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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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At the medical bay, Gaia and some of the Acolytes were treating the wounded for both injuries and various poisons that the Harvesters had apparently been equipped with. It was rough at the moment as the medical staff was rushing about to get everyone back into fighting condition. Thus far, the Acolytes had managed to kill the Harvesters in 1 vs 1 confrontations but rerouped when outnumbered to avoid casualties.


Tyranis understood the signals. "I understand, continue on your way to the Med-Bay, i may not be in a stable condition myself, but as long as i can still move i will not sit by with my kin in harms way!. Lotus keep you safe." He left them, disappearing into the halls of the derelict. He opened the comm channel and called out to anyone who would listen. "This is Black Knight Tyranis, i need a status update on the current situation, i am coming to assist" 


Tatsuya nodded, as Tyranis slips into the shadows of the halls, he looks at Miho, "Miho c'mon, were almost at the Med-Bay." Miho still shaking from killing the Crewman, just nodded. With Yuzuki following, they made their way down the halls.


The halls leading towards the Med-Bay were empty, 'Most of the fighting is probably at the hangar.' Once they reached the Med-Bay. Tatsuya sighed in relief seeing Gaia in the Med-Bay, still both drenched in blood, he sat Miho down on a chair and approached Gaia, "Mother Gaia, thank the gods we found you," looking back to Miho, and then back to Gaia, "we need your help."



At this time Attakai and Samantha might notice how the Corpus crewmen suddenly are holding on to their heads as if they all had gotten a real headache.

Jinx stood in the shadows, reaching into the crewmen's minds and when she had reached their core she sank her telepathic claws into them. Slowly the crewmen's visions changed. The nearby Tenno and human was now Corpus while the other crewmen around them had changed into Tenno and others from the Red Vail. Jinx entered their minds and spoke to them in a voice that made them believe it was their own thoughts.


You're surrounded by enemies. They're everywhere. You need to protect yourself. You have your weapon now use it! Kill every betrayer you see!


All of a sudden the Corpus seemed to totally ignore the actual Tenno and started firing at each other instead.

Dread arrows were now flying through the air, striking its targets one by one all while a black and red Excalibur rushed forward. He charged forward, sliding over the floor on his knees and used his Hate scythe to effectively cutting off the legs by the knees of the close standing Crewmen. He then jumped up and buried the Hate into another ones skull.


Attakai just watched as every Corpus starts killing themselves, removing his helmet, he then walks up to Samantha and places his arms around her waist, "Now about that kiss."

Edited by Unendingblade
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Attakai just watched as every Corpus starts killing themselves, he then walks up to Samantha and places his arms around her waist, "Now about that kiss."


Wasting no time, Sam gives her Loki a long warm and somewhat Passionate kiss, keeping it up for a good 10 seconds before releasing him.


"You're welcome"

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At this time Attakai and Samantha might notice how the Corpus crewmen suddenly are holding on to their heads as if they all had gotten a real headache.

Jinx stood in the shadows, reaching into the crewmen's minds and when she had reached their core she sank her telepathic claws into them. Slowly the crewmen's visions changed. The nearby Tenno and human was now Corpus while the other crewmen around them had changed into Tenno and others from the Red Vail. Jinx entered their minds and spoke to them in a voice that made them believe it was their own thoughts.


You're surrounded by enemies. They're everywhere. You need to protect yourself. You have your weapon now use it! Kill every betrayer you see!


All of a sudden the Corpus seemed to totally ignore the actual Tenno and started firing at each other instead.

Dread arrows were now flying through the air, striking its targets one by one all while a black and red Excalibur rushed forward. He charged forward, sliding over the floor on his knees and used his Hate scythe to effectively cutting off the legs by the knees of the close standing Crewmen. He then jumped up and buried the Hate into another ones skull.


Attakai just watched as every Corpus starts killing themselves, he then walks up to Samantha and places his arms around her waist, "Now about that kiss."



Wasting no time, Sam gives her Loki a long warm and somewhat Passionate kiss, keeping it up for a good 10 seconds before releasing him.


"You're welcome"


"You know... As much as I do enjoy two love birds enjoying each other's company, we matters to deal with." Shinkiro stares blankly at the couple in their make-out fest. His arms crossed and stature looking like a classical ninja standing on a pole. Since the crewman were busy blowing each other's heads off, he had no need to waste any kunai on them.

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Aran and Gandraya are sweeping the area for any leftover harvesters or corpus  when they come across a Loki, a Red veil member, and a Ash.

Well, this is a bit unexpected

Yea, didn't expect this was going on either. Wanna go talk to the ash and see just is going on?

Sure why not?

Aran and Gandraya make their way over to the three with the intention to see if they are alright.

"Hey, you all alright?"

Gandraya looks toward the couple kissing

"You two want a nice dinner and a drink with that?"

"Gandraya! Are you serious, did you just do that?"

Aran looks toward the two.

"Please excuse her, she can be a bit..eh sometimes."

Edited by Issun135
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He had made it aboard.

"This is Alpha Squad. Commander, we are on board and about to take the Herald in, however, we experienced resistance on our approach. A stealth cruiser attempted to stop us but we are almost positive it was destroyed. The teleportation pad is being primed and will be ready when we get to it. I'll make sure Bravo Squad will have Silac waiting on the other side." The pilot switched comm channels to the other squad, which was originally escorting Temperance.

"Bravo Squad, this is Alpha. Is the Ash under control?" The pilot awaited a reply but was greeted by static that hurt his ears. "Bravo, do you copy? Where is the Ash?" Nothing.


