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Why Is There No Trading?


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I think trading is a terrible idea period. Trading equates to accounts having value, accounts having value equates to accounts being hacked. It doesnt matter if its via clan only, whats stopping people from inviting people to their clan temporarily just to trade? Trading will also be counterintuitive to their business model, why waste rl money buying warframes when you can just trade for the blueprints and mats for credit? You wont even have to -farm- for it if you have the credits for it.

Leave it as is.

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I think trading is a terrible idea period. Trading equates to accounts having value, accounts having value equates to accounts being hacked. It doesnt matter if its via clan only, whats stopping people from inviting people to their clan temporarily just to trade? Trading will also be counterintuitive to their business model, why waste rl money buying warframes when you can just trade for the blueprints and mats for credit? You wont even have to -farm- for it if you have the credits for it.

Leave it as is.

i dont think its happening the way you are thinking of. i think its material for material, mod for mod, kind of way. They can still get money from platinum sales if they do it my way because some people dont want to trade and want to buy it themselves or grind for it on there own.

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i dont think its happening the way you are thinking of. i think its material for material, mod for mod, kind of way. They can still get money from platinum sales if they do it my way because some people dont want to trade and want to buy it themselves or grind for it on there own.

Isn't this why you want a trade system? Because you are too lazy to grind it out on your own when the system itself is already the most forgiving and loot happy game ever? Seriously I get more drops here than i do in borderlands 2. Rare stuff should remain rare. If you could trade a few penetration mods and all of the parts for a warframe...the game loses its shine really fast. You didn't work for that warframe. You didn't conquer a planet, beat the boss 8 times, and ask for help when you got stuck on him the first time you fought him.

The game's economy is too fragile and curved for this to ever even be thought of.


Stop being lazy and requiring everything you want for free. Your shortcuts exist - and those shortcuts provide food on the dev's table. Stop asking to have it all spoon fed to you and get everything the very first day you have the game.

ALSO: I hate the idea of seeing "JOIN XXX CLAN SO WE CAN TRADE" *Trade occurs* *leaves clan afterwards*

Same goes for friend requests.

Just... stop this topic. Don't let it ever come out from under the rock. I forbid all necromancy.

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Whoever said most games dont have trading was WAY OFF. WoW is actually almost similiar to what trading would be here. Sure all the GEAR is soulbound, HOWEVER you can trade me all the mats OR just straight up give me the gems and enchants i need for my gear.....which requires gold, which is why there are tons of gold sellers on WoW.

I do agree though, trading is a bad idea for this game. It will turn into diablo 3's, space brother.

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may be instead of P2P trading, have a system where you can list resources( resources only) for a certain price. Every body can go on to the market and see if any body has listed the item, and when they purchase they will purchase at the lowest possible price.

and make it so that you have to be like rank 2 to use it.

eg. on market

20 gallium for sale, current lowest price 3,000 credit each

Though, it would be need to be inplemented in a time, when there are much more different kinds of resources in the game.

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I don't understand your objection. You highlighted my claim that most games don't have trading.

Does WoW have trading? No, not in the form this thread wants. WoW only allows trading basic stuff. Endgame gear is all bind-on-pickup. Hell, basic green stuff is bind-on-equip. In this game, EVERYTHING is endgame stuff. That +5% maximum ammo mod? If we added trading according to MMO standards, it would be bind-on-pickup.

Most MMOs do not have any form of trading that, applied to warframe, would allow you to trade any item in this game. This is because almost no game allows the trading of endgame (much less best-in-slot) items, and in warframe, EVERY item is either best-in-slot, or a component used in the crafting of a best-in-slot.

TLDR If we follow item-binding rules, every item in this game qualifies to be in the bind-on-pickup category. Hence, the current trading system is more similar to your run-of-the-mill MMO's trading system than a system where everything is tradeable would be.

What are you on about? You ever played an MMO developed by an Asian company [you know, where the biggest MMO market is]? Using WoW as an example is ridiculous, the game is outdated and old. Granted, a load of people play it, but saying it's trading system is the cause of its success [i know you haven't said it yet but that's where this argument is going] is foolish.

Most MMOs allow trading of gear. Even GW2, a recent and succesful one.

Why would every item follow item-binding rules anyway? That's a bit of a leap.

