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Hello From A Newb Tenno And A Few Questions...


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Hi guys and Digital Extremes.

I am VERY new tho I have been a fan of Digital Extremes since Dark Sector (BTW....tge lack of NG+ in that lovely game was a cardinal sin)


I am new, as I was saying, downloaded the game like two days ago and slowly progressing solo (barely leveled my Excalibur to 10). I am far from an amazing player, average in most games at best but I am persistent so I am grinding the first few Mercury missions before starting to farm Venus ones for the Rhino components (I am new but I did my homework).

Besides the super grindy feel caused by the FTP nature of the title I like the game enough to plan to drop some 80$ to 120$ on platinum next month when I get my first paycheck of the month. So while I am going to enjoy the free stuff that comes my way I would like to ask (for when I get plat) what weapons to purchase (if I do not have them already by then).

I enjoy single shot high impact precision weapon for mid to long range for both side arms and primary weapons...examples.

• LOW LOW spread shotguns like the shotgun from Crysis 1 or the Crusader from Mass Effect 3

• DMR rifles like the DMR from Halo, the Saber from Mass Effect 3 and the Jackal from Crysis 2/3

• Revolvers or similarly powered weapons like the one in Crysis 2/3, The Executioner pistol in ME3 and the Magnum in Halo 1&4

any weapons similar in their mechanics/qualities to these will be ny first purchases.

Any suggestions on candidates and mode to go with them?

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DMR/Saber will have to be the latron/Latron Prime

Executioner pistol i would have to say the Brakk pistol

Revolver pistols i would have to say vastos or Marelok (requires clan to build)

Low spread shotguns are any of them if you have a mod called Vile Precision. But i recommend the boar prime or Phage(this is a tentacle shotty that is fun to use, but needs clan to build) 


For more info on these weapons and how to obtain them, Use the Warframe Wiki and type in the names i listed. 

Hope this helps a little 


Also, Brakk will be a later game weapon for you since it is hard to aquire without high level friends, but that gun is worth it (one of the top guns in the game, Secondary, but more powerful than a lot of the primaries.)

Edited by zebar1313
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If you want a good sniper style weapon, I'd say go for the Cernos or the Paris if you want a bow, or the Vulkar (since that's the only one you can get at your level). Shotgun-wise, the Hek is a pretty good shotgun for medium range brawls.

As for secondaries, the Lex, Vasto and Magnus are all high-powered pistols. The Ak- versions are dual-wielded versions.


You've not asked about melee weapons, but I'll dump something in anyway. Due to the upcoming Melee 2.0, don't splash out on a melee weapon just yet. See how the default Skana performs, then make a decision on what you'd like to try based on that.

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Hello there new player. i'm on a ps4 and i've been playing for quite some time now. working my way to mastery 10 as we speak. i'd say if you want a tight spread shotgun go for the sobek. its fully auto with a nice tight spread. single shot i'd say latron, definately get the prime of it later for cheapin the trading system. closest thing to the revolver would be a vasto. the lex is kinda like a dessert eagle lol. same difference really, it more a personal preference and mastery level. so keep getting new weapons to get it up. anything else im glad to help :)

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Yeah, don't buy weapons.

They're incredibly overpriced. Some aren't incredibly, but rather just plain overpriced.
It may seem like grinding, but it's better to buy forma, catalysts, reactors, and slots than to straight up buy weapons. Maybe boosters as well.

The Skana, your starting melee weapon, costs 150 platinum. Just build the weapons you want yourself. Far more rewarding, and many of the better weapons can't be bought, like the Prime weapons and the Brakk. If you buy a Latron, it'll be money wasted because you can't buy the Latron Prime, which is a straight upgrade.

It's best to figure out what Frames you want most, and, if going the platinum route, buy the ones that are most difficult or tedious to farm. Like Nekros, Vauban, or Zephyr. And Sentinels. As well as certain cosmetics.


