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Mad Genius Or Just Plain Stupid? You Decide


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Every post I make starts off with how incredibly in love I am with this game.  This will be no different.  Oh how I love Warframe.  The most fun you can have grinding in any game ever.  Super powered ninja space wizard for the win!  So with that said this is my contribution in the form of crazy ideas that I would be more than willing to donate toward if the DE ever paid a lick of attention to my random ramblings (see: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/207446-the-dojo-a-true-tenno-environment/#entry2427411 for a prime example)


Shameful plug aside I'm a huge fan of the Tenno Lore and the potential for role playing and story telling.  I missed out on the story time and lament it for my head is full of various Tenno stories that the other voices enjoy listening to from time to time.


So without further ado...aduie? Adew?


So without further nonsense!  I present to you my ideas for future frames.


An Actual Freaking Ghost-Frame.  Nekros and Nyx have the gambit on cc mind control ressurection and such.  Soul Punch might turn a soul into a projectile but Ghost Frame is here to turn crowd control into a joyous occassion full of confusion and mystery.  Let's explore.


Warframe Profile: Phantasm


Shields: 400 (at 30)(Down to 250)

Health: 350 (at 30)

Armor: 65 (at 30)

Sprint Speed: 1.4(Down to 1.2)

Stamina: 70


This is Phantasm, elusive, mysterious and frightening.  Where other Tenno manipulate the tide of battle with conventional and unconventional tactics; Phantasm manipulates the enemies of the Tenno directly.  Combining stealth gameplay plus direct control of enemy targets, this warframe is constructed for players interested in using their enemies as pawns to achieve her goals.


Phantasm is fast and discreet, using her elusiveness and direct control to protect herself and destroy her opponents before the opposition realizes that their own numbers have been compromised.




#1: Ghostly Wail : Phantasm unleashes a surge of synthetic protoplasm that mimics the biological structure of her enemies, enhancing her own and her team mates Shields, Armor, or health total by X%. Targets struck by Phantom Hide find their own defensive statistics lowered by a matching percentage. (duration based)


#2: Phantom Hide: Phantasm obscures herself in a heavy layer of synethetic protoplasm, causing projectiles and attacks to pass through her delivering a % of the damage as well as causing enemy accuracy to drop.  While in this state Phantasm is more difficult to detect, causing traps, as well as laser doors to not effect her. (duration based)


#3: Possess: Phantasm possesses a target enemy and siezes control of them for X number of seconds.  During this time she may act as a normal unit to delve deeper into a secure area, or slay nearby opponents with a template of skills mirroring that of the possessed target.  Phantasm may not cast another Tenno skill while in this form but the possessed target gains all bonuses affecting Phantasm before possession takes place.


4: Phantom Menace:  Phantasm unleashes a haunting wail that stuns all enemies in a radius.  Targets in this state are 'haunted' and will band together behind any possessed target and defend it until death.  During Phantom Menace, Phantasm may cast Possess at half cost on any 'haunted' targets.  Targets that are not haunted may be possessed at full cost.  Targets that are possessed while haunted will detonate dealing X damage with X chance to haunt additional targets.


The idea behind Phantasm is situational awareness as well as selecting prime targets for possession.  Buffing the team and yourself as well as receiving buffs from other team mates is the name of the game.  This provides Phantasm with a very good amount of potential damage that she can deal while in another body.  Having a possessed body last longer, is one less target that is attacking the team, more aggro drawn directly to this body, protection for Phantasm (as she is not taking the damage directly) and a source of damage to help.  This also adds another gameplay element as players can use other skills aside from the standard 4 like a Heavy Grineer's Ground Slam, or an Ancients knock down attack.  Phantom Menace is meant to be a chainable crowd control with a chance to continue haunting a few targets at a time for easier possession.  While it will never be a continuous chain due to energy restrictions and targets dying before Phantasm can get to them it's a sufficient way of supporting the team in a direct manner.  The drawbacks to Phantasm will be a lack of enemies as well as boss battles as bosses will be immune or highly resistant to Possession.  I would suggest that possession on bosses not work, without bosses being 'haunted' first, and possession causing a DoT effect for its duration as oppose to giving direct control of the boss to the player.  Phantasm's other draw back is being exposed to direct damage as she must be within a certain radius to possess.  Possession is not a long range skill and she must be within x meters (perhaps 5-10) to successfully possess a target.  Please provide comments, tweaks or further ideas and as always spread the word and maybe the Devs might take a liking to the idea and put something in the cooker.



Our next contender.


Warframe Profile: Muramasa (Changed to Masamune: Gender now considered female(?))


