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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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The Trinity that had been following Tyranis nodded and left him to go about his business, returning to the infirmary where she felt she would likely be needed.


Meanwhile in the cafeteria, a group of ten Corpus walked in. The group was consistent of a Sniper Crewman and the rest were regular Dera Crewmen. The Sniper Crewman, who seemed to be the leader, barked out, "Hey you! Surrender now and put your hands in the air." He pointed to the Volt behind the counter to let him know just who he was talking to.


The Volt just stood there, staring blankly at the group of Corpus. The Sniper Crewman repeated, :Hey! I said put your hands up now!" Still, the Volt just stood there and stared blankly at the group. Trying to get a reaction out of the Volt, the Sniper Crewman walked over and reached over the counter. He waved his hand in front of the Volt's face and still, there was no response. He grew aggravated and swatted the Volt's hat right off of his head.


The Volt stood there for several seconds, still silent before reaching under the counter and pulling out a Gorgon Wraith which had 'The Blender' written on the side of the barrel. The Corpus were rather surprised as the machine gun was lifted from under the counter and the tell-tale sound of it spinning up was heard. The gun started to spew hot lead into the group, mowing down several of them in seconds before the clip was emptied.


Those who had survived had managed to dive out of the way but as they were getting up, they saw the Volt jump over the counter with Dual Cleavers in his hands instead of reloading his Gorgon Wraith. The last thing they saw was the Volt charge towards them, using Speed to boost his movements. Screams were heard as he tore them apart with his Dual Cleavers, blood and chunks of flesh littering the floor.


Once the slaughter was finished, the Volt walked back to the counter and jumped behind it. After reloading and putting away the Gorgon Wraith, he picked up his hat and dusted it off using his hand before carefully setting it back atop his head. He just stood there like before as though nothing had happened.


The other chef, the Saryn, walked into the cafeteria from the supply room and saw the remnants of the slaughter. She blinked behind her helmet before looking to the Volt. "Just so we're clear on this, we are not cooking any of that." She pointed to the bloody mess on the floor to indicate what she referring to.

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Attakai hearing Sam's words, he releases his grip on her hand and sends an apologetic look.


Facing Jinx, he removes his right gauntlet showing the jagged scar on his palm, he shows it to them, "Yes, I alongside my Father swore a Blood Oath that we will slay the Stalker for his crimes," he turns to the black and red Excalibur, "Where are my manners? I am Attakai, son of the Rhino Prime Argus, the "Iron Wall" and the Nova Zayra, the "Red Death."


"And I am proud, that my son would join me in the oath to kill that murderer."


In came a Rhino Prime that seemed to have bathed in blood, holding an unconscious and bloodied Corpus Officer with his left hand, standing at 7 feet tall, clad in black and gold, holding in his right is his helmet, revealing a lightly skinned bald man with blue eyes. He speaks once more, with even greater fury and rage in his eyes, "I am Argus the "Iron Wall", Grand Master of the Rising Sun, Father to Attakai and husband to a murdered wife."


Tyranis had found his way to one of the hangers. As he entered he saw a familiar face, and two he had not seen before. Before him were Attakai, Jinx, and Arthur. The appearance of the two gave him cause for concern as they were colored like the Stalker, they had his weapons too. "Attakai!" he shouted at him from across the hanger as he approached. The bodies of crewmen and Harvesters lay everywhere. "It is good to see you're safe... As well as your... "friends" here..." He gave a glance at the twins. "Enlighten me on the current situation." He had just noticed Argus enter from the other side. "Ahhh Argus. Looks like you've been quite busy."

Jinx's eyes were still fixed on Attakai, face unchanged and with a low ice cold voice said "You think you're the only one who've lost someone? You think you're the only one who feel the hollow emptiness of said loss? The aching heart and the emptiness when you can't hear your loved ones voice or laughter anymore? When you turn around expecting to see him but all you see is the empty seat which used to be his?" Her voice almost broke during those last sentences and signs of tears formed in her eyes. Jinx gritted her teeth and took a deep breath as she let the helmet fold back over her face, effectively hiding it and any tears she might shed.


With renewed coldness she continued through gritted teeth and still in a whisper "We've been hunting him for a long time now and I'll be damned if I'm letting a little brat like you get in our way"


Arthur, being less occupied than his sister, saw both a dark Oberon and a Rhino Prime enter the area. Hearing what the Prime said caused him to wrinkle his nose. He didn't care that this man was a Grandmaster. The only grandmaster he followed was his own. Arthur had to bite his tongue so not to sass at the so called prime. Though he did give the Oberon a glance. He seemed to know these people.



Meanwhile a tall Nekros walked into the Infirmary carrying an unconscious acolyte over his shoulder. "I do believe this one needs treatment" He said in a beep monotone voice as he put the acolyte down on a berth. 

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Miho's lips purl up into a small smile and looks at Gaia and her lover, "Thank you, both of you, if you weren't here to help me through this, I wouldn't know what to do." Tatsuya kisses her forehead, "Hey like I said, anytime." he then turns to Gaia, "Mother Gaia, I know this isn't exactly the right time to ask you, but we've been planning to officially move in to the derelict today, our ship was getting rather cramped, we were wondering if we can living quarters for the both of us, and how long do you think till Corpus come in full force?"