The lowest base spread shotguns are both the Hek and the Sobek. The Sobek is automatic, but you could bake a loaf of bread with it's reload time.
And the Latron Prime will fill your DMR needs, and be a nicely viable weapon.
The Magnus and Vasto are the revolvers. Go for the AkVasto. Kicks like a mule, but the damage is magnificent.
I'm a personal fan of the AkLex, which are essential dual hand cannons. The single Lex got me through the early game, and parts of the mid game when I was new.


The game can lose it's grind feel very easily if you do the magical thing called moderation. So do that, it avoids burnout as well.

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DO NOT buy weapons. It is much easier to stock up on slots and catalysts, buy blueprints, and rush the build. It is much cheaper and only costs a bit of grind in place of money.

As for weapon choices,Hek is an accurate shotgun with high power, as is the Tigris.

DMR would be Grinlok or Latron (neither are recommended since the Latron Prime is far superior to either weapon).

Revolvers would be Magnus or Vasto (Vasto for single wield, Magnus needs dual-wield version to be good). An alternative to these is the Seer, obtained from Captain Vor. It's very balanced and more powerful than the single Lex pistol, which fires slowly but with more damage per hit.

Enjoy warframe!

Edited by UpgradeInProgress
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Since you're new here, have some basic tips from my warframe_tips.txt file.


Well, first of all, you may want to check the Wiki. Later you can also use Warframe Builder to browse weapon/frame builds and maybe even submit your own.
Boltor is a good choice for an anti-Grineer weapon. Karak is equally decent against Corpus.
I'd recommend using your Lato to create Bolto, and later Akbolto.
Rhino is a good choice as your second frame - if you have him, you can farm pretty much any mission.
How do you trade stuff? Simple, you need to be in a clan and use Trading Kiosk. And you need to be mastery rank 2 at least.a
Clans? I'm sure you'll find a good clan somewhere. Search on forums. And look for a big clan with every research done, like - for example - Asuro.
As for general tips:
 - Don't sell your weapons untill you level them up to 30, or you'll miss the Mastery
 - Do Survival, Endless Defence and Mobile Defence missions for exp and resources
 - When in any of the defences stay near the objective, or you'll be a door hero
 - Door heroes are even more hated than Leechers, so don't do it
 - When in Survival don't activate the capsule untill the support level reaches ~60%
 - People who are activating capsules early are probably even more hated than door heroes
 - Don't waste Platinum on buying weapons/frames - you can get every each of them during the gameplay
 - If you have spare Platinum buy slots. Lots and lots of slots.
 - I've mentioned Leechers... Leecher is a person that stays at the beginning and does nothing during the mission
 - If you happen to go afk - say that. Simple "brb phone" would do
 - Revive your teammates, unless you'll be put in danger. Or unless they are door heroes or leechers. Then teabag them.
 - Always wait for your team in the elevator
 - If you are the last person in the elevator you should activate it
 - Don't break reinforced glass on purpose
 - Try not to act stupid. It's irritating seeing somebody trying to meele a level 30 Napalm with his Cronus and reviving him constantly
 - Be polite. Unless you are talking to a door hero or a leecher.
 - If you are planing to leave Endless Defence or Survival - always inform your team about it. "Leaving at 15 min" will do.
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   Shotguns in warframe generally have a hideous damage falloff. They stop doing noticeable damage on 10-20 in game meters. The only exceptions are Drakgoon and Dertron. If you can manage Drakgoon charging time and slow bullets - it's the best shotgun in the game.

   For DMR rifle - latron prime is the best. If you want to get is as soon as possible you can buy it with platinum through trading. Its parts are pretty cheap (well... at least on PC).

   If you want one-shot-kill pistol you will definitely like Lex. This is the only weapon you can buy with credits and wield for the rest of the game.

Edited by Repligon
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Thanks Angius, I have browsed wikis to get my bearings, my plan is to level up my frame to 20-15 before I move on to Venus and farm for my Rhino.

