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Thoughts On Founder Exclusivity

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excalibur prime is excalibur with a bit more shield recharge rate(i think) and some bling bling

the world wont end by someone only having the normal one

that said i am a proud prime owner because i love DE and think they deserve my support and I like bling bling

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excalibur prime is excalibur with a bit more shield recharge rate(i think) and some bling bling

the world wont end by someone only having the normal one

that said i am a proud prime owner because i love DE and think they deserve my support and I like bling bling


It's less about having to deal with the normal one and more about not having any sort of a legitimate shot at the super ultra special chocolatey fudge coated version due to platform of choice (or lack of choice for those incapable of building their own PC or paying for a factory rig).


It's a circle jerk argument ultimately, but those against the packs coming back are not really making any sort of solid arguments against it other than DE's own words. If they could leave it at that and move on, it'd be a different thing honestly...

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It's less about having to deal with the normal one and more about not having any sort of a legitimate shot at the super ultra special chocolatey fudge coated version due to platform of choice (or lack of choice for those incapable of building their own PC or paying for a factory rig).


It's a circle jerk argument ultimately, but those against the packs coming back are not really making any sort of solid arguments against it other than DE's own words. If they could leave it at that and move on, it'd be a different thing honestly...

It's the fact that THAT was THE DEAL.

Some people bought it for the shiny bits, some people bought it to show their early support for the game. People bought it for any and all reasons.

But the fact of the matter is that it was a Exclusive, a one shot deal. There is so little argument to support it's release aside from the people who don't have it feel like they should, now you can fancy that statement up with the fact that 'You didn't know the game existed then' or 'my platform never had access' Well, you're entirely right! 

If you didn't get Founders when it was available, you missed the boat. Why not just leave it at that?

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It's less about having to deal with the normal one and more about not having any sort of a legitimate shot at the super ultra special chocolatey fudge coated version due to platform of choice (or lack of choice for those incapable of building their own PC or paying for a factory rig).


It's a circle jerk argument ultimately, but those against the packs coming back are not really making any sort of solid arguments against it other than DE's own words. If they could leave it at that and move on, it'd be a different thing honestly...

The fact that people who want it can happily dismiss the argument that it was advertised as available for a limited time doesn't mean it's not a solid argument, it just means they're selfish because their desire for limited edition gear matters more than DE's final say on the matter which has been noted multiple times.

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The fact that people who want it can happily dismiss the argument that it was advertised as available for a limited time doesn't mean it's not a solid argument, it just means they're selfish because their desire for limited edition gear matters more than DE's final say on the matter which has been noted multiple times.

This is what I'm thinking..

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What you don't understand is that the beta started on PC, hence the Founders Program. It only makes sense for Ps4 not to have it since it released way later after all the necessary testing was made.

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IMO. I think DE released the Excalibur proto-armor for this reason. I could be a thousand times wrong but I think it may true.

Watch us go through the exact same conversation in a year with new players demanding they get access to the skin.

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I don't want any exclusive items from the founder pack put out again, why? Because they aren't much better, give us the mastery experience from them and be done, they said they would be making all event items come back again, now everyone get off their high horse and hush with this constant asking for these pointless items to be put back in, I'm tired of seeing founders *@##$ing about these threads

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It's the fact that THAT was THE DEAL.

Some people bought it for the shiny bits, some people bought it to show their early support for the game. People bought it for any and all reasons.

But the fact of the matter is that it was a Exclusive, a one shot deal. There is so little argument to support it's release aside from the people who don't have it feel like they should, now you can fancy that statement up with the fact that 'You didn't know the game existed then' or 'my platform never had access' Well, you're entirely right! 

If you didn't get Founders when it was available, you missed the boat. Why not just leave it at that?

There are multiple reasons why exclusive items, Primes in particular, we're a bad idea to put in the Founders packs.

Founders get more mastery.

Founders get four more revives a day.

Exclusive items help create and support divisions in a player base.

Exclusive items can cause arguments like these.

Exclusives vex collectors when missed.

Primes being partially exclusive breaks the set, and vexed Prime collectors and Excalibur fans.

Founders may have access to a better Excalibur.

Buffing Prime warframes, like with Rhino Prime, becomes problematic, because of Excalibur Prime. (Which DE seems to want to do).

I don't see a good solution for DE, but the exclusive Founders' items are certainly a problem.