Gaia smiled. "I'm glad that I can be here for you, Miho." As she finished cleaning the blood off of Miho using the towel, she looked next to Tatsuya. "Of course you two can get living quarters here. As I said, you and Miho xan pick any unoccupied room that you two like. Also, would you mind me cleaning that blood off of you?"


Meanwhile a tall Nekros walked into the Infirmary carrying an unconscious acolyte over his shoulder. "I do believe this one needs treatment" He said in a beep monotone voice as he put the acolyte down on a berth. 


The Trinity who had just gotten back from following Tyranis nodded before going to see to the needs of the injured Acolyte. "Thank you for bringing him in for us."


((Did not mean to hit post so soon. Was waiting for CosmoKnight.))

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Meanwhile in the cafeteria, a group of ten Corpus walked in. The group was consistent of a Sniper Crewman and the rest were regular Dera Crewmen. The Sniper Crewman, who seemed to be the leader, barked out, "Hey you! Surrender now and put your hands in the air." He pointed to the Volt behind the counter to let him know just who he was talking to.


The Volt just stood there, staring blankly at the group of Corpus. The Sniper Crewman repeated, :Hey! I said put your hands up now!" Still, the Volt just stood there and stared blankly at the group. Trying to get a reaction out of the Volt, the Sniper Crewman walked over and reached over the counter. He waved his hand in front of the Volt's face and still, there was no response. He grew aggravated and swatted the Volt's hat right off of his head.


The Volt stood there for several seconds, still silent before reaching under the counter and pulling out a Gorgon Wraith which had 'The Blender' written on the side of the barrel. The Corpus were rather surprised as the machine gun was lifted from under the counter and the tell-tale sound of it spinning up was heard. The gun started to spew hot lead into the group, mowing down several of them in seconds before the clip was emptied.


Those who had survived had managed to dive out of the way but as they were getting up, they saw the Volt jump over the counter with Dual Cleavers in his hands instead of reloading his Gorgon Wraith. The last thing they saw was the Volt charge towards them, using Speed to boost his movements. Screams were heard as he tore them apart with his Dual Cleavers, blood and chunks of flesh littering the floor.


Once the slaughter was finished, the Volt walked back to the counter and jumped behind it. After reloading and putting away the Gorgon Wraith, he picked up his hat and dusted it off using his hand before carefully setting it back atop his head. He just stood there like before as though nothing had happened.


The other chef, the Saryn, walked into the cafeteria from the supply room and saw the remnants of the slaughter. She blinked behind her helmet before looking to the Volt. "Just so we're clear on this, we are not cooking any of that." She pointed to the bloody mess on the floor to indicate what she referring to.

Taranis was happily devouring sandwiches left and right. A platter to his left was stacked with ham and cheese sandwiches, while on his right, they were made of pure pastrami. There was nothing that could wipe the smile off his face. He felt full as he started eating the 10th sandwich and was easily disappointed.


The sound of several boots entering the cafeteria surprised Taranis. He expected everyone to still be fighting or taking a break from killing everything. Someone's voice spoke and Taranis looked up to see who it belonged to, his eyes widening as he swallowed the last piece of his 10th. He watched as at it all went down; from the Corpus A**hole slapping the chef hat off the Volt, to said Volt mowing them down with a Gorgon Wraith and chopping them up with Cleavers.


Putting his helmet back on and getting up, Taranis placed the platters of sandwiches back where he originally got them. He laughed as he looked at the chunks of flesh on the floor and even when the Volt place the chef hat back on his own head. As he walked up to the counter, he began taking out a few 5k credit caches and left them on the counter once he'd reached it. In a monotone voice, Taranis spoke, "Those were some mighty fine sandwiches you had there," He pointed with his thumb at the food pyramid and then tilted his head in gratitude before walking out.

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Gaia smiled. "I'm glad that I can be here for you, Miho." As she finished cleaning the blood off of Miho using the towel, she looked next to Tatsuya. "Of course you two can get living quarters here. As I said, you and Miho xan pick any unoccupied room that you two like. Also, would you mind me cleaning that blood off of you?"


Tatsuya chuckled, he got up and grabbed a towel moving to a sink and wet it, after he cleaned off the blood from his warframe, he walked back to Miho, "C'mon, I believe it's safe now with the rest of the Acolytes mopping up the stragglers, it will be a while till the Corpus come in full force, and I believe we will need the rest." turning to Gaia, "Thank you Mother Gaia, you are indeed the mother we never had." They got up, Yuzuki who just sat in a corner waiting for his masters just walked up to Gaia and beeped at her, probably saying thank you, after that Yuzuki walked back to his masters and followed them.


As they exited the Infermary, Tatsuya smiles at Miho, "C'mon I know the perfect spot where we can live, it's near the observatory." Miho smiles appreciatively and nods. The hallways weren't empty, but not busy either, there were some Acolytes here and there as most of them are near the Hangar where the Corpus are left. The rest of the Derelict was practically untouched.


