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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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My past? Is that the best weapon you have against me? Trying to drum up my guilt by seeing what I've forgotten? Cardina plunged into the vines, parting them with a gesture to behold the glowing orb. You, weak, blind beast. You should not fear me for of what I'm made of, she reached out a black claw to seize the orb in its crushing palm. Fear me for what I can do.

As the claw made contact with the orb, it revealed itself to be not the creature, but in fact a store of memory. It began to playback like a broken VHS tape skipping and stuttering, only focusing on key points.

Cardina and Temperance found themselves in a Corpus lab. Entrapped in some sort of machine at the end was an Ash warframe, his helmet battered and broken on the floor at his feet, and his warframe was severely damaged in many places. Suddenly, the door to the lab opened to reveal a dark figure proceeded by two harvesters.

Alad V

"Ahhh, I see my pets treated you well during your capture, aren't they just delightful?" He stroked the metal head of his harvester "Some of my finest creations, but for now let's talk business." Walking over to the disgraced Tenno, he leaned forward until his face was mere inches from the Ash's "I have great plans for you.....Arkas"

Arkas looked up, his eyes burning with hatred.

"You better kill me quickly, because if I get out of these bonds, I'll show you just how cold and cruel I can be.

Alad laughed.

"Oh you silly Tenno, I'm not going to kill you." His eyes grew cold, "I'm going to break you."

The memory started stuttering, then fast forwarding.

Phase I

Arkas screamed as the machine pumped highly concentrated amounts of the technocyte virus into his system. His veins burned, muscles strained, and organs mutated and shut down as the virus ravaged his body.

Once again the memory fast forwarded

Phase II

Temperance and Cardina watched as Alad had Arkas put through days of both physical and mental torture, breaking him down, and molding him into something else. After weeks of this, Alad came to check on his experiment. They brought the now broken Arkas to him in restraints, forcing him to kneel before Alad. Temperance noticed there was something wrong with the Ash, his eyes were now void of all emotion, and his face was unnaturally calm. Alad spoke. "What is your name?"

Arkas looked up, his eyes burning with green fire.

"My name is Dämin"

Alad smiled.

"What is your purpose"

Arkas slowly began to grin

"To Feast"

One last time, the memory fast forwards.

Phase III

Arkas has become a cold and calculating killing machine. Alad puts him through many tests where the odds are against him, but Arkas always come out on top. Pleased with his work, Alad couldn't help but smile. He had created the perfect weapon.

"Good work, Dämin. I have but one last test for you."

Arkas looked up at the viewing port where Alad had just watch him dispatch an entire squad of captured Tenno. His armor was covered in blood, and his face was split open with a crazed grin.

"I am ready..."

The door at the end of the room opened, and a blue colored Nyx was pushed through. The resemblance to Cardina was uncanny. They shared many of the same features, height, and she held a similar presence. However, unlike Cardina this Nyx had been tortured and beaten, and could barely stand on her own.

"Kill her"

Arkas started towards her his sword drawn, but then hesitated.

"Are you deaf? I said kill her!"

He resumed his walk, struggling with each step, almost as if here were fighting himself. The Nyx made no attempt at escape, she stayed completely still. Arkas reached her, weapon poised for the final blow, but something held him back.

"I command you to kill her!"


"Kill her!"




"I'm sorry!' Arkas screamed as he plunged the blade through the Nyx. She slumped against him, her blood splattering all over him. As she died in his arms, she used her dying breath to convey one last message to her killer.


She was gone.

Arkas fell silent, his body trembling. Suddenly, his head swung back and he let out the blood curdling scream of pure despair.

The memory began to deteriorate and collapse.


Edited by Arkitect_Plexon
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As the claw made contact with the orb, it revealed itself to be not the creature, but in fact a store of memory. It began to playback like a broken VHS tape skipping and stuttering, only focusing on key points.

Cardina and Temperance found themselves in a Corpus lab. Entrapped in some sort of machine at the end was an Ash warframe, his helmet battered and broken on the floor at his feet, and his warframe was severely damaged in many places. Suddenly, the door to the lab opened to reveal a dark figure proceeded by two harvesters.

