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[Gameplay Concepts] Dodge Mods And Melee 2.0 Stuff


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Dodge Mods are meant to make the Warframes more unique, customizable, fun to play, and make the stamina system matter a bit more. 


Aerials- Replaces your regular dodge roll with a fast, hand-less cartwheel. This new dodge does not cost anymore stamina than a roll normally would, while completing its animation twice as fast. Could also allow, since their hands are free, for the Warframe to fire their guns when performing an Aerial. They are ninjas after all.


Tackle- Replaces dodge roll with a shoulder rush. Its range is shortened from a normal roll, but it doesn't cost much more stamina and is more quickly completed. Enemies in the path of a tackle dodge have a chance to be staggered or even knocked down. While the Warframe itself is given resistance (or even immunity) to being knocked down or staggered during the movement.


Swoop Dash- Replaces dodge roll with a quick, sliding dash. Travels farther than a roll, takes about the same time for the animation to complete, and costs about a quarter more in stamina. This is different from the ground slide in that the Warframe remains in a up-right position, and can do it from even at full stop. Similarly, much like the ground slide, the Warframe is able to continue shooting and use specific powers. Particle Effect: Elemental Warframes like Ember, Frost and Mag create a carpet of their element type to slide on.


Flash Step- Replaces the dodge roll with a quick teleport. The animation is near instantaneous, with only a mild animation queue to give the Flash Step away. Travels the farthest out of any dodge potentially allowing Frames to travel through cover and thin walls. Makes the Warframe invincible during the teleport, but also costs the most stamina. Without stamina mods, most Frames will only be able to Flash Step once or twice. Alternatively, could also cost a bit of energy as well. Particle Effect: Warframes like Loki, Ash and Nova, that can already teleport, will leave behind smoke, brief after images (not Decoys, it's just a visual effect) or similar particle effects.


(In the case of Swoop Dash and Flash Step, if they don't have the necessary stamina they will do a simple dodge roll instead.)


Alternate Idea: All of the Warframes have one of these unique dodges default, and can Mod in the other ones if the player so chooses. Frames such as Excalibur, Nyx, Vauban, and Nekros would retain the normal dodge roll as their default. Rhino and Frost would have tackle, Zephyr and Ember with Swoop Dash, Ash and Loki have Flash Step, etc.



Misc. Mods

Remnants- Whenever a Warframe dodges, they have a chance (15%/30%/45%/55%/70%) to leave behind a false image of themselves, called a remnant, to throw off enemies. This remnant does not attack or move, lasts only a few seconds and is destroyed in only one hit. Depending on the mods level, only a limited number may be active at a given time.


Somersault- When the Warframe is knocked down or tumbling in the air, the player may hammer the space bar in an attempt to Somersault. Doing so consumes stamina, and if their stamina bar is depleted, then they are unable to perform a Somersault. If successful, the Warframe immediately rights itself and lands on its feet. (I actually think this would be better as a gameplay feature, not a Mod.)


Air Burst- Grants the ability for Warframes to Air Dash. Effectively, launching themselves forward with a burst of force, energy or shear will. This ability is activated by pressing the Shift key while airborne, and will launch the Frame in the direction the camera is facing. Note, launching in directions counter to the Frame's current path of travel, will result in the air dash being slower and traveling a shorter distance. Likewise, activating Air Burst in a direction that the Frame is already moving in, will cause it to travel even farther and faster. (Once again, might make a better gameplay feature)


Melee 2.0 Mods/Maneuvers: Just general maneuvers to further expand the system.

The Banner Extends- While wielding a long sword, during a forward roll (or any dodge) press the attack key. The Warframe will stab their blade forward, skewering the first enemy in front of them for guaranteed puncture and slash status affects.


Winding Serpent- Usable with daggers and other light weapons. While performing quick strikes, pressing Shift and a direction will allow the Warframe to quickly slide behind their target. Granting them a guaranteed Critical, and if the target is staggered, blinded or stunned, a stealth kill.


Cutting Wind- While preparing a charge attack, with daggers or dual weapons, hold Shift to begin sprinting. Warframe will dash forward and strike the first enemy encountered, continue holding sprint to run past.


