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Trading Chat Page Long Adverts


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I understand the need to limit how offten you can advertise but the real problem is the half page or longer posts. There needs to be a character count limit or a 1 or 2 line limit. It is very hard to sell sometimes cause you post them BAM someone drops 5 to 8 lines of text and your post is gone. Anyone who says that this is not a problem are the ones that are doing it. Any chance of getting this dealt with in the near future???

Edited by Krow666
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Like for instance adding a trading post where we can just list stuff and it will get sold eventually...

Or we can just pick stuff off a list and buy it instantly...


No text, no bargaining no "Could not connect", no "please wait 2hrs Im just in another trade at the moment".

Just plain simple Trading...

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Like for instance adding a trading post where we can just list stuff and it will get sold eventually...

Or we can just pick stuff off a list and buy it instantly...


No text, no bargaining no "Could not connect", no "please wait 2hrs Im just in another trade at the moment".

Just plain simple Trading...

You know a list and click method might actually work like an auction house setup 

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Ah yes trading chat.


A friend once told me some great advice on how to use it effectively.




In those exact words. Never looked back since.


I'd rather like it if we had an auction house so we didn't need to deal with Trade Chat at all.

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they're annoying all right, and even if there isnt a way to check it, i still will sometimes add them to my ignore list.


they are often wasting not only their own time, but mine as well since i would have to stop and read their message instead of skim because it is out of alphabetical order and you cant look for the things you want since they are not where they should be.


if you want people to actually put the effort to buy things from you, you need to put a bit of effort in as well.

Edited by koopagon
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Alright, let's try to put it this way, as much politely as possible.

If you have so little to sell that you'd rather it fit in two lines and are offended by those who sell a lot... Go home. I will not defend those who want to sell each and every one of their bp pars separately. Or who want to sell natural talent for 50p. Or those who list every rare and nightmare mod in their post. Them I'd rather *deleted*. But there are people with rare mods, event mods, stances, complete primes. This two minute delay is absolutely *deleted* everything, yet only because of it the chat is readable. The way chat works: a person compiles the list of the mods it deems most demanded or wants to sell for best price(once again, no looking at *deleted* people), posts it and goes on wherever it wishes. And repeats it every two minutes of it's spare time. Just like a seller would sometimes put some effort into it and actualy scroll through the chat to see a few WTBs, so does the buyer have to put some effort to see just who offers the best price.

Like Lickity-Split said - it can only be fixed by a different system. But if you can't scroll or deal with chat - go home. You simply are not the competition, and if you want to sell your event mods in one line - nobody. gives. a. hug.

Those who have just too much to sell, like me(and I'm a very casual player) - are posting forum shops for their goods. But if only it was so reliable, because forums are, too, crowded with *deleted* people, who spam topics or their "two line" threads. Can't even bump it properly...
So the only choice - is to adapt and get most out of both ingame posts and forum bumps. Tough titty.

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I think an auction house with a Selling, Trading selection would work great post an item and list it for either sale for plat or trade for and have drop downs so the seller can select what they would be willing to trade there item for. No more chat and advertise just add item and chose sell or trade and indicate what items you would be willing to take in exchange. Very simple everyone can put up all the items they want and everyone can see what the cost is no more "price checks" just open the trade market or whatever and you can see for yourself what a maxed serration or whatever is going for. We already have the trading posts in the dojo's so i would just use them as the market access point.

Edited by Krow666
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Yeah, yeah, you've all played WoW, Diablo and Steam market. Let me reveal something to you: DE is stretching their rear to fix DDOS and server stability. Where do you think they will get the workforce to organize, operate and maintain a whole bunch of servers to provide actual AH? I don't know where their millions made of donators go(since almost every game and forum post you see Grand Master or some fancy syandana nab), but that's not my businss.
The point is - AH are a mess. And while they are entertaining somewhat(like SWTOR), or manageable with addons(WoW) or simply scammable(like Diablo) - they are hardly a solution. This is the game with gazillion of mods and players. I don't see the point in AH, where Wildfire will have 500 people listing it for 5p, another 1000 for 4p and then somebody wastes their time by putting a few for 2p to buy some weapon slots.

What could help, however, and, in my vision, be more realistically performable... Is an ingame profile tag, where you can list all your desired mods and prices, and then link it to trade chat, with the restriction of 5-10 minutes. It will be more informative and stable than forum posts(like you can actually see the wares ingame, verified and with details), and, with this time limit, should not make it too crumpled up.

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