Alad V

"Ahhh, I see my pets treated you well during your capture, aren't they just delightful?" He stroked the metal head of his harvester "Some of my finest creations, but for now let's talk business." Walking over to the disgraced Tenno, he leaned forward until his face was mere inches from the Ash's "I have great plans for you.....Arkas"

Arkas looked up, his eyes burning with hatred.

"You better kill me quickly, because if I get out of these bonds, I'll show you just how cold and cruel I can be.

Alad laughed.

"Oh you silly Tenno, I'm not going to kill you." His eyes grew cold, "I'm going to break you."

The memory started stuttering, then fast forwarding.

Initiate Phase I of Shadow Mind

Arkas screamed as the machine pumped highly concentrated amounts of the technocyte virus into his system. His veins burned, muscles strained, and organs mutated and shut down as the virus ravaged his body.

Once again the memory fast forwarded

Phase II

Temperance and Cardina watched as Alad had Arkas put through days of both physical and mental torture, breaking him down, and molding him into something else. After weeks of this, Alad came to check on his experiment. They brought the now broken Arkas to him in restraints, forcing him to kneel before Alad. Temperance noticed there was something wrong with the Ash, his eyes were now void of all emotion, and his face was unnaturally calm. Alad spoke. "What is your name?"

Arkas looked up, his eyes burning with green fire.

"My name is Dämin"

Alad smiled.

"What is your purpose"

Arkas slowly began to grin

"To kill"

One last time, the memory fast forwards.

Arkas has become a cold and calculating killing machine. Alad puts him through many tests where the odds are against him, but Arkas always come out on top. Pleased with his work, Alad couldn't help but smile. He had created the perfect weapon.

"Good work, Dämin. I have but one last test for you."

Arkas looked up at the viewing port where Alad had just watch him dispatch an entire squad of captured Tenno. His armor was covered in blood, and his face was split open with a crazed grin.

"I am ready..."

The door at the end of the room opened, and a blue colored Nyx was pushed through. The resemblance Cardina was uncanny, they shared many of the same features, height, and she held a similar presence. However, unlike Cardina this Nyx had been tortured and beaten, and could barely stand on her own.

"Kill her"

Arkas started towards her his sword drawn, but then hesitated.

"Are you deaf? I said kill her!"

He resumed his walk, struggling with each step, almost as if here were fighting himself. The Nyx made no attempt at escape, she stayed completely still. Arkas reached her, weapon poised for the final blow, but something held him back.

"I command you to kill her!"


"Kill her!"




"I'm sorry!' Arkas screamed as he plunged the blade through the Nyx. She slumped against him, her blood splattering all over him. As she died in his arms, she used her dying breath to convey one last message to her killer.


She was gone.

Arkas fell silent, his body trembling. Suddenly, his head swung back and he let out the blood curdling scream of pure despair.

The memory began to deteriorate and collapse.



Temperance took a deep breath, held it, and released slowly as the memory receded.


"It is a good thing," he ground out, "that Alad V is already dead.  Otherwise, he would have an extremely long, extremely painful existence to look forward to."  He turned to face Cardina.


"At least we know now what we're dealing with.  An alternate personality, instilled by mental reconditioning and made manifest by concentrated Technocyte application.  Cardina, is it possible to destroy this...thing, without harming Arkas?"

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"I didn't think he would down an entire bottle of sake. An entire bottle of ice wine is significantly less alcoholic than sake it would seem as well. Choice of drinks aside, thank you once more for the help." Once Shinkiro was on the bed, Pyre sat down on the edge of the bed. She still planned to share the bed to make sure that if anything, she could keep an eye on him.


As she returned her attention from Shinkiro and back to Tyranis, Pyre continued, "Might I ask what brings you around this area of space?"

He pulled back a chair and sat down. This could take awhile depending on how much she wanted to know. "Orders from the Lotus. I've been sent many times to help clear out and rebuild a derelict." He chuckled "Seems you guys beat me to it... But thats quite alright. I did bring in some resources the Church could make use of. Another part was curiosity, i heard a lot about this place, they could control the infested trees. I also heard things about some of the people here... they weren't good things. But some people here are rather nice, Lady Gaia for one, i've taken a liking to Tatsuya and Miho, They remind me of myself when i first became a Tenno."