I always play solo tho, I know, odd in a game like this...I anti-social

also, the reason I would buy the weapons is that, besides building a dojo/getting a sentinel it would turn the feeling of grinding to near zero for me (because once I have a familiar weapon in my hands all is well and I can just play for the fun) so I might get a sentinel, a couple of weapons and begin to build a dojo....the 2100 play pack should.do

hey, can anyone on PSN buy the Prime Packs (I saw the prime rhino advertised)

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Since you're new here, have some basic tips from my warframe_tips.txt file.


Well, first of all, you may want to check the Wiki. Later you can also use Warframe Builder to browse weapon/frame builds and maybe even submit your own.
Boltor is a good choice for an anti-Grineer weapon. Karak is equally decent against Corpus.
I'd recommend using your Lato to create Bolto, and later Akbolto.
Rhino is a good choice as your second frame - if you have him, you can farm pretty much any mission.
How do you trade stuff? Simple, you need to be in a clan and use Trading Kiosk. And you need to be mastery rank 2 at least.a
Clans? I'm sure you'll find a good clan somewhere. Search on forums. And look for a big clan with every research done, like - for example - Asuro.
As for general tips:
 - Don't sell your weapons untill you level them up to 30, or you'll miss the Mastery
 - Do Survival, Endless Defence and Mobile Defence missions for exp and resources
 - When in any of the defences stay near the objective, or you'll be a door hero
 - Door heroes are even more hated than Leechers, so don't do it
 - When in Survival don't activate the capsule untill the support level reaches ~60%
 - People who are activating capsules early are probably even more hated than door heroes
 - Don't waste Platinum on buying weapons/frames - you can get every each of them during the gameplay
 - If you have spare Platinum buy slots. Lots and lots of slots.
 - I've mentioned Leechers... Leecher is a person that stays at the beginning and does nothing during the mission
 - If you happen to go afk - say that. Simple "brb phone" would do
 - Revive your teammates, unless you'll be put in danger. Or unless they are door heroes or leechers. Then teabag them.
 - Always wait for your team in the elevator
 - If you are the last person in the elevator you should activate it
 - Don't break reinforced glass on purpose
 - Try not to act stupid. It's irritating seeing somebody trying to meele a level 30 Napalm with his Cronus and reviving him constantly
 - Be polite. Unless you are talking to a door hero or a leecher.
 - If you are planing to leave Endless Defence or Survival - always inform your team about it. "Leaving at 15 min" will do.


sorry but...what is a Door Hero exactly?

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sorry but...what is a Door Hero exactly?

Door Hero/Corridor Hero are people that are standing possibly far from the objective to defend, killing everything. Spawncamping basically. The rest of the team won't get their share of affinity (exp), and they'll need to leave the pod unguarded to collect loot. That's why you always stay near the objective.

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sorry but...what is a Door Hero exactly?

Based on his usage of the phrase, I'd assume its the higher leveled players that are more then adequately prepared who cut off the spawns at the door and just flatten the enemy as they spawn. (IE, they have done this map a billion times, know the spawn, and just need you to pick off the other spawns) 

Personally I don't care if they are a "door hero" so long as I don't need to res them. (Please don't rush the spawns if you aren't able to hold your own, that is my only gripe with newbies.)


Also in regards to affinity loss: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Experience_Mechanics

Its really not that much, if you're that overly concerned about strictly XP and kill count, run it solo, or private. Online has too many variables that come into play, and not every single player follows another player's rules.

Since there has been no formal post about "rushing" then expect it to happen, especially online, in a random p.u.g

That being said, enjoy the game, and have fun destroying hordes of enemies, if you are against kill stealing, don't roll nova, EVER.

Edited by K3R0Z1N
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So about those Prime packs? Can anyone buy them or are they restricted?

Anyone can buy them.


Boltor prime, one of the weapons you get if you purchase the first prime pack package, is actually one of the better rifles in the game, dare I say, probably in the top 5 so It should help you out alot in the early missions.