"Synder, this is Alpha. Be advised, the Ash is potentially not suppressed. Repeat, the Ash might be free. I've lost all contact with Bravo."


Synder stopped in his tracks once more. "Is that so? You've failed me again? You bumbling idiots forgot to disarm him, didn't you?" Synder sighed and kept moving. "Lucky for you I might be compromised anyway. The way these people are looking at me is making me uncomfortable. I'm heading to the generator room now...an old friend is waiting for me." Synder laughed slightly and moved towards the generator room, where a barely conscious Vauban sat propped against the wall, being healed by a med team consisting of an Oberon healer and two unsuited Tenno.


"Temperance!" The Oberon shouted.  "Oh, we're glad to see you.  We've done what we can for your friend here but he's still out just a bit, albeit healed."


Synder channeled his vocal receptors to portray his persona's voice, saying "Oh, thank you.  If you'll bring him to the hall with me we can talk about what to do with him."  Under his helmet, Synder smiled and thought out his next actions.


"Now if all three of you will look closely at my friend..."--Synder drove his cloaked Ether Sword through the Oberon, and spun in a perfect circle to decapitate the other two Tenno--"...you'll see you're not doing much better than him anymore."  Synder took the three perfectly innocent bodies and hid them in a trio of storage lockers nearby.  "A burial fit for a king," Synder said as he grinned.


"Hello Cyrill. It's so nice to see you again, only under such poor circumstances. Hope you don't mind if I...borrow some things." Synder said this as his visor scanned Cyrill, once again producing an exact copy and leaching all his energy. "Alpha, this is Synder. I now can alter between the Ash and the Vauban. Do this right and I can sabotage from the inside."


As Synder walked off in the direction of the hangar, he heard something from inside the room he left.


"You--can't win, Synder," Cyrill managed to cough out. "Justice will alway--always get the upper...hand." Cyrill coughed and slumped back down as Synder injected his suit with a Gas proc to put Cyrill back under.


"Ah, yes, old friend..."

Synder paused as he changed form to Cyrill-

"but what happens when you cut off Justice's hands?" Synder pushed his past ally into a fourth locker, making sure it was locked.


"Alpha, don't contact me again until I talk to you."

"Synder out."

Edited by thelastpwnr99
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Tyranis understood the signals. "I understand, continue on your way to the Med-Bay, i may not be in a stable condition myself, but as long as i can still move i will not sit by with my kin in harms way!. Lotus keep you safe." He left them, disappearing into the halls of the derelict. He opened the comm channel and called out to anyone who would listen. "This is Black Knight Tyranis, i need a status update on the current situation, i am coming to assist" 


The tactical officer for the church replied, "The Harvesters and invading Corpus have largely been defeated and what remains of their boarding party will be disposed of soon. The injured are in the med-bay being treated or being brought to the med-bay by those able-bodied enough for the task. Be careful. With all this chaos, patrols have lightened significantly."


The Trinity following Tyranis remained with him. She wasn't going to let him wander about by himself when he had the Cicero toxin coursing through him and impeding his performance. It would be suicide for him. Considering that he refused to stay at the med-bay and rest, the Trinity also saw it as necessary to accompany him.


Tatsuya nodded, as Tyranis slips into the shadows of the halls, he looks at Miho, "Miho c'mon, were almost at the Med-Bay." Miho still shaking from killing the Crewman, just nodded. With Yuzuki following, they made their way down the halls.


The halls leading towards the Med-Bay were empty, 'Most of the fighting is probably at the hangar.' Once they reached the Med-Bay. Tatsuya sighed in relief seeing Gaia in the Med-Bay, still both drenched in blood, he sat Miho down on a chair and approached Gaia, "Mother Gaia, thank the gods we found you," looking back to Miho, and then back to Gaia, "we need your help."


Gaia saw Miho both of them coated in blood and gasped, immediately feeling deep concern for their well-being, especially for Miho. As far as she knew, it could very well have been Miho's first experience in real combat. "Tatsuya, what happened? Why are the two of you bloodied so?" She speedily walked to Miho's side and went down on one knee beside the chair Miho was sitting in so they could be eye to eye. She noticed Miho's trembling immediately and despite that it would get her coated in blood as well, Gaia hugged her while awaiting Tatsuya's response.


"This is Alpha Squad. Commander, we are on board and about to take the Herald in, however, we experienced resistance on our approach. A stealth cruiser attempted to stop us but we are almost positive it was destroyed. The teleportation pad is being primed and will be ready when we get to it. I'll make sure Bravo Squad will have Silac waiting on the other side." The pilot switched comm channels to the other squad, which was originally escorting Temperance.

"Bravo Squad, this is Alpha. Is the Ash under control?" The pilot awaited a reply but was greeted by static that hurt his ears. "Bravo, do you copy? Where is the Ash?" Nothing.


"Synder, this is Alpha. Be advised, the Ash is potentially not suppressed. Repeat, the Ash might be free. I've lost all contact with Bravo."


Synder stopped in his tracks once more. "Is that so? You've failed me again? You bumbling idiots forgot to disarm him, didn't you?" Synder sighed and kept moving. "Lucky for you I might be compromised anyway. The way these people are looking at me is making me uncomfortable. I'm heading to the generator room now...an old friend is waiting for me." Synder laughed slightly and moved towards the generator room, where a barely conscious Vauban sat propped against the wall, being healed by a med team consisting of an Oberon healer and two unsuited Tenno.


