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Water Warframe


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Hydroid is the Water/Pirate Warframe of choice by DE. This post is officially outdated and basically useless. However, I will leave it up for kicks to see what people think  :p


Theme and Stats:

Theme: Water/Blood

Type: Solo/Battle Mage/Support/Healer

Health: 125 (350 at rank 30)

Power: 150 (300 at rank 30)

Armor: 25

Shield Capacity: 100 (300 at rank 30)

Sprint Speed: 1.1

Stamina: 100


Note: these stats are a rough setup and can be altered.





Power 1: Surf- Manipulates the moisture in the air to create a torrent that she rides with great speed. The tail end of the torrent splashes outward, knocking down any enemies caught within. She can also barrel straight through hordes of enemies with the intense force that this power creates, also knocking them down. She can also control her movement slightly, arcing to either the right or left, or even up. (25 Energy)


Power 2: Water Prison- Creates a large orb of water, imprisoning all enemies that come into contact with it. The orb is fairly large and spawns directly in front of her. While trapped in the orb, all incoming fire is absorbed, the enemies cannot fire out. This creates multiple targets as sitting ducks as well as a shield barrier for protection. (50 Energy)


Power 3: Puppeteer- Manipulates the blood of a single enemy, gaining control over them and forcing them to fight for her, attacking all surrounding enemies until he is killed. (75 Energy)


Power 4: Blood Harvest- Manipulates the very blood of all surrounding enemies. She tears the blood from their bodies, absorbing it into herself to fully heal her shields and health. This also heals allies, however it only restores the health of allies, not their shields. (100 Energy)




Suggested Weapons for This Warframe:


Primary: Burrower: This high powered weapon injects a live explosive into the ground. The explosive is attached to a drilling mechanism that allows it to burrow towards targets. Once it reaches its target it drills up and launches intot he air like a bouncing betty mine and explodes. It is great for killing targets behind cover. However, it is not so great for a frontal fire fight.


Secondary: T- Nade: These small grenades release a small cloud of toxic gas when thrown. They can be thrown one at a time to take down a single opponent, or several in rapid succession to blanket a large area with the toxic gas. With no direct damage, these grenades deliver damage over time. Toss one, and take cover, wait for your enemy to keel over.


Melee: Kusari Gama:  A heavy steel, spiked ball attached to a long chain. At the end of the chain is a Kama. This melee weapon will act as an AOE style. Though it is slow starting its combination, once it gets going it increases in speed. It has low damage output, but has a long reach and hits multiple enemies at once.


Name: Raine




Raine is a strong solo and control based Warframe. She manipulates moisture, not only as water but in blood as well. Most of her abilities focus on controlling the enemies around her and dispatching them quickly and effeciently. Though she is a strong solo warframe, her great crowd control abilities would make her an asset to any squad.


Raine comes from a world flooded by vast oceans. Tsunamis, high winds, and tidal waves have ravaged what lands exist on the planet, otherwise large stations have been built directly onto the great waters.



   A sleek and slender armor that flows nicely. It needs to give the impression that she comes from a world of flowing energy and nature. Her left arm will be covered by a long sleeve (it is tight but widens at the end, which stops not at her wrist but at her palm), and a wasit cape will drape off of her right hip down to her ankle.


Mission: (This would be the mission that rewards you with blueprints of parts) I think an interesting mission would be one with a few twists and turns. As such, here is my idea:

   The mission starts as a sabatage mission. The grineer, or corpus, have taken over the planet and the stations built onto the water and turned them into fuel stations which act as a foothold for their advancment on that planet. As Tenno, your job is to infiltrate and destroy the cores of these facilities, the stations are already lost and salvaging them is beyond your means at this point. However, once you reach the core and open it, Lotus informs you that another Tenno has discovered a way to turn the tide of battle and allow you to use the stations against the grineer, or corpus and has already implanted the virus into the systems database. She also informs you that the enemy is closing in and plans to destroy the core, along with the virus, and you must protect the it at all costs and so now it becomes a defense mission.

   Most BP missions are boss missions, so this would be an interesting change. You would be forced to fight your way through heavy enemy forces to reach the core to destroy it, only to discover that you must now protect it. A standard of ten waves would be required in most cases, but since there is no boss for this mission it must have a greater challenge and so a minimum of 15 waves of enemies is required in order to complete it. Survive 15 waves and you are rewarded with a BP part.


Planet: Aquilla












          The Deep



          The Post



          Tempest (BP Mission)

Edited by (PS4)Burake
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