As they reached the are near the observatory, they walked to a door, Tatsuya pressed the button and the door swooshed open revealing a rather spacious living quarter, it contained the basic needs, a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, but the best part was the living room, it had a viewing window like the observatory overlooking the Origin System with Sun in the center, the view was breathtaking. Yuzuki just entered the living room and laid down in a corner, staring out into the space.


Miho gasps, "Oh Tatsuya, it's perfect, but how did you know about this place?" Tatsuya smiles, "While I was doing my errand giving out the blueprints to our ship, I noticed this room was vacant, I was surprised no one claimed this place. Now go and clean up, I can clean up at the washroom over there, you take the bathroom." Miho smiles and nods and went into the bedroom with the bathroom, Tatsuya walks into washroom and turns on the sink, since he was still wearing his warframe all he had to clean was his face and head.


As he finished, he entered the bedroom and was stunned, there he saw was Miho, with nothing on. His heart raced as he just stood there. Miho who was blushing up a storm, found her strength and walked up to him, wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him the most passionate kiss, Tatsuya came out of his daze and started kissing back. After a few seconds they broke this kiss, Miho with her beautiful emerald eyes, just looked at him lovingly, she takes his hand and leads him to the bed. Letting their emotions take over.


"I love you, Tatsuya."

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Sam looked to Attakai "We should help find that Cardina lady" she inquired, reloading her rifle and preparing to move


Attakai managed to calm down somehow, nodding towards Sam, "Okay." he turns to the Nyx and Excalibur and bows, "I apologize for my sudden outburst, good day to you all." he then turns to his father and Tyranis, "I will see you guys later."


He follows Samantha out of the hangar, with his helmet still off, he gives her a sorrowful look, "I'm sorry you saw me like that, seeing those wretched weapons always remind me of the Stalker killing my mother."

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Attakai managed to calm down somehow, nodding towards Sam, "Okay." he turns to the Nyx and Excalibur and bows, "I apologize for my sudden outburst, good day to you all." he then turns to his father and Tyranis, "I will see you guys later."


He follows Samantha out of the hangar, with his helmet still off, he gives her a sorrowful look, "I'm sorry you saw me like that, seeing those wretched weapons always remind me of the Stalker killing my mother."

"I don't blame you, a few guys I know got put in the hospital thanks to that guy" Replied Sam as she follows Attakai.

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Attakai managed to calm down somehow, nodding towards Sam, "Okay." he turns to the Nyx and Excalibur and bows, "I apologize for my sudden outburst, good day to you all." he then turns to his father and Tyranis, "I will see you guys later."


He follows Samantha out of the hangar, with his helmet still off, he gives her a sorrowful look, "I'm sorry you saw me like that, seeing those wretched weapons always remind me of the Stalker killing my mother."

Attakai now gone Tyranis turned his attention towards the twins and Argus. "Its a good thing you found me Argus. Lets have that little chat i talked about. And you two..." He turned to the twins. "You don't appear to be the enemy, i'm guessing you have business with the Stalker as well." He removed his helmet, revealing the deep scar where his left eye used to be. His voice grew to a shout, so that even Argus may here him it was like he was giving a speech. "We've all lost something, some more then others... But we all want the same thing. To see that traitor pay not only for his crimes against our kin, but for his crimes against each of us! I've been tracking him for two decades, and i am so close to pin pointing his location, even where he will strike next. If you all want redemption for what you have lost then join me, trust me and we will see him to justice!"

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Attakai now gone Tyranis turned his attention towards the twins and Argus. "Its a good thing you found me Argus. Lets have that little chat i talked about. And you two..." He turned to the twins. "You don't appear to be the enemy, i'm guessing you have business with the Stalker as well." He removed his helmet, revealing the deep scar where his left eye used to be. His voice grew to a shout, so that even Argus may here him it was like he was giving a speech. "We've all lost something, some more then others... But we all want the same thing. To see that traitor pay not only for his crimes against our kin, but for his crimes against each of us! I've been tracking him for two decades, and i am so close to pin pointing his location, even where he will strike next. If you all want redemption for what you have lost then join me, trust me and we will see him to justice!"

Jinx followed the Loki with her eyes as he left and tightened her fists. One day, hopefully soon, she would get the opportunity to kick that little brats sorry arse. But she could wait. Like a predator choosing the right moment to strike, she could wait. But now, something else caught her attention.


Arthur looked at the Oberon and let his helmet fold back from his face. "A life for a life. The justice we want is his death."


"And that death shall be delivered by his own weapons digging into his flesh. The same weapons he's used to kill others." Jinx continued and finished her brother's speech as she walked up beside him. Now also letting her helmet fold away from her face as she had managed to fight back the tears. Her face was now grim and only someone very observant could notice any trace of tears or sorrow.


They both looked at the Oberon. Both with the same red eyes as they said in unison "When do we begin the hunt?"