"Temperance!" The Oberon shouted.  "Oh, we're glad to see you.  We've done what we can for your friend here but he's still out just a bit, albeit healed."


Synder channeled his vocal receptors to portray his persona's voice, saying "Oh, thank you.  If you'll come to the hall with me we can talk about what to do with him."  Under his helmet, Synder smiled and thought out his next actions.


"Now if all three of you will look closely at my friend..."--Synder drove his cloaked Ether Sword through the Oberon, and spun in a perfect circle to decapitate the other two Tenno--"...you'll see you're not doing much better than him anymore."  Synder took the three perfectly innocent bodies and hid them in a trio of storage lockers nearby.  "A burial fit for a king," Synder said as he grinned.


"Hello Cyrill. It's so nice to see you again, only under such poor circumstances. Hope you don't mind if I...borrow some things." Synder said this as his visor scanned Cyrill, once again producing an exact copy and leaching all his energy. "Alpha, this is Synder. I now can alter between the Ash and the Vauban. Do this right and I can sabotage from the inside."


As Synder walked off in the direction of the hangar, he heard something from inside the room he left.


"You--can't win, Synder," Cyrill managed to cough out. "Justice will alway--always get the upper...hand." Cyrill coughed and slumped back down as Synder injected his suit with a Gas proc to put Cyrill back under.


"Ah, yes, old friend..."

Synder paused as he changed form to Cyrill-

"but what happens when you cut off Justice's hands?" Synder pushed his past ally into a fourth locker, making sure it was locked.


"Alpha, don't contact me again until I talk to you."

"Synder out."


Shortly after Synder left, a Vauban came by to check on things and what he found was less than pleasant. In the hallways were an Oberon who had been run through and two decapitated Tenno. The two who had been decapitated were beyond help but the Oberon might still be saved. He ran over to dispense healing mist in order to close the wound before keeling down beside the Oberon.


"What happened here?", the Vauban asked and the Oberon quietly replied, "Temperance... He did this..." before losing consciousness once more.

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Damin made his way through the Corpus cruiser's ventilation, heading in the general direction where they were taking Cardina.

"Temperance, if you can hear me, the Corpus have captured Cardina and have brought her to a battle cruiser they have hidden in the wreckage of the Bleak Veil. I managed to make it on board, but I think they're getting ready to use a teleport pad to move Cardina to the main fleet. Taking out all these Corpus myself would be easy, but I risk them killing Cardina in a panic. Also, I can't track her like you can, having the mental bond that you two have. Get here as quickly as you can; I've programmed my ship to return and send you the navigation data. Hurry Temperance, if we don't get her before she is transferred to the main fleet, we may not be able to get her back, and our chances of survival without her are slim to none. Oh, and don't worry about the cruiser's weapons..."

Damin's face slowly cracks into a smile.

"I've got it covered"


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Rien looked to Temperance. He communicated on a private channel linked to Temperance's helmet. "Greetings, Temperance. It is good to see that you escaped capture." The reason for doing so rather than speaking openly was to ensure that the Temperance he was seeing was the real one and not the fake. The fake would not receive the message and thus would not know to reply.


"Likewise, Rien," Temperance said grimly.  "We'll need to work together to find this Synder.  The bastard's been on board for all of an hour and he's already caused more trouble than anyone has a right to."


He paused as Damin's voice sounded in his helmet.  The channel...echoed more than it should have.


Temperance killed his comms with a hiss, and spoke directly to Rien.  "Synder is mimicking my old comm channel.  I'm switching to a new one; you'll be able to tell us apart by this."


He opened the link to Damin again.  "Damin, this is Temperance.  I'm fully aware that Cardina has been taken."  Gods, it was painful to say.  "You're ship won't make it in time if they're using a teleport system, and I can't reach the vessel on my own without killing Cardina.  But I can slow them down long enough for you to get her out.  We're all counting on you Damin.  Bring her home safe."


Or I'll never forgive myself for this debacle.


He switched to a secure link, one of the few channels Synder could not possibly have stolen.


"Temperance to strike force.  There is a Corpus cruiser hiding in the debris field with a Tenno hostage on board.  They plan to teleport her back to their main fleet before engaging the derelict.  Stop them."


Just beyond the drifting fragments of what had been the Bleak Veil, three Tenno corvettes decloaked, weaving into the debris field and zeroing in on the near-sitting duck of a Corpus vessel.  Plasma fire beat at their shields, but the agile craft kept coming, their own weapons spitting defiance as they ran circles around the blocky ship.  Light flared, solar-bright, for an instant, and the Corpus cruiser suddenly went dark as nearly every system on board overloaded.  High yield EMP weapons have a way of doing that.


The corvettes circled warily, keeping their weapons trained on the sleeping behemoth, while the squadron's commanding officer sent a brief message along the comm channel Temperance had provided.


"Tenno Arkas, you have a maximum of five minutes before they manage to reboot their systems, ten if they need to recalibrate the teleport.  Good luck Tenno.  It's up to you now."


Back aboard the derelict, Temperance turned his attention back to Rien, his expression grim beneath his helmet.  "Now my friend," he said.  "Let's go find ourselves a Loki."

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Harvesters are surprisingly heavy, considering their agility. It didn't help that the one laying on top of Cyrios was entirely dead weight. Cyrios, being the colossal genius that he is, discovered this fact while he struggled to remove the sizzling behemoth from his torso. After a while of trying to recode the beast, Cyrios figured that he must have completely fried it and began to shove the machine off of him.


