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Rounding up the small amount of info, courtesy of unmog.

This topic might prove helpful to some:


4/17/14 10:15AM

If you're experiencing either internet_connection_reset, internet_security_channel_error upon login or any other related connectivity problems, please contact support at support.warframe.com and indicate your Operating System (PC or PS4).

Thanks for helping our hamsters!

**Update** I have had success with enabling SSL 2.0/3.0 and TLS 1.1/1.2.

Edited by Amida2k2
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I got this message in the middle of farming for argon. Had just found the 3rd and final argon I needed for my nikana and I got kicked to the log in screen with this message, and it said that it had not saved my progress! I bet by the time it will let me log back on all my argon will be expired! I'm so pissed! 

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I'm also having this error. I wasnt having a problem earlier today though before I went to take a nap. I figured it maybe had something to do with me uninstalling Itunes on my system before my nap, or something? But I have two other computers in the house and I can log on either of them. Or maybe it has something to do with me being on a static IP? Maybe its something to do with them being on wireless and me being hooked straight into the router? I know the internet is working, since I can post on the forum here. I even tried revalidating my files and it still gives me the same error.


Anyway DE Megan said they will be updating things tomorrow, so I'll hold off doing anything else until I check if the update works or not. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/216470-41614-updateconnectivity-issues/


This might also be out of date, but before coming to the forum I tried googling it.


Could try this to see if it worked, obviously didnt for me. But this is again for IE, and my default browser is firefox.

Edited by unmog
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well this explains one issue i had been having.. i had a friend i trusted get onto my acct and he logged on just fine... i try it and blam nothing... i thought i broke my game and was having a slight panic attack....i even uninstalled and reinstalled to see if that would fix it...well... fingers crossed for update 

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4/17/14 10:15AM


If you're experiencing either internet_connection_reset, internet_security_channel_error upon login or any other related connectivity problems, please contact support at support.warframe.com and indicate your Operating System (PC or PS4).


Thanks for helping our hamsters!

Guess Im contacting support then...

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Heres another update.


For those Tenno that are experiencing internet_connection_reset, internet_security_channel_error upon login or any other related connectivity problems, can you please open https://www.warframe.com in Internet Explorer and report back if you can load the site properly.


Many thanks!


Btw I couldnt get Warframes site to load up on basic IE.


However this worked for me!






one sec and i ll post what i did



- Open internet explorer

- Click on the wrench icon in the upper right

- Select "internet options"

- Select the last tab "advanced"

- Press the "reset" button at the bottom of this tab

- try to go to "www.warframe.com" in internet explorer. If this works now, the game will work too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I can play again~

Edited by unmog
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I fixed mine today simply opening internet explorer......yep that simple i havnt used it forever didnt even have a icon or listed in program files it so sucks... lol i had to sue run command to find it --   C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe  i logged in with internet explorer.... and the game updated and worked!

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