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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Tyranis put his hands up, he was not quick enough to draw his Vastos from their holsters. "I am not the enemy, i came after the lights flickered. The Corpus are making their move it would seem."  He knew not if he was addressing the enemy or an ally. 


Temperance did a quick check of whatever data was available to him, and quickly identified the new arrival as Tyranis, a sanctioned Lotus operative.


"My apologies, Tenno Tyranis," he said, lowering his Soma just enough to appear non-threatening.  "I have not yet become acquainted with everyone on this derelict, and at the moment, I am not quite certain who to trust.  Did you happen to see a Volt on your way here?"

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Damin took off at high speed towards the hanger. Rounding the corner, he was met face to face with a harvester. It snarled at him as it crouched, ready to pounce. "Get out of my way, and I'll wait until after I get back to kill you."  With a synthesized screech, the harvester leaped at him, claws extended. "Alright then, let's do it your way."

Just as the sharp talons were about to tear through the soft mesh surrounding Damin's neck, the Ash disappeared in a puff of smoke. Only making contact with dead air, the momentum carried it straight into the far wall, where it crashed to the floor. Before the Harvester could recover, Damin reappeared Dragon Nikana in hand, and he thrust the blade through it's head, rendering the unit inert.

"Temperance, it would seem there are harvesters stalking the halls. I ran into one on the way to Arkas' ship. Just thought you'd like to know."


Edited by Arkitect_Plexon
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Temperance did a quick check of whatever data was available to him, and quickly identified the new arrival as Tyranis, a sanctioned Lotus operative.


"My apologies, Tenno Tyranis," he said, lowering his Soma just enough to appear non-threatening.  "I have not yet become acquainted with everyone on this derelict, and at the moment, I am not quite certain who to trust.  Did you happen to see a Volt on your way here?"

Tyranis put his hands down. "Nor have a made your's brother. I did see a Volt arrive here hours ago. But he is not the one you seek. I cannot sense his presence... he may already be gone." 

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Damin took off at high speed towards the hanger. Rounding the corner, he was met face to face with a harvester. It snarled at him as it crouched, ready to pounce. "Get out of my way, and I'll wait until after I get back to kill you."  With a synthesized screech, the harvester leaped at him, claws extended. "Alright then, let's do it your way."

Just as the sharp talons were about to tear through the soft mesh surrounding Damin's neck, the Ash disappeared in a puff of smoke. Only making contact with dead air, the momentum carried it straight into the far wall, where it crashed to the floor. Before the Harvester could recover, Damin reappeared Dragon Nikana in hand, and he thrust the blade through it's head, rendering the unit inert.

"Temperance, it would seem they're are harvesters stalking the halls. I ran into one on the way to Arkas' ship. Just thought you'd like to know."



"Are you kidding me?" Temperance exploded.  "Harvesters?  Now?  Matres futuentes filii luparum!  Thank you for the tip off, Tyranis.  Can I trust you to watch over Cyril?  If there are Harvesters roaming the halls, we've got a serious problem our hands.  I'm going to check for stray Acolytes; stay safe until I get back."


He took off at a steady sprint, gripping his rifle tightly.


Cardina, there are Harvesters on the ship.  Are you alright?

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The sections of the derelict that had gone dark due to the loss of functionality from that specific reactor lit up after a few moments as one of the church's engineers switched that area to emergency power. The emergency supply would last for some hours, allowing Tenno to navigate for some time.


As per Cardina's orders, a Trinity was on her way to the give Cyrill medical treatment if necessary and there was a Vauban on his way as well who intended to repair the generator. The nearby Acolytes, in general, were securing the general region around that specific reactor. If they secured the halls then they could trap the saboteur by boxing him in. However, that was easier said than done with the Harvesters roaming the ship.


Using a private channel formed by linking his helmet communicator to that of Temperance and Cardina, Rien sent a message. "Herald Cardina? Temperance? How do you both fare? I am tracking the saboteur as we speak but I will require assistance. I need someone to cut him off as most of the Acolytes are preoccupied fighting Harvesters and securing the halls."