A grin ran across his face "Father Mortos gave me permission to help Lady Gaia train them. I'll have to run it by her when i get the chance. If thats all you wished to know i'd like to hear a bit about yourself and your friend over there. You two seem close."

Edited by MasterDread
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As the claw made contact with the orb, it revealed itself to be not the creature, but in fact a store of memory. It began to playback like a broken VHS tape skipping and stuttering, only focusing on key points.

Cardina and Temperance found themselves in a Corpus lab. Entrapped in some sort of machine at the end was an Ash warframe, his helmet battered and broken on the floor at his feet, and his warframe was severely damaged in many places. Suddenly, the door to the lab opened to reveal a dark figure proceeded by two harvesters.


-snip for size-


The memory began to deteriorate and collapse.


Temperance took a deep breath, held it, and released slowly as the memory receded.


"It is a good thing," he ground out, "that Alad V is already dead.  Otherwise, he would have an extremely long, extremely painful existence to look forward to."  He turned to face Cardina.


"At least we know now what we're dealing with.  An alternate personality, instilled by mental reconditioning and made manifest by concentrated Technocyte application.  Cardina, is it possible to destroy this...thing, without harming Arkas?"


Cardina watched the memory with a pit forming in her stomach. Alad dared make this Tenno bow before him, kill kin at his whim. Most detestably, he used brute force and torture to do so, and left this whole mess behind. Gods, Alad V, she growled, if you're going to make Tenno dance for you, do it right. Control isn't what you make others do; it's what you make them want to do.

"I can, Temperance," Cardina began gathering the broken memory between her hands, a glowing green sphere of shattered light. "This persona is made from force, brutish, unintuitive abuse and torture. With technique, I can crush this thing from his mind." Cardina flung her arms out, the fragments forming a sickly illuminated ring around her. She turned, setting shards spinning in place with a flick of her finger, one at a time. "In fact, I'm taking it a step further. I'm going to remove this memory from his mind and destroy it, so he won't have to remember all of this. This should never have happened, and to him, it wouldn't have."

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Cardina watched the memory with a pit forming in her stomach. Alad dared make this Tenno bow before him, kill kin at his whim. Most detestably, he used brute force and torture to do so, and left this whole mess behind. Gods, Alad V, she growled, if you're going to make Tenno dance for you, do it right. Control isn't what you make others do; it's what you make them want to do.

"I can, Temperance," Cardina began gathering the broken memory between her hands, a glowing green sphere of shattered light. "This persona is made from force, brutish, unintuitive abuse and torture. With technique, I can crush this thing from his mind." Cardina flung her arms out, the fragments forming a sickly illuminated ring around her. She turned, setting shards spinning in place with a flick of her finger, one at a time. "In fact, I'm taking it a step further. I'm going to remove this memory from his mind and destroy it, so he won't have to remember all of this. This should never have happened, and to him, it wouldn't have."


"I think, perhaps, we should ask Arkas first," Temperance suggested, looking around at the cavernous mindscape.  "You are more or less accustomed to memory loss, Cardina.  Most other Tenno are not.  We all lost a great deal to the cryonesia; though I doubt he will mourn Damin's passing, Arkas may be reluctant to lose more, even a memory this painful."


He lifted his voice to echo into the darkness.  


"Arkas?  Can you hear me?"

Edited by Temperance000
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"I think, perhaps, we should ask Arkas first," Temperance suggested, looking around at the cavernous mindscape.  "You are more or less accustomed to memory loss, Cardina.  Most other Tenno are not.  We all lost a great deal to the cryonesia; though I doubt he will mourn Damien's passing, Arkas may be reluctant to lose more, even a memory this painful."


He lifted his voice to echo into the darkness.  


"Arkas?  Can you hear me?"


"Temperance, no!" Cardina almost panicked, the spinning memories around her stuttering in their orbits. "If you make him consciously aware of this repressed memory, it will make it much, much harder to eradicate, and may even give his savage persona a stronger hold. He can't know, if this is going to work. Trust me," Cardina's eyes squinted shut in concentration as she started pulling the fragments inwards, making them orbit faster. 