After no small amount of pushing, punching and annoyed grunts, Cyrios finally got the thing off him. He looked around as he stood, and eventually looked down at his shirt. Torn to shreds. Great. He discarded the now useless piece of clothing, exposing his torso to the air. Much of it shone, the technocyte-infused flesh reflecting the artificial lights. Positioned in the center of his chest, replacing his sternum, was an Orokin construct very similar to Captain Vor's key, although irremovable. A bright gold light shone from its center, bathing the area in front of him in a golden brilliance. Opening a comm channel with the man he thought was Temperance, he sighed discontentedly. 


I liked that shirt.


"Yo Temperance, how are things going over there?"

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Attakai just watched as every Corpus starts killing themselves, removing his helmet, he then walks up to Samantha and places his arms around her waist, "Now about that kiss."



Wasting no time, Sam gives her Loki a long warm and somewhat Passionate kiss, keeping it up for a good 10 seconds before releasing him.


"You're welcome"


Finishing off one of the last crewmen with a well aimed arrow, she looked over to the kissing couple Ugh get a room she thought as she went over to the dead corpus's limp body and retrieved the Dread arrow from his neck and put it back into its quiver.


"Seems to be all done. How's things on your end Arth?"


"Almost done sis" He responded as he swung the Hate towards the last standing crewman.


As the mind control finally wore out the last thing the crewman saw in life was a dark scythe coming towards him. He opened his mouth to scream but before he could do anything his head was severed from his body. It flew and then landed on the floor. A silent scream echoing on its face. 

Edited by Lady_Viper
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Gaia saw Miho both of them coated in blood and gasped, immediately feeling deep concern for their well-being, especially for Miho. As far as she knew, it could very well have been Miho's first experience in real combat. "Tatsuya, what happened? Why are the two of you bloodied so?" She speedily walked to Miho's side and went down on one knee beside the chair Miho was sitting in so they could be eye to eye. She noticed Miho's trembling immediately and despite that it would get her coated in blood as well, Gaia hugged her while awaiting Tatsuya's response.


Tatsuya looked down sadly, "We were being pursued by 6 Crewman and a single Harvester, since we could not risk being pursued, I made the decision to confront them, with Yuzuki over here, he was able to take down the Harvester without a problem, I manage to take down 5 Crewman, realizing the last one was not there, I turned to Miho who was facing the last one, it was not a pleasant experience for her."



Miho just stands there as the Crewman walks up to him slowly, with a Prova in hand. Her eyes wide with fear. She hears the Crewman chuckle.


"You're coming with us, Tenno."


She starts breathing irrationally, eyes widening even more, she notices the Prova, the same type of weapon she's seen during the time she was captured.


The same type of weapon that the Corpus guard who tried to have his way with her had. She snaps, letting out a cry.




She uses a Pull, causing the Crewman to widen his eyes as he is pulled to the floor. Miho immediately grabs the Prova and proceeds to point it at the Corpus's chest. She lets out another cry, "NRAAGH!"




Stab. Stab. Stab. Stab. Stab.


She continuously impales the man's chest with the Prova. Covering herself with the Crewman's blood.


Stab. Stab. Stab. Stab. Stab.


Tatsuya widens his eyes and immediately throws his arms around her. Miho panics and tries to get away, thinking another Corpus was grabbing her. "Get the f*ck away from me! I'll kill you! I'LL F*CKING KILL YOU!"


Tatsuya tries to calm her down, removing his helmet, "Miho! Miho it's me! It's me Tatsuya!" she widens her eyes and looks at his jet black hair and heterochromic eyes. "T-Tatsuya?" he smiles and gives her a kiss, ignoring the blood all over her chest and face. "It's me." She immediately looks at the Corpus she killed. "Oh gods, oh gods." Tears flowing in her eyes, she sobs into her lover's chest.


He pulls her into an embrace and begins stroking her hair, "Shh, shh, it's okay, you didn't do anything wrong, he was trying to capture you, you only defended yourself." he looks her in the eye, "You only defended yourself, now c'mon, it's still not safe here, there's still more of them out there. Right now our best bet is the Med-Bay." Miho nods dumbly, with Yuzuki behind them, they make their way to the Medical-Bay.


Tatsuya glances back at the dead Corpus with the Prova still embedded on its chest and then looks at Miho sadly, 


'Your first kill is never the easiest.'

*End Flashback*


Tatsuya sighs, "We met with Tyranis who heard Miho's cry, after that we decided to head here." he sits down beside Miho and cups her face, "Hey, you didn't do anything wrong okay? You did what you had to do, I know it wasn't a pleasant experience for you, your first kill is never the easiest, I had to face that as well, we all did. But you have me and Mother Gaia here to help you through it," giving her a kiss, "especially me." Miho just starts tearing up and embraces Tatsuya, "Thank you, Tatsuya." he just smiles, "Anytime love, anytime."


He then gets a serious look and turns to Gaia, "Mother Gaia, on the way here, I tried contacting Lady Cardina, but she did not respond, what is happening out there?"


Finishing off one of the last crewmen with a well aimed arrow, she looked over to the kissing couple Ugh get a room she thought as she went over to the dead corpus's limp body and retrieved the Dread arrow from his neck and put it back into its quiver.


"Seems to be all done. How's things on your end Arth?"


"Almost done sis" He responded as he swung the Hate towards the last standing crewman.