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"Are you kidding me?" Temperance exploded.  "Harvesters?  Now?  Matres futuentes filii luparum!  Thank you for the tip off, Tyranis.  Can I trust you to watch over Cyril?  If there are Harvesters roaming the halls, we've got a serious problem our hands.  I'm going to check for stray Acolytes; stay safe until I get back."


He took off at a steady sprint, gripping his rifle tightly.


Cardina, there are Harvesters on the ship.  Are you alright?

Tyranis looked over to the Vauban as Temperance left the room. "Who would of thought i'd see you again under such terrible circumstances. You don't have great luck Cyrill." Tyranis focused for a moment and then slammed the hilt of his Galatine into the ground, a small red orb made its way out of the blade and into the Vauban's body. "It'll take some time but you should feel much better after my rejuvenate restores you. I will stand guard over you until you can get on your feet." He pulled out his duel Vastos, he would be ready if any Harvesters found them.

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The sections of the derelict that had gone dark due to the loss of functionality from that specific reactor lit up after a few moments as one of the church's engineers switched that area to emergency power. The emergency supply would last for some hours, allowing Tenno to navigate for some time.


As per Cardina's orders, a Trinity was on her way to the give Cyrill medical treatment if necessary and there was a Vauban on his way as well who intended to repair the generator. The nearby Acolytes, in general, were securing the general region around that specific reactor. If they secured the halls then they could trap the saboteur by boxing him in. However, that was easier said than done with the Harvesters roaming the ship.


Using a private channel formed by linking his helmet communicator to that of Temperance and Cardina, Rien sent a message. "Herald Cardina? Temperance? How do you both fare? I am tracking the saboteur as we speak but I will require assistance. I need someone to cut him off as most of the Acolytes are preoccupied fighting Harvesters and securing the halls."


"I was just on my way to assess the situation, Rien," Temperance replied, more glad than he would have believed to hear the Loki's voice.  "Tell me where our saboteur is heading; I'll see what I can do to cut him off."

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(Primed up technology Corpus has researched. It is not powerful as my own but to these Tenno... It can be an ace) he thought "CB 12 any signs of Corpus?" Ansilm asked a question through chatter "Still nothing" CB 12 replied as alarm of the Church went on a Harvester assaulted towards him "Oh please" he gasped as pulled out his sword blocked the assault kicked the thing away slashes few times with the sword to destroy shields of Harvester then impaled few important internals of the Harvester with his sword but now his sword is stuck on the corpse "This will be many of those what I kill today... I assume. Damn its stuck deep on it" he spoke to himself and pulled the sword off slightly using too much power on the pull so he moved with the sword backwards slightly.


"This is Ansilm. I am requesting reinforcements to wait in to space for the attack on the Corpus ship. CB 12 you can open fire at the Corpus ship don't feel the shame to waste ammo. I will be invading the ship myself soon" he said and hopped on the Shogun's scout ship and dust off towards the Corpus ship blasting down few incoming heavy cannon rounds "Damn they has really upped their arsenal for this one" he sent a message to CB 12. "Nah just get in there. I will handle the cannons for you"


CB 12 replied "Also those auto turrets" CB 12 continued as blast down a heavy cannon "Tear them up and knock them down" he sent a message of joy as one of the ship's cannons was destroyed. Ansilm landed on the Corpus ship and was instantly attacked by the Corpus troops he counter attacked with his rifle at the docking station what just closed behind him he rushed forward towards the command center of the ship but it his way is blocked with several thousands of Corpus infantry and Harvesters.

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"I was just on my way to assess the situation, Rien," Temperance replied, more glad than he would have believed to hear the Loki's voice.  "Tell me where our saboteur is heading; I'll see what I can do to cut him off."