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There are multiple reasons why exclusive items, Primes in particular, we're a bad idea to put in the Founders packs.

Founders get more mastery.

Founders get four more revives a day.

-Were part of the deal, but I would be okay with losing the Mastery

Exclusive items help create and support divisions in a player base.

Exclusive items can cause arguments like these.

Exclusives vex collectors when missed.

- Is, more or less, tough luck

Primes being partially exclusive breaks the set, and vexed Prime collectors and Excalibur fans.

- This again loops back around to 'I want this'. not a valid complaint

Founders may have access to a better Excalibur.

- Define 'better'

Buffing Prime warframes, like with Rhino Prime, becomes problematic, because of Excalibur Prime. (Which DE seems to want to do).

-Then just don't buff Excalibur Prime, easy.

I don't see a good solution for DE, but the exclusive Founders' items are certainly a problem.

All of the issues with 'vexing' you point as big problems are only problems because they missed the Founders pack.

They missed the Founders pack, and therefore don't get the Founders bonuses. Makes sense, no?

Edited by Emeere
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The fact of the matter is this. 

The Founders was an Exclusive package, whether you like/agree (with) it or not is largely irrelevant.

Do I really need to dig up those old, dead threads to show you how this one is going to end?

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All of the issues with 'vexing' you point as big problems are only problems because they missed the Founders pack.

They missed the Founders pack, and therefore don't get the Founders bonuses. Makes sense, no?

As evidence by these threads continually resurfacing, my point about creating divisions in the player base is sound. Your not a dressing the fact that a certain segment of the player base desires a different status quo, so much as telling them that they don't have a right to express their desire for a better status quo. Which isn't going to solve anything.

Regarding Excalibur Prime... I wrote this up awhile ago for a different thread, but it is relevant:

For starters, if you buff all the primes and keep Excalibur exclusive, you shaft non-founders who primarily play him, and upset people who like to use him in general, but aren't founders. If you buff all the primes except Excalibur and keep him exclusive, a number of founders will be upset about paying for a weaker frame. If you buff all the primes and make Excalibur public, a number of founders will be upset due to feeling betrayed by DE.

If you buff Excalibur and Excalibur Prime, then, as the most popular starting warframe, you disincentivize people from playing other frames... We don't need another Rhino...

There is no win-win scenario for DE when it comes to buffing Primes.

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As evidence by these threads continually resurfacing, my point about creating divisions in the player base is sound. Your not a dressing the fact that a certain segment of the player base desires a different status quo, so much as telling them that they don't have a right to express their desire for a better status quo. Which isn't going to solve anything.

Regarding Excalibur Prime... I wrote this up awhile ago for a different thread, but it is relevant:

For starters, if you buff all the primes and keep Excalibur exclusive, you shaft non-founders who primarily play him, and upset people who like to use him in general, but aren't founders. If you buff all the primes except Excalibur and keep him exclusive, a number of founders will be upset about paying for a weaker frame. If you buff all the primes and make Excalibur public, a number of founders will be upset due to feeling betrayed by DE.

If you buff Excalibur and Excalibur Prime, then, as the most popular starting warframe, you disincentivize people from playing other frames... We don't need another Rhino...

There is no win-win scenario for DE when it comes to buffing Primes.

This is all very true.

I'd like to point out that while yes, I am saying that the 'status quo' a 'certain segment of the playerbase' is trying to change, SHOULDN'T be changed, I'd also like to point out that an equally large segment of the playerbase have voiced an opinion that The Founders pack shouldn't be re-released.

While I agree that DE is in a bad, no win position. They'll upset less people by sticking to their guns (As everyone will have to respect such a decision on moral grounds) rather than stabbing the Founders collectively in the back and flaking out.

One can only hope they never put themselves in a situation like this again.

This argument has been raised several times, and each time DE has given their decision. 

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There are multiple reasons why exclusive items, Primes in particular, we're a bad idea to put in the Founders packs.

Founders get more mastery.


- Grand Masters, the highest Founders, get 12,000 more Mastery XP. 6000 from Excal Prime and then 3000 each from Skana Prime and Lato Prime. That's barely anything once you start getting into the higher ranks. 

Founders get four more revives a day.


-I've always only gotten 4 Revives a day. When I first started playing I got 4 Revives per frame per day. I still only get 4/frame/day.