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Jinx followed the Loki with her eyes as he left and tightened her fists. One day, hopefully soon, she would get the opportunity to kick that little brats sorry arse. But she could wait. Like a predator choosing the right moment to strike, she could wait. But now, something else caught her attention.


Arthur looked at the Oberon and let his helmet fold back from his face. "A life for a life. The justice we want is his death."


"And that death shall be delivered by his own weapons digging into his flesh. The same weapons he's used to kill others." Jinx continued and finished her brother's speech as she walked up beside him. Now also letting her helmet fold away from her face as she had managed to fight back the tears. Her face was now grim and only someone very observant could notice any trace of tears or sorrow.


They both looked at the Oberon. Both with the same red eyes as they said in unison "When do we begin the hunt?"

Aran and Gandraya are stunned that they left them out of the deal. ((and remember yellow is both at the same time, purple was too dark))


"You aren't gonna have much luck finding him at this point."

"Unless some bounty hunters don't dissapoint."

"To assist those in need."

"We will help indeed. Aran"

"And Gandraya."

they bow

"The Nova Twins, at your service."

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Jinx followed the Loki with her eyes as he left and tightened her fists. One day, hopefully soon, she would get the opportunity to kick that little brats sorry arse. But she could wait. Like a predator choosing the right moment to strike, she could wait. But now, something else caught her attention.


Arthur looked at the Oberon and let his helmet fold back from his face. "A life for a life. The justice we want is his death."


"And that death shall be delivered by his own weapons digging into his flesh. The same weapons he's used to kill others." Jinx continued and finished her brother's speech as she walked up beside him. Now also letting her helmet fold away from her face as she had managed to fight back the tears. Her face was now grim and only someone very observant could notice any trace of tears or sorrow.


They both looked at the Oberon. Both with the same red eyes as they said in unison "When do we begin the hunt?"


Argus looks at the young Tenno, "It matters not who will kill the Stalker so long as my wife is avenged. Tyranis, it seems Attakai would be joining you as well? I am not surprised. I will be joining as well, with the Rising Sun's Council controlling most of the clan's operations, the title of Grand Master has been nothing but a mere title now. My son performed the blood oath on his own volition, no one asked him to take the oath."


The Rhino Prime then turns to the Nyx and Excalibur, the Nyx especially, "Do not underestimate my son little girl, I saw the way you looked at him in anger, you may be much older and more experienced than him, but he is strong. Not as strong as most experienced Tenno, but strong in his own right."


His face saddens, "He takes after his mother after all."

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Tyranis spoke. "It will take some time. Its very hard to track him, but there appears to be a pattern in his attacks. He starts at the inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, But then jumps to the outer system, Pluto, and Neptune. He eventually ends up near Saturn and Jupiter, his base of operation for himself and whatever Rogue Tenno who follow him must be near there. But we cannot go in blindly if thats the case... None of us could best the Stalker on our own, and he won't be alone. We need time to plan." he sighed "He is mostly likely held up in a derelict, there are many in the system that have been cleared, even more that have not. Info my hunch is wrong we may end up having to search them all. We will start the hunt after this crisis is resolved." He faced Jinx, then Argus. "If we plan to take him down then you better calm yourselves and play nice. Otherwise we will meet the same fates as so many of our kin before us."


((#*($%%@ up the multi-quote so it didn't show, best RPer 2014))

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Argus looks at the young Tenno, "It matters not who will kill the Stalker so long as my wife is avenged. Tyranis, it seems Attakai would be joining you as well? I am not surprised. I will be joining as well, with the Rising Sun's Council controlling most of the clan's operations, the title of Grand Master has been nothing but a mere title now. My son performed the blood oath on his own volition, no one asked him to take the oath."


The Rhino Prime then turns to the Nyx and Excalibur, the Nyx especially, "Do not underestimate my son little girl, I saw the way you looked at him in anger, you may be much older and more experienced than him, but he is strong. Not as strong as most experienced Tenno, but strong in his own right."


His face saddens, "He takes after his mother after all."

Jinx's eyes narrowed as she fixed them on the Prime. Little girl?! Little Girl!? Who does he think he is talking down to me like that!? Questioning My ability!? She gritted her teeth once more as she clinched her fists. "Watch it old man"


Arthur glanced over at his sister. He really didn't like the way that Prime talked to her. And he might want to punch him himself but he had promised Munin to at least try to stay out of trouble. So he had to keep an eye on Jinx as well. He looked over to the Oberon and listened. He wasn't sure Jinx had heard him, but he had.

Trying to get people's attention back to the hunt of the Stalker he spoke "We have been noticing a pattern as well. Every time he's been defeated and chased on the run the next target is almost always someone inexperienced. Probably means he needs time to recover but doesn't want to stop hunting us. He have been targeting a lot of our younger clan members lately."

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Jinx followed the Loki with her eyes as he left and tightened her fists. One day, hopefully soon, she would get the opportunity to kick that little brats sorry arse. But she could wait. Like a predator choosing the right moment to strike, she could wait. But now, something else caught her attention.