Rien sent Temperance a marker on his mini-map along with a prescribed path. "Follow the marker. I have the target marked. The path I have sent is a route you can use to cut him off. It's faster than the hallways but will require some parkour skills to navigate. Either one works and with what I've seen, I believe you are capable."

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Tyranis heard the sound of metal claws clunking through the hallway, he pointed his Vastos at the door and waited for the Harvester to show itself. But the noise stopped. Did it know he was waiting for it? All was quiet for a few seconds, suddenly the Harvester came bursting through the wall of the room, it dug its claws deep into the shoulders of Ty's frame, knocking the Vastos out of his hands as it pinned him to the floor. "Clever one aren't you" Ty said to the Harvester as he kicked his legs up and headbutted the Harvester, kicking it off of him. He hadn't a moment to spare, no sooner did he get back on his feet was the Harvester already bearing down on him with another attack. His Vastos on the floor, and no time to reach for one of his meele weapons he quickly lifted his leg high into the air and axe kicked the Harvester square on its head, slamming it into the ground.


He kept the hoof like foot of his Oberon frame on the Harvester's head. He began to feel the rush again, the rush of battle. But this felt different, there was anger, hatred, malice. These were emotions Ty was not fond of, he only expressed them to those he truly did despise. He began to stomp on the Harvesters head, he did it again and again and again and again. His stomps grew faster as the rush intensified. He taunted  the creature as he continued "Come on! Come on!, this is what the Corpus would have hundreds of my brothers and sisters killed to create?!

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Rien sent Temperance a marker on his mini-map along with a prescribed path. "Follow the marker. I have the target marked. The path I have sent is a route you can use to cut him off. It's faster than the hallways but will require some parkour skills to navigate. Either one works and with what I've seen, I believe you are capable."


Temperance smiled as he received the waypoint.  Even if the Volt speed-boosted all the way from the reactor room, chances were good that he could cut him off.


"Thank you Rien.  I'm on my way."  He began to sprint through the partially-lighted halls, ever alert for the warbling cry of roaming Harvesters.


Temperance reached for Cardina again, and felt nothing abnormal.  It seemed she was safe.  For now.

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Ansilm after taking down some of the Corpus infantry about 100 he quickly hid himself to get a quick rest. "Damn those shields are a one @(*()$ bane to me soon" he cursed "I am taking hits in here and soon I have to reload. That will take about twenty seconds" CB 12 sent message to Ansilm "Okay just don't get shot there" Ansilm replied to message as his shields started regenerate.

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Aran and Gandraya are in theri ship when suddenly the lights go out.
"Draya, why do you think the lights went out?"
"Yea someone must have shut it off, i mean did you see those reactors, no way they'd cr@p out on us, those things still have half a melina to go."
"This feeling I have felt before, betrayal, I mean c'mon shutting down the power to surprise us-"
Aran is inturrupted by the sound of metal claws near by her ship and the two quickly switch to speaking telepathically.
Zanukas! and by the sounds of it, its not just one maybe 2-3
Pass me my miter, you know what to do when I ask for the miter
First let me check with a codex scanner....yep 3 zanukas base model nothing too special, lets do this

Gandraya uses anti matter drop, stopping the drop in front of aran's miter, aran charges and fires a double shot miter blade in to the drop, the blades hit the drop at a stunning rate, adding more and more damage. Gandraya proceeds to direct the drop right in between the zanukas and...BOOOM all 3 zanukas are destroyed by the immense radiation produced by the drop.

"Dont you find it odd that we can destroy 3 Zanukas almost instantly and not leave a scratch on anything else?"

"Yea I always wondered why that is, but it works and that's all the that matters. Seeing as we just encountered 3 hostile Zanuka, the invasion must be upon us. Ready to make some noise out there?"

"You bet your a$$ I am"

Aran and Gandraya piloted their gunship out the hanger, weapons at the ready, to face the Corpus vessels.

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Temperance smiled as he received the waypoint.  Even if the Volt speed-boosted all the way from the reactor room, chances were good that he could cut him off.


