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Dual Ichors Blows All Other Melee Weapons Away


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:) I dunno... I'm kinda happy with my Loki's invisible melee kills for 10-40k with my Dragon Nikana and the 4k a tick Gas AoE proc's with most -any- other weapon.

Gas is garbage, the aoe is pathetic. Even then, it only procs on the first tick, not once it procs.

Everything will be dead by then, OR you didn't deal enough damage for gas to matter, OR it's a higher enough level that when you proc it, the extra damage does nothing. Lose-lose-lose. Gas status is garbage.

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Minor sidetrack, but WHY do we still have armor scaling? That was half the point of Damage 2.0, that and to curb rainbow builds. We still have both, why did they even bother?

"Variety", I think. They just left in place due to that. The idea being that Infested have big hp pools, Corpus combines shields and hp, and the Grineer combine hp and armor.

What I think happens with it though is that it gives Grineer a multiplicative factor in their effective hp the others lack. Figure regular old hp is either linear or exponential. Say the latter, with hp doubling every 10 levels. And that shields work the same way. That means that the difference between an Infested level 10 and 20 could be that the level 10 has 100 hp, while the level 20 has 200. And for the Corpus, a level 10 might have 50 hp, 50 shields, while the level 20 would have 100 of each. And that leaves the Grineer. At level 10, he might have 50 hp and 300 armor, which would effectively give him 100 hp, the same as the others. But at level 20, he'll have 100 hp and, say, 450 armor. And that translates to 250 effective health, since armor scales hp.

So yeah, if Grineer hp scales the same way as the others, their armor values should be a single set value for each type of Grineer, and not scale with level.

Edited by Axterix13
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