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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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The doors of the infirmary slid open, allowing the Hyena inside but just seconds after it ran inside, the robotic was sent flying back through the door, landing on its back. Gaia came walking through the doors, cracking her knuckles as the robotic scrambled back onto its feet. There was a large dent in its armour from the punch that it had received and it might make someone wonder just how strong Gaia was. "I'm sorry but visiting hours are over."

Tyranis still locked in combat with the other Hyena could only glance over to see what appeared to be Lady Gaia stepping out of the Med-Bay. "Oh? I've been waiting a long time to see this." He turned to the Hyena. "Could you do me a favor and just step aside?!" With that Tyranis whipped his body around and delivered a devastating roundhouse kick to the Hyena, sending it sailing into the nearby wall, the impact had left a large dent. The Hyena recovered quickly and pounced at him. Tyranis fell backward, using the momentum of the Hyena against it he kicked upward as the beast leaped over him, sending it into the ceiling with a loud crash. 


The Hyena came crashing back down to the ground. Tyranis quickly emptied both his Vasto clips into it so it couldn't get up. With the beast twitching on the ground as its programming forced it to continue fighting, struggling to even get one leg up Tyranis removed his Galatine from his back, stepped on top of the Hyena and stuck the blade into its back. "Please stay down this time, machine or not you don't deserve to suffer." He removed his Galatine from its body and placed it onto his back and began making his way to see Gaia in action.


The Hyena in one last desperate attempt of its programming began to fire its machine guns as Tyranis turned his back. The bullets bounced off his shields, but some made it in, the injuries were minor but more then enough to stagger him. He drew his Galatine once more and blocked as many of the incoming bullets as he could. The Hyena rose and once again pounced. Tyranis thrust his Galatine upward, jabbing it right through the Hyenas neck, then ramming it into the ground, this time it would not be getting back up. He once again removed his blade from the beast, and made his way towards Lady Gaia.

Edited by MasterDread
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The Corpus begins to wake up, "Ughhhh." he notices someone cracking knuckles and looks over to his left and notices a Nyx, he says something that will probably get him killed a thousand times over.


"Ughh, you know for a female Tenno you have a nice &#!."


She crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked to the Corpus Crewman as she heard his remark. "Corpus pig..." She would do such terrible things to him if it weren't for that they needed him alive.

Arthur grimaced under his helmet at the Corpus's remark "Watch your tongue Corpus, that's my sister you're talking about."


Jinx on the other hand simply walked over to the Corpus and crouched down as she had her helmet fold back from her face again. Reviling a toothy grin and glowing red eyes. "Well yes I do have a nice &#!. Unfortunately for you that remark will cost ya" Jinx almost purred like a pleased cat as she spoke. She was going to have so much fun. "Now then, I'll only ask nicely once. What are you doing here? And what is your objective?" She took a firm grip of the Corpus operative's head and yanked him up to her eye level  so she could look him straight in the eyes. "Answer truthfully, I'll know if you lie to me" Her next words seemed to be getting darker along with her face as she spoke "And if you don't tell me what I want to know I will place a nightmare so deep into your mind that it can never be removed. You will spend the rest of your life screaming in agony and fear as you try to claw your own eyes out in a desperate attempt to make the images go away"

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Gandraya notices the glow on Miho's face.

Hey Aran, I think Tatsuya and Miho just did it. I can see it on her face

No you-oh wait-yea-yep I see it too. But really at time like this?

Gandraya walks up to Miho and whispers in her ear

"I can tell you and him had a little fun just now, you might have wanted to wait a while before taking off your helmet."

"'Draya, really did you have to tell her you know about that...oh dear I'm so sorry, its just I can read her thoughts and...um-yea i'm gonna go over here for a bit.'Draya you're coming with me."

Aran turns to Shinkro.

"let me know when its safe to come down."

Aran grabs Gandraya and wormholes both of them up on to a support beam in the hangar. the worm hole after one use vanishes. 


Miho blushes up a storm and Tatsuya chokes. They both start sputtering nonsense at what Gandraya said.


"We.. uh..... gah."


They did not deny it.