"Thank you Rien.  I'm on my way."  He began to sprint through the partially-lighted halls, ever alert for the warbling cry of roaming Harvesters.


Temperance reached for Cardina again, and felt nothing abnormal.  It seemed she was safe.  For now.


I'm fine so far, Temperance, Cardina was still sprinting, but her breathing was becoming heavy and strained without the augmentations provided by a warframe. She grabbed a vine on the inside edge of a corner, hooking around it without losing momentum, then immediately skidded to a stop. S#&$S#&$S#&$S#&$ Cardina dove back the way she came, pressing her back flat against the wall.


A Harvester prowled the corridor, snarling and hissing as it searched for prey. If it hadn't been looking away, I'd be dead now, Cardina's eyes were peeled open, her ears twitching with every cat-quiet footfall the Harvester made. It was coming closer.  Temperance, Cardina quickly loaded and checked both Wraith Vipers, operating on pure instinct. I'm pinned down by a Harvester, and it's blocking the only way to my room. She took a deep, silent breath, cursing her idiocy to not keep her warframe on. I have to take it out.

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While at Corpus ship Ansilm was getting pushed away from his objective "There is too many of them I can not do more than fall back and fight. WHERE IN THE HELL IS MY REINFORCEMENTS!?" he shouts on the chatter "The hangar door is closed it takes time we can breach it" Swarmer mechs squad replied. "BOLLOCKS! Roger that" he cursed and kept shooting at enemies as they arrived on his sight head shots and disable shots he sling at his enemies but they seems to be come even bigger waves like a tsunami. He sees a grenade going to explode right next to of him "Dammit!" he shouts.


As he quickly had to tumble away from it to open area swarmed by MOAs and Crewmen he landed few more head shots on few of them and fall back again towards the hangar. His twin barreled rifle shooting plasma and bullets were going to be overheated. As he was right at the door of the hangar he had to switch to his Lex Prime quickly pulling the trigger of it landing even more head shots instantly taking down enemy who got hit buy it. "75% done in here! Hold them away for 10 seconds Ansilm. We are almost there!" Caltroit unit said.




"I don't even know can I hold them away even that long!" he shouted as had to activate Damage Absorb to nullify incoming damage as it went on cool down for ten minutes he cursed that he didn't brought anybody with him at the hangar we hopped on top his ship, lie down on hull of it, pulled out his rifle reloaded it and kept putting out suppressing fire to keep Corpus away from the hangar or keep them at least on the door to hangar. Seconds became hours on Ansilm's mind as he landed killing blows on his enemies. The Hangar door was breached and there flood.


Power of the Dome of Civilizations forces what instantly brought a push enemies away from the hangar. A force what was priority to be dealt with "MEDIC! I am hit!" Ansilm shouted as slipped down from top of his ship. Caltroit medic approached him and started using the medical aura and medical pack what he has on his right hand "That was the last of them! Hangar is secured!" Swarmer mech squad shouted. "You are going to be alright my friend" Caltroit medic said with Russian accent. "Setting down tools to repair the ship!" Caltroit Engineer shouted. All of them in hangar.


Heard a scream of Harvesters. "Sounds like there is about over twenty of them or even more" Ansilm healing Caltroit medic said. "Oh... There is lot more than you can think my friend" Ansilm said and tapped three times on the Medic's shoulder. Two squads of Caltroit units and Swarmer mechs made another check on the hangar. Then they started to set traps. "This will take longer than I expected but good thing that you are alive my friend" Medic said with the Russian accent as continued healing. "How long?" Ansilm asked "Two minutes" Medic replied "I can wait that..." Ansilm said.


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Despite the harvester's untimely interruption, Damin still made good time and it didn't take long before he reached the hanger. However, low and behold, the entire place was being patrolled by eight of those robotic proxys. "Well this should be fun."

You don't have time to be screwing around

Damin smirked.

