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I mean the Grineer have their own ship and soon to be planet level, along with the mining base


The Corpus have their own ship and a planet side



while the Infested barrow from the others... they don't really have something that's theirs So either an infested hive that's this mismatch of orokin era ships and organic material which is inspired by the Space hulks in WH40k though the fusing is different...



or something akin to the Leviathan from DMC3



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Personally, I can kinda picture both. While I understand DE's side of things (also means easier for assets for level palletes when facing Infested), I also want a pure-infested kind of tileset. The space hulk spin I can see easily, whereas I was plotting more of a hive city infested nearly replacing architecture in some instances for my own writing dohicky. I also remember Steve basicly saying that any 'infested' tileset would probably be heavily based off existing tilesets anyway, so there is that.

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Lol at Infested city. I can just imagine something like an alien hive with Infested pouring out of cracks in the ceiling and walls, leapers diving off platforms, four Tenno fighting back to back just hoping Bastille will last that much longer, and then an ancient disruptor digs out of the floor.

Edited by Destro6677
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" Grineer Fleets Invade Corpus territories!"


Grineer and Corpus relations continue to deteriorate, however instead of a direct strike at  the heart of the Corpus corporate machine. The Empire has decided a more round about approach.


Hitting the Corpus in their wallet, As several key trade posts, resource depositories and Storage facilities have fallen to Grineer attack.


Reports of a new model of Grineer warship may be the clue to the Grineer newfound Bravado especially in the wake of the Astaroth and Neptune incidents. The New cruisers appear to be truly deadly as any attempt by the Corpus security armada has failed in every engagement with the Grineer fleets. Even with Superior numbers and the element of surprise.



Grineer Dominance seems imminent if the Grineer are able to gain a form of major control of the Solar railways.



We'll bring you more as it becomes available.

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" Grineer Disaster! Fomorian Fleets self destruct"


The Term "Incompetence" and Grineer Military command might as well get married at this point. As once again the Grineer suffer a system spanning defeat.


While Information is scarce, Reports from every system are reporting a series of implosion in the advancing Grineer fleets. Most likely an obvious oversight in production.


Corpus has wasted no time in taking the Credit claiming that while their fleets were outmatched in firepower, They had been infecting the Grineer network with a virus that would eventually cause the once thought invincible Fomorian Dreadnoughts to self destruct by way of their own void drive imploding.


USSC staff command is stunned.


" Whoever thought this idea up better not set foot on Luna again... cause his gene seed has already been purged from the pool, and his only welcome is a firing squad." 


Grineer channels are flood of chaos with mixed communications. Surviving com bursts mention raiders on the ship yet not once are they identified as USSC or Corpus, The Terms "Infestation" and "Technocyte corruption" are mention several times.


We'll bring you more as it becomes available.




Me and DE got to stop making the Grineer come off as a bunch of idiots that like pain and losing. I gots to find some way to turn them into a credible threat again!


At this rate, The Corpus are more threatening!



Maybe if they had gundams ... no the Grineer aren't pretty enough

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Corpus has wasted no time in taking the Credit claiming that while their fleets were outmatched in firepower, They had been infecting the Grineer network with a virus that would eventually cause the once thought invincible Fomorian Dreadnoughts to self destruct by way of their own void drive imploding.


Freaking corpus, taking credit for OUR HARD WORK.


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Freaking corpus, taking credit for OUR HARD WORK.



You expect them not to? The guy behind the accounting books pretty much said that all he had to do was dangle rare mod data over the Tenno on a fishing line and then let our arbitrary want of new shinies maimkillburn needs do the rest.

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Freaking corpus, taking credit for OUR HARD WORK.


Don't worry we will sabotage their ships harder for this lack of respect. Lets see if there will a be a fleet left after im done zoren coptering through the hallways destroying the cores. WITH A RHINO

Edited by Ditsydoo
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Don't worry we will sabotage their ships harder for this lack of respect. Lets see if there will a be a fleet left after im done zoren coptering through the hallways destroying the cores. WITH A RHINO


No, lets make it a message they can easily understand. Leave ONE of their executive's heads lying on his desk while all the others in the surrounding offices live. Someone comes in with a memo and finds his head on the desk, the rest of him still in his chair. No noise, just death. Only him.