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"Temperance, no!" Cardina almost panicked, the spinning memories around her stuttering in their orbits. "If you make him consciously aware of this repressed memory, it will make it much, much harder to eradicate, and may even give his savage persona a stronger hold. He can't know, if this is going to work. Trust me," Cardina's eyes squinted shut in concentration as she started pulling the fragments inwards, making them orbit faster. 


"I don't like this, Cardina," Temperance said dubiously.  "I have every confidence in your ability, but meddling in someone else's mind like this feels...wrong.  By all means, kill the alternate personality, but the memory...how will we explain to Arkas that the one he loved is dead, if he wakes up without memory of it?  Lie to him?  No, that's not something I could do.  I think Arkas has lost enough.  Kill Damin, but leave the memory.   We give him nothing but a void to fill with false hope by doing more."

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He pulled back a chair and sat down. This could take awhile depending on how much she wanted to know. "Orders from the Lotus. I've been sent many times to help clear out and rebuild a derelict." He chuckled "Seems you guys beat me to it... But thats quite alright. I did bring in some resources the Church could make use of. Another part was curiosity, i heard a lot about this place, they could control the infested trees. I also heard things about some of the people here... they weren't good things. But some people here are rather nice, Lady Gaia for one, i've taken a liking to Tatsuya and Miho, They remind me of myself when i first became a Tenno."


A grin ran across his face "Father Mortos gave me permission to help Lady Gaia train them. I'll have to run it by her when i get the chance. If thats all you wished to know i'd like to hear a bit about yourself and your friend over there. You two seem close."


Pyre removed her helmet and set it down on the bedside table. "That's a lot more than I expected. Most people, it's something along the lines of refugees needing a place to stay for a few days. Nice to hear your experience hasn't been too bad." Hearing that the Lotus sent him would make most a little suspicious but he had been helpful so far and if he was a threat, someone would have said something so she guessed he didn't mean any harm.


She looked back at Shinkiro's sleeping body before looking back to Tyranis. "As for me and Shinkiro, I met him just a few days ago. He came by the church, wanting a place to stay as far as I know. I was the one sent to greet him and give him the tour since Cardina was busy at the time and we talked a bit, ate lunch together and I volunteered to share my room with him since we were short on space. Since he came, I've found him nothing but pleasant. Even in his drunken state earlier, it was a bit amusing. I think I might actually have a liking for him if you know what I mean."


((I just had to step in for a moment to post. This is addictive.))

Edited by Sumika1204
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Cardina watched the memory with a pit forming in her stomach. Alad dared make this Tenno bow before him, kill kin at his whim. Most detestably, he used brute force and torture to do so, and left this whole mess behind. Gods, Alad V, she growled, if you're going to make Tenno dance for you, do it right. Control isn't what you make others do; it's what you make them want to do.

"I can, Temperance," Cardina began gathering the broken memory between her hands, a glowing green sphere of shattered light. "This persona is made from force, brutish, unintuitive abuse and torture. With technique, I can crush this thing from his mind." Cardina flung her arms out, the fragments forming a sickly illuminated ring around her. She turned, setting shards spinning in place with a flick of her finger, one at a time. "In fact, I'm taking it a step further. I'm going to remove this memory from his mind and destroy it, so he won't have to remember all of this. This should never have happened, and to him, it wouldn't have."

Ahhh except you can't kill me, and now he knows it too.

I...I...I killed her. I killed her. I killed her...

Arkas faded into view, his green eyes were brimming with tears.

"It's what finally broke his control over me, Dämin was overpowered by pure raw emotion, just in time for me to see the fruit of my work."

A tear ran over, spilling down the infection on his cheek.

"I killed those bastards, but Alad managed to escape, leaving me to myself and my emptiness. I tried to bury the memory, and in the process the monster inside me. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget. So, I had someone permanently block that part of my brain. It worked for a while, but after meeting Cardina it started coming back."

Walking towards them, he spread out his arms to encompass his mind.

"It's now that I realize, this is who I am. The beast had always been inside me, in the heat of battle, in every life and death situtation, in every kiss. The primal side...the feral side amplified by the infection in the Tenno. Alad only gave him a face...a form. He is me. He is the killer within me.


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Ahhh except you can't kill me, and now he knows it too.

