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[Weapon Type Concept] Grenades


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What were missing is somethign that forces us to use Stealth mode. No one really uses it anymore.

In U13 we're possibly getting a new Rescue mission type where we have to be completely stealthy. If you alert any enemies, the mission fails. They talked about it in a Dev Stream.

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I've had and wanted this idea for a while, grenades as a secondary weapon type. Hold two at once, charge to increase range of the throw, and cook the grenade timer. Being able to fling around high explosive grenades sounds like a lot of fun, to me.

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I think they mentioned that in the end game projects the "Assassins Veil" (or whatever they were calling them) would give you rewards like a grenade blueprint if you did missions for them or something of the such. So yes I think they are planning on implementing grenades. I hope at least

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Implementing grenades they need more arm move animation and different throwing styles. It's not so easy but they already have grenade mechanics but just to mobs. Use your imagination as ninjas if we use some of this futuristic stuff then the old technology the grenade isn't so op. They can implement many tpyes of it like smoke, frag, explosive, poison, electric etc etc nades.

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  • 7 months later...

I support the idea about grenades.

Just a few things / ideas from me. if they have been posted before, please don't $#*(@ about it (it's nothing but annoying to read).


Buying and building grenades --- some basic (maybe frag and stun) grenades can be bought from the market for credits.

The rest will have to be build via. the foundry, simply buy a blueprint of the grenade, and built it useing materials / resources, the blueprint don't get used up (like Derelict keys, anti-toxin and the likes).

The materials / resources needed, depend on the type of grenade. Each material counts as an elemental effect (Nano spores = poison, Cryotic = frost, Rubedo = fire, circuits = electricity), so a blast grenade needs Rubedo and Cryotic, simple. (along with some credits(250?) and salvage?)

Allso, the status chance of the grenade should be 100% (a fire grenade that don't set enemies on fire?) the grenades can harm the player itself, just  like thunderbolt and other explosive weapons, but can't damage friendlies.


Grenades counts like a piece of gear, just like vault keys and anti-toxic.

The player can only have 1 type of grenade with him/her, but can have up to 5 with them.

If you think players should be able to bring more kinds of grenades with them or if you think of an other amount to carry with you on missions. (personaly I think 8x5 grenades sounds like a bit much)


Mines can be made just the same way, they just don't explode after time, but when an enemy steps near it or if it gets shot.


Just because the tenno are "ninja's" don't mean they can't toss grenades and lay mines.


I personaly think there should be more helpfull equipment / gear than "just"; health, ammo, scanner and cipher.

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