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About Melee Weapon Ranges


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Here's some more food for thought regarding Melee stuff. I'll preface this with a disclaimer that maybe this is how stuff already works in Warframe, I just cant sleep and was moved to post by something else.

Here's a crazy thought, how about we make weapons have a range proportional to their size and usage?

-Whips have the longest range, because they're frikkin' whips

-Strike that, thrown weapons should have the longest when thrown, dagger range otherwise

-Fists and daggers have the shortest range

-Kamas have longer range than daggers since they're essentially knives on a stick

-Hate has the reach of a polearm type weapon

-Even though Hate, Orthos, and Bo have similar sizes, Hate has longer reach than them because it's swung like a baseball bat while the Bo and Orthos are gripped in the middle.

Also, charge attack on whips should be changed to letting them wrap around or puncture into environmental objects and throw them at enemies. :)

Edited by DarkTails
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