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Trinity Needs To Be Nerfed Into The Ground


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Guest Shibboleet

the devs have said before what end game is i have repeated their words over and over and you still think they are going to balance around your idea of end game when theirs is so much lower just because they are endless does not make them end game they are after game and people call it end game but the game has a very clear stoping point level 35 wave 20 defence 20 minute survivals and all of rhino's skills are perfectly fine in this end game hw is not as perfect as trinity is for after that but honestly thats not what the game is about to the devs you cant balance for endless content then we would have every frame being as unessisarly strong as trinity she will get her day and it will be a glorius master race trinity festival once all 4 of her skills are usable and nessisary in normal content but till that day she is WAY unessisary due to how easy this game is the begining of the game starts out WAY WAAAY to hard and all the way up till level 35s it just gets easier and easier trinity only makes a diffrence when your helping noobs or playing past end game and both of thos partys will love to have trinity


new to the game(1)---ok at the game(10)---find your favorite weapon(15)---forma it(20)---get a soma and bail on your fav weapon(25)---end game(35)---after game(endless)


most games have and end game and after game just look at pokemon in x and y end game trainers have level 65 but after game you go to the battle arenas and are brought down to 50s and can fight endless waves of trainers who get better and better strats where nothing is balanced

The reason I use late game (I call it late game) as examples is that allows you to see the true potential of every ability since there are no limits. Even 20 waves into outer terminus you are going to see levels higher than 35, and even at this starting point excalibur and ash cannot compete with any frame in terms of damage.


This is also true with weapons and your example. The soma looks like an epic weapon for 25s, but it actually is terrible past level 100 since its damage is actually quite low per bullet. If there was a mission with endless level 25s, you would eventually run out of ammo + ammo plates and see the same results; Someone else might bring an Ogris or Penta and never run out of ammo (Not meaning to bring the weapon v weapon debate here, just citing an example).

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The reason I use late game (I call it late game) as examples is that allows you to see the true potential of every ability since there are no limits. Even 20 waves into outer terminus you are going to see levels higher than 35, and even at this starting point excalibur and ash cannot compete with any frame in terms of damage.


This is also true with weapons and your example. The soma looks like an epic weapon for 25s, but it actually is terrible past level 100 since its damage is actually quite low per bullet. If there was a mission with endless level 25s, you would eventually run out of ammo + ammo plates and see the same results; Someone else might bring an Ogris or Penta and never run out of ammo (Not meaning to bring the weapon v weapon debate here, just citing an example).


Wich ever comes first* that is end game they just balanced poorly around it we get way to strong way to fast we will probably see a slow declin in our weapon strength closer to the release of the game to compensaight for how easy end game is so people will understand that it is endgame and aftergame wil lget even harder because of it and around that time trinity will be reworked to suit the game better and probably still be nessisary for survival in aftergame content but there wont be anymore of these day long survivals

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I just got out of one of the most disappointing survival missions ever.


This weekend the first time I've played Warframe in months, and I've dived back in gusto in anticipation of Update 13. For the most part I've had a lot of fun, grinding up some weapons and frames I've constructed during my sporadic log-ons.


But, after watching a Trinity keep up Blessing for an entire round, blowing herself up with Castanas, while Linking damage across the whole map I'm seriously doubting coming back for anymore. This was about the least "ninja" playing experience I've ever had, there was no danger, no one to kill, and really no real game play. I just followed the Trinity running back and forth to soak up the tidal wave of xp for the weapons that had on me once any other strategy just seemed futile. Over 20 minutes that player got 700+ kills, with the rest of team sitting at like 100.


While certainly effective, it was a fundamental disappointment. There is really no competing with eternal invulnerability and blowing up the entire map by proxy. Why even use the new melee system, when you can be a roamng vacuum cleaner of destruction.


While this was a high level (13 Mastery Rank) player, if this is the light at the end of the game play tunnel, I'm getting off now.


Pretty much.  Trinity's Link and Blessing are horribly balanced right now.  Invulnerability needs to go and self-damage should not damage enemies with Link.


69 Post. Well people jsut go by opinion.


I want rank requirements than just jumping to foolish nerfs that cause mass chaos throughout the community.


Guess that it just me.


I don't see how nerfs are foolish.  Frankly, rank requirements will just slightly mitigate how many people have access to overpowered gear.  That's not a solution at all.

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Guest Shibboleet

Wich ever comes first* that is end game they just balanced poorly around it we get way to strong way to fast we will probably see a slow declin in our weapon strength closer to the release of the game to compensaight for how easy end game is so people will understand that it is endgame and aftergame wil lget even harder because of it and around that time trinity will be reworked to suit the game better and probably still be nessisary for survival in aftergame content but there wont be anymore of these day long survivals

This is why I use them as examples in the first place. The devs probably do not realize every way an ability or weapon can be abused. I won't make assumptions that they will know exactly how to balance each frame/weapon, so I respond to threads with the mindset of 'how far can the player take this'. Hopefully a dev or public relations person will read the thread and pass along the information/idea so that it gets fixed or changed.


I believe that the end goal is to make players that play level 1-30 missions feel OP, but also to make late game players not feel OP and require strategy (which it does, but make it so all frames are viable to do so).

Edited by Shibboleet
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I crafted Trin yesterday... u really gotta ruin the fun?

Hell yes!  That's what the Forums are for! To ruin everyone's fun by screaming for nerfing.  And DE is so nice and LISTENS to us!  Isn't it great?


*Gently pets his Strun Wraith, sadly.*  It's OK, I still love you.

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This is why I use them as examples in the first place. The devs probably do not realize every way an ability or weapon can be abused. I won't make assumptions that they will know exactly how to balance each frame/weapon, so I respond to threads with the mindset of 'how far can the player take this'. Hopefully a dev or public relations person will read the thread and pass along the information/idea so that it gets fixed or changed.


I believe that the end goal is to make players that play level 1-30 missions feel OP, but also to make late game players not feel OP and require strategy (which it does, but make it so all frames are viable to do so).


Trinity is not being touched till the game evolves more nothing worse then making a support character who is usless it will discourage the few passive members of groups that just want to be there helping their friends survive *so they arnt touching blessing till they can get a better idea of the way the game will be played  and what would be needed of trinity * what is probably best for the game so i will assume thats what scott is doing

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Guest Shibboleet

Trinity is not being touched till the game evolves more nothing worse then making a support character who is usless it will discourage the few passive members of groups that just want to be there helping their friends survive *so they arnt touching blessing till they can get a better idea of the way the game will be played  and what would be needed of trinity * what is probably best for the game so i will assume thats what scott is doing

There are a few ways of toning her down, but still making her useful. And going against what you said, they changed frost to what he is now in the last update.

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There are a few ways of toning her down, but still making her useful. And going against what you said, they changed frost to what he is now in the last update.

frost is not a healer nor is he pure support

Trinity was not designed to be an attack frame originaly then scott gave her 2 ways to fight and it all went downhill from there so he isnt touching her anymore it seems till he has a way to fix her

Edited by MoyuTheMedic
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DE may have made past statements about end game.  But, they have also changed their minds on various things along the way.  Warframe is in beta.  So, it is not irrational to think that DE might change their mind on this too.


And, the talk of end game as a certain level is not meaningful because it's just a number, and one of many numbers that comprise the entire situation. 


What is truly meaningful is the feeling that players expect to feel from playing the game and the mechanisms that give them that feeling.  The numbers are just a means to an end. 


If people enjoy playing level 1000, there is no good reason to deprive them of this.  It would be a terrible way to treat a customer and hurt their satisfaction in making purchases from DE.  Why would some one advocate for that to happen?

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