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Thoughts On Founder Exclusivity

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I stop caring about the whole "founders get it we should too," so this is my solution. It's an "if" solution.


Kind off topic and on topic.


Was Excal Prime farmable when he was released?


If so do any founders have extra Excal. Prime parts?


If so, if account migration happens, when it happens, if it happens, if it's released I want a founder to hit me up in game. I'd pay plat for "your" exclusive. Serious plat. 


Note: Guys one thing though. It makes sense why founders pack was only exclusive for PC players. They were the first to play the game and help get it to the point where it was able to be released for PS4. Give credit where credit is due. I completely understand everyone's point of view, but honestly after some long hard thinking the truth is we shouldn't get it. 


Right now we're helping DE expand its game more and they have rewarded us kindly. I also believe that the Excalibur proto-armor was made for this reason. It's going to be a rare skin. How would you like if in the future new players get upset because we have it and they don't? Are we going to say, "Hey NO. NO. it was a one time thing and you can't get it."




Or are you going to say, "Hey guys! We'll protest with you!" I doubt it.




I don't respond to hate posts so leave it at your keyboard.

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And forever NO.


Infinity NO. 


Edit: Because some people will find it unfair and begin to make another suggestion,countless of them, like what you did here mate.

And today on "how to spot a founder"...


I personally think this would be an interesting idea, but the founders would all have to coordinate the flow of exclusive gear, which will be difficult to do.

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Although this is not a bad idea, I don't think DE should give to the founders, who are some part of the player base, the decision or the control to have an (ex) exclusive item.


I'm gonna be sincere with you, if that happens, I will help everyone I can to have acess to these items.  I wouldn't even accept any reward, platinum, etc.  I really don't like the concept of exclusives, and my first thinking when I bought the Founder was help this game and DE, and not having something that others can't.  And this would apply to misa prime syandana and other items too.  And I know some people would do the same.


But lets face it.  If you sell something, informing through advertising, this thing will be unique, private, exclusive, which can not be acquired otherwise. Setting a deadline for such, and several consumers purchase the product under this promise.  And after some time, remove the characteristic of exclusivity and return and offering with this thing, disregarding consumers and not watching his own promise.  IMO that would be an offense against the right of those consumers, and at least one abusive advertising, subject of a lawsuit (and not just a refund, but a full damage/indemnification).  That would be a breach of the most basic contractual rule, keep your word.


Like, Antoine Loysel (important jurist, XVI-XVII) said: "On lie les boeufs par les cornes et les hommes par la parole."


The only ways I see the founders items returning are: wait for some (long) time, so releasing it would not make any more difference; or if all or nearly all the founders consent that founders items are released again.

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Although this is not a bad idea, I don't think DE should give to the founders, who are some part of the player base, the decision or the control to have an (ex) exclusive item.
I'm gonna be sincere with you, if that happens, I will help everyone I can to have acess to these items.  I wouldn't even accept any reward, platinum, etc.  I really don't like the concept of exclusives, and my first thinking when I bought the Founder was help this game and DE, and not having something that others people can't.  And this would apply to misa prime syandana and other items too.  And I know some people would do the same.
But lets face it.  If you sell something, informing through advertising, this thing will be unique, private, exclusive, which can not be acquired otherwise. Setting a deadline for such, and several consumers purchase the product under this promise.  And after some time, remove the characteristic of exclusivity and return and offering with this thing, disregarding consumers and not watching his own promise.  IMO that would be an offense against the right of those consumers, and at least one abusive advertising, subject of a lawsuit (and not just a refund, but a full damage/indemnification).  That would be a breach of the most basic contractual rule, keep your word.
Like, Antoine Loysel (important jurist, XVI-XVII) said: "On lie les boeufs par les cornes et les hommes par la parole."
The only ways I see the founders items returning are: wait for some (long) time, so releasing it would not make any more difference; or if all or nearly all the founders consent that founders items are released again.


thanks for being awesome. :)

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I acknowledged that DE may not have been thinking about having any further Primes. The Founders could have been given any number of non-exclusive rewards, such as getting the same items, but with, say, a one year time lock; or reusable Orokin catalyst, reactor, and forma blueprints... Given time, you can come up with lots of non-exclusive options.

Regarding games I'd be locked out of, what games are you thinking of?

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Hate to tell you this (no I don't), but the Prime access Syndanas are going to be on a cycle and thus will be available again in the future.

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'Founder' is a title that has its explicit meaning of being well... a FOUNDER.

The game is about done now and only expanding.


you can not 'BECOME' a founder it is 'literally' impossible.

It's just something for the people that helped the game become what it is now, That is not to say you can't support the game now the way us founders did in the past, prime access is a good example. (and you get exclusives)


But in short, no. if you weren't there in the beginning, you're not gonna get the few prime items we got at the start.

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"Regarding games I'd be locked out of, what games are you thinking of?"

You'd be locked out of some content for GW2 for a start.