Arthur looked at the Oberon and let his helmet fold back from his face. "A life for a life. The justice we want is his death."


"And that death shall be delivered by his own weapons digging into his flesh. The same weapons he's used to kill others." Jinx continued and finished her brother's speech as she walked up beside him. Now also letting her helmet fold away from her face as she had managed to fight back the tears. Her face was now grim and only someone very observant could notice any trace of tears or sorrow.


They both looked at the Oberon. Both with the same red eyes as they said in unison "When do we begin the hunt?"


"I wouldn't say I share similar past stories with this Stalker, but its safe to say you all have quite a big grudge.." Shinkiro rubbed where his forehead would be. The hangover was beginning to subside, but its still there strong. "As much as I want to help hunt down a rogue Tenno, I have my own duties."

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Jinx's eyes narrowed as she fixed them on the Prime. Little girl?! Little Girl!? Who does he think he is talking down to me like that!? Questioning My ability!? She gritted her teeth once more as she clinched her fists. "Watch it old man"


Arthur glanced over at his sister. He really didn't like the way that Prime talked to her. And he might want to punch him himself but he had promised Munin to at least try to stay out of trouble. So he had to keep an eye on Jinx as well. He looked over to the Oberon and listened. He wasn't sure Jinx had heard him, but he had.

Trying to get people's attention back to the hunt of the Stalker he spoke "We have been noticing a pattern as well. Every time he's been defeated and chased on the run the next target is almost always someone inexperienced. Probably means he needs time to recover but doesn't want to stop hunting us. He have been targeting a lot of our younger clan members lately."

Tyranis heard Jinx small outburst, but he could see the aura generating from both of them. Jinx was furious, by both Argus and the thought of the Stalker. Arthur gave off the same vibe, but it was not as strong, he showed self control for the well being of his sister. He spoke to them again "I can sense the auras of both of you, i mean no offense but you best bottle that anger and show respect. We will need to work as a team to take him down, and so far you do not have the makings of team players, especially you girl. Get on board or get lost." he sighed "If you're all quite done acting like children we can deal with the remaining Corpus and be on our way, i will have to speak with Lady Gaia about our departure." he glances at Aran and Draya. "You and i are good friends Aran. But i'd prefer you stay out of this... if you've been listening this is a very personal matter."

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Tyranis heard Jinx small outburst, but he could see the aura generating from both of them. Jinx was furious, by both Argus and the thought of the Stalker. Arthur gave off the same vibe, but it was not as strong, he showed self control for the well being of his sister. He spoke to them again "I can sense the auras of both of you, i mean no offense but you best bottle that anger and show respect. We will need to work as a team to take him down, and so far you do not have the makings of team players, especially you girl. Get on board or get lost." he sighed "If you're all quite done acting like children we can deal with the remaining Corpus and be on our way, i will have to speak with Lady Gaia about our departure."


Jinx's eyes narrowed as she fixed them on the Prime. Little girl?! Little Girl!? Who does he think he is talking down to me like that!? Questioning My ability!? She gritted her teeth once more as she clinched her fists. "Watch it old man"


Arthur glanced over at his sister. He really didn't like the way that Prime talked to her. And he might want to punch him himself but he had promised Munin to at least try to stay out of trouble. So he had to keep an eye on Jinx as well. He looked over to the Oberon and listened. He wasn't sure Jinx had heard him, but he had.

Trying to get people's attention back to the hunt of the Stalker he spoke "We have been noticing a pattern as well. Every time he's been defeated and chased on the run the next target is almost always someone inexperienced. Probably means he needs time to recover but doesn't want to stop hunting us. He have been targeting a lot of our younger clan members lately."


Argus's face darkens, "Old man you say?"




Argus begins to laugh and repeatedly slaps Jinx on the back, hard enough for anyone to stumble, "OLD MAN! It has been 200 years since I've been called that! GAHAHAHAHA! I like you girl! You have fire in you! GAHAHAHAHA!"


He calms down, but still with a smile on his face, "Do not bear my son any ill will, Attakai is a good man, he knows that others have suffered because of the Stalker, he just became bitter after my wife died, a good woman she was, an even better mother. She was a fiery woman, that she was. She once told me that Attakai inherited my stupidity, GAHAHAHA!"


He sighs, "But I believe that girl from the Red Veil will be good for him, she seems to have a good influence on Attakai." Argus smiles at Jinx, "Say girl, if that Red Veil girl wasn't with Attakai right now, you would probably be a good match for my son!" Argus cracks an almost crazy grin. He was playing match maker for his son right now. "GAHAHAHAHAHA! I do not care who kills the Stalker so long as he dies for the crimes he has commited."


He then turns to Tyranis, "Oh come now Tyranis, we were just bonding! GAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


He looks at the black and blue Ash, "And you must be Shinkiro! I heard about your drunk escapade last night, and even got yourself an Ember Prime for a lady friend! GAHAHAHA! You got my respect boy!"

