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Love Or Hate Melee 2.0?


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The new maps & melee system are brilliant.

Combo's etc are great fun to use... Hardly shot anything since it came out.

Volt + Melee 2.0 = Best.Fun.Ever!


Thing that bugs me is there are probably literally thousands of people stuck behind the RNG wall who havnt experienced the new system yet.

There are people that still wont for a couple days at least...

By the time these people get their Stance mods they'll be to worn out to care about it anymore and the fun of the update is over for them.


Could've led the update out with a minor Event style mini boss that you have to beat with melee, a very difficult one that drops a random common Stance...

Then people could at least work towards a goal instead of being stuck behind RNG with their fate completely out of their hands.



The Stalker is difficult now... I say make him more difficult and then change all his mod drops to Stances.

This will at least allow people to work towards getting a stance less RNG based.

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I like it. I even like the fact that the stances are hard to get. It gives me something to do. For me, killing stuff in warframe isn't why I play. I play to collect stuff and to get cool things and if they had just given out all of the mods for free, I would have played much, much less than I did this weekend.

Plus katana. Plus channeling. Plus all melee actually works and people seems to be curious of people going all melee and tend to join in(at least if I see two or more people doing it, I just go melee if I can)


Earth + Cambria = Tranquil Cleave in 30 minutes, first run.  Did that twice, got it twice.  Stances are NOT HARD TO GET. 


You guys just want DE to hold your hand.

Edited by Vondredd
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Earth + Cambria = Tranquil Cleave in 30 minutes, first run.  Did that twice, got it twice.  Stances are NOT HARD TO GET. 


You guys just want DE to hold your hand.

Actually they ARE THAT HARD TO GET.


You were just lucky... So was I.

I've found about 9 Tranquil Cleaves... Kept 1 and gave the other 8 away to the less fortunate.


But.. I am the only person in my little group (10 of us that play) that has actually found it.

Thats 1 in 10 people... They are trying just as hard as me...

There are loads of people trying just as hard as us but because its an RNG drop there is a chance they will never get it... Ever!

There are people all over the place still saying they cant get it... Are they not trying ? or do you just not listen to them because you got lucky ?


Its a Lucky drop... Some of us got lucky the majority hasnt yet.

People that keep saying "Its easy to get" are just irritating the guys that have been running days of survival and getting nothing...




Delayed Edit - "About 9 Estimation is off. Have found 7 in total.

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I can't say I love, and here's why: The stance system is fine, I'm okay with waiting a couple weeks to get my mod. But the combos have a major issue. They look fantastic, they do, and in practice there fun, all be it sometimes not really that useful. But there are too few. Not in general, but per stance. In a mission, I can't switch weapons, so the stance I have at the start is it, and in many cases, that mean normal melee+1 combo. That not good. So for me to love it, each stance would need to have at least 5-6 combos. Other than that I like it. 

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I dislike it, the combo system just doesn't work like I thought it would or like some other players have said it does. It just doesn't. Timing clicks by looking at the swing animations just does NOT work. At least not with the machete. There is one comboe E E E wait E. If I click E just when the previous swing is about to end and take a short pause after the 3rd swing nothing ever happens. If I click E at a steady slow rate 4 times in a row with no pause anywhere, then it does the combo move... It's just rubbish.


Spent like an hour trying to learn the machete combos but I just can't do it. Screw it... Maybe I just suck at timing clicks but it shouldn't be this hard. Impossible to do in actual combat so it's just back to the boring E spam.


Oh well this patch offered a few hours of frustrating stance farming and a few hours frustration trying to learn combos. I'm done. Maybe I'll play Vindictus again for some fun melee combat, too bad the maps/levels suck in that game.

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Actually they ARE THAT HARD TO GET.


You were just lucky... So was I.

I've found about 9 Tranquil Cleaves... Kept 1 and gave the other 8 away to the less fortunate.


But.. I am the only person in my little group (10 of us that play) that has actually found it.

Thats 1 in 10 people... They are trying just as hard as me...

There are loads of people trying just as hard as us but because its an RNG drop there is a chance they will never get it... Ever!

There are people all over the place still saying they cant get it... Are they not trying ? or do you just not listen to them because you got lucky ?


Its a Lucky drop... Some of us got lucky the majority hasnt yet.

People that keep saying "Its easy to get" are just irritating the guys that have been running days of survival and getting nothing...


I'm sorry but if you think that I was "lucky," and that you think a lot of people are "unlucky" that this magical "RNG God." is frowning upon them, then you're just as delusional as the rest of the people giving the pity excuse for not working for their keep.


Luck is based on dice (unless it's fixed dice, which is what you ppl complaining want), not a %. You hunt the right mobs, in the right mission, you'll get what you want.  