Absolutely nothing wrong with exclusive content as I have stated before to people (yourself included). Collectors are irrelevant, because unless they play right from the very start, they won't get everything. Exclusives are a way of rewarding people who were around at the time, WF truly is the only game I've seen where this is complained about.

Yes, we've discussed this and we disagree. I don't see us reconciling. I don't agree with distributing something or making something available only once just to people who are in the right place at the right time.

You have your view, I have mine. We are not going to agree.

As for GW2, I have no intention of playing it; and left WoW and TF2 for a number of reasons, with exclusives being at the root of most of them - and I was with each at the beginning.

But, I was curious as to what games Tsukinoki had in mind.

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The only thing that is pathetic is you continually asking for founders gear. You missed it, just like I missed the vandals. Get over it.


From one Grand Master to Another -- You make him sound correct, and set a poor example for all Grand Masters and the like.  Why shouldn't PS4 players get equal treatment?  I see no problem with DE giving them a chance to join the founder's as they too deserve a chance to voice their opinions in the founders forums.  As long as they pay the same amounts, I don't see how your argument is anything but close-minded moon garbage.

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'Founder' is a title that has its explicit meaning of being well... a FOUNDER.

The game is about done now and only expanding.


you can not 'BECOME' a founder it is 'literally' impossible.

It's just something for the people that helped the game become what it is now, That is not to say you can't support the game now the way us founders did in the past, prime access is a good example. (and you get exclusives)


But in short, no. if you weren't there in the beginning, you're not gonna get the few prime items we got at the start.


I disagree.  For some this game is far from completion, though it has come a long way.  There is nothing I see wrong with being a "PS4 Founder."  Again if they pay the same amount for this opportunity, like we did, I don't see how you can argue as they are doing DE a service in financially helping them grow, and giving the PS4 community a voice in the Founders Forum.

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From one Grand Master to Another -- You make him sound correct, and set a poor example for all Grand Masters and the like.  Why shouldn't PS4 players get equal treatment?  I see no problem with DE giving them a chance to join the founder's as they too deserve a chance to voice their opinions in the founders forums.  As long as they pay the same amounts, I don't see how your argument is anything but close-minded moon garbage.


you seem to disregard the part about the Founder program being OVER when the ps4 version came out. Are they gonna rerelease Founder for the Gameboy/Atari 2600/Colecovision/Sega Saturn/XbroMcpwnage 9000 versions of Warframe?


For the 32567485930503rd time... the reasons that anyone has for not having founder are not important nor are they relevant. A specific amount of time was given to do something, some people did it, some didnt. Its very simple. Get over it, and make sure you dont miss anything else coming down the road.

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I disagree.  For some this game is far from completion, though it has come a long way.  There is nothing I see wrong with being a "PS4 Founder."  Again if they pay the same amount for this opportunity, like we did, I don't see how you can argue as they are doing DE a service in financially helping them grow, and giving the PS4 community a voice in the Founders Forum.

One big problem with your contention.


Warframe on PS4 already exists.  There's nothing to found.


The game has left closed beta.  I know, I was part of it, but you'll note I have no Founders icon.  Nor do I care for one, or any of the other goodies that came with it.


It was a limited time offer.  There's no reason to re-release them at all.  Seriously.

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So I payed 250$ for a game that was laggey clunckie (I played with a maped controler) and one demitional. There was basically 2 maps with different paths. Lol all this is in the good faith that the developers had a great idea and seemingly good programers. No real protmasess this would be a good game. Kinda like religion in a sence... so you tell me all these fools who never be lived in the ceators... never have faith get to go to heaven just cause they visited heaven and liked it?? Ha yeah right kids P.S. Oh, you think warframe is your ally. But you merely adopted the frame; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a lv 30, by then it was nothing to me but GRINDING!!! ......winning!!

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Here's how I play with my Excalibur Prime:


1) I put immortal skin on,

2) I put fishhead helmet on,

3) Slaaaaashdash!1

4) Rarely, I use it to trigger those pressure plates in orokin space, very, very rarely.


Except for 4 I might as well be using a standard Excalibur, cos the speshul details don't, thankfully, show with other skins on. Why someone would want an Excalibur Prime that looks like an Excalibur Prime is beyond me, and for doing things in orokin space, I'd much rather use, say, a Frost prime.


And as for the gun and sword - statwise, they're outmatched by so many others. Barring OCD or something, I honestly don't see the point in having them, nor did I when they were available. Best part of the founder's thing, in hindsight, was the platinum.




edit: I do burn through a lot of credits, I guess, but I can actually play the game for them. I don't need a key to print free money.


And as for the founder's forum. As far as I know, the input that's actually used from there is largely cosmetic (and occasionally quite silly), and it's not like DE won't listen to people posting elsewhere, if they have a good point.


(All of that said, I probably couldn't care less about whether non-founders get access to Excalibur Primes or these super awesome badges I've got. None of it is a big deal.)

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