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Mtter Charge Time


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Mitter workings are somewhat like that of a bow but its charge time hardly reduces at all with the speed mods, which makes it kinda useless, i think for consistency sake it should have the same speed and it should be affected the same from the same mods as other charged weapons.


also since the others are for critical builds this on should had its stat proc increased being hit by a flying saw blade gotta make you bleed, and it would make for a different game play from that of bows

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I don't want to make a thread so i'm putting my opinion here




So i've been using miter recently because it seemed fun and here what i think


First of all the damage is not that high even while charging just ok (actually its because its slash so its more about the factions), the problem is that the charge is long and the normal attacks are slow in addition with the saws having travel time (so it won't always hit), so in my opinion there is no incentive for either the normal attack (slow) or the charged attack (ok damage but long charge).

Because of that Miter is really dependent of mods for three things : the damage, the speed and the ammo (...); here's the probleme without several formas or catalyst you can put 3-4 goods mods and you get either a good damage weapon but slow, a fast weapon but with bad damage, or a mix a bit slow a bit damaging, so overall it feels like miter without forma/potato is quite bad.

Even worse that miter is a farming weapon (at minimum with luck 5 boss run) mastery rank 4 while a lot of market inferior rank are more or less better (huh drakgoon).


What I think is that Miter should be either a good charging weapon with better charge or damage, or a spamming weapon with faster rate.... or with better ammo (mod dependant weapon sacrificing a slot for ammo...)


Then, for last some pros about miter : throwing saws is cool, bouncing blades are cools. Oh and the proc (but recently many weapons have good procs chance...)





Tldr : Shouldn't Miter get rifle ammos?

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I have maxed mine, 5 forma on it.


It is still bad. Can't see why anyone would claim otherwise, i have other 40 or so mxed weapons, meaning, at least 4 forma in, and miter is still the worst by far.


My only joy with it is playing odd with maxed split chamber, heavy cal, shred and speed trigger, so the charge time can barely be acceptable and I get a blade firing shotgun, lol. But the charge time lenght is really its main turn off.


My suggestions, as per bows buff.


Normal damage :  100


Charged Damage : 300


Crit profile : 20/2x (so it can at least crit and be decent at it)


Double fire rate.


Change to rifle ammo.



For what it represents and for its rarity i think it is very fair.

Edited by (PS4)DanteVincent
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I like the idea from another thread suggesting that the charge not only gives it its current punchthrough, but also fires off five blades in quick succession. Useful for locking down a tight room with bleed procs or tearing through huge lines of enemies.


And yes, it definitely does need rifle ammo.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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ya know i never actually ran out of ammo with my miter. which happens a lot to me with my rifles. mine can do about 2k charged damage which is not ground breaking but more than enough for normal game play, but having 0% crits(yes you read that well no crits ever) i still think more proc chance is the least it could get.

Edited by Edgedemon
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