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Torid Charge Mechanism (Big Gas Cloud/more Damage)


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You sure have a lot of spelling errors according to chrome, doesn't matter anyway, but you might want to look into it.

I ignore most of the grammar rules


Commas and apostrophes arent really needed to convey information


You read it and understood just fine


Pointing it out to try to poke at me is just showing your bad side


Might want to get that checked out before it gets you into some trouble

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What's the internet going to do?

Who said itd be the internet?




All the Torid needs is the ability to use firestorm and faster reload speed, it reloads SOOOO SLOWLY

This is the most agreeable change IMO


It has access to more utility this way


The reload speed doesnt bug me so i have no opinion on that

Edited by Azawarau
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Who said itd be the internet?




This is the most agreeable change IMO


It has access to more utility this way


The reload speed doesnt bug me so i have no opinion on that

Wouldn't firestorm make it as big as the Ogris splash damage w/o the charge? Pretty much what I asked for w/o the charge so it what that other guy that hates charging wants.

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Wouldn't firestorm make it as big as the Ogris splash damage w/o the charge? Pretty much what I asked for w/o the charge so it what that other guy that hates charging wants.

It wouldnt be close to the ogris range


Im not sure if you have one but that thing really goes far

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This is yet another thread on how bad the torid is without proper testing


To make the torid more broken than the ogris? It needs love but not that much

and then there was this guy again ruining other post by saying other should play it right and forma it and mod it right.. 

*hey you, wanna see my 6 forma supra with maxed mods? it performs better than torid with multiple forma and same maxed mod.

Edited by Tar_Spit_Fire
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Well, if you have a better idea for this thing besides using forma, spit it out.

I get the feelin you have a hard time paying attention


Or have relatively low comprehension levels


I dont feel the need to repeat myself more


and then there was this guy again ruining other post by saying other should play it right and forma it and mod it right.. 

*hey you, wanna see my 6 forma supra with maxed mods? it performs better than torid with multiple forma and same maxed mod.

Hey im famous!


what utility when other weapon and ability kills faster and have more utility than it?

If thats the case then why use anything but the Ogris for T 4 defense


Everyone should have an ogris because nothing else kills as fast

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I get the feelin you have a hard time paying attention


Or have relatively low comprehension levels


I dont feel the need to repeat myself more


Hey im famous!


If thats the case then why use anything but the Ogris for T 4 defense


Everyone should have an ogris because nothing else kills as fast

why not? the point is... the current torid is a pain to use for majority of people and it definitely not as strong as you just said. have mine forma'ed 5 times with maxed mods with stunning utility elemental combination, but i literally stop using that after i finished forma it because its too painful to use even with vauban. and not to mention there are new player that have no maxed mod and no forma and they accidentally crafted it after reading you guys's sugar coated post on forum, man.. god bless them

*sorre fo' ma' ingleish

Edited by Tar_Spit_Fire
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why not? the point is... the current torid is a pain to use for majority of people and it definitely not as strong as you just said. have mine forma'ed 5 times with maxed mods with stunning utility elemental combination, but i literally stop using that after i finished forma it because its too painful to use even with vauban. and not to mention there are new player that have no maxed mod and no forma and they accidentally crafted it after reading you guys's sugar coated post on forum, man.. god bless them

*sorre fo' ma' ingleish

Idk about them but i have no fear in bringing it into T 4s with me


There is supposedly an issue with Vauban and Torid but i dont know anything about that

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All the Torid needs is the ability to use firestorm and faster reload speed, it reloads SOOOO SLOWLY

See, i would agree with that if the torid had a nice base range to start with but I am afraid that 24% over the ridiculous aoe it has now isn't much help, plus, you would have to sacrifice an important damage slot.

It needs to have both the base aoe increased AND the capability of using firestorm, better gas gfx just so we now better the area affected wouldn't hurt too and all of that is just to make it an attractive weapon, still niche, which is where it belongs.

About the reload : 2.4 seems good to me

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I get the feelin you have a hard time paying attention


Or have relatively low comprehension levels


I dont feel the need to repeat myself more


Hey im famous!


If thats the case then why use anything but the Ogris for T 4 defense


Everyone should have an ogris because nothing else kills as fast

Well, you seem to have a low IQ there boy or perhaps you cannot read well. Coming in here saying it's not bad with forma when this thread has got nothing to do with bad mouthing the gun. And being pretty vague as well.

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Well, you seem to have a low IQ there boy or perhaps you cannot read well. Coming in here saying it's not bad with forma when this thread has got nothing to do with bad mouthing the gun. And being pretty vague as well.

Its a weapon thats dependant on forma


Without it youll be stuck with 2-3 empty slots assuming you dont use low rank or lower tier mods that could be used to increase its speed or spread or reload time without heavily sacrificing damage


It lacks utility


Add utility and it lacks damage


Forma and it improves nicely


Utility weapons show this trend often


Weapons like the soma and Latron have utility already so forma arent so important to them


Even the Ogris deals enough damage that forma isnt needed since the reload time is balanced b everything being dead


Torid isnt in that club

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Then it needs to be a weapon that is not dependant on forma. No weapon should need forma. it is an upgrade or power boosting tool that you must grind the weapons levels back to 30 again and again. No one should have to go through that to have a viable weapon.


If it weren't for grinding to level 30 again, then it would not be so bad. That is why so many people don't bother polarizing. That and clan tech requiring Forma.


Wonder where people are getting their tower keys these days.

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Then it needs to be a weapon that is not dependant on forma. No weapon should need forma. it is an upgrade or power boosting tool that you must grind the weapons levels back to 30 again and again. No one should have to go through that to have a viable weapon.


If it weren't for grinding to level 30 again, then it would not be so bad. That is why so many people don't bother polarizing. That and clan tech requiring Forma.


