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Yeah So I Guess I'm A Little Late...


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Hey Guys, no one cares much for introductions nowadays so I thought I'd air one to the people that may care a little. I've been playing Warframe for about a year now since I got my PC and can honestly say that the combo of Dota 2 and Warframe has brought me the most fun I'v ever had in terms of gaming. Thinking back I actually started playing Warframe the day after it was released on Steam, but after finding not much to do or no real reason to keep playing I took long and inexperienced break from Warframe until late Update 8 when the real desire to come back was forced from a friend that had told me of the wonders the game had progressed, and before no time at all I was hooked. So there it is, mastery level 11, an overflowing off-star-chart account, enough primes to recreate Goldie's mouth, Warlord of the famed Summoned Legion clan and not alot left to do. To be honest the only ties keeping me playing right now is my combat brother and the impending melee 2.0, which I'am dying to play by the way!


Phew now that's off my chest I feel 10% more cared about xD


Feel free to add me on steam if you want to join the clan or just play Warframe in general, thanks for accepting me community xD




steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051168216/

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