As the mind control finally wore out the last thing the crewman saw in life was a dark scythe coming towards him. He opened his mouth to scream but before he could do anything his head was severed from his body. It flew and then landed on the floor. A silent scream echoing on its face. 


Attakai just smiles and gives Sam another kiss, he then turns to the newcomers, two Novas, a Nyx and an Excalibur, he then notices they have weapons the Stalker uses.


He turns to the Novas, "How we date is none of your business!"


He then frowns pointing to the weapons, "May I ask why and how do you have those wretched weapons!?"

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The tactical officer for the church replied, "The Harvesters and invading Corpus have largely been defeated and what remains of their boarding party will be disposed of soon. The injured are in the med-bay being treated or being brought to the med-bay by those able-bodied enough for the task. Be careful. With all this chaos, patrols have lightened significantly."


The Trinity following Tyranis remained with him. She wasn't going to let him wander about by himself when he had the Cicero toxin coursing through him and impeding his performance. It would be suicide for him. Considering that he refused to stay at the med-bay and rest, the Trinity also saw it as necessary to accompany him.








Noticing the Trinity following him, Tyranis still limping his way through the halls spoke to her. "This doesn't add up Acolyte. Did the Corpus really believe this would be enough to bring down the church? No... There has to be something more... They came here for something." Just then he heard an all too familiar sound. Metal against metal, the sound of clunking in the hallways. It was another Harvester. "There are still some left? I pray you to be the last, i'd perish the thought of what might happen if more of that toxin gets in my veins." He drew his Vastos, the Trinty close behind him. As the beast rounded the corner he opened fire on the beast, he aimed for the weak points of the creature, he had learned from the data he scanned from the Zanuka Prime. 


"I grow tired of the Corpus and their games!" His voice filled with anger as he lifted the disabled Harvester up by the neck with a single hand. He held it up high. "Is this the fate the Corpus will see every last Tenno to?! A mindless dog that will obey orders and attack until it can't move anymore?!" In his fit of rage he threw the Harvester to the ground and shot it until the clip in both Vastos were empty. "Bring more of your dogs Corpus trash... i will slaughter them like the beasts they are." The tone in his voice was pure malice. The Crimson Rage had overtaken him once more.

Edited by MasterDread
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Corvo nods to Taranis "Feel free"

As Taranis followed Corvo, he couldn't help but feel bored as nothing was going on. If there was any trouble remaining in the derelict he'd want to be there to help. Without saying anything to the Nekros, he sped off to the cafeteria to get a quick meal.


What should I eat? I bet there'll be so much food since no one's there. Ugh, so many choices and I don't even know what's there. I guess I'll just wait until I'm actually at the cafeteria.


After entering the cafeteria, he still couldn't figure out what he should eat. He stared at the long buffet and pondered for a few good minutes. Taranis walked and looked at each food type and sighed. Reaching the end, he noticed something amazing. The grin on his face was something that anyone could recognize. He approached the platter that contained a pyramid, but not just a pyramid, it was a pyramid of sandwiches. One of the simplest of foods but it was still one of Taranis' favorites.


Awww yisss.

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Aran and Gandraya are sweeping the area for any leftover harvesters or corpus  when they come across a Loki, a Red veil member, and a Ash.

Well, this is a bit unexpected

Yea, didn't expect this was going on either. Wanna go talk to the ash and see just is going on?

Sure why not?

Aran and Gandraya make their way over to the three with the intention to see if they are alright.

"Hey, you all alright?"

Gandraya looks toward the couple kissing

"You two want a nice dinner and a drink with that?"

"Gandraya! Are you serious, did you just do that?"

Aran looks toward the two.

"Please excuse her, she can be a bit..eh sometimes."



Attakai just smiles and gives Sam another kiss, he then turns to the newcomers, a Nova, Nyx and an Excalibur, he then notices they have weapons the Stalker uses.


He turns to the Nova, "How we date is none of your business!"


He then frowns pointing to the weapons, "May I ask why and how do you have those wretched weapons!?"


"I am all well and dandy. Wasn't much for me to do here anyway."The ash merely shrugged at the newcomers. Seeing the Loki rather upset about "wretched weapons", he turns towards said weapons and notices some vaguely familiar about them. Stalker weapons? He had a few run ins with this stranger, but it was because the stranger is targeting someone else who did something that the Stalker found vexing, rather them Shinkiro himself. "I'm guessing the foundry or something."

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"Likewise, Rien," Temperance said grimly.  "We'll need to work together to find this Synder.  The bastard's been on board for all of an hour and he's already caused more trouble than anyone has a right to."


He paused as Damin's voice sounded in his helmet.  The channel...echoed more than it should have.


Temperance killed his comms with a hiss, and spoke directly to Rien.  "Synder is mimicking my old comm channel.  I'm switching to a new one; you'll be able to tell us apart by this."


He opened the link to Damin again.  "Damin, this is Temperance.  I'm fully aware that Cardina has been taken."  Gods, it was painful to say.  "You're ship won't make it in time if they're using a teleport system, and I can't reach the vessel on my own without killing Cardina.  But I can slow them down long enough for you to get her out.  We're all counting on you Damin.  Bring her home safe."


Or I'll never forgive myself for this debacle.


He switched to a secure link, one of the few channels Synder could not possibly have stolen.


"Temperance to strike force.  There is a Corpus cruiser hiding in the debris field with a Tenno hostage on board.  They plan to teleport her back to their main fleet before engaging the derelict.  Stop them."


