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Dark Sectors - Peak Of Lazy Design


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I think there's a bit of a misunderstanding here about the Dark Sectors. There's two sides to it: the actual node that gets unlocked, and then the solar rail conflicts. The conflicts are supposed to be the endgame stuff, and the node that gets unlocked is just another node for anyone to run. If the unlocked nodes were so difficult that only veterans could complete it, then fewer people would run it, so the clan would get a lot less resources for owning it, and capturing it wouldn't be worth it.


Another tileset or super-challenging mission is never going to qualify as endgame, because what happens after you beat it or get tired of looking at it? I'm pretty sure the constant push and pull between clans fighting over the Dark Sectors is what's supposed to provide a more endgame-like experience.

Even if that were so, I'm sure you can agree that the way in which it was implemented was terrible.

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Dark sectors are supposed to be END GAME.


We need challenge for rank 15 players.

We need reward that rank 15 players doesn't already have.


As a rank 15 player, who have almost everything (rhino prime my nemesis), i can't careless about getting a boost 30% loot / XP.

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Dark sectors are supposed to be END GAME.


We need challenge for rank 15 players.

We need reward that rank 15 players doesn't already have.


As a rank 15 player, who have almost everything (rhino prime my nemesis), i can't careless about getting a boost 30% loot / XP.

End game that we want is not the end game DE wants to provide us. Guess it may be time to move onto another game.

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i want to be afraid of dying, i want to see myself forced to ask my team for help, i want a reason to bring my best weapons to a mission. i can solo dark sector conflicts with a non-catalyzed braton, how dare you call this end game? also, 5k credits (on ceres) almost 0 exp, 0 mods (unless you were looking for antitoxin), 0 resources, i dont find any reason to play ds conflicts more than once.


its not that hard, give veteran players a "new planet" with lvl 100-150 enemies, better chance for rare stuff, make bosses spawn randomly during missions like 10min into a survival "lotus: tenno, General sargas ruk (lvl 100) is here to kill you". thats endgame

Edited by xLaNn
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i want to be afraid of dying, i want to see myself forced to ask my team for help, i want a reason to bring my best weapons to a mission. i can solo dark sector conflicts with a non-catalyzed braton, how dare you call this end game? also, 5k credits (on ceres) almost 0 exp, 0 mods (unless you were looking for antitoxin), 0 resources, i dont find any reason to play ds conflicts more than once.


its not that hard, give veteran players a "new planet" with lvl 100-150 enemies, better chance for rare stuff, make bosses spawn randomly during missions like 10min into a survival "lotus: tenno, General sargas ruk (lvl 100) is here to kill you". thats endgame


^ Masochist.


Everyone else would like some pretty new tiles plz.

Maybe even a negative version of the world the rail comes from? A "Negaverse" maybe???

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End game is ment for...END GAME! Its MENT for veterans! otherwise you CAN'T call it end game. And the way clans throw conflict at the rails its NOT even the nod we get to play! The moment the conflict is over another clan will throw there rail at it in hopes of winning and BAM we have 24 hours to play on that nod. Last time i checked i had work, and a life, and things to do. I should NOT come on to play and see all nods in a contested state. I cant play dark sectors cause were ALL to busy fighting for a clan WE DONT CARE ABOUT! no offense to other clans but i came to the dark sectors to PLAY on the dark sectors not to fight for you.



Edit: I mean i have a solar rail...why cant i deploy it next to my dojo? Look at that i have a rail that cant be contested and that i can go to whenever i want! WHOA! problem SOLVED! Only your clan mates and anyone you invite can use the rail! And maybe make the % lower then the others. like 5% instead of the 25 and 30% I've been seeing. At least then me and my clan mates can get these new channel mods without paying a clan or waiting 2 days for a dark sector to open then RUSH through the waves of enemies before the next rail makes it contested!

Edited by KibaWesker
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OK, so after my previous post about the underwhelming release of the Dark Sectors, I've had a bit of a play now that there are contested nodes and to be honest..... it's only ok. If they made the conflicts PvP based (not PvE vs Tenno bots) and added gear level restrictions (lower level nodes requiring a lower conclave rating or whatever), I would play the absolute crap out of the content...

As it stands, the content simply doesn't provide enough for me to invest much time into.... make it PvP and I know at least a dozen people that would not only install the game, but drop cash money on getting the stuff they needed to be competetive in a PvP environment.

Adding to this, I'm a PVE hero, not a PvPer... that said, I believe that some sort of organized PvP would be a great inclusion for Endgame.

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OK, so after my previous post about the underwhelming release of the Dark Sectors, I've had a bit of a play now that there are contested nodes and to be honest..... it's only ok. If they made the conflicts PvP based (not PvE vs Tenno bots) and added gear level restrictions (lower level nodes requiring a lower conclave rating or whatever), I would play the absolute crap out of the content...

As it stands, the content simply doesn't provide enough for me to invest much time into.... make it PvP and I know at least a dozen people that would not only install the game, but drop cash money on getting the stuff they needed to be competetive in a PvP environment.

Adding to this, I'm a PVE hero, not a PvPer... that said, I believe that some sort of organized PvP would be a great inclusion for Endgame.

The problem is people are so Focused on fighting one another they dont care about the actual NODE there fighting for! you have 24 hours to play on that node before another clan fights minimum! in that 24 hours, between work, life and everything do you think your clan will get enough money from taxes to fun invasions? the answer? NO! The problem is people want a clan vs clan tile set or interactions the only problem is this is a TERRIBLE way to go about it.

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DS are clealry using placeholders until a major infested update can be released.At this point, the focus is not upon the maps themselves but on the clan conflict.

Yea but its not really a conflict because NOBODY is enjoying it. Its putting a half created idea into a game and because its half created nobody really wants to touch it...its not even a place holder its just discouraging to say the least :/

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