I...I...I killed her. I killed her. I killed her...

Arkas faded into view, his green eyes were brimming with tears.

"It's what finally broke his control over me, Dämin was overpowered by pure raw emotion, just in time for me to see the fruit of my work."

A tear ran over, spilling down the infection on his cheek.

"I killed those bastards, but Alad managed to escape, leaving me to myself and my emptiness. I tried to bury the memory, and in the process the monster inside me. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget. So, I had someone permanently block that part of my brain. It worked for a while, but after meeting Cardina it started coming back."

Walking towards them, he spread out his arms to encompass his mind.

"It's now that I realize, this is who I am. The beast had always been inside me, in the heat of battle, in every life and death situtation, in every kiss. The primal side...the feral side amplified by the infection in the Tenno. Alad only gave him a face...a form. He is me. He is the killer within me.


"Arkas!"  Temperance spun to face the newly manifested Ash.  "I can't decide if you're arrival is fortuitous or unfortunate."


"Well Cardina," he said, looking over his shoulder, "there's nothing to be done about it now.  It's up to Arkas.  His mind, his rules.  We're just visitors, whether we like it or not."

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"I don't like this, Cardina," Temperance said dubiously.  "I have every confidence in your ability, but meddling in someone else's mind like this feels...wrong.  By all means, kill the alternate personality, but the memory...how will we explain to Arkas that the one he loved is dead, if he wakes up without memory of it?  Lie to him?  No, that's not something I could do.  I think Arkas has lost enough.  Kill Damin, but leave the memory.   We give him nothing but a void to fill with false hope by doing more."


"Then he won't know she existed," Cardina pulled in older, stronger memories, of the Nyx and Arkas together. They were bright red and spherical, orbiting further out from the cracked green that constituted his time with Alad V.


Ahhh except you can't kill me, and now he knows it too.

I...I...I killed her. I killed her. I killed her...

Arkas faded into view, his green eyes were brimming with tears.

"It's what finally broke his control over me, Dämin was overpowered by pure raw emotion, just in time for me to see the fruit of my work."

A tear ran over, spilling down the infection on his cheek.

"I killed those bastards, but Alad managed to escape, leaving me to myself and my emptiness. I tried to bury the memory, and in the process the monster inside me. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget. So, I had someone permanently block that part of my brain. It worked for a while, but after meeting Cardina it started coming back."

Walking towards them, he spread out his arms to encompass his mind.

"It's now that I realize, this is who I am. The beast had always been inside me, in the heat of battle, in every life and death situtation, in every kiss. The primal side...the feral side amplified by the infection in the Tenno. Alad only gave him a face...a form. He is me. He is the killer within me.


"NO!" Cardina snapped at Damin, "I WILL kill you! I have faced and consumed beings ten thousand times stronger than a simpering, brainwashed schizophrenic illusion, and you will prove no different!"


"Arkas!" Cardina leveled her gaze at him. "I can destroy Damin, I can crush him like he never existed. all I have to do is destroy these memories. You won't remember the torture, or killing her. I can change your memory slightly, that it was Alad who executed your love." She summoned a red, oval memory, glittering like a cat's eye. "If you wish, I can wipe her from your mind, like she never existed. You won't remember the pain of losing her. But-" she looked to Temperance. "You- you won't remember being with her, either. Every pain and pleasure, gone."


"Arkas!"  Temperance spun to face the newly manifested Ash.  "I can't decide if you're arrival is fortuitous or unfortunate."


"Well Cardina," he said, looking over his shoulder, "there's nothing to be done about it now.  It's up to Arkas.  His mind, his rules.  We're just visitors, whether we like it or not."


"Indeed," Cardina nodded. "So what'll it be, Arkas?"

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"Then he won't know she existed," Cardina pulled in older, stronger memories, of the Nyx and Arkas together. They were bright red and spherical, orbiting further out from the cracked green that constituted his time with Alad V.



"NO!" Cardina snapped at Damin, "I WILL kill you! I have faced and consumed beings ten thousand times stronger than a simpering, brainwashed schizophrenic illusion, and you will prove no different!"