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Tyranis heard Jinx small outburst, but he could see the aura generating from both of them. Jinx was furious, by both Argus and the thought of the Stalker. Arthur gave off the same vibe, but it was not as strong, he showed self control for the well being of his sister. He spoke to them again "I can sense the auras of both of you, i mean no offense but you best bottle that anger and show respect. We will need to work as a team to take him down, and so far you do not have the makings of team players, especially you girl. Get on board or get lost." he sighed "If you're all quite done acting like children we can deal with the remaining Corpus and be on our way, i will have to speak with Lady Gaia about our departure." he glances at Aran and Draya. "You and i are good friends Aran. But i'd prefer you stay out of this... if you've been listening this is a very personal matter."

Aran looking disappointed, scoffs then says.

"You don't think this is a personal matter to only those who he has hurt, I haven't told you yet, nor anyone else at this point. I've had many encounters with him, always managing to drive him off. But 20 years ago I it happened, I had just created the argon radiation mutated Technocyte virus mass you all know as Gandraya. Shortly after that he appeared. He almost killed me and would have too if it weren't for 'Draya here."

"Yep, I'll finish the story Aran. So he appears and almost kills Aran I, not knowing of my healing factor, protected her. He 'killed' me, and left. Aran also not knowing of my healing factor, was torn. Regardless, we want revenge and will help you bring this B!TCH down."

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Argus's face darkens, "Old man you say?"




Argus begins to laugh and repeatedly slaps Jinx on the back, hard enough for anyone to stumble, "OLD MAN! It has been 200 years since I've been called that! GAHAHAHAHA! I like you girl! You have fire in you! GAHAHAHAHA!"


He calms down, but still with a smile on his face, "Do not bear my son any ill will, Attakai is a good man, he knows that others have suffered because of the Stalker, he just became bitter after my wife died, a good woman she was, an even better mother. She was a fiery woman, that she was. She once told me that Attakai inherited my stupidity, GAHAHAHA!"


He sighs, "But I believe that girl from the Red Veil will be good for him, she seems to have a good influence on Attakai." Argus smiles at Jinx, "Say girl, if that Red Veil girl wasn't with Attakai right now, you would probably be a good match for my son!" Argus cracks an almost crazy grin. He was playing match maker for his son right now. "GAHAHAHAHAHA! I do not care who kills the Stalker so long as he dies for the crimes he has commited."


He then turns to Tyranis, "Oh come now Tyranis, we were just bonding! GAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


He looks at the black and blue Ash, "And you must be Shinkiro! I heard about your drunk escapade last night, and even got yourself an Ember Prime for a lady friend! GAHAHAHA! You got my respect boy!"

"Umpf!" The repeated slaps on her back caused Jinx to lose breath. It came with such surprise and force that she even had to put one foot in front of herself to she wouldn't lose balance. Her eyes widening in chock. She did not see this coming, and that puzzled her even more. She was a Nyx, why didn't she see that coming?


Arthur didn't know what to believe ether as he stared at the Prime in shock and disbelief. "What the hell?" Was the only words he managed to say.Having seen him move towards Jinx had made him ready to strike the Prime, but now he was just dumbfounded.


Looking up at the Rhino Prime Jinx could hardly believe what he said ether. Was he trying to get her together with his son? What? The end result of Argus's action was an Excalibur and Nyx who just kept staring at him in wide-eyed confusion and disbelief. 


The Trinity who had just gotten back from following Tyranis nodded before going to see to the needs of the injured Acolyte. "Thank you for bringing him in for us."

Munin nodded to the Trinity and looked around the infirmary. "It's quiet again, and souls are missing...What's going on? What is the Corpus up to?" He asked in his usual deep monotone voice.

Edited by Lady_Viper
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He looks at the black and blue Ash, "And you must be Shinkiro! I heard about your drunk escapade last night, and even got yourself an Ember Prime for a lady friend! GAHAHAHA! You got my respect boy!"


Shinkiro cringed at the memory of that night. Not the best moment of his life. The mention of Pyre almost made his face red. He straightened his throat and kept his arm fold pose. "Well, if being in your 30's is still considered a boy, then that makes me question many things. As for my... Lady friend as you call it, Pyre is lovely, prime or not, I admit I fancy her."

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"Umpf!" The repeated slaps on her back caused Jinx to lose breath. It came with such surprise and force that she even had to put one foot in front of herself to she wouldn't lose balance. Her eyes widening in chock. She did not see this coming, and that puzzled her even more. She was a Nyx, why didn't she see that coming?


Arthur didn't know what to believe ether as he stared at the Prime in shock and disbelief. "What the hell?" Was the only words he managed to say.Having seen him move towards Jinx had made him ready to strike the Prime, but now he was just dumbfounded.


Looking up at the Rhino Prime Jinx could hardly believe what he said ether. Was he trying to get her together with his son? What? The end result of Argus's action was an Excalibur and Nyx who just kept staring at him in wide-eyed confusion and disbelief. 


Munin nodded to the Trinity and looked around the infirmary. "It's quiet again, and souls are missing...What's going on? What is the Corpus up to?" He asked in his usual deep monotone voice.