Just beyond the drifting fragments of what had been the Bleak Veil, three Tenno corvettes decloaked, weaving into the debris field and zeroing in on the near-sitting duck of a Corpus vessel.  Plasma fire beat at their shields, but the agile craft kept coming, their own weapons spitting defiance as they ran circles around the blocky ship.  Light flared, solar-bright, for an instant, and the Corpus cruiser suddenly went dark as nearly every system on board overloaded.  High yield EMP weapons have a way of doing that.


The corvettes circled warily, keeping their weapons trained on the sleeping behemoth, while the squadron's commanding officer sent a brief message along the comm channel Temperance had provided.


"Tenno Arkas, you have a maximum of five minutes before they manage to reboot their systems, ten if they need to recalibrate the teleport.  Good luck Tenno.  It's up to you now."


Back aboard the derelict, Temperance turned his attention back to Rien, his expression grim beneath his helmet.  "Now my friend," he said.  "Let's go find ourselves a Loki."


"As far as I know, he is disguised as you. Finding him will be difficult and who knows what he could have done while disguised as you. You will have to be careful." He sighed and crossed his arms. "This is a tricky situation. For the most part, only you and I know about this but if we tell anyone, there will be an announcement and our target will become much more cautious."


Tatsuya looked down sadly, "We were being pursued by 6 Crewman and a single Harvester, since we could not risk being pursued, I made the decision to confront them, with Yuzuki over here, he was able to take down the Harvester without a problem, I manage to take down 5 Crewman, realizing the last one was not there, I turned to Miho who was facing the last one, it was not a pleasant experience for her."



*End Flashback*


Tatsuya sighs, "We met with Tyranis who heard Miho's cry, after that we decided to head here." he sits down beside Miho and cups her face, "Hey, you didn't do anything wrong okay? You did what you had to do, I know it wasn't a pleasant experience for you, your first kill is never the easiest, I had to face that as well, we all did. But you have me and Mother Gaia here to help you through it," giving her a kiss, "especially me." Miho just starts tearing up and embraces Tatsuya, "Thank you, Tatsuya." he just smiles, "Anytime love, anytime."


He then gets a serious look and turns to Gaia, "Mother Gaia, on the way here, I tried contacting Lady Cardina, but she did not respond, what is happening out there?"


"I know not, Tatsuya. Things have gotten chaotic. The Spy managed to give the Corpus coordinates to warp their troops inside the derelict and there was much fighting keeping the Acolytes occupied. Their course of action points to them having wanted something and I fear something has happened to Cardina. Usually, she would have said something in the form of an announcement by now."
Gaia sighed before looking to Miho then back to Tatsuya. "Right now, I am needed here. Otherwise, I would go myself." She called for an Acolyte, requesting a towel and once she had it, she thanked said Acolyte. She started to clean the blood off of Miho. "Don't worry, Miho. You did what you had to do. I know it's hard but often, Tenno are forced to kill. It doesn't make you a monster or a bad person."

Noticing the Trinity following him, Tyranis still limping his way through the halls spoke to her. "This doesn't add up Acolyte. Did the Corpus really believe this would be enough to bring down the church? No... There has to be something more... They came here for something." Just then he heard an all too familiar sound. Metal against metal, the sound of clunking in the hallways. It was another Harvester. "There are still some left? I pray you to be the last, i'd perish the thought of what might happen if more of that toxin gets in my veins." He drew his Vastos, the Trinty close behind him. As the beast rounded the corner he opened fire on the beast, he aimed for the weak points of the creature, he had learned from the data he scanned from the Zanuka Prime. 


"I grow tired of the Corpus and their games!" His voice filled with anger as he lifted the disabled Harvester up by the neck with a single hand. He held it up high. "Is this the fate the Corpus will see every last Tenno to?! A mindless dog that will obey orders and attack until it can't move anymore?!" In his fit of rage he threw the Harvester to the ground and shot it until the clip in both Vastos were empty. "Bring more of your dogs Corpus trash... i will slaughter them like the beasts they are." The tone in his voice was pure malice. The Crimson Rage had overtaken him once more.


The Trinity took a few steps back after she witnessed what seemed to her like Tyranis having some sort of breakdown. "Tyranis? Are you sure you are alright?" She wondered just what was going on and it appeared that he was suffering some sort of psychological condition.


As Taranis followed Corvo, he couldn't help but feel bored as nothing was going on. If there was any trouble remaining in the derelict he'd want to be there to help. Without saying anything to the Nekros, he sped off to the cafeteria to get a quick meal.


What should I eat? I bet there'll be so much food since no one's there. Ugh, so many choices and I don't even know what's there. I guess I'll just wait until I'm actually at the cafeteria.


After entering the cafeteria, he still couldn't figure out what he should eat. He stared at the long buffet and pondered for a few good minutes. Taranis walked and looked at each food type and sighed. Reaching the end, he noticed something amazing. The grin on his face was something that anyone could recognize. He approached the platter that contained a pyramid, but not just a pyramid, it was a pyramid of sandwiches. One of the simplest of foods but it was still one of Taranis' favorites.


Awww yisss.


A Volt wearing a chef hat appeared from the supply room where the ingredients were stored. He saw Taranis but didn't say anything. He just looked around for signs of any enemies and finding none, he stood by the counter as though things were back to normal. He just stared at Taranis from where he stood by the counter and if Taranis should so happen to look his way, the Volt would wave to him.
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Attakai just smiles and gives Sam another kiss, he then turns to the newcomers, two Novas, a Nyx and an Excalibur, he then notices they have weapons the Stalker uses.