Edited by Notso
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not sure why theres no trade yet~

but from what I remember them saying was~

they didn't like the idea where like most games had trade option~

and there were a million bots saying "will trade for [item]" crap~

I think they were doing something to prevent that problem~

with friends only and clans only trade thingy~

The way this guy types makes me want to kill myself.

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happy with chat sytem up and going great.tradeing will be a bonus but will drive up the market with the extras make things more costly make drop rates lower by a huge %..not good. so dont realy care about tradeing.2 months i was arrnd no chat system only buddy list and waiting in q ....This is barely a open beta stage chillax

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Stop overthinking.


wow yeh i want a trade system that i can trade with my girl, simple i dont need auction houses or open trade with the community, i want to trade with the people i know and trust, and at the end of the day thats all i will do anyway, problem is there are soo many grubs out there that will screw up any trade system, gold sellers and scammers, in the end.... when and if they introduce a trade system be carefull who you deal with.

Edited by Deek
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there is a 50 points free when you reg the game

if there's trading

it will be abused using

i would expect that the DE's would know this and it would be fixed.

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I can't really think of any way to impliment trading that would actually add to the game beyond just letting people skip needing to farm drops for things they are for some reason unable to, and I don't personally really feel that as a good thing really.

I always wish for no-trade servers in most other MP RPGs anyways.

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Yes this game has an economy. Your sarcasm (both of you) is kind of pointless. I'm more curious as to how you don't think it exists if that really wasn't sarcasm

Where is it? Explain it to me in detail, please.

There could be some interesting news for him about the game. So why not watching it ^^

Maybe he doesn't want to? He can't? Give him the one, single answer he actually asked for and move on.

Isn't this why you want a trade system? Because you are too lazy to grind it out on your own when the system itself is already the most forgiving and loot happy game ever? Seriously I get more drops here than i do in borderlands 2. Rare stuff should remain rare. If you could trade a few penetration mods and all of the parts for a warframe...the game loses its shine really fast. You didn't work for that warframe. You didn't conquer a planet, beat the boss 8 times, and ask for help when you got stuck on him the first time you fought him.

The game's economy is too fragile and curved for this to ever even be thought of.


Stop being lazy and requiring everything you want for free. Your shortcuts exist - and those shortcuts provide food on the dev's table. Stop asking to have it all spoon fed to you and get everything the very first day you have the game.

ALSO: I hate the idea of seeing "JOIN XXX CLAN SO WE CAN TRADE" *Trade occurs* *leaves clan afterwards*

Same goes for friend requests.

Just... stop this topic. Don't let it ever come out from under the rock. I forbid all necromancy.

Taking advantage of a basic online game feature, no, a basic practice of life, means someone is lazy? You're almost being rude.

there is a 50 points free when you reg the game

if there's trading

it will be abused using

Trading Platinum? And the starting Platinum, of all things? How could you come up with that?

I can't really think of any way to impliment trading that would actually add to the game beyond just letting people skip needing to farm drops for things they are for some reason unable to, and I don't personally really feel that as a good thing really.

I always wish for no-trade servers in most other MP RPGs anyways.

Because good luck and a lot of play time are not universal.



Edited by FatalX7
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Heres why the shouldnt do any kind of global trading system.

Regional Chat:

"Mod 4 Sale"

"Who has Shield mod?"

"Can someone give me every mod im a noob!"

"If I dont get an armor mod from someone I am quitting this game!"

"I will trade a loot radar for a Multi shot mod, anyone?"

(Insert line of a player with a legit problem/question)

"Need mods!"


"Anyone trading mods?"

"Mods for sale!"

Need I go on? For those of you who say the solution to that is a trade chat, dont make me laugh. We all know how quickly that qould fill with this kind of spam and then those people spamming in there would just move that spam over to regional chat because no one gives a crap about the trade chat. I am all about trading within the clan, however.

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Trade chat works well in games not filled with retards and with good chat mods. If you take Path of Exile for instance, which has a trading system similar I guess to the one we will get in update 8 (P2P items trading, no gold farming, no AH), I never see trading bullS#&$ in the general chat, and if I want to buy/sell an item I open the trade chat for 5min and I'm done. I don't see how this could be different in Warframe. Devs could just ask highly involved players in the forum to apply for moderation rights, and it would be all good.