The Trinity replied, "As far as I have been updated, the Corpus that had invaded the church have all been neutralized. However, two of are own are dead and Herald Cardina is unaccounted for. Attempts to contact her have been met with silence. The Vauban known as Cyrill is also accounted for and Lambert was attacked but he survived, thankfully. Two medics were reported to have been killed by Temperance."


Shinkiro cringed at the memory of that night. Not the best moment of his life. The mention of Pyre almost made his face red. He straightened his throat and kept his arm fold pose. "Well, if being in your 30's is still considered a boy, then that makes me question many things. As for my... Lady friend as you call it, Pyre is lovely, prime or not, I admit I fancy her."


Speaking of Pyre, she walked into the hangar after a moment. Her movements showed that she was tired, apparently having been woken from her sleep. "Hello everyone. Don't mind me. I'm just cleaning up the garbage." No sooner did she finish speaking than the corpses in the hangar burst into flames, being reduced to ash in seconds.

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Damin made his way through the Corpus cruiser's ventilation, heading in the general direction where they were taking Cardina.

"Temperance, if you can hear me, the Corpus have captured Cardina and have brought her to a battle cruiser they have hidden in the wreckage of the Bleak Veil. I managed to make it on board, but I think they're getting ready to use a teleport pad to move Cardina to the main fleet. Taking out all these Corpus myself would be easy, but I risk them killing Cardina in a panic. Also, I can't track her like you can, having the mental bond that you two have. Get here as quickly as you can; I've programmed my ship to return and send you the navigation data. Hurry Temperance, if we don't get her before she is transferred to the main fleet, we may not be able to get her back, and our chances of survival without her are slim to none. Oh, and don't worry about the cruiser's weapons..."

Damin's face slowly cracks into a smile.

"I've got it covered."


"Tenno Arkas, you have a maximum of five minutes before they manage to reboot their systems, ten if they need to recalibrate the teleport.  Good luck Tenno.  It's up to you now."


Back aboard the derelict, Temperance turned his attention back to Rien, his expression grim beneath his helmet.  "Now my friend," he said.  "Let's go find ourselves a Loki."



Hundreds upon hundreds of Corpus swears were being thrown into the air, bouncing off the walls and reverberating in the helmets of the Crewmen.


One spoke through the blinding mayhem, "Jep pke yyypesy tayk, TOJ!"  A group of Crewmen ran out of the hangar to see what could be done about the total knockout of all the systems.  Fearing the worst, a group of Railgun Moas were set to patrol the hangar, in case any Tenno attempted to board while systems were down.


The Captain of the Navi, leading his group of captors, shouted over the commotion: "Get the Herald to the Teleporter room now!  The systems may be down but we are not!  Your waypoint is set, now get to it."  The Captain wished to speak to Synder to alert him of the system failure, but orders were orders, and he was not one to break an order from a Tenno.  Grabbing a Sniper by the oxygen tubes, the Captain dragged him close so he could hear.  "Deploy the Hyenas.  We need to give Synder time."


The Sniper dropped to his feet again and coughed out, "But sir, with systems down we can't port them...what do you suggest?"


The Captain paused to think, but it wasn't long before he had the idea he needed in his head.  He smiled, imagining the pain he could cause.


On the derelict, Synder walked in the direction of the hangar before pausing to call on his crew.  "This is Synder again.  I've got more intel.  The Ash is named Temperance and he figured me out.  Not before I could intercept some communications, however.  He is indeed on the loose and is with the Loki.  However, I still have an old friend of his on hold, so last chance to give me a request before I kill some Tenno."


The Captain grinned, thinking his next words out carefully.  "Alright Commander, we need a waypoint on the three hangars.  We're going to launch the Hyenas.  However, our systems are down so we can't open the bay doors, so..." The Captain paused, chuckling at his evil thoughts, "Let's just say desperate times call for desperate measures."


Synder was confused with his Captain's vagueness, but knew to trust his nonsensical riddles.  "Very well.  While I hate ambiguity, I know by now you won't fail me.  Get the job done."  Synder set a waypoint dead center in the three hangars, and within half a minute, heard a quiet noise that was approaching quickly. 

Stepping out into the hall closest to the hangars, he watched as 6 Corpus Drop Pods plummeted into the three hangars at insane speed, dropped from an escape ship that detached from the bridge.  The pods split into groups of two, each group dropping into a designated hangar.  These Hyenas were making it on at the cost of some of the Crews' safety.


And Synder liked it.


Time for some deception, it would seem.


Linking back with Cyrios' line, Synder switched his persona quickly to that of Temperance.  "I'm sorry, my channels were scrambled when I was attacked by a group of Corpus...who is this?"  Synder smiled, glad to be back in his element.


((Jep pke yyypesy tayk, TOJ=Get the systems back, NOW))

Edited by thelastpwnr99
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"Umpf!" The repeated slaps on her back caused Jinx to lose breath. It came with such surprise and force that she even had to put one foot in front of herself to she wouldn't lose balance. Her eyes widening in chock. She did not see this coming, and that puzzled her even more. She was a Nyx, why didn't she see that coming?


