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De You Must Be Kidding Me...


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If you're having trouble getting Deltas, my clanmate and I had best success on Egeria. We do 20-minute runs using Nekros and Nova, been averaging better than 2 delta per run (last one got 5). So since we always play together, that's an average of better than 2 keys per 20 minutes.

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Plenty of games handle both.


i.e. Wildstar (which I'm salivating over)


Few games handle both WELL. Warframe is more along the lines of Borderlands where its loot and shoot distribution ratios are concerned. Less actually, since even Borderlands still has more variety than Warframe does in regard to its character customization aspects. I suppose Focus might be the golden goose on that front, but only time will tell.


I think Warframe kinda screwed itself by trying to add too much variety in the worst ways, what with all of its new mods and weapons that often equated to filler space, fusion fodder or mastery fodder for most folks. Plus, every new item they come out with has a big event or some sort of drawn out grinding process attached to it too, which just compounds the gamey attitude about its variety (or lack there of) with a focus on a grind effective meta with certain weapon, frame and mod combos. Warframe's attempts at introducing variety simple kills any potential variety it has as frame/weapon/mod tweaks change the game from this flavor of the month to that flavor of the month, rather than whatever color you like since its all just as effective at a base value.


Fixing damage 2.0 (again) would be a start, but undoing the sheer volume of damage done in the year prior will be a very long road ahead, and long standing players will likely view the game with an almost grizzled war veteran demeanor once its all said and done. At this stage, I don't foresee Warframe getting much of its shoot back from its loot minded efforts without an almost constant focus on nothing but core system adjustments and the occasional long overdue tweak to this or that...

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So finally after 6 hours (SIX ****ING HOURS) I managed to get my first two Delta Beacons. I thought I could finally go kick Hek's &#!, but no. There a one-hour build time on the key ffs. 

do the Ceres' Defense wave (shipyard)

1 beacon after/on 5th wave onwards.

2 after/on 10th wave

and so on...

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