"Arkas!" Cardina leveled her gaze at him. "I can destroy Damin, I can crush him like he never existed. all I have to do is destroy these memories. You won't remember the torture, or killing her. I can change your memory slightly, that it was Alad who executed your love." She summoned a red, oval memory, glittering like a cat's eye. "If you wish, I can wipe her from your mind, like she never existed. You won't remember the pain of losing her. But-" she looked to Temperance. "You- you won't remember being with her, either. Every pain and pleasure, gone."



"Indeed," Cardina nodded. "So what'll it be, Arkas?"

Arkas closed his eyes.

I could live without this killer inside me

I could live without the knowledge I killed her

But I risk forgetting her completely

Suddenly a red memory orb opened, Arkas and Trisha were sitting together on one of the massive limbs of the Orokin's super trees. They were laughing at some stupid joke Arkas had just made, when he suddenly grew serious. "I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you" brushing back a stray hair, he cupped her cheek with his hand "You are my world". Trisha smiled, and took her hand and placed it over Ark's, "Your mine to, and I promise you will never lose me"

He tried to smile back, but he couldn't shake his concern.

"But what if I do, what if something happens and I can't protect you? I can't survive without you.." his voice trailed off.

Trisha looked deep into his eyes. "That's not true. You're strong in spirit Arkas, people look up to you. This world would suffer a great loss if you stopped living because of me." She leaned her forehead against his, "If I die, I want you to promise me you want blame yourself. I want you to promise me you will live on for me, and remember me."

Arkas eye's poured with tears as he whispered "Promise" then he pressed his lips against hers.

As the memory faded away, Arkas turned to Cardina, determination in his eyes.

"All these years, I tried to forget what happened, to forget her. I've been running from what I have become, hoping that one day it would fade away in distant memory. But I'm done running."

His jaw tightens.

"Cardina, break the wall in between me and the creature. This is a battle I must face...alone."


Edited by Arkitect_Plexon
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Arkas closed his eyes.

I could live without this killer inside me

I could live without the knowledge I killed her

But I risk forgetting her completely

-snip for size

-As the memory faded away, Arkas turned to Cardina, determination in his eyes.

"All these years, I tried to forget what happened, to forget her. I've been running from what I have become, hoping that one day it would fade away in distant memory. But I'm done running."

His jaw tightens.

"Cardina, break the wall in between me and the creature. This is a battle I must face...alone."


Cardina watched the light refract through the broken green prisms; she could see flashes, horrific glimpses of torment, suffering, murder and anguish. These are powerful memories for one untrained to handle them. "Arkas- I don't know if you can, but... I suppose you must."


Cardina raises a shaking hand, and the shards break their orbit, rising, dancing and spinning chaotically around her. Cardina's teeth grit in concentration as she throws them at Arkas, meticulously reconstructing the sphere, shard by shard, around him. When it was complete, perfect and whole, Cardina snapped her fist closed, crushing the orb into Arkas.


"This is your war now, Arkas." She stepped back, watching him writhe. "For good or ill."

Edited by SnaleKing
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Cardina watched the light refract through the broken green prisms; she could see flashes, horrific glimpses of torment, suffering, murder and anguish. These are powerful memories for one untrained to handle them. "Arkas- I don't know if you can, but... I suppose you must."


Cardina raises a shaking hand, and the shards break their orbit, rising, dancing and spinning chaotically around her. Cardina's teeth grit in concentration as she throws them at Arkas, meticulously reconstructing the sphere, shard by shard, around him. When it was complete, perfect and whole, Cardina snapped her fist closed, crushing the orb into Arkas.


"This is your war now, Arkas." She stepped back, watching him writhe. "For good or ill."

As Arkas writhes in pain, the pitch black mindscape is suddenly filled with blinding light, flushing out Cardina and Temperance back into their bodies. In the Garden Arkas writhes on the altar, and Cardina watches as the Infested vines begin to wrap around Arkas, encasing him in a glowing green cocoon.

She can feel the clashing of the two minds through her link to the infested growth.

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As Arkas writhes in pain, the pitch black mindscape is suddenly filled with blinding light, flushing out Cardina and Temperance back into their bodies. In the Garden Arkas writhes on the altar, and Cardina watches as the Infested vines begin to wrap around Arkas, encasing him in a glowing green cocoon.

