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Truth be told haven't been in a writing mode lately for the last two weeks. been running around trying to find a job.


its cool, man

People just need to learn to coupe with this thing called patience.

Good luck with that job searching. It can be tedious, I know.

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"Diplomats killed, Murderer still at large!"


Turmoil rocks the Saturn sector as a diplomatic meeting between Grineer and Colonial representatives ended in tragedy. The diplomats had met and convened in a secured embassy with USSC providing security when the meeting room was rocked by a detonation of small explosive device. Killing all in the room.


The Grineer have been outraged at what is perceived to them a blatant setup by Colonials to lure key Grineer personnel to their deaths which has lead to small scale clashes between USSC forces and Grineer marines.


No suspects have been named but USSC authorities are quickly trying to find leads in hopes that some development will alleviate the situation

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"Prime Suspect in Delegation Bombing... found dead"


After a day of investigation, USSC and Grineer authorities named  colonial representative Andre Borealis as their prime suspect, despite video and eyewitness evidence of representative Borealis having been at the site of the explosion and being suspected among the dead.


" Even if atomized, Borealis was noted by witnesses to have had issues passing the security checkpoint moments before the explosion" - USSC Lead investigator XXXXXX.


While original theories pointed toward a clone... which the Grineer took as an obvious assignment of blame. Evidence pointed away since Borealis would have passed the DNA scan but would have failed the weapon check even if a bomb was hidden inside his body.


Investigators noted that video evidence showed that Borealis had escorted a young female to his suite the night before. A combined team of Grineer Lancers and USSC Servicemen stormed Borealis' suite. Only to discover the representative dead, his throat slit in the bath tub as if waiting for someone to join him.


"Bastard died with a smile on his face." -Grineer Lancer Sergeant XXXX.


Grineer genetic experts confirmed that the Borealis in the suite was the original and for the most part showed no sign that genetic material had been taken for cloning and USSC coroners however confirmed that Borealis had been dead for at least 2 days... namely 7 hours before the Delegation bombing.


No sign of Borealis' unidentified escort as she was noted to have never left the room or had been seen by the staff. This names her as the new prime suspect... but with no leads to find her.


Corpus/Grineer Relations Head Alad V has stepped in to smooth out the growing hostilities between their two most prominent customers. As Grineer and USSC forces come closer and closer to a state of open warfare throughout the Saturn and potentially the Sol system.



We'll bring you more when it becomes available, please stand by.



Coming up, Genius Prodigy resigns doctorate from Uranus sector University.


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"Up and Coming Corporation makes daring declaration"


Tendo Millennium, a relative  new coming in the Sol Corporate sector in the past ten years. TM for the most part wasn't viewed as a threat to anyone. A private construction contractor that seemed content to have its on small corner of the market.  TM passed up major opportunities with Private shipping, PMC security and various other firms. Corpus considered buying it out would be considered an act of charity. -and that would just ruin Corpus' public image-


However Yesterday it shocked investors and even had Corpus execs reeling from a bombshell announcement.


It had teamed with contractors from the ZU and the growing PMC  giant  Renraku Enforcement to reveal that they had discovered the Orokin find of the century. A fully functioning Orokin arcology or Self-Contained Industrial-Residential Environment meant to be self sufficient.


Essentially an Orokin Colony meant to traverse the black sea of nothing outside the Solar Rim, Most of what we know of Orokin arcology is from what fragments we can find from working databases.


While no in detail information has been released other then that TM has unlocked the seals of the arcology. Even it's very location is being kept a secret as investors swarm TM for the potential chance to study and possibly reinvade what is considered the pinnacle of Orokin architecture.


Corpus is expected to put all potential bidders to shame once its execs stop frothing at the mouth that some upstart company has pulled a fast one on them.


We'll bring you more on the story as it develops.





and the Vanu Sovereignty want their infiltrators back!!!



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From our Earlier discussion about weapon and look... I guess when The USSC would lean toward I guess similar to the of the Terran Republic or NC from planetside... you know that very Future modern look... You'd have few guys decked out in power armor but most of them have that rank in file starship trooper feel... The Grineer can tear them up due to well 80% wear power armor and a genetically engineered to keep fighting even in the face of certain death -It's why they lock themselves in with you- but USSC troops make up for it by just fighting spirit... against the infested yeah most encounters don't end well with generally a 40 to 60% loss of squads mostly just top the sheer infection and antibotics not being enough to stem off mutation.


That and the guys have that... you can see the modern arms source thus contrasting with


Pictures to kinda give you a starting idea of where my thinking is.






nztzrAt.png Yes I know its the force blade but I love it soo!


