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[Suggestions] Loki Your Favorite Shark Head


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These suggestions are to make Loki even more useful than before, to make Disarm viable against the infested


Don't tell me he doesn't need a tweak or two for Decoy and Disarm. 


There is room for improvement for all Warframes period. 


These are suggestions if you don't like them then please give me a reason why so I can refine these suggestions


Let us go over his skills


Note: Some of these suggestions could be in a form of a mod (like Heavy Impact or a mod that would alter a skill's properties) or downright change in form or function. Waypoint is default (G) on your keyboard, pressing this on enemy will "tag" them.


Decoy - Loki deploys a holographic copy of himself, drawing enemy fire.<------(yes I took this from the WF wiki)


Suggestion is called Ghost


    This skill is great to keep aggro off you, your teammates, and the objective. 

But placed in the open at higher levels will decimate Decoy faster than you can say Darvo's Deals.

Suggestion to give Decoy a stealth mode while undetected the Decoy becomes a random enemy of the faction you are up against. 

(The Stealth Decoy is surrounded by a ring, if an enemy passes the ring he'll see through the ruse and be alerted)

The Decoy beckons any enemy you have tagged towards itself. 

Here's the catch if an enemy gets too close to the decoy the enemy will be alerted. 

Pressing 1 will deploy your Decoy (by default) pressing 1 again will remove you Decoy.

Removing your Decoy before the enemy crosses the line will cause the target to get spooked and call his teammates to the Decoy's previous location. 

When all hell breaks loose Decoy retains its current properties with some changes Decoy has 25%/50%/75%/100% health, shields, and shield regen rate proportionate  to the level of the enemies. 

Decoy's Lato uses the base damage of your secondary weapon, Decoy's Lato will also be affected by Power strength mods.


Invisibility - Pat the god of Invisibility, blesses you with invisibility. (you become invisible to enemies)


Fine as is but I'd like to add a feature.


Suggestion is called invisibless - 


tagging your teammate and activating invisibility would turn them invisible instead of you (power in use enabled).

Maybe it could be the same for the rescue target, probably be too imbalanced for rescue and nyx's absorb would be screwed.

(wouldn't it be trolltastic to be able to turn enemies invisible? <---please God No!)


Switch Teleport - Loki instantaneously switches place with a target, confusing the enemy. <----(From the Wiki)




     This skill does what it means, in conjunction with decoy its great for transversal. 

Tagging a decoy, Teammate, or enemy will allow you to activate this skill as long as your in range. 

Enemies will fire upon the enemy you switched with, they will take more damage in conjunction with mods. 

Suggested by others is to allow Loki to switch with explosive barrels and etc. 

If undetected teleported enemies would be unalerted but confused.

The confused enemy will attract more enemies towards the confused giving you a perfect distraction to clear enemies out of your way.

(Wouldn't it be funny if you switch tele a lancer which would cause him to think the commander did it causing them to get into a brawl attracting a circle of grinner while you pass by?)

(Tip: with castanas equipped throw them near an explosive barrel switch teleport your target to barrel then RMB to win)


Radial Disarm - Loki lets forth a wave of energy that jams/explode? projectile weaponry and installs antennas on moas                            while providing enemies with shock batons to mercilessly beat the crap out of you if you were dumb                                enough to get cornered by them.


    Great CC for making ranged bulletsponges into gimped bulletsponges with sticks. My suggestion is this skill should be able to remove all special skills from enemies for a limited duration. Let Mods affect stun and skill removal duration.

Leapers can't leap, shield osprey cannot supply shield boost, Scorpions cannot make the hurt feel good, leaders can't leech, and etc.

(hate those energy leechers and ancients? This is revenge.)


Mod Effects

Power Duration affects:

Decoy, Invisibility, Radial Disarm (duration of the removal of special skills).


Power Strength affects:

Decoy (damage multiplier on Decoy's Lato), Switch Teleport (Damage Multiplier on confused enemies), 

Radial Disarm (Duration of stun).


Power range affects:

Decoy, Invisibility (how far can you Invisibless a teammate), Switch Teleport, Radial Disarm.


Share your thoughts and help me out. If this gives you a headache then tell me I'll try to make it less sickening.

Edited by AFKrey
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Compared to other frames *cough* Ash *cough*

Loki is a frame that is near perfect in utility. I believe other frames need more attention than loki. Period.

And before I end off,


But I think Radial Disarm needs more effect on the Infested other than dealing a measly 200 damage to chargers. Thats the only thing that Loki needs, I guess.

Edited by X3Evanescence
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Yeah, most of those changes are good.  Like X3Evanescence said, Loki is one of the best-off frames atm.  Please, direct your attention to other frames.

Okay that's understandable it's just I've had him since I started and I was wondering what could make playing him better, If people feel Loki absolutely doesn't need these changes then some of these suggestions could be used for future warframes or all frame mods.

Edited by AFKrey
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Compared to other frames *cough* Ash *cough*

Loki is a frame that is near perfect in utility. I believe other frames need more attention than loki. Period.

And before I end off,


But I think Radial Disarm needs more effect on the Infested other than dealing a measly 200 damage to chargers. Thats the only thing that Loki needs, I guess.


Sorry I forgot to mention a longer stun for enemies, the duration could be increased by mods or the increased stun could only effect melee targets.


I understand I just felt that his skills could be explored, It felt hard for me to switch teleport sometimes cause of course it has to be on target my mouse jitters and I end up tapping the dung out of number 3.


I wanted to put a decoy out in the open without having to place another one 2 seconds later, yes you can exploit the fact that it can fit in small paces which distract ranged enemies but what about infested?


Your Decoy is long term useless against them just a second of distraction or a second of your decoy living.


I was annoyed with energy leeches and how unfair they were so I thought Radial disarm a skill that can't do jack against infested other than ripping there arms off to having them ram their heads up your bum if you get cornered and stunned (went off topic a bit here).


I thought that radial Disarm could debuff  ancients and other infested by removing what makes them unique: their abilities 

Edited by AFKrey
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Compared to other frames *cough* Ash *cough*

Loki is a frame that is near perfect in utility. I believe other frames need more attention than loki. Period.

And before I end off,


But I think Radial Disarm needs more effect on the Infested other than dealing a measly 200 damage to chargers. Thats the only thing that Loki needs, I guess.

It does it to runners and leapers too in my experience. It also rips their arms off :D

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A small amount of damage against infested is fine with Radial Disarm, considering what it is used for in context. Personally, I think it shouldn't even damage the infested. Maybe instead of damage it could stun them for a certain period of time?


But otherwise? Loki is probably the most well balanced frame in the game. His skills synergize really well. Though, I gotta say. I like the invisibility idea. 

Edited by Ittia
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