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"Pro" System will it be removed?


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correction im decked out with pro on my gorgon and aklato's and there no where near OP get your facts straight also , you saying this like its some sort of PvP game IF THIS WAS a pvp game i would understand but yous are complaining over something so silly , your against AI all the time and yet yous are making it out as if we are owning them all with our pro weapons/WF

The thing is in the long run your weapons will not pack the same punch against high level enemies, the higher the level they are they start to pack alot more health, and with pro you can for example have double the upgrade damage, clip size, fire rate and mod slots wich can add whatever you want, making you alot stronger if you know what you're doing with the mods.

My warframe for example wich is the excalibur has pro since i didn't know what it was at the time and pressed unknowing, is way stronger than he would be without pro, actually i would have probably half the power i currently have on him without it, later down the line if i found some extremely good mod without having pro i would probably have a good edge, but still, with pro you can have double that...

Offering any kind of deal that gives you power for real life money is always bad in any game, always starts controversy.

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People this is not a P2W Topic this is balancing out between platinum players and free to play ...

having unique weapons for platinum is fair because the player support the game

pro system removed or changed would be fair to the free to play ... you wont be force to buy platinum to play normaly...

Pro system is also against platinum players ... they should have a skill tree with out having to take their wallets out every time they get a new weapon or warframe

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Thats the point of balancing it out ... free to play players are not affected by the normal gameplay ... plus this is a pve .... so unique weapons for your friends in the group wouldn't be a bad thing right?

The game alredy has unique weapons that you need to pay for in order to arquire, as long the weapons you are talking about are nothing incredible (because offering extremely good weapons on cash shop would kind of ruim the point of hunting down mobs for good weapon blueprints).

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Also what if they have a voting system kick the free to play because they didn't buy platinum to help out with the boss fight... In the future if they add a kick system ..... no free to play will play it ...game will become pay to play ... just like SWTOR is now a fake free to play...

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I think the pro system should be kept in place, but could be expanded through maxing out the frame/gun to get the expanded tree. Maybe have people who use plat to get pro add 5 levels to the equipment and still get the expanded tree without having to max the standard tree. This gives incentive to end-game weapons and boosts paying players who want to get strong weapons faster

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The thing is in the long run your weapons will not pack the same punch against high level enemies, the higher the level they are they start to pack alot more health, and with pro you can for example have double the upgrade damage, clip size, fire rate and mod slots wich can add whatever you want, making you alot stronger if you know what you're doing with the mods.

My warframe for example wich is the excalibur has pro since i didn't know what it was at the time and pressed unknowing, is way stronger than he would be without pro, actually i would have probably half the power i currently have on him without it, later down the line if i found some extremely good mod without having pro i would probably have a good edge, but still, with pro you can have double that...

Offering any kind of deal that gives you power for real life money is always bad in any game, always starts controversy.

hence why i made a suggestion further up F2P have a option of a slightly exspanded tech tree or blueprint pro cards that you can craft , either way there not exspecting you to use the same weapon hence why you should save up for the gorgon or something when you get the money , gorgon deals with anyone fully upgraded (WO pro) to a lvl or 38 , 40 if you want to take a chance

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I think the pro system should be kept in place, but could be expanded through maxing out the frame/gun to get the expanded tree. Maybe have people who use plat to get pro add 5 levels to the equipment and still get the expanded tree without having to max the standard tree. This gives incentive to end-game weapons and boosts paying players who want to get strong weapons faster

i think i get your idea *Sorta* are you meaning like you can upgrade 5 different categories etc like you get the starting , dmg,crit,reload,clip,speed but you can pro upgrade each different categories to lets say i spend 5 plat on dmg and that unlocks the rest of the tech tree for dmg etc etc

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hence why i made a suggestion further up F2P have a option of a slightly exspanded tech tree or blueprint pro cards that you can craft , either way there not exspecting you to use the same weapon hence why you should save up for the gorgon or something when you get the money , gorgon deals with anyone fully upgraded (WO pro) to a lvl or 38 , 40 if you want to take a chance

I see i didn't know you were thinking about a pro blueprint, the way you debated semmed to resolve around the idea that pro should remain platinum only. I agree on there being other methods, or simply a credit charge for placing weapons on pro status.

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Right now *pro* system is the essence of pay to win. On late levels you can't fight back withouf full upgrades. The way i see it, the developer has these options to resolve this issue:

1) Give us the ability to upgrade to pro by using credits.

2) Give F2P players ways of earning free platinum

3) Remove this P2W system entirely (as stated above, it does not really add anything but frustration

Using platinum to get more visual customization or getting weapon/warframe early on is one thing, but being unable to unlock the full potential,of weapon/warframe without "chipping in" is just plain evil.

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why dont we all just make the game open and all acessable to credits HUH , its just a tech tree and yet here you are yet again , the reason there is a pro system is cause they want you to spend money at some point , what you can dish out £2 or even $5 and then you can get around 3-5 pro's

Ohh really? They want money from their fans so they can keep on developing and making this amazing game? How shamefull!

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As I had stated in other threads. Pro sysytem is an abomination.

It reallly has no place in f2p title like Warframe. Capping player's frame and weapon level is a bad move made by DE. De need a more creative way to make playes feel like paying for the content without dividing playerbase or gimped the fun out of it.