Ah, look who's back in the land of the living

Yeah, no thanks to you

Damin's face feigned hurt.


Now Arky, that's not fair. It wasn't MY decision to break down the barrier between us

Well it wasn't my decision for you to be in my head either


Arky...Arky, how would you ever have survived your ordeal if it weren't for me?

Maybe I wouldn't, but maybe she would

That gave Damin pause.

You loved her didn't you? You loved her, because despite all of Alad's conditioning, you're still me.

Damin's face went cold.

Oh I'm not you Arky, I'm not anything like you. I'm a killer. I'm a monster.

A grin slowly spread across his face.

I am...Dämin




Throwing down a smoke bomb, Damin cloaked and made his way past the harvesters to Arkas' ship. Seemingly unscathed, the Nocturne stood there, ready to go as always. Making his way to the cockpit, Damin started up the ship's systems.

He tried opening up a comm with Cardina, he needed to know what he would be dealing with regarding the void energy, but when he tried to hail her a loud static snap nearly deafened him. That usually happens when someone is being jammed...

"Temperance, I made it to the Nocturne, and I'm preparing to head out. What's the status on Cardina? I'm trying to get through to her, but my signal is being jammed."


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I'm fine so far, Temperance, Cardina was still sprinting, but her breathing was becoming heavy and strained without the augmentations provided by a warframe. She grabbed a vine on the inside edge of a corner, hooking around it without losing momentum, then immediately skidded to a stop. S#&$S#&$S#&$S#&$ Cardina dove back the way she came, pressing her back flat against the wall.


A Harvester prowled the corridor, snarling and hissing as it searched for prey. If it hadn't been looking away, I'd be dead now, Cardina's eyes were peeled open, her ears twitching with every cat-quiet footfall the Harvester made. It was coming closer.  Temperance, Cardina quickly loaded and checked both Wraith Vipers, operating on pure instinct. I'm pinned down by a Harvester, and it's blocking the only way to my room. She took a deep, silent breath, cursing her idiocy to not keep her warframe on. I have to take it out.


Alone and without a Warframe?  That's suicide!


Temperance double checked his map; she was not far from him.  If he moved fast, he could still make the intercept.


Still, Rien may have understated the difficulty of the route when he said "requires a little parkour."  Currently, Temperance was running along a comparatively clear but completely vertical stretch of wall in what used to be a long hallway, and was now more like a chasm.  Quietly praying that his 'frame's augmentations would hold, Temperance launched himself off the wall, towards a rail he could barely see in the murk.  For an instant, he did not think he would make it.  But the edge was in reach, and he grabbed on and pulled himself up, going to his knees on the other side.  Even with the Warframe, he was breathing heavily.


"Temperance, I made it to the Nocturne, and I'm preparing to head out. What's the status on Cardina? I'm trying to get through to her, but my signal is being jammed."


"That's bloody wonderful Damin," the Ash panted.  "Last I checked, she was pinned by a Harvester.  You just focus on whatever is out there.  I'll make sure Cardina's safe."


Not he added silently, that she can't look after herself.


The warbling cry of a nearby Harvester pulled Temperance to his feet and set him running again, his finger hovering just outside the trigger guard of his Soma.  He rounded another corner and skidded to a halt.  The Harvester was at the far end of the hall way.  And for that matter, so was Cardina.


Crap.  I need to draw its attention.


The Soma blazed, and high-caliber magnetic rounds slammed into the Harvester's shields.  The wolf-like proxy spun, hissing.  Beneath his helmet, Temperance smiled grimly.


"Good doggy," he cooed.


The Harvester let out a warbling shriek, and charged.

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Alone and without a Warframe?  That's suicide!


Temperance double checked his map; she was not far from him.  If he moved fast, he could still make the intercept.