Arthur didn't know what to believe ether as he stared at the Prime in shock and disbelief. "What the hell?" Was the only words he managed to say.Having seen him move towards Jinx had made him ready to strike the Prime, but now he was just dumbfounded.


Looking up at the Rhino Prime Jinx could hardly believe what he said ether. Was he trying to get her together with his son? What? The end result of Argus's action was an Excalibur and Nyx who just kept staring at him in wide-eyed confusion and disbelief. 




Hundreds upon hundreds of Corpus swears were being thrown into the air, bouncing off the walls and reverberating in the helmets of the Crewmen.


One spoke through the blinding mayhem, "Jep pke yyypesy tayk, TOJ!"  A group of Crewmen ran out of the hangar to see what could be done about the total knockout of all the systems.  Fearing the worst, a group of Railgun Moas were set to patrol the hangar, in case any Tenno attempted to board while systems were down.


The Captain of the Navi, leading his group of captors, shouted over the commotion: "Get the Herald to the Teleporter room now!  The systems may be down but we are not!  Your waypoint is set, now get to it."  The Captain wished to speak to Synder to alert him of the system failure, but orders were orders, and he was not one to break an order from a Tenno.  Grabbing a Sniper by the oxygen tubes, the Captain dragged him close so he could hear.  "Deploy the Hyenas.  We need to give Synder time."


The Sniper dropped to his feet again and coughed out, "But sir, with systems down we can't port them...what do you suggest?"


The Captain paused to think, but it wasn't long before he had the idea he needed in his head.  He smiled, imagining the pain he could cause.


On the derelict, Synder walked in the direction of the hangar before pausing to call on his crew.  "This is Synder again.  Last chance to give me a request before I kill some Tenno."


The Captain grinned, thinking his next words out carefully.  "Alright Commander, we need a waypoint on the main hangar.  We're going to launch the Hyenas.  However, our systems are down so we can't open the bay doors, so..." The Captain paused, chuckling at his evil thoughts, "Let's just say desperate times call for desperate measures."


Synder was confused with his Captain's vagueness, but knew to trust his nonsensical riddles.  "Very well.  While I hate ambiguity, I know by now you won't fail me.  Get the job done."  Synder set a waypoint dead center in the hangar, and within half a minute, heard a quiet noise that was approaching quickly. 

Stepping out into the hall closest the hangar, he watched as 6 Corpus Drop Pods plummeted into the hangar at insane speed, dropped from an escape ship that detached from the bridge.  These Hyenas were making it on at the cost of some of the Crews' safety.


And Synder liked it.


Time for some deception, it would seem.


Tyranis could only snicker at Argus as he approached the three "You haven't changed at all Argus, i say thats a good thing. Now then..." Before he could utter another word two pods came slamming into the hanger, they were Corpus pods. A shock was felt throughout the derelict as it sounded like more pods had crashed in other places. "Round two huh? Lets see how well we can work as a team... Argus if you'd be so kind as to open one of those pods lets see what the Corpus sent us to kill this time. Do be careful." He then turned his attention to Jinx and Arthur. "Now is the chance to prove yourselves. Prove you can work together with us and you can join us on the hunt for the Stalker. You have my word" His voice was a bit sinister, the idea of being able to pay back the Corpus even more for all the horrid things they have done to his kin excited him. It seemed the Crimson Rage had not fully subsided yet.

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Tyranis could only snicker at Argus as he approached the three "You haven't changed at all Argus, i say thats a good thing. Now then..." Before he could utter another word two pods came slamming into the hanger, they were Corpus pods. A shock was felt throughout the derelict as it sounded like more pods had crashed in other places. "Round two huh? Lets see how well we can work as a team... Argus if you'd be so kind as to open one of those pods lets see what the Corpus sent us to kill this time. Do be careful." He then turned his attention to Jinx and Arthur. "Now is the chance to prove yourselves. Prove you can work together with us and you can join us on the hunt for the Stalker. You have my word" His voice was a bit sinister, the idea of being able to pay back the Corpus even more for all the horrid things they have done to his kin excited him. It seemed the Crimson Rage had not fully subsided yet.


Argus grins, "Oh with pleasure old friend! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" as he nears the pods, he grabs one of the pods, and literally smashes it onto the floor, damaging whatever what was inside. "HAHAHAHA! Tyranis my friend! They were kind enough to give us Hyenas to play with!"


___With Tatsuya and Miho___


They were lying on the bed cuddled together in their new home, their naked forms covered by a blanket. Smiling as they stare at each other. A loud noice was heard coming from outside. Tatsuya's face darkens, 'So it has begun. That noise definitely came from the main hangar.'


"Miho, we have to go, they're here." Miho nods sadly, "Okay." they got up and put on their warframes, Yuzuki who was lying down on a couch in the living room notices his masters exit the bedroom, Tatsuya smiles at Yuzuki, "Yuzuki, we got work to do."


"Beep beep."


Yuzuki follows them as they head for the main hangar.

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