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A Really Simple Request To De About Future Weapons


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Give them the actual damage numbers you put in the Codex, please.


Testing some of your guns, it's pretty obvious that your damage spreads are... really weird, for lack of a better phrase. For example, the Latron Prime doesn't have 8/64/8 damage, but something more like 8.5/64/8.38 or something really weird like that. Yes, the Latron Prime has barely unequal amounts of Impact and Slash for who knows why. This just makes things really annoying to calculate sometimes, and I cannot for the life of me think of a single reason why doing things the way you currently do is remotely useful.


Sure, it's not exactly gamebreaking, but... it still makes no sense, you know?!?

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It rounds down, actually. You can test this in the Arsenal easily. For example, an unmodded Gorgon Wraith has 22 Impact. A Gorgon Wraith with maxed Serration has 60 Impact, where you can already see the error (22*2.65 = 58.3). A Gorgon Wraith with both Serration and Heavy Caliber has 98 Impact (22*4.3 = 94.6). A Gorgon Wraith with Serration, Heavy Caliber, and Split Chamber has 197 Impact (22*4.3*2 = 189.2). Overall, the Gorgon Wraith has at least 22.9 Impact damage, and I am willing to bet that it is actually slightly higher than that.


These hidden floating points are taken into account in actual gameplay, too. It's not just an Arsenal thing.

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As a further example, LazyKnight's Karak with his Radiation+Viral build will do 379 damage to Fossilized. However, if you were to calculate based on the Codex numbers, you would expect a value of 358, a difference of roughly 6%. This may only be a 21 point difference in damage, but it's still enough to throw off expectations by quite a lot. When you start working with numbers in the thousands or ten thousands, this difference can result in a 60-600+ true error.


I'm not saying to display decimals on screen. I'm saying to not give the weapons these weird numbers to begin with. Why give the Despair a base Impact value of ~2.7 instead of just giving it a base value of 2 or a base value of 3? Why give the Gorgon Wraith a base Impact of 22.9+ instead of just giving it 23? I doubt it has anything to do with fine tuning balance (of which current weapon balance is already pretty bad).


Some weapons DO have nice numbers. The Drakgoon, the Dread, the Detron, and the Soma seem to have base values that actually properly match up with their codex values pretty much exactly. It makes absolutely no sense to have some weapons with really odd values and then some with nice, normal looking values, and adds another tedious element of pointless weirdness for people who like to actually test stuff.

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