Argus grins and approaches Tatsuya still holding the Hyena shish kebab. "HAHAHAHAHA! Tatsuya my boy, you are now a man! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" He starts patting Tatsuya on the back. Tatsuya starts blushing as well, he was rendered speechless.


Miho covers her face trying to hide the massive blush, and fails miserably.


Sam clocks her rifle and looks about, keeping an eye out for any other Harvesters/Hyena Proxies "Clear!" she shouts "So far..."


Attakai approaches Cyrios, "And you must be Cyrios," he holds out his hand, "A pleasure."


Arthur grimaced under his helmet at the Corpus's remark "Watch your tongue Corpus, that's my sister you're talking about."


Jinx on the other hand simply walked over to the Corpus and crouched down as she had her helmet fold back from her face again. Reviling a toothy grin and glowing red eyes. "Well yes I do have a nice &#!. Unfortunately for you that remark will cost ya" Jinx almost purred like a pleased cat as she spoke. She was going to have so much fun. "Now then, I'll only ask nicely once. What are you doing here? And what is your objective?" She took a firm grip of the Corpus operative's head and yanked him up to her eye level  so she could look him straight in the eyes. "Answer truthfully, I'll know if you lie to me" Her next words seemed to be getting darker along with her face as she spoke "And if you don't tell me what I want to know I will place a nightmare so deep into your mind that it can never be removed. You will spend the rest of your life screaming in agony and fear as you try to claw your own eyes out in a desperate attempt to make the images go away"


The Corpus squeeks, "We, gah, we were after the Herald! The Harvesters were just a distraction! We had a mole infiltrate the Church, he wears a Loki warframe that can change its appearance, he could look like you, or any other Tenno here! We managed to capture the Herald, we were just the distraction! I SWEAR THAT'S ALL I KNOW!" the Crewman starts to cry in a fetal position.



Edited by Unendingblade
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Tyranis still locked in combat with the other Hyena could only glance over to see what appeared to be Lady Gaia stepping out of the Med-Bay. "Oh? I've been waiting a long time to see this." He turned to the Hyena. "Could you do me a favor and just step aside?!" With that Tyranis whipped his body around and delivered a devastating roundhouse kick to the Hyena, sending it sailing into the nearby wall, the impact had left a large dent. The Hyena recovered quickly and pounced at him. Tyranis fell backward, using the momentum of the Hyena against it he kicked upward as the beast leaped over him, sending it into the ceiling with a loud crash. 


The Hyena came crashing back down to the ground. Tyranis quickly emptied both his Vasto clips into it so it couldn't get up. With the beast twitching on the ground as its programming forced it to continue fighting, struggling to even get one leg up Tyranis removed his Galatine from his back, stepped on top of the Hyena and stuck the blade into its back. "Please stay down this time, machine or not you don't deserve to suffer." He removed his Galatine from its body and placed it onto his back and began making his way to see Gaia in action.


The Hyena in one last desperate attempt of its programming began to fire its machine guns as Tyranis turned his back. The bullets bounced off his shields, but some made it in, the injuries were minor but more then enough to stagger him. He drew his Galatine once more and blocked as many of the incoming bullets as he could. The Hyena rose and once again pounced. Tyranis thrust his Galatine upward, jabbing it right through the Hyenas neck, then ramming it into the ground, this time it would not be getting back up. He once again removed his blade from the beast, and made his way towards Lady Gaia.


The Hyena came charging at Gaia, machine guns blazing as it expected Gaia to dive for cover while it advanced. It was sadly mistaken as Gaia used Link, directing most of the damage she would have taken back to the Hyena. Its gunfire whittled down and eventually depleted its own shields while Gaia took minimal damage to her shields by comparison.


By the time that the Hyena actually reached Gaia, it had no shields remaining and needed to recharge them while she had just stood resolute and let the Link do much of the work. She reached down and picked up the Hyena by the sides of its torso. "You've been a very bad boy. Someone will have to teach you some manners."


The Hyena attempted to shoot Gaia with its machine guns but as the barrels lined up with her, she merely dropped the Hyena in order to free her hands up before she grabbed the barrels of the machine guns. With a mighty pull, she tore the weapons right out of the proxy. "Now what did I tell you? Be a good boy and I won't have to punish you. I don't like hurting things, even if they're robots but you're forcing my hand."


