill anymore. Now you're surely going like "c'mon, now it's so easy to shoot at it you'll do ridiculously huge amounts of damage with a very energy efficient skill, that's OP at it's fullest". Well, that's when a duration limit comes into play. Once you release an AMDrop you have a total of about 5 seconds to shoot at it and launch it, or else it will explode at place. This vanishes lag as an issue without making AMDrops insanely powerful, plus, we've acquired another way to use AMDrop (as an antimatter mine of sorts).


2.- Modify the skill so we can increase it's flying speed as we see fit through different ways: 


a- Make Power Strength or Power Range affect the AMDrop's speed (this might need some twitch in the AMDrop mechanic to slow down even more while we shoot at it, or else it might turn worser than it's at this moment).


b- Simply make it go faster the longer it stays in the air, scaling on at least three different velocities: slow (for about 2 seconds, as to give us time to shoot at it), medium (which needs to be faster than the maximum speed it has right now) and fast (which pretty much should be like a bow's projectile speed).


c- Add a function in-game to increase/decrease AMDrop's speed (like doing so with the mousewheel or soemthing similar). Credits: GDSK-NXS.


That said, I'll wait for your thoughts about my suggestions. Remember it's just a bunch of ideas that might not ever be implemented (unless the community ask for them badly), so please don't rage nor anything like that just because there's another Nova-fan around suggesting she could be stronger (I'm well aware of all the grudge many people harbour on Novas). I also agree that if DE were to make AMDrop stronger, MPrime should be modified to work only as a CC and not as a nuke-all-the-room-and-kill-all-the-fun-from-low-to-medium-level-stages kind of skill.

Nevertheless, constructive criticism is always welcomed!


P.S.1: English isn't my native language, so please excuse me for any grammar mistake I could have commited. I'd totally understand your grammar nazi instinct, as I'm a grammar nazi myself on my mother tongue lol.

P.S.2: This is also my first post on these forums, please be nice x'D

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Your first post was a Nova rant thread. How original. Congratulations...

Edit: don't be discouraged from posting in the future, this post is just extremely stereotypical and the forums are cluttered with so many duplicate 'Change Nova' threads that we really, REALLY don't need any more.

Edited by Dominus_Tenno
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Your first post was a Nova rant thread. How original. Congratulations...

Edit: don't be discouraged from posting in the future, this post is just extremely stereotypical and the forums are cluttered with so many duplicate 'Change Nova' threads that we really, REALLY don't need any more.


Did you really take your time to read the whole thing? I wasn't exactly ranting, but sharing my ideas on how to improve certain aspects of that warframe so it's much more funny and fair to play with on a team.


Besides, it doesn't matter how old or stereotypical a problem is if the community still talks about it. If there are so many threads about Nova then she's meant to be changed. It's like saying "to discuss about the corruption on politics is so old fashioned and ain't original at all". Yet, corruption is still a problem on many countries.

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It's already too OP.

It doesn't need a damn buff.

I'm doing 800k damage on pretty much unmodded Nova without even trying.

Didn't read anything except "Antimatter Drop Buff".

Don't touch my cute AMD, please.


That's exactly why it needs a rework. So people stop complaining about Novas ruining the fun xD

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TBH i dont have a problem with drop its Mol prime i can't stand but then again i use Rhino and volt and spam overload and stomp a good bit soo... um any way if i believe right Mol prime is fine as is cuas it was already hit with a nerf or two a while back.   

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No no no no no no no no no no no no. Just no.


AMD is already very powerful, actually a bit on the highside with regards to it's damage multiplier. But, you will rarely see it, why? Because MP is easier to use and more efficient. Press 4 and fire, everything explodes. You will rarely encounter AMD use, because MP does more things. Damage, chain explosions, CC slow of 50%, damage buff of 200% range of 25m, fast cast time. 


When I use Nova, rarely as I'm predominantly a Nyx player, I use AMD, because I dislike MP spam, I have rarely seen AMD used from Neptune and Pluto, to Void T3 Def and surv. You will predominately see MP. 


That's not going away by making AMD more powerful, people will always use what's easiest and gives the most benefit, even if AMD does potentially more damage, it requires a set up time, travel time, aim and Nova being somewhat exposed. MP is more efficient and easier comparatively, hence people spam it.


MP's slow of 50% needs to go, that single aspect allows spawns to turn into a clusterfuck, which lets MP chain explode everything, especially when it's combined with Shred or any punch through weapon. Spawns need to be allowed to space out more, rather than the damage buffs and straight DPS of MP being nerfd, she's a nuker, she's fine doing high DPS, but not when it pulls in other aspects like CC, that's not her job as a frame, that's why other frames were designed as CC, otherwise what's the point of their use? Nuke frame should not have CC.  

Edited by (PS4)billy-d-squid
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That's not going away by making AMD more powerful, people will always use what's easiest and gives the most benefit, even if AMD does potentially more damage, it requires a set up time, travel time, aim and Nova being somewhat exposed. MP is more efficient and easier comparatively, hence people spam it.


And what if AMD becomes easier to set up and launch and MP changes as to synergy better with AMD and still be a nuking complement? Nova would still play her role (nuker) but on a much reliable and lag resilient manner, which will lead players to make more use of a currently underrated skill. That's basically what I'm looking for, not a complete remake.

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Additionally, the skill can be modified for the AMDrop's sphere to become stationary upon release, so the lag one may encounter while playing (as it was observed AMDrops become totally useless no matter if you're host or not because of lag - Credits go to Darthmufin for pointing it out) doesn't affect the skill anymore. Now you're surely going like "c'mon, now it's so easy to shoot at it you'll do ridiculously huge amounts of damage with a very energy efficient skill, that's OP at it's fullest". Well, that's when a duration limit comes into play. Once you release an AMDrop you have a total of about 5 seconds to shoot at it and launch it, or else it will explode at place. This vanishes lag as an issue without making AMDrops insanely powerful, plus, we've acquired another way to use AMDrop (as an antimatter mine of sorts).

Actually I quite like this idea - being able to set up AMD, take cover, pack it with bullets and then launch it from a safe angle would surely have some kind of tactical aspect.

Also I would consider AMD an only way to detonate MP while leaving slow and damage bonus intact. This would turn MP into more of a cc skill while adding some synergy with AMD.

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Actually I quite like this idea - being able to set up AMD, take cover, pack it with bullets and then launch it from a safe angle would surely have some kind of tactical aspect.

Also I would consider AMD an only way to detonate MP while leaving slow and damage bonus intact. This would turn MP into more of a cc skill while adding some synergy with AMD.


I like that idea pretty much. My only concern is some people will complain because that way Nova will lose some nuking potential, when it's actually the other way around: she gains more control over one of her not so popular yet strong nuking tools. For a squishy nuker as Nova is, being able to avoid damage and retaliate at the same time is unvalued.

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