Still, Rien may have understated the difficulty of the route when he said "requires a little parkour."  Currently, Temperance was running along a comparatively clear but completely vertical stretch of wall in what used to be a long hallway, and was now more like a chasm.  Quietly praying that his 'frame's augmentations would hold, Temperance launched himself off the wall, towards a rail he could barely see in the murk.  For an instant, he did not think he would make it.  But the edge was in reach, and he grabbed on and pulled himself up, going to his knees on the other side.  Even with the Warframe, he was breathing heavily.


"Temperance, I made it to the Nocturne, and I'm preparing to head out. What's the status on Cardina? I'm trying to get through to her, but my signal is being jammed."


"That's bloody wonderful Damin," the Ash panted.  "Last I checked, she was pinned by a Harvester.  You just focus on whatever is out there.  I'll make sure Cardina's safe."


Not he added silently, that she can't look after herself.


The warbling cry of a nearby Harvester pulled Temperance to his feet and set him running again, his finger hovering just outside the trigger guard of his Soma.  He rounded another corner and skidded to a halt.  The Harvester was at the far end of the hall way.  And for that matter, so was Cardina.


Crap.  I need to draw its attention.


The Soma blazed, and high-caliber magnetic rounds slammed into the Harvester's shields.  The wolf-like proxy spun, hissing.  Beneath his helmet, Temperance smiled grimly.


"Good doggy," he cooed.


The Harvester let out a warbling shriek, and charged.


It lived? Cardina peered around the corner in shock, what the hell kills these things? Cardina glanced at Temperance, then at the Harvester. I need more time- I'll run and draw it's attention, then you shoot it again in the back of the head. Hopefully that'll make it go for you instead of me, I'll be gone and it'll be weak enough for you to kill.


Cardina dove out of cover, sprinting mere feet behind the Harvester and dumping both Wraith Vipers nearly point-blank into the creature. She kept running while the construct spun around, roaring its metallic wrath and preparing a missile barrage.

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Taranis sighed when the emergency lights came on and went back to a slow walking pace. He kept walking for a few minutes until he heard what sounded like someone firing a Soma, and began to run in the direction from which it came. He instantly spotted the Harvester as he came around the corner, but there was also the Soma-wielding Ash.


Grabbing the Latron Prime of his back, Taranis spoke loud enough for the Ash to hear since there was a bit of distance between them. "Hey, uh...you want some help?"


He saw the female come out of the corner and blast the harvester with Wraith Vipers. Taranis watched the harvester prepare a missile barrage so he began firing at its head, hoping the convenient magnetic rounds would be of use.

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Taranis sighed when the emergency lights came on and went back to a slow walking pace. He kept walking for a few minutes until he heard what sounded like someone firing a Soma, and began to run in the direction from which it came. He instantly spotted the Harvester as he came around the corner, but there was also the Soma-wielding Ash.


Grabbing the Latron Prime of his back, Taranis spoke loud enough for the Ash to hear since there was a bit of distance between them. "Hey, uh...you want some help?"


He saw the female come out of the corner and blast the harvester with Wraith Vipers. Taranis watched the harvester prepare a missile barrage so he began firing at its head, hoping the convenient magnetic rounds would be of use.


"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK?" Still at a dead sprint, Cardina quickly reloaded her Wraith Vipers, as the Harvester shot forward a swarm of missiles at her. Cardina dove, sliding to the ground and spraying bullets at the missiles. A few rockets slipped through the hail of lead, slamming into the ground and wall next to her. I can't die! Cardina grit her teeth, getting up and running.
The crack-crack of a Latron turned the Harvester's attention, growling at the new threat. Cardina took the opportunity to turn the corner and get the hell out of there.
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"Temperance, I made it to the Nocturne, and I'm preparing to head out. What's the status on Cardina? I'm trying to get through to her, but my signal is being jammed."


"That's bloody wonderful Damin," the Ash panted.  "Last I checked, she was pinned by a Harvester.  You just focus on whatever is out there.  I'll make sure Cardina's safe."


Damin gestured with his hand, bringing up the ship's holographic controls. The Nocturne roared to life, and took off screaming into space.

