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Please Do Not Use The Following Modifiers In Combos:


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Not sure how the hold gives people problems. It's exactly the same as a regular attack except you hold the button. There's no weird timing or anything. Just do a normal attack and don't let go until the animation for the hold attack starts.


How can you have the reflexes to hit a window that's a few milliseconds long, and not be able to just hold down a button? I'm not trying to be insulting or anything. I just don't understand how someone can just not be able to hold down a button for half a second. 


Really, a two+ button system would be much better than a one-button system, and there's no real reason not to have two buttons other than stubborn pride.

Have you actually tried it though? The annoying part for us being, unless being extremely slow and precise, it's easy to do too many or too little instant presses [E, E, E, E, E, (Hold E)] and miss the timing to hold the button. Either that or we Hold the button too early or too late. It's hard to tell whether the timing was hit or missed until we hold the button and realize 'Oh, well that didn't do shiet.', then proceed to get dragged across the ground by a scorpion.

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Have you actually tried it though? The annoying part for us being, unless being extremely slow and precise, it's easy to do too many or too little instant presses [E, E, E, E, E, (Hold E)] and miss the timing to hold the button. Either that or we Hold the button too early or too late. It's hard to tell whether the timing was hit or missed until we hold the button and realize 'Oh, well that didn't do shiet.', then proceed to get dragged across the ground by a scorpion.

Well, that does mean you can't just keep spamming attacks, like for guns you have to aim the weapon and (for non-hitscan ones) lead the target.

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Have you actually tried it though? The annoying part for us being, unless being extremely slow and precise, it's easy to do too many or too little instant presses [E, E, E, E, E, (Hold E)] and miss the timing to hold the button. Either that or we Hold the button too early or too late. It's hard to tell whether the timing was hit or missed until we hold the button and realize 'Oh, well that didn't do shiet.', then proceed to get dragged across the ground by a scorpion.

But what I don't understand is how people can have a problem with the hold input, but find the pause perfectly acceptable. For the hold, you risk hitting too many inputs, or too few inputs, beforehand. Or you hold too early or too late. With the pause, you risk exactly the same things, except you also have to hit the button withing a (usually) tiny window, as opposed to holding, where you can start holding pretty much any time during the animation for the last attack. 


They have the exact same difficulties except one has a relatively large window to do the input, while the other has a tiny window to do the input in. 


It's like saying it's easy to hit the bullseye on a target 500m away, but you have trouble hitting a target at all when it's twice the size and only 50m away.

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Well, that does mean you can't just keep spamming attacks, like for guns you have to aim the weapon and (for non-hitscan ones) lead the target.


That much is obvious. I have no issues with the [Pause] mechanic and can execute it perfectly every single time, can't say the same for [Hold]. It's just something you have to try out yourself to understand. Maybe some people prefer [Hold] over [Pause]? I wouldn't know.


But what I don't understand is how people can have a problem with the hold input, but find the pause perfectly acceptable. For the hold, you risk hitting too many inputs, or too few inputs, beforehand. Or you hold too early or too late. With the pause, you risk exactly the same things, except you also have to hit the button withing a (usually) tiny window, as opposed to holding, where you can start holding pretty much any time during the animation for the last attack. 


They have the exact same difficulties except one has a relatively large window to do the input, while the other has a tiny window to do the input in. 


It's like saying it's easy to hit the bullseye on a target 500m away, but you have trouble hitting a target at all when it's twice the size and only 50m away.

That's not a very relevant comparison/analogy, imo.

The [Pause] mechanic feels so elegant and powerful, I usually just find myself tapping the E key in sync to each swing of the weapon, and the pause just comes naturally when I do so. When I want to skip the [Pause], I simply double-tap the E key when I reach the [Pause] part. Simple and without hassle, imo. (Though obviously, some may find this difficult when having the urge to brutally cleave something apart)

The [Hold] mechanic on the other hand, confuses me sometimes, especially on Sundering Weave, when the combos look so similar and it's hard to tell which swing you are on from the animation itself (unless you keep track). It's also rather unclear whether I'm supposed to [Hold] on the 5th swing or 6th swing, as both seem to work (sort of. When you hold on the 6th swing, you will often do a quick animation swap right before the regular swing). And sometimes, the [Hold] breaks and it doesn't work at all, ending the combo effectively and leaving my character standing still, free target practice for Bombards and Napalms.

I'll probably get used to [Hold] eventually, but the [Hold] attack on Sundering Weave is barely worth using anyways, so I don't get any practice on it at all.

Just from my experience, I prefer [Pause].

Edited by kaboomonme
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Let's just... not use Sundering Weave as an example. It's basically the worst stance, at least of all the stances I have.


But I guess it varies from stance to stance. Clashing Forest has e,e,pause,e,e,e. But the second e has two swings. If you wait until the animation finishes both swings, it thinks you've given up and starts the combo over. The timing is somewhere in the middle of the animation, which is all sorts of awkward.


And again, holding is the same as pausing except you hold. Unless the stance has two combos that are identical except one pauses and one holds, you can just press and hold at the end of the swing, with the same timing as you would for a pause. The system they implemented only recognizes a pause if it's part of the combo. If the combo calls for [e, hold e, e], then doing [e, pause, hold e, e] will perform the same combo.

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