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Nekros Rework Proposal...he Needs To Be More "necromancish"


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First off I´d like to say that Nekros is my most favourite frame,because:

-He combines nicely balanced stats with very good power efficiency

-He combines the "general awesomness" of a frame with the "general utility" of frames

-He can solo most content,and can also be very good at co-op

-I love his design,his helmet are by my opinion the best ones

Now what I would like changed about him:

-He can be a burden to a laggy team

-Currently,he needs way more skill to master than other frames,mainly because his skills are harder to use

-His skills do not fit the "NECRO" and "MANCER" style.Necro means reviving the dead and manipulating death itself,and macner means WIZARDRYYYYYY!

-His skills seem to be bested by other skills

-He is THE ONLY FRAME to cost 100 FRIKIN THOUSAND credits and 3 DARN OROKIN CELLS-this is the biggest problem I have with him,I do not understand why this has not been fixed.

-His HP orbs lose effectivness at higher levels


1."SOUL CRUSH"-Crushes the soul of an enemy,damage stays unchanged,if target dies,he will drop a health orb wich contains 50% of the targets HP,and also creates a non-damaging explosion wich knocks down nearby enemies.

2.TERRIBLE SOUL-Uses one "enemy soul" to project a terryfying image of it above Nekros.Weaker enemies,like trash mobs,are scared off while stronger,elite opponents are stunned in fear.

3.DESECRATE-The orbs it drops need to reflect 25% of the bodies HP.This should also be the case with Oberon´s Reckoning,so that the HP orbs are more usefull at higher levels.Also should cost 25 energy to make it more sustainable

4.SoTD-These "Shadows" should function like the old Snowglobe.Remove their HP and instead have them be alive as long as the skill lasts.Also,when they kill an enemy a percentage of their HP should be renewed,and "TERRIBLE SOUL" will now buff their damage output according to the rank of the "TERRIBLE SOUL" skill.This makes his Ultimate abbility truly allow him to LEAD an army of undead.

-One tiny thing I would absolutely LOVE to have is the "Soul" indicator around him.The more enemies he kills,the more tiny souls start swirling around him.Souls from pointless enemies such as Ospreys will be very small and transparent,trash mob souls will be regular size,and elite souls should have a brigher glow.


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I don't see much reason to change him. I would only make soul punch add to the SOTD counter, even if they are not killed. That way you can build up souls easier, I mean it costs energy so why not?


The revolving souls idea though, that would be extremely awesome and helpful to have. I never really know how many or what kind of souls I have for my final so a visual indicator like that would be great and add to his necromancer feel. 

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desecrate more sustainable? with 75% energy efficiency (4/5 streamline + 4/5 fleeting expertise) it's already 12.5 energy per cast.

do you want to make it free or something?


add a natural talent and you'd pretty much have to avoid moving near dead enemies if you'd want to run out of energy

Edited by Alighierian
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desecrate more sustainable? with 75% energy efficiency (4/5 streamline + 4/5 fleeting expertise) it's already 12.5 energy per cast.

do you want to make it free or something?


add a natural talent and you'd pretty much have to avoid moving near dead enemies if you'd want to run out of energy

Exactly the fact that you had to waste 2 mod slots and a bunch of mod points to make it good.Making it cost 25 energy would make the skill more usable to builds that do not emphasize on Desecrate
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Exactly the fact that you had to waste 2 mod slots and a bunch of mod points to make it good.Making it cost 25 energy would make the skill more usable to builds that do not emphasize on Desecrate

But all frames have to sacrifice mod slots and points to get their most desired abilities to spam worthy and effective levels.    Having to use mods should never be a reason for changing a warframe or it's abilities.   Now if the mods were 100% necessary (which they are not), then that's another story because in my opinion mods should be about choice not necessity just to make a frame usable. 



I like Nekros overall though and can manage with his shortcomings but needing to desecrate many many times just to get it to do anything at all can get frustrating sometimes and use up a lot more energy than people realize.   In fact, that brings up another issue.   Nekros is the only frame who has powers that fail.  Due to that failure you have to desecrate multiple times more often than not.   So even if you mod for energy efficiency, I find I still use up more energy to get desecrate to work and give a reasonable return on the effort than I do using any other frames powers just one time.   So yeah if there is a change to be made, desecrate should work 100% of the time but maybe with increased chances to pop out nothing.   That's much better than using desecrate multiple times and nothing happens at all.    Also DE should consider decreasing the health orb drops, increase the energy orb drops and make both give back +50 instead of +25.




Also SotD at mid to high level is rather pointless.   The shadows rarely last more than a second or two while at the same time, can't kill a fly.  The shadows seem weaker than the original enemy.   If you put your shadows up against equal group of enemies, the shadows will lose most of the time.   So the only true purpose of this so called shadow army is to serve as a momentary distraction and force the enemy to shoot the shadows but not you or the team.   However, terrify already works for crowd control 1000 times better than SoTD.   So the shadows need a slight buff compared to copies of the original.   The thing I would like to see is remove HP from shadows and make them 100% duration based.  They are more like ghost anyway, why should they have HP and can be killed by enemies?   This also makes sense because you have to wait until you kill enough enemies before you can get any use out of SoTD at all.  Every other frame in the game can start casting (and continue spamming) their ultimate from the time they drop into the mission and get the energy to use them.   This is the kind of thing that makes Nova's MP look even more OP.    A weak SotD ultimate who's use is not only gated by time and effectiveness of ones weapons but also by poor effectiveness of the copies that are made.   Meanwhile Nova just presses 4 and (mostly) everything disappears.   Compare Nekros Ultimate to any other frames ultimate and Nekros clearly gets the short end of the stick as far as effectiveness and reliability go.



Soul Punch is fine...nothing more to say about that.


Terrify is one of my favorite abilities.   Although you have to chase down enemies afterwards (they sure do run away faster than they run towards you when attacking LOL) I think the ability is one of the top 3 best CC abilities in the game.  I personally think it's better than Nyx's Chaos too and it definitely would be better if it had more or equal range...but I'm ok with it's current range limits.

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I think Desecrate should help with gathering soul's for SOTD. With the other stats he has he should be able to pull the souls of fallen enemies as well as the enemies who were completely destroyed by warframe's like Nova and Saryn. Also, I agree with the whole soul floating around your body. It'll help you keep track of what kind of souls you have  

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