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Will we ever see the Glaive in this game?


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Before I even start, I'd just like to express that I'm a big fan of Dark Sector. I thought it was an incredibly fun, yet criminally underrated game, and I really enjoyed my time with it. Those of you who have also played it will know what I am talking about, and this might have already been discussed, but I'm just dying to know if Hayden's signature Glaive will ever make it's way into Warframe?

I love how there's already a lot of nods toward Dark Sector in this game (Excalibur's armor design and the name Tenno being the most obvious ones) so I'm just wondering if it's safe to assume that we might see the Glaive make a return at some point. Or would it branch off too far from what Warframe is all about?

Someone from DE just please throw me a bone here :P

And for those of you who might not be familliar with the Glaive and/or Dark Sector, you should really youtube it, if nothing else.

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Well on the skill tree for Excalibur, there's a glaive skill which throws a glaive and pins enemies to surfaces.

Nope. That's Radial Javelin. Which is cool but not the same thing.

Now, the answer to this is "yes". Grineer Sawmen have them. I think their melee attack is EXACTLY Hayden Tenno's glaive power melee too.

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I loved Dark Sector, and the Glaive was a really cool weapon. Maybe there should be a Warframe that's based on the main character from the game? I haven't played in years so I've forgotten his name.

Excalibur seems already based off Hayden Tenno.

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