She can feel the clashing of the two minds through her link to the infested growth.

Cardina quietly wraps more layers of foliage around Arkas, and rearranges them to provide the best focusing possible.

It's all on him now, Cardina sent to Temperance as she left the Garden. Whether Arkas or Damin walks out of that is in his power. I wish he'd let me destroy Damin, I'm not sure he can. Cardina turned to walk towards the cafeteria. Mother Gaia should know about this. Anyway, Temperance, sorry for the rude awakening.

Edited by SnaleKing
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Cardina quietly wraps more layers of foliage around Arkas, and rearranges them to provide the best focusing possible.

It's all on him now, Cardina sent to Temperance as she left the Garden. Whether Arkas or Damin walks out of that is in his power. I wish he'd let me destroy Damin, I'm not sure he can. Cardina turned to walk towards the cafeteria. Mother Gaia should know about this. Anyway, Temperance, sorry for the rude awakening.


There are worse ways to wake up Temperance sent dryly as he fell back into his own body.  And for what it's worth, you did the right thing, Cardina.  Arkas will handle the rest.


Reluctantly, he climbed out of bed, stretched, and headed for the armory.  Somewhat clumsily, he changed into a new bodysuit and approached his Warframe.


The biotech armor blossomed open at his approach, welcoming him back to the warm confines of its embrace.  With a sigh, Temperance keyed the systems active, feeling familiar power surge along his limbs as the last vestiges of his dreams dissolved into the mists of memory.


I'll be in the Garden with Arkas if you need me Temperance sent as he stepped down and retrieved his weapons.  Then, after we find our mole, it'll be time to show the Corpus why attacking Tenno - any Tenno - is an extremely unprofitable endeavour.

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Pyre removed her helmet and set it down on the bedside table. "That's a lot more than I expected. Most people, it's something along the lines of refugees needing a place to stay for a few days. Nice to hear your experience hasn't been too bad." Hearing that the Lotus sent him would make most a little suspicious but he had been helpful so far and if he was a threat, someone would have said something so she guessed he didn't mean any harm.


She looked back at Shinkiro's sleeping body before looking back to Tyranis. "As for me and Shinkiro, I met him just a few days ago. He came by the church, wanting a place to stay as far as I know. I was the one sent to greet him and give him the tour since Cardina was busy at the time and we talked a bit, ate lunch together and I volunteered to share my room with him since we were short on space. Since he came, I've found him nothing but pleasant. Even in his drunken state earlier, it was a bit amusing. I think I might actually have a liking for him if you know what I mean."


((I just had to step in for a moment to post. This is addictive.))

The grin on his face grew larger. "Its nice to see bonds that grow between Tenno. Some of us forget who we are after awhile, our work so important to us that our frames become our identity. I put my kin before myself Miss Pyre, i see us all as brothers and sisters. That is what my masters taught me, its part of the code i've lived by my whole life. What do you believe Miss Pyre?"

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Argus walks around the hallways hoping to find his son and discuss with him some more, but when he found him, he was surprised to say the least. There he is, kneeling by what appears to be a memorial stone being embraced by a beautiful woman from the Red Veil. Argus could only smile at scene as a lone tear falls down his cheek, but also showing regret in his eyes.


'Zayra my love, my life, if only you could see our boy now. You would be so proud so proud of him. My son, I truly hope you can find happiness here.'

Edited by Unendingblade
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The grin on his face grew larger. "Its nice to see bonds that grow between Tenno. Some of us forget who we are after awhile, our work so important to us that our frames become our identity. I put my kin before myself Miss Pyre, i see us all as brothers and sisters. That is what my masters taught me, its part of the code i've lived by my whole life. What do you believe Miss Pyre?"


"You can just call me Pyre."I also see my fellow Tenno as brothers and sisters. We may not be related by blood in all cases but that is how I see it. It is sad to see how our noble race has largely become nothing but mercenaries and thugs fighting for scraps."

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There are worse ways to wake up Temperance sent dryly as he fell back into his own body.  And for what it's worth, you did the right thing, Cardina.  Arkas will handle the rest.


Reluctantly, he climbed out of bed, stretched, and headed for the armory.  Somewhat clumsily, he changed into a new bodysuit and approached his Warframe.