Reap the Whirlwind- While wielding a staff, pole-arm or scythe weapon. During a charge attack, stop moving and hold Ctrl. Warframe will crouch and begin spinning the weapon above their head for about a second. Striking enemies who get close, deflecting some projectiles, before striking out in a wide, sweeping arc.


Shattering Mountains- While performing a charged attack with a heavy weapon, press Shift and a direction. The Warframe will halt, plant their weapon, and then swing around it before launching themselves in said direction. Bowling over any foe unlucky enough to be in their way.


Helm Splitter- While airborne with a heavy weapon or long sword, hold Space Bar and press attack. The Warframe will spin in a momentum building vertical arc, lunging forward and striking enemies, before bringing the weapon down in a skull-splitting strike.


Corkscrew Grip- Replaces a Warframe's counter with a disarm, destroying the enemies weapon.


Death's Clock- Replaces Warframe's counter. Instead either planting, or arming, an explosive on the enemy. Who begins panicking, before exploding and damaging other nearby enemies.


Unique Executions/Counters: These unique executions would be activated through channeling.


Singing Sword- Excalibur launches himself forward in a mini Slash Dash, straight through his current target and hitting any other enemies behind them.



Suicide- Grabbing her enemy, Nyx brainwashes the target into killing or injuring themselves. Returning X amount of energy to her and nearby allies.



Falling Ashes- Ash kicks his enemy airborne. Teleporting to, grabbing and then slamming them into the ground. If there is a low ceiling, he slams them into that instead. Stuns target for X seconds. (Think Izuna drop)



Funeral Pyre- Ember jams her weapon into her target, channeling energy and igniting them internally. Target will begin running around in panic, and if killed, will explode. Dealing X amount of damage to nearby enemies.



Unleashed- Valkyr goes briefly berserk, tackling her target and beginning to tear them to pieces. She is immune to damage for the animation and heals herself for X amount.



Thunderbolt Kick- Volt roundhouse kicks his target, infusing them with electricity and launching them backwards. Besides bowling over and damaging them, target will briefly function as a tesla coil, zapping other enemies who come close to them.



Iron Palm- Rhino uses his powers to turn his hands into metallic clubs, before slamming both into his target. Sends them flying backwards and gives Rhino a brief boost to his armor value.

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I like how you are thinking for melee 2.0 and I like both your melee 2.0 idea and the dodge mods themselves adds versatility and how allows for slighting different play styles depending on the dodge I'll 1+. I like swoop dodge and flash step the most for mods and all of the weapon type ones as well.

Edited by Archangelzz
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I would absolutely love it if these ideas were in-game. +1

I actually like the idea of mods giving you sort of different mechanics or ability type things like what the op is talking about in his post I also want tiered abilities so that I can switch out more useless abilities on my warframes with better ones.

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I. Love. These. Ideas.


The only thing I dislike is the Air Burst, seeing as it's pretty much a shortened Tail Wind. Yes, we're supposed to be ninjas but we only have one bird (literally) and it's much like an imitation of it. I'm not averse to seeing it in-game - then I could measure how much it's like Tail Wind - but the idea doesn't sit perfectly with me.

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I. Love. These. Ideas.


The only thing I dislike is the Air Burst, seeing as it's pretty much a shortened Tail Wind. Yes, we're supposed to be ninjas but we only have one bird (literally) and it's much like an imitation of it. I'm not averse to seeing it in-game - then I could measure how much it's like Tail Wind - but the idea doesn't sit perfectly with me.


Air Burst isn't meant to be anywhere near as good, and is much more dependent on the Warframe's momentum. In other words, it'd follow physics a bit more and be a lot less reliable than Tail Wind. Besides, that power also launches you airborne. Air Burst would just propel you forward and backward.


Heck, I'd settle for just a particle effect on that bizarre, mid-air flying kick the Warframe does. Just to give an indication that something is actually propelling the Warframe. 


I mostly just came up with Ari Burst so we could replace Zorencoptering with something a bit less ridiculous.

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