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Is The Boltor Worth It?



6 answers to this question

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I believe it's completely worth it. It's my favorite rifle. I mainly load up on damage mods because it ignores all armor. High damage with mods + armor ignore = Win in my book. Definitely put a multishot mod on that sucker if you can.

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Multi shot really? I always thought that was more of a shottty mod... what about reload speed? I've heard that it has a slow reload time on it. What about any elemental mods though are those any good on it? And yes one last question, is it good against corpus and infeased or just grennir?

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There are multishot mods for all the firearms; Barrel Diffusion (pistols), Hells Chamber (shotguns), and Split Chamber (rifles).

The Boltor, since it ignores armor, is great against Grineer, as you know, but it's also good versus Corpus if you go for headshots. It still deals full damage to Infested, though, so it's all good.

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Multi shot really? I always thought that was more of a shottty mod... what about reload speed? I've heard that it has a slow reload time on it. What about any elemental mods though are those any good on it? And yes one last question, is it good against corpus and infeased or just grennir?

I kind of meant to the elemental mods too when I said damage mods. Anything to up the total damage, since it's base isn't as high as the Gorgon. It's reload speed is a little slow, but not enough to bother me. If you have energy left over after putting in the damage/multishot mods then I would either put magazine mods or reload speed mods.

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I am using "Deep Freeze 20%" with my Boltor. The first shot freezes enemys to a crawl which makes hitting them again easy. 2nd or 3rd shot, they explode into chuncks of ice, or they get pinned. The first reason is the best reason. Makes Soloing easier. Also in a game with a few people, it allows everyone easy shots on the barely moving frozen enemies. My 2nd favorite elemetal mod for guns is the "Stormbringer" mod. Seems to fry everyone and takes down walkers quicker than normal. The Ice and Electricity together make for some nice damage.

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I use thos mods on my Boltor :

realod time (if you cant wait thos 3-5 seconds)

fire rate (this one is a must)


multishot (could go without it, but thers nothing better to take it place in the game, ATM)

fire element

Ap (yes! AP! it ADDS more damage to your already 100%AP boltor, and you cant say no to thos 200+ damage headshots on courps)

mag size

elctro element

with this setup I mow dowm everything the game has to offer.

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