They can make the gun more, lots more expensive than it currently is without level cap. Look at Planetside 2, weapon price in ingame credit is outrageous that it takes you days to gather enough credit to buy one and guess what, they look exactly the same. That's acceptable because free players are expect to grind their way into the game while payers who support the game will get things faster, not better.

Booster and cosmetic is better move in a long run. No business can cover their deveolpment cost at launch. LARGE playerbase is needed and with the pro system intact, I bet that playerbase won't grow as fast, or as large as it should. It boils down to sell a pricey product to handful of consumers or selling a cheaper product to larger audience.

Which is safer for a company?

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i feel two ways about this:

1) ic ould see myself spending 5-10 dollars to "pro" a bunch of different weapons. but then i couldnt see myself dropping another dime on this game. selling power is a slippery slope. i would spend way more if it was cosmetic only or if everything purchasable with platinum that isnt cosmetic could be bought with credits.

2) i think you should look at league of legends, planetside 2 for a good model. these games are hugely and insanely popular and produce TONS OF MONEY because they dont sell power. the 1% of paying customers needs that other 99% of non paying customers to feel satisfied and happy with the game so that they have people to play with and show off what they bought. think really carefully before you release this game selling power.

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The fact of the matter is, some people don't want to spend much money on games, because they don't have the money to spend. There are people out there who are rich and greedy and want everything for free. But most people aren't like that.

My opinion on this topic, is the pro system is pay to win, and I don't like that. I'm more of a buy game once, that's it kind of guy. In fact I have never bought dlc in my life, which means I've missed out on a lot of content of games.

A simple solution to this pro mode madness is to make a one time gameplay pro mode purchase for x dollars. And that's it, you're pro on everything. No more microtransactions for that.

As for cosmetic changes, I agree with the people stating that they can remain as micro transactions. Allows people who like the game to support the developers financially without giving them an unfair advantage.

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pro system is fine if it can be unlocked/purchased via in-game currency

lets be honest here, if you dont buy pro you cant advance your character progress [if i'm lvl 20 volt, i will have leftover points which i can't use until buy plat and unlock pro]

just make it that you can only unlock pro if you have filled all slot/automatically turn into pro at certain lvl

remember, pay for convinience/skip grind is how a good f2p works

for example, dota and league of legend have this system

the current pro system is like if in league of legend, you can't purchase a certain hero even with in-game currency [iRL money only] which really points out pay 2 win model

do not restrict any main compononent of game to free 2 play player

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*waves head in shame* F2P players will always moan to get what the want , IMO there is nothing wrong with the pro system if it was totaly unfair you would not have a decent size tech tree now would you

F2P has more than enough to upgrade for there tech tree , pro is just doubling the upgrading space but by a bit more also , why are you complaining about this you get free plat to buy 2 pro's

Fair? Since i only have access to Loki, i can discuss that. Not beign to USE its 4th skill which is the most useful one for the team is stupid, not fair...

This Pro system is just bad. period.

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Sikab .. some platinum players prefer it that way ... It makes them feel better to have so called pro system as a payment method for platinum.

Face it DIBBz this is a free to play game if you don't like it then you should ask them to make it pay to play..

Warframe = Unfair! 100%

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Sikab .. some platinum players prefer it that way ... It makes them feel better to have so called pro system as a payment method for platinum.

Face it DIBBz this is a free to play game if you don't like it then you should ask them to make it pay to play..

Warframe = Unfair! 100%

when my monthly payment arrives (a week or so), I'm gonna pick up the 50bucks founder pack. I'm gonna be "platinum" too. I still want the change of Pro...

Call me a jerk, but F2P players are content for "payers". If the system isn't appealing enough for the F2P players, there will be less content.

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How can anyone like this system? Paying customer: why the hell do you care. you said it yourslef, that it's not that much, which means that it has no purpose for you whatsoever. Even so, minimum ammount of platinum to buy is 75, which is ALMOST 4 pgrades, but it's not, which makes you buy more platinum just for tha sake of 1 singlepro upgrade, that you needed. Dev's stated, taht the game will be fair to everyone, yet in it's current state it is not. Most of the people, that support pro system did not even read the theard, because if theywould, they would understand what we are talking about. Have some dignity, people. Lategame is impossibl without full pro upgrades on everything, which makes the game pay2win. Either make it available to buy pro for credits or take it out.

Edited by LionShard
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Lategame is impossibl without full pro upgrades on everything, which makes the game pay2win.

No it means the endgame content (pluto) is 5-15 levels higher than the maximum level in the game. Don't need pro to do level 30 content by any means. Also you can do pluto as a 4 man team without going pro.

Mods matter far more than going pro.

Edited by MegatechBody
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Hey DiBBz I give up dude .. just trying to make game better and no one seems to listen to reason .. gonna unistall this demo like game and play real company games

Remember DiBBz this game will not last long after launch :) I was right about some other games so .. don't be so quick to say " your just a guy who complains about everything"

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No it means the endgame content (pluto) is 5-15 levels higher than the maximum level in the game. Don't need pro to do level 30 content by any means. Also you can do pluto as a 4 man team without going pro.

Mods matter far more than going pro.

In late game you cant fight your enemy full team without FULL MOD SLOTS on ALL OF YOUR WEAPONS.

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