Not giving up, the Hyena leapt at Gaia in an attempt to tackle her to the floor but she sidestepped it before delivering a punch to its back which sent it right to the floor. While it was getting back up, Gaia grabbed the proxy's front legs and tore them right off, followed by the hind legs. "Now be good and stay."

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The Hyena came charging at Gaia, machine guns blazing as it expected Gaia to dive for cover while it advanced. It was sadly mistaken as Gaia used Link, directing most of the damage she would have taken back to the Hyena. Its gunfire whittled down and eventually depleted its own shields while Gaia took minimal damage to her shields by comparison.


By the time that the Hyena actually reached Gaia, it had no shields remaining and needed to recharge them while she had just stood resolute and let the Link do much of the work. She reached down and picked up the Hyena by the sides of its torso. "You've been a very bad boy. Someone will have to teach you some manners."


The Hyena attempted to shoot Gaia with its machine guns but as the barrels lined up with her, she merely dropped the Hyena in order to free her hands up before she grabbed the barrels of the machine guns. With a mighty pull, she tore the weapons right out of the proxy. "Now what did I tell you? Be a good boy and I won't have to punish you. I don't like hurting things, even if they're robots but you're forcing my hand."


Not giving up, the Hyena leapt at Gaia in an attempt to tackle her to the floor but she sidestepped it before delivering a punch to its back which sent it right to the floor. While it was getting back up, Gaia grabbed the proxy's front legs and tore them right off, followed by the hind legs. "Now be good and stay."

Tyranis was standing by the door to the Med-Bay, leaned against the wall with his arms folded. He had watched the whole thing go down. He was impressed by just Gaia's physical strength alone. But he wouldn't have expected anything less from someone that even Cardina took orders from.

As Gaia finished with the Hyena and was making her way back he couldn't help but let in a word. 


"Quite impressive Lady Gaia. I knew you had to be strong to be a "Divinity" But this i was not expecting. You'd probably even make someone like me look like a greenhorn." He chuckled a bit "All things aside this is all becoming quite tiresome don't you think? I think its about time we strike back don't you agree?"

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Ansilm after inspecting the ship where he is what actually is his own but doesn't remember it. Finds some weapons what only gave him fragments of his memory. (I still don't remember my name...) Ansilm thought as came out his ship his old weapons hit him. He decided to head towards voice what he heard ricochet all over the hallways. He arrived to vicinity of more than 6 Tenno. (Much as I hate to do this... Bothering others because of my own problem... I have to do something) Ansilm thought as approached and saw a Corpus crewman on the ground.


He quickly looked on everybody but mostly his steel grey eyes was stuck on Tatsuya and Miho... "What's the situation in here?" he asked lightly and with voice that only were attempting to reach this questions answer. He stopped about ten meters away from the group of Tenno enough that his face was able to be seen, some of the armor and weaponry.

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Miho blushes up a storm and Tatsuya chokes. They both start sputtering nonsense at what Gandraya said.


"We.. uh..... gah."


They did not deny it.


Argus grins and approaches Tatsuya still holding the Hyena shish kebab. "HAHAHAHAHA! Tatsuya my boy, you are now a man! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" He starts patting Tatsuya on the back. Tatsuya starts blushing as well, he was rendered speechless.


Miho covers her face trying to hide the massive blush, and fails miserably.


Aran and Gandraya are still up in the support beam and see Argas' reaction to the lovers reaction to Gandraya.

"Welp I think it looks safe down there, that Rhino Prime seems to be having a good laugh down there."

"Yea lets, I'm getting bored up here. Also I dont beleive we've met that Rhino Prime."

"No we haven't, classic intro?"

The twins take Gandraya's worm hole down and appear in front of the Rhino Prime.

"We are the Nova Twins." they bow



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Argus still with holding a barbequed Hyena over his shoulder, looked at the Ember Prime and smiled, "Ah a fellow Prime! You must be Shinkiro's lover! HAHAHAHAHA!" looking at the unconscious Corpus, "Yes, I believe we should interrogate this little man."