No regret. No remorse. No mercy.


We will show the Corpus scum the true meaning of the word 'fear'.

Edited by Kalenath
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What is more satisfying in your opinion.


Defeating an opponent who Talks big, but can't back it up




Defeating an opponent who talks big cause he/she can back it up.




What have I've been doing, Well other the rewatching a lot of Gundam and finally watching AGE... Still torn on whether AGE had a worse finale then Seed Destiny then again it's Seed Destiny it kinda just has a none ending. -but that's just a massive argument waiting to happen-


It did give me my favorite still shot from the openings though




Apparently I need to get into work schedule people are wanting to use the thread as timeline for their own lore threads... I don't know how to feel on this.




So how are all of you doing?

Edited by FrostWolf
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"Defeating an opponent who Talks big, but can't back it up"



Got a cold, otherwise fine. Thanks for asking.


"Apparently I need to get into work schedule people are wanting to use the thread as timeline for their own lore threads... I don't know how to feel on this."


Ignore them, man. This is your thing. YOURS.

Edited by se05239
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No, lets make it a message they can easily understand. Leave ONE of their executive's heads lying on his desk while all the others in the surrounding offices live. Someone comes in with a memo and finds his head on the desk, the rest of him still in his chair. No noise, just death. Only him.


That... is a suprisingly good idea. well done! although a suggestion wold be to put a sticky note on his helmet saying "Hello there!"

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What is more satisfying in your opinion.


Defeating an opponent who Talks big, but can't back it up




Defeating an opponent who talks big cause he/she can back it up.

I think it would be defeating an opponent who talks big, but can't back it up because its really funny watching them start to need moar underwear because you just dismembered every single person on the ship I just don't like that, you know?

Edited by VDPrime
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I want your honest opinion


I was thinking about doing a cutaway to fill in what Mustang has been doing and show the Grineer assault and the rematch with Veers


I'd then basically splice Veers and Diaz's climaxes together. -yes that came out wrong-



However... I think flow wise with the current format it just be better to finish the section that deals with Diaz and then switch over to Mustang to finish the arc.

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"Grineer Forces set sights on Zodiac Union and other Nox provinces and nations"


While Grineer Empire, since the start of their expansion push, primarily focused on Sol territories in relationship to the Solar Rail system. The Empire has for the most part steered clear of the independent states, artificial planetoids and facilities that occupy the large dark voids between Planetary sectors far from the Railways exit points. Due to the nature and habit of these territories to be in what many consider dark or dead zones in Sol space, the term Nox, or Night states has been applied to them.


Noted for their desire to remain out of the Sol Council's jurisdiction and influence, most of these states and nations have remained neutral in the growing Sol conflict with the Grineer.



Generally traveling to these areas is a long process due to the Solar rail system not being around to take up the brunt of the travel strain on a ship. However Grineer ships have been showing increased travel time and efficiency largely after the fleet overhaul and restructuring. As scattered reports indicate, Grineer scout fleets are apparently sizing up the closest of the ZU's members the Leo Founding, which lies between Earth and Mars sectors.



The Zodiac Union is the formal union of the 12 largest of these independent states. Each Cluster of colonies and artificial planetoids bearing the name of a Zodiac sign. It is most likely the strongest militarily of the Nox states with only a few others. Other notable Nox states include the Tenebrae Combine, A coalition of merchant guilds that operate mostly in the dark sectors around Eris and beyond the Solar Rim known to extensive dealings with the Corpus due to their constant salvaging in Dark sectors. The Hikari Sovereignty located between Mars and Jupiter sectors, has been noted due to it's willingness to take on a large number of refugees  from Jupiter, Saturn and Mars sectors.


Conflict is coming to every corner of the Sol system.

Edited by FrostWolf
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