The biotech armor blossomed open at his approach, welcoming him back to the warm confines of its embrace.  With a sigh, Temperance keyed the systems active, feeling familiar power surge along his limbs as the last vestiges of his dreams dissolved into the mists of memory.


I'll be in the Garden with Arkas if you need me Temperance sent as he stepped down and retrieved his weapons.  Then, after we find our mole, it'll be time to show the Corpus why attacking Tenno - any Tenno - is an extremely unprofitable endeavor.


Cardina grinned wickedly to herself. I look forward to it. The only choice they have in the matter is how soon they retreat, and how many survivors go crawling back to report their failure to the Board. She entered the cafeteria, searching for Mother Gaia. We'll chat strategy later, alright? I think I have a plan.

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"You can just call me Pyre."I also see my fellow Tenno as brothers and sisters. We may not be related by blood in all cases but that is how I see it. It is sad to see how our noble race has largely become nothing but mercenaries and thugs fighting for scraps."

"Its true, the centuries have not been kind. Our fight becomes more desperate with each battle. many have abandoned the cause, some became traitors like that damn Stalker. I'm sure the Lotus would end this war if she could. But theres just too many of them. If we were to take out one army we wouldn't have the strength or resources left to oppose the other. These are dark times Pyre." The grin had left his face knowing the sad truth of what the the Lotus' Order had become. "But just as the Tenno always have we'll pull together and get through this. I have faith in my kin, in the Lotus." His expression grew sour "I'm more worried about the Infestation truth be told."

Edited by MasterDread
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Cardina grinned wickedly to herself. I look forward to it. The only choice they have in the matter is how soon they retreat, and how many survivors go crawling back to report their failure to the Board. She entered the cafeteria, searching for Mother Gaia. We'll chat strategy later, alright? I think I have a plan.


Good to hear.  


Temperance took a seat by the vine cocoon containing Arkas and settled in to wait.


At least let's agree on one thing first: every single Harvester is going on the scrap heap.

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Good to hear.  


Temperance took a seat by the vine cocoon containing Arkas and settled in to wait.


At least let's agree on one thing first: every single Harvester is going on the scrap heap.


Harvester? Cardina frowned, struggling to think of what is was as she approached Gaia. I- I'm sorry, it must have been a while since I've heard of them.

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Harvester? Cardina frowned, struggling to think of what is was as she approached Gaia. I- I'm sorry, it must have been a while since I've heard of them.


You're not missing anything Temperance sent grimly.  Next-gen attack dog proxies, designed to hunt Tenno.  The first unit, Zanuka, was built from the suffering of dozens of our kin, a twisted fusion of Corpus tech and stolen Warframe components.  The Harvesters are simply the production model, but for every one deployed, at least one of our kin died.  They were Alad V's final insult, the last of his twisted experiments to see the light of day before some Lotus-blessed Tenno put a bullet in his skull.  They move fast, hit hard, and take a beating.  And we'll be facing cruisers packed full of the things.

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"Its true, the centuries have not been kind. Our fight becomes more desperate with each battle. many have abandoned the cause, some became traitors like that damn Stalker. I'm sure the Lotus would end this war if she could. But theres just too many of them. If we were to take out one army we wouldn't have the strength or resources left to oppose the other. These are dark times Pyre." The grin had left his face knowing the sad truth of what the the Lotus' Order had become. "Put just as the Tenno always have we'll pull together and get through this. I have faith in my kin, in the Lotus." His expression grew sour "I'm more worried about the Infestation truth be told."


"The Grineer are the main threat it seems to me. The Corpus are merchants and have done business with Tenno on quite a few occasions. If we remove the Grineer then the Corpus will be forced to do business with us as we will be their only remaining potential customers."


Harvester? Cardina frowned, struggling to think of what is was as she approached Gaia. I- I'm sorry, it must have been a while since I've heard of them.


Gaia noticed Cardina was approaching, as did Mortos as the two were seated at the same table as Munin. They had been waiting for Munin to tell them just what he wished to speak with them about. Gaia looked to Cardina and smiled. "Greetings, Herald Cardina. I hope you have been able to find some rest today."

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