Miho and Tatsuya blushed at Pyre's words, 'Done... those things...' Miho took off her helmet and bowed to Pyre and Shinkiro, "Hello lady Pyre, Shinkiro, it's good to see you two again." while she greeted them, she had that certain glow and smile on her face. "I believe you already know my boyfriend Tatsuya." Tatsuya takes off his helmet and bows as well, "It is good to see you both once again, Lady Pyre it is an honor to be in a presence of a Prime once again."



Pyre blushed behind her helmet. He's certainly a lively and jolly fellow. It's nice to see someone who can be merry even in all this chaos. Though I do wish it was under better circumstances that we met. "O-Oh, Shinkiro told you about me, I take it? I umm...wouldn't really say we're lovers though since we haven't really done...well...those things..." The flames around her died down before disappearing completely, a signal of her embarrassment.


When the mention of additional Hyenas was brought up, Pyre looked to the doorway before looking back to Argus. "Our work is never done, it seems. Maybe we can serve up some more roast Hyenas?" She chuckled, noting the scorched Hyena impaled on the metal rod Argus was holding.



Gandraya notices the glow on Miho's face.

Hey Aran, I think Tatsuya and Miho just did it. I can see it on her face

No you-oh wait-yea-yep I see it too. But really at time like this?

Gandraya walks up to Miho and whispers in her ear

"I can tell you and him had a little fun just now, you might have wanted to wait a while before taking off your helmet."

"'Draya, really did you have to tell her you know about that...oh dear I'm so sorry, its just I can read her thoughts and...um-yea i'm gonna go over here for a bit.'Draya you're coming with me."

Aran turns to Shinkro.

"let me know when its safe to come down."

Aran grabs Gandraya and wormholes both of them up on to a support beam in the hangar. the worm hole after one use vanishes. 


The mention of being Pyre's lover reaaally made Shinkiro blush for real this time. The fact that she said they haven't done certain things best left unmentioned made his red face an even brighter shade. Luckily the helmet hides his facial expression. Though, the thought of Pyre being his lover had dragged him into his own little world. Miho's voice sadly brought him back to reality.


"Oh yes! Likewise. You two seem very well at the moment. Hehe..."


Argus's mention of the young couple's little escapade made the Ash turn away, hiding a little chuckle. He was somewhat proud of young Tatsuya, advancing his relationship so quickly... Maybe even a hint of jealousy. The burning Hyena on a stick didn't really help the situation.


"You all are rather most strangest Tenno I have ever laid my eyes upon. And I've fought alongside many."


Shinkiro moved over to the Ember Prime, placing a hand on her shoulder, noticing her head down.


"Are you alright there, fair lady?"

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Tyranis was standing by the door to the Med-Bay, leaned against the wall with his arms folded. He had watched the whole thing go down. He was impressed by just Gaia's physical strength alone. But he wouldn't have expected anything less from someone that even Cardina took orders from.

As Gaia finished with the Hyena and was making her way back he couldn't help but let in a word. 


"Quite impressive Lady Gaia. I knew you had to be strong to be a "Divinity" But this I was not expecting. You'd probably even make someone like me look like a greenhorn." He chuckled a bit "All things aside this is all becoming quite tiresome don't you think? I think its about time we strike back don't you agree?"


Gaia nodded. "Thank you and yes, it is getting quite tiresome. However, I am needed here. If we are to strike, the surplus Acolytes will infiltrate the enemy vessels to cripple them from the inside while the church is operated by a skeleton crew." She was a Trinity with the strength of a Rhino but she wasn't personally going to attack unless provoked first such as when the Hyena tried to attack the wounded Tenno in the infirmary.



Miho blushes up a storm and Tatsuya chokes. They both start sputtering nonsense at what Gandraya said.


"We.. uh..... gah."


They did not deny it.


Argus grins and approaches Tatsuya still holding the Hyena shish kebab. "HAHAHAHAHA! Tatsuya my boy, you are now a man! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" He starts patting Tatsuya on the back. Tatsuya starts blushing as well, he was rendered speechless.


Miho covers her face trying to hide the massive blush, and fails miserably.



Attakai approaches Cyrios, "And you must be Cyrios," he holds out his hand, "A pleasure."