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Cyrios returned to his work, unerringly typing faster than the organic eye can even see. Eventually he finished, using his middle finger to drag one of the symbols away from the rest of the hologram, which was dismissed as his left arm fell to his side. Cyrios snapped, the holographic button splintering into a thousand fragments, each consumed by golden electricity. The electricity changed to a light cyan hue as it was modified, crackling between the 'bones' of Cyrios' golden, prosthetic hand. He pressed it against the head of the Zanuka, the electricity charging through the body of the construct, bringing.it back to life as it rose and turned towards Miho.

"It'll defend whoever needs defending most. And shields should not be a problem."

Three Corpus shield drones seemingly materialized inside the ship, boosting the already considerable shields of the two Tenno and the Zanuka.

"For you. One drone will boost follow each of you, boosting and hardening your shields, making them larger and more resilient. And if you want them to go invisible, just snap."


Tatsuya nodded, "Thanks Cyrios, it seems the Corpus have arrived, we're going to need every able bodied personnel to defend the derelict, at least we have an edge," gesturing to Yuzuki, "Corpus machines may be designed to fight Tenno and the Grineer, they're not designed to fight their own creations. They're going to be sending a lot Jackal-class assault mechs, got anything that goes boom?"

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"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK?" Still at a dead sprint, Cardina quickly reloaded her Wraith Vipers, as the Harvester shot forward a swarm of missiles at her. Cardina dove, sliding to the ground and spraying bullets at the missiles. A few rockets slipped through the hail of lead, slamming into the ground and wall next to her. I can't die! Cardina grit her teeth, getting up and running.
The crack-crack of a Latron turned the Harvester's attention, growling at the new threat. Cardina took the opportunity to turn the corner and get the hell out of there.


Holy sh*t. I should be glad I haven't fought one of these before, but what do I do?


You should try not to get hit by any missiles.


Taranis activated Speed to quickly get out of the way and allow the the person that sounded like Cardina get to safety quicker. As the Harvester growled at him, he felt it would be best to distract it up close. Sheathing and grabbing his Dakra Prime, he charged the Harvester with a few seconds remaining from his ability. He slid and sliced at the legs of the enemy then quickly got up to block any incoming attack.

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Holy sh*t. I should be glad I haven't fought one of these before, but what do I do?


You should try not to get hit by any missiles.


Taranis activated Speed to quickly get out of the way and allow the the person that sounded like Cardina get to safety quicker. As the Harvester growled at him, he felt it would be best to distract it up close. Sheathing and grabbing his Dakra Prime, he charged the Harvester with a few seconds remaining from his ability. He slid and sliced at the legs of the enemy then quickly got up to block any incoming attack.


Cardina felt the speed boost, grateful for the assist; she be at her room in moments.


The Harvester screeched as the slash cut away the last of its shield, gouging into its armor. It threw its whole, massive body at Taranis, seeking to crush and claw him to death in pure animalistic rage.

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Cardina felt the speed boost, grateful for the assist; she be at her room in moments.


The Harvester screeched as the slash cut away the last of its shield, gouging into its armor. It threw its whole, massive body at Taranis, seeking to crush and claw him to death in pure animalistic rage.

It seemed blocking wasn't the answer to the Harvester jumping on Taranis. Before he could do anything else, the Harvester pinned him down and knocked his Dakra Prime out of his hands, clawing away. He tried to come up with something quickly before it got through his shields. Seeing that his right arm was free, Taranis charged up the gauntlet. The lightning started to make crackling sounds as it intensified. Right when his shields went out, he grabbed the Harvester by the neck and squeezed as best he could. Both of them let out a shriek, one filled with pain, and the other filled with desperation. Taranis tried reaching for his Dakra Prime but one of the Harvester's paws stopped him. He summoned his lightning whip, grinning as he did so, and lassoed the sword. He launched the sword towards himself and caught it with ease. He decapitated the animal-like robotic and let it roll off him as he lied there.

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