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Just Started Playing... Those Laser Doors.


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I just started playing with some friends, and the 1 design choice that seems to baffle me are the laser doors in venus. you shoot out a camera sometimes they come back on when running through them. Sometimes they bug and still knock you out when they look like theyre off.

Idk it just seems like some tweaks need to be made to them. Possibly lowering the damage in the early levels? Or just making them impassible with no damage.


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To get the laser doors to work: 2 Ways!

1. You can try to roll into it(sometimes it works)

BEST WAY 2. In order to do it for real, and not loose health, is if you entire team isn't wodnering around. So, they all need ot be ready to go in the door.

I think this is a bug, im not yet sure though.

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A lot of the time there is a camera in your room and the next, or they see one of your team mates over across the map jackin it in the corner and decide 'LOCKDOWN LASERS'

Usually it's just the room you're in or the next hiding right above the door or something.

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In regards to the laser doors several things make no sense:

- The mechanic for turning them off and on (several time I've died due to laser simultaniously activating as I walk through);

- Why have it so you die? As opposed to simply knocking you down;

- What is the point of these barriers in the context of the game?

- Why isnt the security camera mechanic introduced in the tutorial?

I understand this is a beta game, so hopefully the devs will see this and fix it in the finished release.

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I love the camera/door mechanic. I find it makes the Corpus maps interesting and unique. They are most definitely wonky, though. My least favorite thing is when I run into one, get pushed through to the other side (while my team isn't through it yet) and go down. If the mechanics of the doors can be fixed then they would be great. I love it when I start moving fast and I run into a door only to get lazerd in the face. It makes you be careful and watch what you are doing.

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Laser doors probably shouldn't activate and someone gets spotted by camera 5 rooms ahead of you. Other than that, I think they are fine. They do a crazy amount of damage when you just start playing, but it won't be long until they are nothing more than an annoyance.

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A better idea would actually be to make it so that when Bob runs five rooms ahead, only the laser fences in that room activate when he activates a camera, instead of across the entire god-forsaken map. But due to the procedural generation of the maps/levels, this may become a hassle. A way I see to fix this would be to simply synchronize any laser fences within a certain radius of the camera to the door.

Though if people learnt to stick together and actually shoot or avoid the bloomin' cameras like their supposed to then maybe this wouldn't be so much of a hassle.

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I undestand wanting to create variety and breaking up the pace as good design, but the current way laser fences are used kills the momentum of the level.

The strengths of Warframe are very fast acrobatic combat and fairly simple level navigation. Waiting for a laser fence to randomly drop and waiting for teamates to get through ruins both. It's not fun.

Here's a couple of things I thought of while playing I wish I could have done instead (some are mutally exclusive)-

-doge over or slide under the beams

-EVERY fence has a camera, the cameras are a bit more obvious, and each fence is linked to only one set of cameras

-fences can be turned off with a hacking minigame

-fences can be turned off with a switch on the opposite side (enabling Lokis and other teleporters to turn it off for the rest of the team)

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I think laser doors are fine it teaches you to pay attention to yours surrounding. They are not random at all, you just miss camera or you play with someone who is rushing and dont pays attention.

After few days of playing, you will know every spot where camera can be and automaticaly chcecking that places.

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The first few times I got downed by those lasers was really annoying, now I just take my time to pop all the cameras I come across. However, the rest of my team usually fails to comprehend this which has got me stuck in one of the supply rooms once. Now that I have shield and health boosts, they are less of a problem since I don't become incapacited the moment I touch them. Still, I think that cameras should be linked to several surrounding doors/lasers, so that the ones around you don't activate because Jimmy on the other side of the map is in full view. Should also help prevent the lock-in problem when you're teammates are oblivious to the mechanics. That is to say: no matter where you or your teammates are, you can always destroy the cameras needed to get out/progress.

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