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"Pro Version" Cash players get it all!


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I am wondering the reason that there is a "pro version" on warframes and weapons that cost platinum or real cash. It's like locking the free to play players in a demo like game... " You don't pay for playing? Then you will get locked out from half of all skill slots\points.".

If this doesn't change i'm sure in the future when the game launches that it will go down hill... My advice don't end up like bioware's SWTOR which is the worst "free to play" method...

If you must charge people for real cash then do it on weapons, cosmetic, XP boosts , Credit Boost , materials (blueprints) etc. NOT adding a pro version on every item in the game ...

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The devs have noted this and are looking into it they said.

If you bring your feedback in a proper mature way without raging and a good backing I recon they will usualy listen to what you have to say.

Try to enjoy the game,. It's still in closed beta so nothing is set in stone and everything is subject to change

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I don't like the PRO version also but since this game is only PvE it's hard to care what other people have. Thought the PRO version on the warframes itself makes a huge difference. I had ~500 shield on my char and decided to make it pro (with the 50 free platinum they gave) and right after that I had 1500 (granted I already was lvl 24 when I decided to go PRO, so I had points to spend)

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Remember this is closed beta, things are subject to change.

My friend I played a lot of games from close beta some change others don't ... Usally the games that don't change shut down.

If they don't change this "pro" system I sense a shut down or a pay to play method for warframe.

Personaly I wouldn't pay money to unlock a skill tree to kill bots ...

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My friend I played a lot of games from close beta some change others don't ... Usally the games that don't change shut down.

If they don't change this "pro" system I sense a shut down or a pay to play method for warframe.

Personaly I wouldn't pay money to unlock a skill tree to kill bots ...

This game have cost too much money, and they are too well connected DE to ever get shut down.

The payment model might change, it depends on public reaction,

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I can understand why most don't like it. I'm fine with spending a few bucks here and there to get 20 platinum for pro if I choose. I do get that others are not as fortunate sometimes and would like the game to be more equal, but DE has to make some profit. Although they don't have to specifically charge money for pro. Maybe they could charge in game credits and platinum? If it were in game credits, I'm sure it wouldn't be that much since its only 20 platinum.

Also I feel like upgrading items to pro is for those who really want to delve a bit deeper with their frames or weapons, getting more mod slots, and being able to level up stats further than the average player.

Remember its a free 2 play game. At least its not like blacklight where it takes days just to get enough credits (without spending a single cent) to get one peice of armor. I enjoy how quickly players in Warframe can earn credits.

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People who don't want to pay money in "free to play" games never will. The only effect this mechanic has is lowering population to paying customers. However, lower population attracts less paying customers. It's just a bad deal for everyone.

Edited by WildJuice
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I can understand why most don't like it. I'm fine with spending a few bucks here and there to get 20 platinum for pro if I choose. I do get that others are not as fortunate sometimes and would like the game to be more equal, but DE has to make some profit. Although they don't have to specifically charge money for pro. Maybe they could charge in game credits and platinum? If it were in game credits, I'm sure it wouldn't be that much since its only 20 platinum.

Also I feel like upgrading items to pro is for those who really want to delve a bit deeper with their frames or weapons, getting more mod slots, and being able to level up stats further than the average player.

Remember its a free 2 play game. At least its not like blacklight where it takes days just to get enough credits (without spending a single cent) to get one peice of armor. I enjoy how quickly players in Warframe can earn credits.

I understand you have the money to spend on such a game for getting "even better". But I do not like this system that you "Have" to pay for unlocking all those extra features that actually changes the game play in this way. I would understand it if it were skins, Icons, titels or what ever but giving people more talent points and doing the game so much easyer is just sad imo. Ive seen lots of games with such a system and I much say almost all of em have closed down. Sorry to say. I really hope they change it!

Best regards Shamatix

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Best regards Shamatix

And I completely understand and agree with your viewpoint. They should make upgrading available to everyone. What gets me, is when people say that other players, in a cooperative game, based on teamwork, who are "pro" or "platinum" (which can be everyone since you start off with 50 platinum) have an advantage over other players, just completely smacks me with a fish. The only advantage is that they do more damage, but those players are always on your side, contributing towards your loot and credits. The only downside is that they slightly hinder your leveling progress.

And you are right about most F2P games failing because of "Pay 2 win".

But this IS a different scenario. Its not competitive. It doesn't take days to obtain sufficient funds for a item (its actually fairly easy only taking a couple hours to buy a good weapon or frame). And, for almost every option so far, theres almost both credit and platinum options.

But again, I do agree that everything besides extremely dedicated stuff should be purchaseble ingame.

DE has heard the community and the will likely make this an option.

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I understand you have the money to spend on such a game for getting "even better". But I do not like this system that you "Have" to pay for unlocking all those extra features that actually changes the game play in this way. I would understand it if it were skins, Icons, titels or what ever but giving people more talent points and doing the game so much easyer is just sad imo. Ive seen lots of games with such a system and I much say almost all of em have closed down. Sorry to say. I really hope they change it!

Best regards Shamatix

How many games like this have actually closed down because of this reason?

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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I think that developers can make a quests that will unlock various PRO mods or make new bosses with "pro mod unlock" blueprint drop chance. Maybe random boss spawn in various locations or systems.

Something like we had with new warframes: if you wanna get them - pay a little or farm bosses, depends on your choice and possibility.

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I agree that paying real money for pro version of stuff isn't good looking feature.

But I suggest next thing: upgrade to pro will require some materials and blueprint. Some of them might be easily obtained through completing missions, others don't. So players will have an opportunity to choose: grind materials, buy from other players (if market will be implemented) or buy them with real money in a "black market" or kind of.

Important thing is balance between how hard to get item in game and how much does it cost. And the best decision here is to make easilly obtained items cost more and rare - less. It might generate stable income.

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I think there should also be a minimum rank for which you have to achieve in order to unlock the option for pro, like 25 or so, to make progression and usage of the item more rewarding. Maybe even requiring to fill the 'normal' tree before you can go pro, but that would be annoying.

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  • 1 month later...

It s just annoying looking around this game is awesome but indeed tricky ,every othere game with a giveaway of free beta keys is sold out ...now it s just a beta showing more skills like an original ....but who cares ...i do and maybe othere follow ....no blueprints ..just some weapons to change ...warframes changing might be another tab

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What's this "pro version/system" I keep reading about. I see some say that it's gone and some that it's here, so I'm confused as to what it actually is.

If you legitimately don't know, it's the system that was in place before the catalyst/reactor system was a thing. Basically, instead of crafting/buying reactors and catalysts, you had no choice but to pay 20 plat to "supercharge" a weapon or warframe.

It's been gone for a while now, and never coming back.

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You guys gotta remember that they can't make the premium model completely fair to free players.

They don't have nearly the resources of a company like Valve.

The chances of them making the pay options better would be higher when this game picks up enough ground.

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