Also, the fact that your buddies are unlucky is only because of the 9 tranquil's you have, you could of instead ran them with you during those runs, and they ALSO would of gotten it along with you.  And as three of them would of obtain this, theres still 7 buddies left, and you obtained 8 more runs of tranquil, thus the % of you and your buddies getting tranquil, had you had them come along, would of sky rocketed to where not only all of your buddies would of had tranquil, but 3x more of them could of also obtained this.


RNG is fine.  Btw, I just got the 2nd scythe stance on my 2nd run while farming for it.  If anyone remembers the Pac-Man adventure game for SNES -- That's not what this game is.  Again, DE, will not hold your hand.

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I'm sorry but if you think that I was "lucky," and that you think a lot of people are "unlucky" that this magical "RNG God." is frowning upon them, then you're just as delusional as the rest of the people giving the pity excuse for not working for their keep.


Luck is based on dice (unless it's fixed dice, which is what you ppl complaining want), not a %. You hunt the right mobs, in the right mission, you'll get what you want.  


Also, the fact that your buddies are unlucky is only because of the 9 tranquil's you have, you could of instead ran them with you during those runs, and they ALSO would of gotten it along with you.  And as three of them would of obtain this, theres still 7 buddies left, and you obtained 8 more runs of tranquil, thus the % of you and your buddies getting tranquil, had you had them come along, would of sky rocketed to where not only all of your buddies would of had tranquil, but 3x more of them could of also obtained this.


RNG is fine.  Btw, I just got the 2nd scythe stance on my 2nd run while farming for it.  If anyone remembers the Pac-Man adventure game for SNES -- That's not what this game is.  Again, DE, will not hold your hand.

Don't need anyone to hold my hand... Doubt thats what the others want too.

They just want to express that this couldve been handled better.


I live in a different country to them... Very far over the water.

I play host they get lag, they host I get lag... We dont like lag.

They do their thing and I do mine... But we stay on chat all night together and talk.



What you're missing here is just because 1 person got the mod out of 10 does not make it "Easy to get".

There are hundreds of people still trying to get it... Trying a lot harder than you did.

In fact DE was holding your hand and gave it to you on a silver platter and you throw it in other players faces... 

Yet you still believe that because you got it "Its easy"...


Think of more than yourself bud... Little tip for the future.


- I'm out.

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Don't need anyone to hold my hand... Doubt thats what the others want too.

They just want to express that this couldve been handled better.


I live in a different country to them... Very far over the water.

I play host they get lag, they host I get lag... We dont like lag.

They do their thing and I do mine... But we stay on chat all night together and talk.



What you're missing here is just because 1 person got the mod out of 10 does not make it "Easy to get".

There are hundreds of people still trying to get it... Trying a lot harder than you did.

In fact DE was holding your hand and gave it to you on a silver platter and you throw it in other players faces... 

Yet you still believe that because you got it "Its easy"...


Think of more than yourself bud... Little tip for the future.


- I'm out.


"Also, the fact that your buddies are unlucky is only because of the 9 tranquil's you have, you could of instead ran them with you during those runs, and they ALSO would of gotten it along with you.  And as three of them would of obtain this, theres still 7 buddies left, and you obtained 8 more runs of tranquil, thus the % of you and your buddies getting tranquil, had you had them come along, would of sky rocketed to where not only all of your buddies would of had tranquil, but 3x more of them could of also obtained this."
Not sure how this wasn't thinking more about them, then it was you.  
You can't simply judge someone you don't know either. You might as well throw everything you just stated out the window, because I highly doubt that many players tip addition plat when making trades.  I doubt that many players purposely seek out MR 1 players and advance them quickly through multiple ODD runs (wave 40+).  I doubt that many players run 2 man clans, and build a dojo from the ground up using their "hard earned" resources so when they invite in a community of new recruits, they can spend their resources on what they need without having to worry about contributing to the dojo.
For someone who's contributed over a thousand of his US dollars to support something he loves, and the players to which he plays along side with --  I highly doubt I'm selfish.  You know nothing about me.
You're feeble attempt to turn this into something personal is a joke.
And lastly, you got the tranquil mod 9 TIMES.  That is the exact definition of "EASY TO GET."  And those supposively "hundreds of people" who are still trying to get it.. Aren't actually trying.  You actually don't know what they are doing right or wrong because you are not playing with them to acknowledge any of this as fact.  I'm saying there is a CHANCE that they aren't ACTUALLY working for any of it, or a CHANCE that they are DOING IT WRONG.
Not to mention you stating you just obtained 9 of the same rarest stance is more of a brag in its own right.  How is that not throwing it in my face or anyone elses??....
"I'm out."  
Good riddance.  Don't serve what you can't handle... Little tip for the future.
Edited by Vondredd
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I feel it's a good addition and a good basis to start with. All the comments over RNG to me don't make any sense at all except for bringing up the whole instant gratification thing that comes to mind whenever I see people talking about not getting something, well, instantly. I played this weekend and picked up six stance mods. Five I got through just playing missions without even knowing if a stance was going to be there, in other words, I wasn't hunting them down. One I traded for 2plat from a nice player, because I wanted to. A good enough reason as any.