He turns to the Novas, "How we date is none of your business!"


He then frowns pointing to the weapons, "May I ask why and how do you have those wretched weapons!?"

"Wretched weapons to end a wretched man" Arthur said as he put the Hate down to the floor like staff and began cleaning its blade from blood.

"And we took them from the stalker's own hands" Jinx added as she put the Dread on her back and walked up beside her brother, ignoring the Ash. "Now...what's it to you?" 

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Attakai just smiles and gives Sam another kiss, he then turns to the newcomers, two Novas, a Nyx and an Excalibur, he then notices they have weapons the Stalker uses.


He turns to the Novas, "How we date is none of your business!"


He then frowns pointing to the weapons, "May I ask why and how do you have those wretched weapons!?"

the duo replies

"Well I saw it as your next few things to do, as for mine and Aran's Hates we managed to get him on verge of killing him, but as usual he just POOFS away leaving a one of his weapons behind."

"Considering Gandraya and I are bounty hunters, he tends to visit us a lot. We can never kill him just wound him before he vanishes, still have no idea how many of those things he has, his weapons I mean we each have out own hate, but share his Dread and Despair."

"I swear he has like his own factory for his weapons, or something"

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"I know not, Tatsuya. Things have gotten chaotic. The Spy managed to give the Corpus coordinates to warp their troops inside the derelict and there was much fighting keeping the Acolytes occupied. Their course of action points to them having wanted something and I fear something has happened to Cardina. Usually, she would have said something in the form of an announcement by now."

Gaia sighed before looking to Miho then back to Tatsuya. "Right now, I am needed here. Otherwise, I would go myself." She called for an Acolyte, requesting a towel and once she had it, she thanked said Acolyte. She started to clean the blood off of Miho. "Don't worry, Miho. You did what you had to do. I know it's hard but often, Tenno are forced to kill. It doesn't make you a monster or a bad person."


Miho's lips purl up into a small smile and looks at Gaia and her lover, "Thank you, both of you, if you weren't here to help me through this, I wouldn't know what to do." Tatsuya kisses her forehead, "Hey like I said, anytime." he then turns to Gaia, "Mother Gaia, I know this isn't exactly the right time to ask you, but we've been planning to officially move in to the derelict today, our ship was getting rather cramped, we were wondering if we can living quarters for the both of us, and how long do you think till Corpus come in full force?"



the duo replies

"Well I saw it as your next few things to do, as for mine and Aran's Hates we managed to get him on verge of killing him, but as usual he gives just POOFS away leaving a one of his weapons behind.

"Considering Gandraya and I are bounty hunters, he tends to visit us a lot. We can never kill him just wound him before he vanishes, still have no idea how many of those things he has, his weapons I mean we each have out own hate, but share his Dread and Despair."

"I swear he has like his own factory for his weapons, or something"

"Wretched weapons to end a wretched man" Arthur said as he put the Hate down to the floor like staff and began cleaning its blade from blood.

"And we took them from the stalker's own hands" Jinx added as she put the Dread on her back and walked up beside her brother, ignoring the Ash. "Now...what's it to you?" 


With eyes filled with rage, Attakai grits his teeth, and his grip on Samantha's hand tightens, "That wretched man the Stalker. Everytime I see those weapons of his, all I see is the memory of the damnable Stalker. All I feel is my hatred for that man grow more and more as I see reminders of him! ALL I SEE IS THE MEMORY OF THAT DAMNED STALKER KILLING MY MOTHER! AND I WILL STOP AT NOTHING UNTIL THAT WRETCHED MAN IS PUT DOWN BY MY OWN HANDS! THIS I SWORE ON A BLOOD OATH!"

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The Trinity took a few steps back after she witnessed what seemed to her like Tyranis having some sort of breakdown. "Tyranis? Are you sure you are alright?" She wondered just what was going on and it appeared that he was suffering some sort of psychological condition.




Tyranis looked back at the Trinity. "I'm sorry you had to see that. I know what your thinking. Do i have some sort of mental condition? I do in fact, as well as other Tenno like me. I call it the Crimson Rage. It is a mental disorder that manifests in Tenno who have been through extremely traumatic experiences. It comes in many forms. Miho suffers from the same condition it would seem due to her years as a Corpus test subject but what triggers it in her i am not sure. Whatever feelings that cause the rage are amplified by the rush of combat... i don't fully understand it myself." He holstered his Vasto and walked up to the Trinity. "I ask you to not follow me any further for your own safety the toxin seems to have finally left my system, and besides..." He started making his way further into the derelict. "Nobody should have to see what i'm going to do to these bastards..."

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With eyes filled with rage, Attakai grits his teeth, and his grip on Samantha's hand tightens, "That wretched man the Stalker. Everytime I see those weapons of his, all I see is the memory of the damnable Stalker. All I feel is my hatred for that man grow more and more as I see reminders of him! ALL I SEE IS THE MEMORY OF THAT DAMNED STALKER KILLING MY MOTHER! AND I WILL STOP AT NOTHING UNTIL THAT WRETCHED MAN IS PUT DOWN BY MY OWN HANDS! THIS I SWORE ON A BLOOD OATH!"

