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The Basic Flaw Of The Investigator Precept


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The Investigator has many flaws, but all of theses can be fixed:

Scans things already completed in the codex.

Scans too slowly to catch anything alive.

Wastes scans.



However there's one basic flaw that can't really be fixed, it's a conceptual error really: after you've scanned everything the Investigator becomes the most useless mod in the game.

Now that I think about it it's also a flaw with the scanner in general and tbh I wouldn't really care much, there's a lot of almost completely useless mods already, but the Hellios also becomes outright  pointless once Investigator has nothing new to scan. In the game we've had and still have some bad sentinels and warframes, even some terrible weapons, but a sentinel that can completely expire its purpose is too much to bare.


The problem of the Investigator cannot be fixed, but I can see how DE tried to mitigate the consecutive problem with Helios: they gave him a unique weapon (although badly implemented) and made it so this weapon is not interchangeable, a definitely unfair advantage compared to the other sentinels. In my opinion the best thing for the Helios is to make an entirely different precept for it: the investigator itself remains flawed, but at least it doesn't ruin a whole sentinel if it is just a general precept like the Guardian.

Edited by CubedOobleck
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DE has a habit of making things that are mostly useless.

thats just how it is.


much like djinn, its a neat idea that fell short of its scope.

Edit: but here's the fundamental difference: Fatal Attraction never runs out of purpose and there's always someone who'll like it no matter how bad it is. On the other hand the better they make Investigator the sooner it will become utterly useless, even for those who like it.

Edited by CubedOobleck
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simple solution:

scanned enemies take 5-10% more dmg

NOT enemy types u have previously scanned (ala bioshock), but enemies that you have scanned IN-MISSION take extra dmg from you (not your teammates)

this would AT LEAST keep investigator from being completely useless

but yes it (investigator) still was (originally) a shallow/flawed concept and needs more work to be useful past a certain point

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simple solution:

scanned enemies take 5-10% more dmg

NOT enemy types u have previously scanned (ala bioshock), but enemies that you have scanned IN-MISSION take extra dmg from you (not your teammates)

this would AT LEAST keep investigator from being completely useless

but yes it (investigator) still was (originally) a shallow/flawed concept and needs more work to be useful past a certain point

It's not that I don't like the idea (in fact I've always wanted a buffer/debuffer sentinel), but after all the scans are done it's not a scanner + a debuff, it's just a debuff. Might as well just give Helios an entirely new precept and let the investigator be general imo.

Edited by CubedOobleck
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