I love the Lecta now! The stance I have on it is only one (burning), so I'm eager to find the other stance for it (coiling).


The stance I have for my Bo/Amphis is also pretty fun also.


The Machete stance I wasn't feeling, it just seemed that the combos were so slow and that by the time you got to the finish, your enemies would have moved or were just dead anyways...or you had been shot to pieces lol. Almost like it wasn't worked on as hard as the Bo.


Fracturing Wind, which seems to be the most common drop (I've acquired about 10 or so of them) is ok. I've yet to extensively play with it, but I found it very awkward to try and use in a fight granted that the combo that ends in a ground slam is very useful...you just have to get to that point lol! Once again, I found the button timing to be really slow.


The Scythe stance I have yet to really work with.


The Polearm stance for my orthos was really fun as well. Can't wait to actually use it more than I did.


*Edit - I forgot that I had also just picked up the Scindo or axe mod. I tried it out in a grineer mission and the combos are so slow I just constantly got chewed up by gunfire. Wasn't usable by me even with over 1200 shield and 860 health, while using block and fast shield recharge. I may just need to adjust my gameplay greatly with it and consider more flipping about lol!


The only problem for me is I have most melee weapons already since I've been a melee first kind of player since closed beta. So, the few weapons I'm working on I tend to use, and I may not have the stances for those, which is a little bit of a downer. Ah well. I'm sure once I get desperate enough I'll check out the list of what enemies drop what.


I feel like the combo system is really slow and that melee is really slow as a primary now also. This may have just been a rebalancing of "we've gone too far" in melee attack speed, and I just need to get used to it.


So far the weapon stance that's been an instant hit with me has been the Lecta/Burning Wasp combo. It's a really slow combo to run through, like most of them, but it has a huge range of area that it effects. I do feel that these combos in general really leave you open to a whole lot of gunfire (because they do) while you're spinning your way through the animation. I've modded up my volt with max high shield and health, max endurance and stamina regeneration, and given him the max reflect mod, this is all along with my normal high shield recharge rate mods. I've toyed with adding on the +30 stamina mod on my weapons, but it doesn't feel worth it while fighting since I tend to have melee channeling and block up all the time.


I'll be looking forward to playing more with the stances, and I have a feeling that the combo system will get tweaked of course, with the option of even new stances coming out in the future :D

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Guys, this is specifically why I said this.

This topic is not about why, so no arguing. I just want to ask this about melee 2.0: do you love, hate, or eh?

Whether you're wrong or right, just no arguing. Please.

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Guys, this is specifically why I said this.


Whether you're wrong or right, just no arguing. Please.


My apologies.  But you need to include "players *@##$ing about RNG not welcomed." if you want this thread to work.

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My apologies.  But you need to include "players *@##$ing about RNG not welcomed." if you want this thread to work.

People can say whatever they feel like saying, because this thread is about their opinion on melee 2.0 (since stances are technically part of that). It wouldn't be a problem so long as everyone can understand this is not about proving anyone right or wrong. So again, please don't argue.

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It's still just bringing a knife to a gunfight. It's just a ridiculously OP knife in some cases now, which now also grants you near total damage immunity. Aside from that; as if the rare mod drops rates and tables weren't completely broken before, they've just become a nonsensical joke.


On a side note, void drops are just as broken as ever. Anyone need a Boar Prime Receiver? Cheap!

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Guys, this is specifically why I said this.


Whether you're wrong or right, just no arguing. Please.

Soz dude.

I wasnt actually arguing... Thing is someone thats looking for an argument will always see a reply as an argument.

I merely pointed out my thoughts and then some other dude got forum cancer in the brain.

It was actually hilarious to watch.


Either way I still think that plugging an update behind RNG was the wrong way to go about it.

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Hm, I do like the Melee 2.0 so far.

Just one thing has been on my mind lately.

If primary and secondary weapons have a multi-shot/multi-hit.......why doesn't melee weapons get one?







I would call the mod for melee multi-hits Resonance  :X

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Hm, I do like the Melee 2.0 so far.

Just one thing has been on my mind lately.

If primary and secondary weapons have a multi-shot/multi-hit.......why doesn't melee weapons get one?


I would call the mod for melee multi-hits Resonance :X

Melee has a Reflection Mod which people arnt very used to using.

That combined with a Stamina mod and you can stand on a hill holding block watching mobs kill themselves.

This hits as many mobs as what are shooting at you... Its kinda OP at the moment.

Also it has Cleave (On most weapons) which hits 2 too 5 targets.

And stances that add even more cleave if youre lucky enough to get one.

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