Not being a Tenno, Sam's hand does slightly begin to hurt from Attakai's grip, she holds her arm "Aah! Attakai! Hand!" she squeeks

Edited by Drakeardian
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Ansilm looking at the roof from the wing of his ship received a message from source what has his new armor ready. "We have your armor. Up and ready to go even for a fight but I need to warn you equipping might cause unknown side effects. So equip the armor when you are somewhere safe. Now. Where do you want us to deliver it?" read on the message Ansilm started writing message "Beam it to my ship. I just fly it out of the hangar first. I will give a mark when you can send it" Ansilm wrote message "Okay we are waiting" came a reply.


Ansilm went inside of his ship and dust off outside of the hangar sent message to the source what had made his new armor then something was materialized on his small store room what he pretty much used to sleep than store anything. Armor what he had ordered is inside of wooden box designed just for these teleportation deliveries. Ansilm with pure strength opened the box by tearing off the lid from it. Box looked like a coffin first to him but as he saw Grey steel and Wine red colored armor. He actually first time felt feeling that he liked what he saw.


He took the armor from the box putted it to lie on top of few other boxes containing food and water for emergencies. He took off the Soldier's sense armor and hybrid of Loki and patchwork frame. He wear the armor then turned it on. Screeching voice went through his head causing searing pain at the location, then he felt cold from his arms and legs became weakened. Ansilm realized that these might be those side effects. He gathered all his focus went to cockpit turned the ship on and putted on auto pilot to land on the hangar of Church.


Just as the ship landed Ansilm raised from the seat and felt that he was going to loose sense of the time, situation and his health. He collapsed on the floor of the ship. Ship turned on emergency beacon sending voice what Tenno only able to hear it was waves of warm bell sound even harvesters are not able to hear this. Slightly later Ansilm raised from the floor his eyes were used to be purple but now they are grey as he made a look on the mirror. Looked on himself made his hands to be fist as armor started covering more of his body. Mainly armor was covering his arms, legs, breast, lower body and head.


Now it covered joints, neck and throat. With material what seems to be similar to some kind of cloth. "Who am I?" he thought as looked around the cockpit for any kind of clue this was side effect what Ansilm wasn't waiting for this was by far worst timing for it... Or is it the best? He heard the emergency beacon voice but didn't find a way to turn it off. He kept wondering about himself and the armor what he was wearing.

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With eyes filled with rage, Attakai grits his teeth, and his grip on Samantha's hand tightens, "That wretched man the Stalker. Everytime I see those weapons of his, all I see is the memory of the damnable Stalker. All I feel is my hatred for that man grow more and more as I see reminders of him! ALL I SEE IS THE MEMORY OF THAT DAMNED STALKER KILLING MY MOTHER! AND I WILL STOP AT NOTHING UNTIL THAT WRETCHED MAN IS PUT DOWN BY MY OWN HANDS! THIS I SWORE ON A BLOOD OATH!"

Arthur and Jinx looked at each other and then back at Attakai

"Are you an idiot?" Arthur asked barely hiding the scorn in his voice as he now used his Hate to point at Attakai. "The Stalker will die kid, but not by your hand. You think you're the only one who've lost someone to that maniac? Huh? Do you!?"

Jinx had for once stayed silent and was now slowly walking towards the Loki user. And as the Nyx helmet folded back from her face she began "He swore a blood oath. The child swore a blood oath!" She fixed her red eyes on the Loki, mouth formed into a thin line on her face. Edited by Lady_Viper
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Not being a Tenno, Sam's hand does slightly begin to hurt from Attakai's grip, she holds her arm "Aah! Attakai! Hand!" she squeeks

Arthur and Jinx looked at each other and then back at Attakai

"Are you an idiot?" Arthur asked barely hiding the scorn in his voice as he now used his Hate to point at Attakai. "The Stalker will die kid, but not by your hand. You think you're the only one who've lost someone to that maniac? Huh? Do you!?"

Jinx had for once stayed silent and was now slowly walking towards the Loki user. And as the Nyx helmet folded back from her face she began "He swore a blood oath. The child swore a blood oath!" She fixed her red eyes on the Loki, mouth formed into a thin line on her face.


Attakai hearing Sam's words, he releases his grip on her hand and sends an apologetic look.


Facing Jinx, he removes his right gauntlet showing the jagged scar on his palm, he shows it to them, "Yes, I alongside my Father swore a Blood Oath that we will slay the Stalker for his crimes," he turns to the black and red Excalibur, "Where are my manners? I am Attakai, son of the Rhino Prime Argus, the "Iron Wall" and the Nova Zayra, the "Red Death."


"And I am proud, that my son would join me in the oath to kill that murderer."


In came a Rhino Prime that seemed to have bathed in blood, holding an unconscious and bloodied Corpus Officer with his left hand, standing at 7 feet tall, clad in black and gold, holding in his right is his helmet, revealing a lightly skinned bald man with blue eyes. He speaks once more, with even greater fury and rage in his eyes, "I am Argus the "Iron Wall", Grand Master of the Rising Sun, Father to Attakai and husband to a murdered wife."

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Tyranis had found his way to one of the hangers. As he entered he saw a familiar face, and two he had not seen before. Before him were Attakai, Jinx, and Arthur. The appearance of the two gave him cause for concern as they were colored like the Stalker, they had his weapons too. "Attakai!" he shouted at him from across the hanger as he approached. The bodies of crewmen and Harvesters lay everywhere. "It is good to see you're safe... As well as your... "friends" here..." He gave a glance at the twins. "Enlighten me on the current situation." He had just noticed Argus enter from the other side. "Ahhh Argus. Looks like you've been quite busy."

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