Wonder where people are getting their tower keys these days.

Then well have to buff anything that isnt the best of the best weapon in game right now


Literally all of them


Cronus needs a buff


Pengolin sword


The Hek




What youre missing is the Torid isnt a top tier weapon but its not bad as is either


It just needs forma to slot in utility with the damages


You dont even need a ton and getting a weapon to 30 isnt as time consuming and difficult as youre making it out to be

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Then well have to buff anything that isnt the best of the best weapon in game right now


Literally all of them


Cronus needs a buff


Pengolin sword


The Hek




What youre missing is the Torid isnt a top tier weapon but its not bad as is either - With forma


It just needs forma to slot in utility with the damages


You dont even need a ton and getting a weapon to 30 isnt as time consuming and difficult as youre making it out to be - I said again and again.

Buffing everything bring them up to speed sounds good. Can't imagine anyone using forma on the old stuff. takes too long and is to much. Then there is the getting the forma and having it for clan tech.


That is a lot to do.


Good thing the devs are in a buffing mood. Forma is for boosting damage much like weapon enhancement upgrading it to +10 or so. That is forma(sort of).


And this weapon could use a fun factor boost and that is the point of this thread. Having a more interesting weapon to use much like the freeze ray, so forma cannot help with that, at least the bigger gas cloud.

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Buffing everything bring them up to speed sounds good. Can't imagine anyone using forma on the old stuff. takes too long and is to much. Then there is the getting the forma and having it for clan tech.


That is a lot to do.


Good thing the devs are in a buffing mood. Forma is for boosting damage much like weapon enhancement upgrading it to +10 or so. That is forma(sort of).


And this weapon could use a fun factor boost and that is the point of this thread. Having a more interesting weapon to use much like the freeze ray, so forma cannot help with that, at least the bigger gas cloud.

Forma to add space for heavy cal and speed trigger and split chamber


Youll have speed and a fair spread


The utility is there whether you ignore it or not

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That one one has to Forma Torid up to 5 or 6 times. That means leveling Torid from 0 to 150 or more. Even if it's 3 times, That would be 90 levels to even come close to this suggestion. Given the drive and motivation of those folks, and the amount of levels to attain, it's good enough reason not to care how powerful they become with this since one is also required to obtain a corrupt mod which could be rare, another rare mod and trigger which is uncommon. The plat needed for those also requires farming and then there is the amount of forma required for this process. With all this farming, it is easily seen as unreasonable for my suggestion which nearly everyone wants.


This is why forma shouldn't be taken too seriously. As long as have to level the weapon after leveling it again. Forma simply isn't feasible for this idea. Wouldn't be so bad if you did not have to level it again until the polarizing after the next one.


And this is why no one cares for those that use forma, they are expected to push gear beyond boundaries through grinding and grinding and doing so again with all weapons they like. Simply too much work. And for those that work that hard, they deserve the broken weapon and it's really impossible to judge all weapons based on Forma anyway. That is way too much work.


So forget forma, I say. I hardly knoweth thee.:)

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That one one has to Forma Torid up to 5 or 6 times. That means leveling Torid from 0 to 150 or more. Even if it's 3 times, That would be 90 levels to even come close to this suggestion. Given the drive and motivation of those folks, and the amount of levels to attain, it's good enough reason not to care how powerful they become with this since one is also required to obtain a corrupt mod which could be rare, another rare mod and trigger which is uncommon. The plat needed for those also requires farming and then there is the amount of forma required for this process. With all this farming, it is easily seen as unreasonable for my suggestion which nearly everyone wants.


This is why forma shouldn't be taken too seriously. As long as have to level the weapon after leveling it again. Forma simply isn't feasible for this idea. Wouldn't be so bad if you did not have to level it again until the polarizing after the next one.


And this is why no one cares for those that use forma, they are expected to push gear beyond boundaries through grinding and grinding and doing so again with all weapons they like. Simply too much work. And for those that work that hard, they deserve the broken weapon and it's really impossible to judge all weapons based on Forma anyway. That is way too much work.


So forget forma, I say. I hardly knoweth thee.:)

You dont know hat youre talking about


You can get away with 3 forma  if you use a slightly lower than max rank speed trigger or skip out entirely on Heavy cal


4 gets you every slot with heavy cal and all stat damage mods


I have 5 on mine so i can switch between full status or damage

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You dont know hat youre talking about


You can get away with 3 forma  if you use a slightly lower than max rank speed trigger or skip out entirely on Heavy cal


4 gets you every slot with heavy cal and all stat damage mods


I have 5 on mine so i can switch between full status or damage

I have mentioned a 3 forma scenario so i do, but you however don't. You don't seem to comprehend that people don't want to forma everything they like especially one more once and that no one cares about those that forma especially due to the amount of work they do.


Forma isn't the answer, it can never be...Only a bandage, it can be.


And Some like to be careful of what they forma, they don't much like wasting their time on hopeless causes(By that, I mean any weapon) and forma is far too time consuming for trial and error. The guy who did polarize Torid feels he wasted his time., as do many which is why they dislike the Torid and say it's bad, hence you coming in posting something irrelevant to the topic trying to correct the "Torid is bad" attitude in the wrong topic.

Edited by SirAuron
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No guns are good without maxing them out.  Everything is balanced around its max case, not what you experience when you level it up for mastery.  It's up to the player to recognize which weapons/frames will be fun or useful when maxed and decide to spend the forma/potato or not.  

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No guns are good without maxing them out.  Everything is balanced around its max case, not what you experience when you level it up for mastery.  It's up to the player to recognize which weapons/frames will be fun or useful when maxed and decide to spend the forma/potato or not.  

And what do ye mean by maxing?

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