Shields: 300(at 30)

Health:  300(at 30)

Armor: 300 (at 30)

Sprint Speed: 1.3 (Down to 1.1)

Stamina: 100


The Tenno being masters of blade and gun have learned to excell at both.  Naturally there would be one who chose one to excel at over the other.  That one was Muramasa and he is the reason that in this day and age of rockets, bullets and laser weaponry the Tenno are still feared in close quarters combat.


Muramasa is the master of fluid, elegant melee combat.  Every non projectile weapon in his hands is an instrument of beautiful destruction.  The blade, the staff, the hammer.  All of these are combined with an uncanny grace and discipline that makes them exceedingly dangerous in his hands.  Muramasa is use best when thrust directly into the middle of combat to draw the attention of enemy fire.  Swapping between his stances, while maintaining his Zen Auras, allows him to maintain his damage and survivability while cleaving and smashing his enemies asunder.


Skills:  Aura's are abilities that surround Muramasa and those nearby.  Aura's may be expanded and may be stacked over Stances for greater effectiveness.  Aura's cost X energy and end after its conditions are met. Stances are abilities that last until they are canceled via the casting of a different stance.  A stance consumes X energy upon being cast and that amount remains taken from the energy pool until it ends (dismissed) or another aura is recast.

IE: If Muramasa has 250 energy and Offensive Stance costs 50 Energy to cast, that 50 Energy will not be restored until Offensive Aura is canceled, or until Defensive Aura is equipped instead.


#1: Disciplined Assault: (Aura) Melee weapons deal X% more damage and strike +1 additional enemy (Up to 4).  Enemies dispatched under these conditions restore stamina and provide a speed boost to movement and swing.  This aura ends and must be recast after 10-30 enemies have been dispatched.


#2: Offensive Stance: Attack Speed is increased and damage is increased by X%.  Each enemy slain restores X amount of energy.  While parrying during Offensive Stance, Muramasa will perform a Executing Strike which will deal standard Execution damage plus 100% proc.  Targets killed this way produce an energy orb.


#3: Defensive Stance: Armor is increased by 80% and enemies slain restore X% health.  While parrying during Defensive Stance, enemies are knocked down and if slain produce a health orb.


#4: Storm of One Thousand Blades: (Aura) Muramasa uses all of his focus to enhance his speed and martial ability.  In this state all enemies appear to be slowed to Muramasa alone.  Each strike is an execution and all damage is reflected back towards its source.  Each strike offers 100% proc damage.  Muramasa can not be knocked down, bounced back or otherwise stunned as all effects are reflected back.  Movement speed is enhanced while in this state and enemies slain in this mode restore stamina.  Strikes to a single target will jump to X number of additional targets regardless of weapon type.


Muramasa is meant to be a true melee frame.  Jumping into battle and taking control of the environment through slaying large numbers while toggling his stances to make up for his low shields and high likelihood of being damaged.  Being mobile and able to engage in high risk situations is Muramasa's best asset.  Playing him offensively to help clear a room and then defensively to help support the group while providing the occassional healing orb to aid the team.  Since his #4 skill is an aura, using a stance with it could yeild a heaping amount of energy or health orbs depending.  Being in the thick of battle and fine tuning your rhythm to mitigate damage, draw attention, slay as well as heal is Muramasa's appeal. Muramasa may lack a great deal of effectiveness initially against bosses that rely on ranged weaponry.  However with a bit of polish and support, defensive aura and a few choice mods could easily help turn the tides in various fights.



These were the ideas of an idle madman.   Please leave comments, thoughts, suggestions.  These are just frames that I'd loooove to see pop up in the game, especially since so much is going to be popping up in the future.


Thanks as always and take care.

Edited by Blacque
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I love both of these concepts, but I have a question.


How would stances work exactly? It seems more of a team support frame, which is good, don't get me wrong.

I think Muramasa could benefit from at least ONE attack-style ability. Maybe his own personal execution attack, like Mitsurugi's Critical Finish from Soul Calibur IV.



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The sprint speeds and everything else are variable and always up for change.  Bearing in mind of course that neither frame is as fast as Nova.  There are no helms in question that increase sprint speed like there are for Rhino either.  But I'll concede changes to the player base as many players probably know more than I do.   I do believe however that for 'Ghosting' via Phantasm;  the sprint speed needs to be at least 'Loki' caliber, lessening her shields as a response is a fine idea by me.  I more or less approve of the changes that help the frame while keeping the essence of a Tenno and the frame's mechanics in mind.