This is actually closer to Mustang's personal magnum in my head... just with more GAR Barrel













Cause use the rewind function and these don't look out of place for guns we have. and that's kinda the aesthetic -I think that's the term- I'm thinking when I'm visualizing USSC troops and weapons


and the guns that are effective at being purple




Edited by FrostWolf
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...I think I'm gonna stay away from GD... all the arguing and conflict is just morally draining.



Good news I'm halfway done with the next log -EVEVALTOR RIDE!- despite having constant allergy drainage which have the constant after taste of mucus in your mouth makes it hard to focus.

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"Prime Suspect in delegation bombing cornered"


The Saturn Delegation bombing case has come to ahead. A breakthrough by Grineer investigators showed what appeared to be the unidentified female that had accompanied Delegate Borealis exiting from a sewer access minutes after the bombing. Questions had been raised how she escaped the embassy without being seen were raised but all parties involved set aside such questions to focus on finding the suspect.


Using various methods USSC investigators in unison with Grineer were able to track and tag the suspect due her usage of secure Corpus channels. Raising the involvement of Corpus in the bombing. Corpus has denied any association with the suspect.


What's strange is the suspect matches the looks of Rhonda Ventus... a person who was confirmed dead 5 years ago in a shuttle collision in Uranus sector.


USSC and Grineer forces have cornered the suspect in a condemned section of the colony and prep to take the suspect alive. The suspect is assumed armed and dangerous.


We'll bring you more as it become available.




Anyone here played Jade Empire?

Edited by FrostWolf
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"Bombing Suspect killed in Explosion"


The Saturn sector delegation bombing hunt has come to a unsatisfying end leaving more questions then answers.


Investigators made a breakthrough when the unidentified companion of the murdered delegate Borealis was caught in footage of a sewer access meer minutes after the explosion which would have given her access to the Delegation meeting.


The female strangely was facially recognized  as Rhonda Ventus, A Corpus pilot who had been killed 2 years ago in a Uranus sector ship collision.


Grineer and USSC forces started a manhunt for "Ventus" which reach a climax yesterday when the groups converged on a condemned hospital in one of the Rhea colonies.


"Ventus" had apparently rigged the hospital with various traps, and was hold up on the top floor when Grineer forces attempted an air raid. Minutes later the top floors of the hospital vaporized in what could only been caused by a high level plasma bomb.


"Who ever ordered the bombing must have decided to leave no loose ends"


With the prime suspect declared dead, and no clues to how or who caused the bombing, the investigation has hit a dead end.


This tragedy is expected to cause more strained Grineer, USSC and Colonial relations throughout Saturn sector.






"Audio file hacked... somewhere on the outskirts of Neptune sector"


?????:-somewhat terrified- You sure there is enough ships around?


USSC Agent: Calm down Mister Darvo, This convoy is quite secure.


Darvo: No offense, I'd feel safer on a Dreadnought.


Agent: A dreadnought would have attracted too much attention.


Darvo:... You're not the one whose got Corpus and "certain" black market dealers looking for his head.


Agent:  You mean the Neros Consortium and their alleged ties to a supernatural hitman?


Darvo: Save the plausible deniability... I've made deals with Tenno and the Lotus. I've seen what a warframe can do. and frankly I don't think you're guys are heavily armed enough.


Agent: Shame the Lotus don't offer amnesty? Then again... you didn't do what you did out of a noble desire to aid a group you felt was in the right? To betray your Corpus partners?


Darvo: Profit numbs a guilty conscience...-becomes panic'd- Oh -expletive- Oh sweet All Father he is here. -begins incoherent murmuring-


Agent: What was that?


Intercom operator: Some type of power fluctuation, it localized in the cargo hold. Almost like a small void opening.


Agent: Lock it down, scramble the Titans


Intercom: Sir?


Agent: Might as well give them a proper field test.


Darvo -as if praying-: If I get out of this, I swear I'll finally donate to that charity... I'll invest in that stupid cyber kitten program... 


-sound of a scuffling-


Agent: on your feet mister Darvo,


Darvo: We're not staying in here?


Agent: You'll be safer on the bridge, and armed escort is on its way... Status?


Intercom: No sign of enemy operative. Wait... Contact confirmed weapon fire registered. Titan squad ETA 60 seconds.


Darvo:It's him... The Black Executioner... The Tenno Stalker. -inane whimpering-


Agent: Enough of that...


-Sound of the door opening-


Soldier: Sir!


Agent: Take Darvo to the bridge, If the intruder clears the cargo hold and past our defense perimeter, Take him to the star broad escape pods and transfer over to the McKnight.


Soldier: Yes Sir.... where are you going?


Agent: To say hello to our alleged "Stalker" 


-File transfer interrupted-

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