You can get those prime access items while playing the game for free, it's just that it's annoying to grind for the parts.

Edited by Sol420
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Since you're new here, have some basic tips from my warframe_tips.txt file.


Well, first of all, you may want to check the Wiki. Later you can also use Warframe Builder to browse weapon/frame builds and maybe even submit your own.
Boltor is a good choice for an anti-Grineer weapon. Karak is equally decent against Corpus.
I'd recommend using your Lato to create Bolto, and later Akbolto.
Rhino is a good choice as your second frame - if you have him, you can farm pretty much any mission.
How do you trade stuff? Simple, you need to be in a clan and use Trading Kiosk. And you need to be mastery rank 2 at least.a
Clans? I'm sure you'll find a good clan somewhere. Search on forums. And look for a big clan with every research done, like - for example - Asuro.
As for general tips:
 - Don't sell your weapons untill you level them up to 30, or you'll miss the Mastery
 - Do Survival, Endless Defence and Mobile Defence missions for exp and resources
 - When in any of the defences stay near the objective, or you'll be a door hero
 - Door heroes are even more hated than Leechers, so don't do it
 - When in Survival don't activate the capsule untill the support level reaches ~60%
 - People who are activating capsules early are probably even more hated than door heroes
 - Don't waste Platinum on buying weapons/frames - you can get every each of them during the gameplay
 - If you have spare Platinum buy slots. Lots and lots of slots.
 - I've mentioned Leechers... Leecher is a person that stays at the beginning and does nothing during the mission
 - If you happen to go afk - say that. Simple "brb phone" would do
 - Revive your teammates, unless you'll be put in danger. Or unless they are door heroes or leechers. Then teabag them.
 - Always wait for your team in the elevator
 - If you are the last person in the elevator you should activate it
 - Don't break reinforced glass on purpose
 - Try not to act stupid. It's irritating seeing somebody trying to meele a level 30 Napalm with his Cronus and reviving him constantly
 - Be polite. Unless you are talking to a door hero or a leecher.
 - If you are planing to leave Endless Defence or Survival - always inform your team about it. "Leaving at 15 min" will do.


This! All of this! 

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Anyone can buy them.


Boltor prime, one of the weapons you get if you purchase the first prime pack package, is actually one of the better rifles in the game, dare I say, probably in the top 5 so It should help you out alot in the early missions.


You can get those prime access items while playing the game for free, it's just that it's annoying to grind for the parts.


uhmmmm....if it is still there next month I will gladly get it

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Ok...so I got a Lex last night, pure awesomesauce

I completed Mercury and moved on to Venus.

speaking of, what's the best way to farm some col/electric/magnetic mode? The corpus are annoying the everliving hell out of me

Cold/Electric mods. There are no Magnetic ones. You get Magnetic by putting Electric and Cold mods at the same time.


Check on Wiki, enemies who drop those mods should be listed.

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Cold/Electric mods. There are no Magnetic ones. You get Magnetic by putting Electric and Cold mods at the same time.


Check on Wiki, enemies who drop those mods should be listed.

yes that is what I meant thanks, uhm....I checked the wiki and could not find that, I'll check it again.

btw, that Lex pistol was an amazing suggestion, I ran a few mercury missions one shotting everything on my path.

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keep in mind when you versus the Corpus that their shields are extremely strong. In a large group of them usually there is a shield drone (the machine that flies above the Corpus and charges the shields). My suggestion is take those machines out first then the walkers. As you progress in higher level Corpus levels I found this way to work best.

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keep in mind when you versus the Corpus that their shields are extremely strong. In a large group of them usually there is a shield drone (the machine that flies above the Corpus and charges the shields). My suggestion is take those machines out first then the walkers. As you progress in higher level Corpus levels I found this way to work best.

I figured that out pretty much immediately as they work just like the drones in KZ and the watchers in Halo 4

I still can't find our who drops those electric and ice mods tho, the wiki says nothing about it.

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