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Where is it? Explain it to me in detail, please.


Taking advantage of a basic online game feature, no, a basic practice of life, means someone is lazy? You're almost being rude.

Trading Platinum? And the starting Platinum, of all things? How could you come up with that?

The irony is strong in this one. You ask for a detailed explanation, without even voicing your objection. Please put forth a coherent argument that is more than a dismissive one-liner. The game economy obviously consists of the supply and demand of items for each individual player. Back to the irony thing, you don't get to reply to a wall of text with a one-liner that doesn't adress anything in the post and then complain about them being "rude".

The platinum argument is obvious and valid. It's also easily fixable, but it's valid.

Because good luck and a lot of play time are not universal.

Oh, so you just want an increased amount of loot, and trading is just a means to that. Nah, I think most would agree that drops are already plentiful enough.

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I think that you shouldn't have trading but at the end of the game you should have an option to say you don't want one of the mods you have collected and give other people in the lobby the chance to get it if they want it, that way you would still have to do something to get the mods, but you will have a slight choice in the mods you get.

Edited by Billfred
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Heres why the shouldnt do any kind of global trading system.

Regional Chat:

"Mod 4 Sale"

"Who has Shield mod?"

"Can someone give me every mod im a noob!"

"If I dont get an armor mod from someone I am quitting this game!"

"I will trade a loot radar for a Multi shot mod, anyone?"

(Insert line of a player with a legit problem/question)

"Need mods!"


"Anyone trading mods?"

"Mods for sale!"

Need I go on? For those of you who say the solution to that is a trade chat, dont make me laugh. We all know how quickly that qould fill with this kind of spam and then those people spamming in there would just move that spam over to regional chat because no one gives a crap about the trade chat. I am all about trading within the clan, however.

Yup that's another problem, i hate flushing the chatbox

Where is it? Explain it to me in detail, please.

Maybe he doesn't want to? He can't? Give him the one, single answer he actually asked for and move on.

Taking advantage of a basic online game feature, no, a basic practice of life, means someone is lazy? You're almost being rude.

Trading Platinum? And the starting Platinum, of all things? How could you come up with that?

Because good luck and a lot of play time are not universal.



the starting 50 premium can buy many things such as cells or exchange to in game currency to buy blueprints

and this will destroy the game system if trading is allowed

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All I hear is people attempting to come up with ways that attempt to implement this without RUINING the game.

When you first came to this topic you were probably looking for something in game - weather it be a mod, or the last blueprint for the warframe you wanted, or 200 rubedo to make it. You thought "man if ONLY I could trade some of this useless stuff I have (or things of value you don't really need because you have extra) and get what I want". You then proceeded to come in here and defend the idea of trade and come up with ways that are extremely complicated and broken by nature.

Well I will assume it has been at least 1 day since you posted here.

I am willing to bet my last 100 platinum that whatever the hell it was that you were "in need of" at the time of your first post in this topic.

You have already obtained it by playing.

The drop rates and ease of finding what you want in this game almost assures it.

So the real question is: now that you have what you wanted to trade to obtain... what next? Oh. Something else you wish you could trade to obtain? It will never end until you run out of things to obtain.

This game will die if you give people everythign they want in one day...There is no work put forth, it becomes a market exchange - getting the best value for the things you want and giving up the things you don't want. The market itself would probably die considering no one would spend money on platinum anymore. (why spend real money to get something you would normally grind for when you can just give up things you don't want in order to obtain it?)

This mentality of "Got to have more and got to have it NOW" is just silly. I REALLY hope that the devs do not implement trade - no matter how many systems and separations and failsafes they put in place... it WILL be abused. Isolation is the one thing this game really has going for it in order to increase the longevity of it. I certainly would never have gone to certain planets and fought certain bosses if I could have just thrown a few mods i didn't want at someone I didn't know (and probably would never hear from again) and have the bp's to the warframe...

I see this as such a grave problem I am willing to say it will effectively kill this game in 3 weeks time. Enough time for the majority of the players to get everything they ever would want in the game. If I had trading I could probably get EVERY warframe built in a weeks time...That is the scary but mathematically sound truth...

Question becomes - are the devs going to listen to the extremely vocal group that need instant gratification - or are they going to listen to the group of people who are looking at the long term implications other than "finally getting that last BP for rhino".

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