Exclusive items help create and support divisions in a player base.

Exclusive items can cause arguments like these.

Exclusives vex collectors when missed.

Primes being partially exclusive breaks the set, and vexed Prime collectors and Excalibur fans.


-Well if Exclusive Items divide players, why does no one complain about missing out on Vandals or Wraiths? I'm sure there's plenty of people who don't have them and those items didn't cost any IRL money. I wish I had a Strun Wraith, but I missed out. End of story.

Founders may have access to a better Excalibur.


-Want to know what's different about him? He comes with a polarity in his aura slot(normal Excal has no polarity), he's got the gold trim and it's barely there since he's such an old model, and if he touches a Death Orb in a Void mission you get 100 Energy(which is something any Prime frame can do). That's it. Nothing all that special is it?

Buffing Prime warframes, like with Rhino Prime, becomes problematic, because of Excalibur Prime. (Which DE seems to want to do).


-How does buffing up the hard to get, super fancy frames become problematic? If DE thinks they should be better than they are, that's their choice. 

I don't see a good solution for DE, but the exclusive Founders' items are certainly a problem.


-As stated before, there's other exclusive items that exist in the game. Lato Vandal was given to closed beta players when the game went open beta, Braton Vandal, Snipetron and Snipetron Vandal are all unobtainable now. Strun Wraith, Wraith Twin Vipers, Machete Wraith, and Gorgon Wraith are all unobtainable now unless you earned them in events. What about someone who started playing April 3rd or later? They missed out on the Dex Furis pistols. You also don't get the point of a Founder's program. The main points of any game's Founder program is to A)Raise some money early on B)Allow people who greatly enjoy the game to contribute to its development and C)Show thanks to people who're giving an unfinished product financial support. Once the game is ready, the Founder's program goes away. That's how it always works and Warframe isn't the only game to do that. Don't believe me? Go look up the game Nosgoth. They're in closed beta right now and have said once the game goes into open beta, all those nifty special items are no longer available. Should they give out those things when the Founder's program ends? No, because they've clearly stated those things are available for a limited time.

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There are multiple reasons why exclusive items, Primes in particular, we're a bad idea to put in the Founders packs.

Founders get more mastery.

Founders get four more revives a day.

Exclusive items help create and support divisions in a player base.

Exclusive items can cause arguments like these.

Exclusives vex collectors when missed.

Primes being partially exclusive breaks the set, and vexed Prime collectors and Excalibur fans.

Founders may have access to a better Excalibur.

Buffing Prime warframes, like with Rhino Prime, becomes problematic, because of Excalibur Prime. (Which DE seems to want to do).

I don't see a good solution for DE, but the exclusive Founders' items are certainly a problem.

No solution is necessary...

The offered the package publicly, they announced publicly when it would end.


Limited Time Offer.


If players didn't take advantage of it, that's not DE's problem.


I actually understand the Codex issue and feel those items shouldn't be included in it, if it can't be acquired. That does vex certain types of players.

That doesn't mean they have the right to get those items though.


All players with a Founders Title paid for the privilege back before they knew the game would take off.


People like to term things as "unfair" or "not equal" when what they really mean is "inconvenient".

Exclusives don't make Founders more equal than a regular player, just more fortunate to have gotten in when they did.


When you invest in a success early, you get more.

That holds as true here as it would if we were discussing Google's IPO (I'd rather have invested in Google's IPO though... still kick myself for that everytime the stock splits) .


Players who didn't do this should enjoy what they have as opposed to grousing about what they missed out on.

Even now, they are getting stuff other players are going to be wanting a year from now.


DE's only error was in highlighting exactly what was missed out on in the Codex.

You never tell the client what they missed out on.

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Watch us go through the exact same conversation in a year with new players demanding they get access to the skin.

You watch it happen in a couple of weeks with the Dex Furis.

It's not fair, I was on holiday/in hospital/equality/mastery rank/ division in the player base/ collector /OCD and all the other associated drivel these types come out with.

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I am not at all disappointed that I am not an Founder and missed out on some exclusive stuff. I realize that I arrived late to the party and prefer not to play games on my PC (used for business) but on my PS4 and X1. If sometime in the near future DE decides to do something special for us PS4 users, great, if not, it's fine with me because I enjoy playing Warframe with my system of choice.

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