As for Muramasa, changing the name to Masamune is fine as well. I was toggling both names and decided Muramasa for no particular reason.  For Muramasa lowering his sprint speed isn't a huge deal. If his or 'her' speed matched Excalibur's I think it would be a fine balance. As for having an actual attack, it could be incorporated into his #4 abilitiy.  Stances are meant to provide a buff to self and team, perhaps changin it from 'stance' to a sort of 'Rallying pose' inspirational so to speak with a radius that is consistent.  The difference is that it swaps per the player's wishes, which means the benefits of one stance may not help the other frames as much as the former.  Still with 'Masamune' (Contemplating a change to female, since the name has often taken a a feminine quality) leading the charge, the orbs drops would benefit the team.


Changes to complement ideas would be a lowering of Phantasm's over all shields and health to legitimize her speed, which would be lowered.  Though one must keep in mind that her primary skills require her to be within range of the targets she wishes to do damage to/Possess.  Without speed on her side, lacking a teleport or a lunge move, she'll end up taking huge damage with her only recourse being to survive to 'possess' a nearby target which would make her a predictable and boring frame imo.  With a decent sprint speed, she can manuever better in her Ghosting form and tag her targets more effectively.  But it is of course up to the Devs (if this even flies).


For Muramasa, change to Masamune to complement the Excalibur blade.  I like that and would propose a gender swap to fit the Masamune name.  This would tip the balance of female frames to male frames by one however and I'm not sure if the Devs are in a balancing mood when it comes to frame types.  Then again with Hydroid being a male it would balance back out more or less.  I would propose an additional technique to Masamune's arsenal when in his stances. 


Offensive Stance retains all of its aforementioned abilities.  However holding down the charge attack button will cause Masamune to lunge out and perform a dynamic finisher on targeted enemy.  The damage could be based on normal finisher techniques, or calculated the same way that damage is done to a stunned, or an enemy struck while stealthed.


Defensive stance will retain all of its aforementioned abilities.  However holding down the charge button causes Masamune to sheathe his blade swiftly, causing a vacuum that draw enemies toward him, similar to Mag's pull but with a limited range.  Tapping the melee button at this point will cause Masamune to unsheathe his blade (battoujutsu style) and deliver an exectution move to a single target.  Damage to that target may be calculated similarly to Offensive Stance's Charged move (but without the damage and speed bonus of Offensive Stance) with any overflow damage that would strike other targets in the radius being lessened by X%.


With these changes it would add more maneuverability for Masamune while in Offensive Stance as he would be able to lunge from target to target.  Large groups could be handled with effective CC, but without insta-kill effects being a hindrance to group play.   It also adds variety to attacks, as the Charge skill is more damaging but requires time, and while the Offensive Ability will be insanely damaging it only strikes a single target, and as such must be used carefully while encountering large groups.


For all those who have read and enjoy the idea of these frames please spread the word.  Leave as many comments as you like.  I would like feedback and tweaks to the frames builds and statistics of course.  Refinement of the current abilities are welcome but I am not looking to outright alter the skills as I think they fit the concept of the frames well enough to be utilized with refinement and work put into them, but not complete overhauls.  I would very much like the Devs to take a look at what's being offered so post as much as you'd like and try to get as much attention on it as possible.


I really hope that something can be made from this.


Thank you sincerely.

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While I abhor the fact that tl;dr exists and that on the internet where words get your message across.  I will put a concise synopsis of both frames for the patient impaired.  This is to further help get the message across and to hopefully spread the word that these might be viable future frames.


Phantasm:  A ghost like tenno that has low shields and armor, good health.  This frame utilizes control of her enemies by possessing them and either assaulting or stealthing her way to her objective.  Her skills both support her allies by buffing, shields, health, or armor, depending on her foes.  Or deter enemies by diminishing their own health, armor and shields in exchange.  Her greatest asset is to possess and then slaughter her foes discreetly making her an ideal back-line disruptor and crowd controller.


Masamune:  A leader type tenno that excels at drawing the enemies into melee distance and then adopting various auras and stances to destroy her enemies.  Masamune wields melee weapons and every technique in her arsenal supports her ability to wield them with tremendous results.  An Aura that grants a great boost to the damage type of her chosen melee weapon, and an offensive stance that puts her directly into the fray and aids allies with energy drops while sustaining her own energy with every kill.  Defensively she is capable of drawing enemies close, knocking them down and gaining health with each kill as well as health orbs for the party.  Her greatest asset is the ability to move faster than her enemies can perceive, seemingly slowing them to a crawl while executing them brutally.




Please draw more attention and beg the Devs or tell me how to pester the Devs and I'll do it!  I've had a desire for a direct melee frame since ...forever ago and I think this could work if it gets enough support!

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