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Why People Hate Melee 2.0


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What If every combo hit on an enemy increased the time before the combo drops instead of resetting it?  What I mean is that if you attack an enemy 8 times, it would add 2 seconds per hit, minus the time needed to execute each attack.  So (8 hits x 2 seconds added per hit) - minus the time required to execute those attacks = time remaining before the combo drops.  If the enemy dies while executing a combo (even if you did not deal the killing blow) you get X seconds added to your combo timer.  This would at least make carrying the combo from one area to the next viable and could result in some ridiculous combo meters so, of course, the multiplier would need to be adjusted.  As it stands now, 4 seconds before the combo drops is hardly enough time to switch targets let alone rooms.

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Buff in Stamina: Marathon

Buff in Attack Speed: Fury, Berserker

Buff in Stamina Recharge: Quick Rest, Second Wind(not Stamina recharge, but you get some back with a melee kill)

Buff in Increased Melee Damage: Pressure Point, Killing Blow, Elemental damage, Heavy Trauma, Jagged Edge, Sundering Strike, Rending Strike, Focus Energy, Berserker, and probably more I'm not thinking of.


The methods to boost damage and have more stamina/get it back quicker exist. Use them.

I know they are there, what I meant was when having your primary and secondary weapons as opposed to having them equiped.....the cons outweigh it's pros.


Would be great to receieve such passive buffs as the primaries and secondaries are unequipped so the current tenno only wielding a melee weapon would be lighter, enabling him to not tire as he has more stamina than carrying stuff with him.


I was never asking for mods that had existed to currently boost these attributes, my main point was something to benefit the current tenno without his primaries and secondaries.

Edited by Clarencezer
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I just know one thing for certain: I'm not buying any Platinum until this goes live on PS4 and I can see if Melee is totally wrecked.


Depending on how wrecked it is, I'll just move on to another game or stick to my guns, very literally.


Melee isn't wrecked. It just isn't different enough to warrant any level of effort in farming up the stance mods. Guns weren't nerfed and quick attack still works as well as it ever seemed to.  

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its drains stamina not energy, when you hold down the channel button it drains stamina and drains more when you attack with melee

It was very apparent to me that when I hold down the channel button (mouse button 1) that everytime I swing the weapon, I'd lose energy as well as stamina.   Channeling doesn't use energy but upon hitting the target with a channeled weapon, you do lose energy.

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I don't know what to say....


Melee Channel is superior to Charge..... It is.


Devs are fixing Glaive and Kestrel.


No word on Stance RNG yet.


Combo looks cool, but enemies die fast...


Button config can be put into suggestion box...


Melee Attack Rate are reduced, but not bad at all... (copter rate requires: less 1.3 can copter)


People still don't know how melee channeling works lol... (it's really powerful)


Combo Multiplier come a little late to be put into consideation.....


Blocking + Reflection Mod is super powerful..... (especially in Conclave)


Overall damage boosted to one hit kill for almost all enemies....... (base, channeled, slide)


Overall a step in the right direction.... Don't know why people are angry....

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About the channel efficiency thing, done some testing and it only drains energy when you hit an enemy. Think it drains 5 energy at base, although Reflex Coil gives you a 60% reduction and Focus Energy gives you 40%. 100% efficiency means every hit while channeling only takes 1 energy.

Energy efficiency is capped at 75%

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sure there are some bugs (stance does not fit in slot and key binding)


Some strange things : a channel hit takes 5 energy, so i can kill 5 enemies for 25 energie.

for 25 energy I can launch an ultimate (and no thats not a call to nerf something)

Just give melee its own energy bar / type.

maybe green globes ? ^^


the rest is great :)

stances must be farmed ? is ok for me.

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Most of these issues would be solved by looking at the tutorial, and if you can't be bothered to do that then idk if we should care that you are having an issue.


The stances being farmed however, yes it'd have been better to give a basic stance per weapon type upon owning one of that weapon type.

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