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Solar Rail Conflict Design Failure: Grind. Solution Idea.


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Aside from Monolake's solar rail conflict design (which I like), I think that there should be at least 24 hours of no-conflict granted after a conflict is finished, so that averyone have free/taxed access to the dark sector and to the defense/survival mode of that sector.

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I could see a map maker. Something inspired by The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot (although that one is kinda borked right now) and Dungeon Keeper. They would have to put a room size minimum and maximum to prevent either just tons of arc traps in a constantly twisting corridor, or long corridors with sniper specters.

Edited by HiroProtagonest
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OR OR get this:REMOVE the conflict missions completely and make it so one can choose which rail to use to go to X dark sector and that the Rail that's used the most gets to stay.I want to go to the Dark Sectors for the Exp bonuses but if they're always in conflict (i understand that the bonus exp doesn't apply to conflict missions, correct me if i'm wrong, but still a sabotage mission will never be as profitable as a defense or survival mission specially if what you're going there for is to level your melee weapons which is easier to do Vs infested than any other faction )and the battle pay for conflitcs is so stupidly low i'm just not going bother, besides what's the point of the conflicts if almost every clan charges 0% ? my solution may not be as inventive as the one suggested by the OP but it's simpler. Sorry if there're too many spelling/grammar mistakes

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OR OR get this:REMOVE the conflict missions completely and make it so one can choose which rail to use to go to X dark sector and that the Rail that's used the most gets to stay.I want to go to the Dark Sectors for the Exp bonuses but if they're always in conflict (i understand that the bonus exp doesn't apply to conflict missions, correct me if i'm wrong, but still a sabotage mission will never be as profitable as a defense or survival mission specially if what you're going there for is to level your melee weapons which is easier to do Vs infested than any other faction )and the battle pay for conflitcs is so stupidly low i'm just not going bother, besides what's the point of the conflicts if almost every clan charges 0% ? my solution may not be as inventive as the one suggested by the OP but it's simpler. Sorry if there're too many spelling/grammar mistakes

Yeah I thought about that, and while it is a good solution for being so quick and dirty, it doesn't really make sense when you think about it storywise.

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update: The 48 hours conflict timers were supposed to run out today, only 3(?) conflicts resolved. Many are still at ~80-90% DE added 24 more hours to the timer.

Obviously people are not very interesting in running them so many times. Sectors are still being locked out. ¯\_(๏̯͡๏)_/¯

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