The Corpus squeeks, "We, gah, we were after the Herald! The Harvesters were just a distraction! We had a mole infiltrate the Church, he wears a Loki warframe that can change its appearance, he could look like you, or that Herald's boyfriend! We managed to capture the Herald, we were just the distraction! I SWEAR THAT'S ALL I KNOW!" the Crewman starts to cry in a fetal position.




The mention of being Pyre's lover reaaally made Shinkiro blush for real this time. The fact that she said they haven't done certain things best left unmentioned made his red face an even brighter shade. Luckily the helmet hides his facial expression. Though, the thought of Pyre being his lover had dragged him into his own little world. Miho's voice sadly brought him back to reality.


"Oh yes! Likewise. You two seem very well at the moment. Hehe..."


Argus's mention of the young couple's little escapade made the Ash turn away, hiding a little chuckle. He was somewhat proud of young Tatsuya, advancing his relationship so quickly... Maybe even a hint of jealousy. The burning Hyena on a stick didn't really help the situation.


"You all are rather most strangest Tenno I have ever laid my eyes upon. And I've fought alongside many."


Shinkiro moved over to the Ember Prime, placing a hand on her shoulder, noticing her head down.


"Are you alright there, fair lady?"


Pyre looked up at Shinkiro, quiet at first before she sighed softly. "I'm a little envious of those two.", she said softly so as not to let Miho, Tatsuya or Argus hear. "I mean...they're so young and yet they've already..." She paused and looked at the ground again before looking back to Shinkiro. "It makes me wonder what I've been doing with myself."


Seeing out of the corner of her eye how happy Miho and Tatsuya looked, aside from the massive blushing Argus caused them, Pyre felt a bit impatient. "You. Me. Bedroom. Now." The next thing anyone knew, she grabbed Shinkiro by the collar and dragged him away to the room they shared. She had special plans for him, especially considering that she didn't want to at least have that experience before she died whenever that might be.

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The Corpus squeeks, "We, gah, we were after the Herald! The Harvesters were just a distraction! We had a mole infiltrate the Church, he wears a Loki warframe that can change its appearance, he could look like you, or that Herald's boyfriend! We managed to capture the Herald, we were just the distraction! I SWEAR THAT'S ALL I KNOW!" the Crewman starts to cry in a fetal position.




Ansilm after inspecting the ship where he is what actually is his own but doesn't remember it. Finds some weapons what only gave him fragments of his memory. (I still don't remember my name...) Ansilm thought as came out his ship his old weapons hit him. He decided to head towards voice what he heard ricochet all over the hallways. He arrived to vicinity of more than 6 Tenno. (Much as I hate to do this... Bothering others because of my own problem... I have to do something) Ansilm thought as approached and saw a Corpus crewman on the ground.


He quickly looked on everybody but mostly his steel grey eyes was stuck on Tatsuya and Miho... "What's the situation in here?" he asked lightly and with voice that only were attempting to reach this questions answer. He stopped about ten meters away from the group of Tenno enough that his face was able to be seen, some of the armor and weaponry.


"And why did you do all this? For what purpose? Tell me" Jinx reached into the Crewman's mind, searching among his fears to let her presence be known so that the Corpus really understood she meant business. She could of cores just go deeper and get the information anyway, but that was a waste of energy when this way was just as easy and by far more enjoyable on her part.


While Jinx had her fun scaring the living sh*t out of the Corpus op Arthur took a look around. They're all maniacs, he thought as he watched the events unfold in front of him. Over all the commotion about relations he barely noticed it had appeared a new one to the party. As he looked over to the new rival he said "Oh hello there...Who are you?"

Edited by Lady_Viper
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Aran and Gandraya are still up in the support beam and see Argas' reaction to the lovers reaction to Gandraya.

"Welp I think it looks safe down there, that Rhino Prime seems to be having a good laugh down there."

"Yea lets, I'm getting bored up here. Also I dont beleive we've met that Rhino Prime."

"No we haven't, classic intro?"

The twins take Gandraya's worm hole down and appear in front of the Rhino Prime.

"We are the Nova Twins." they bow





Pyre looked up at Shinkiro, quiet at first before she sighed softly. "I'm a little envious of those two.", she said softly so as not to let Miho, Tatsuya or Argus hear. "I mean...they're so young and yet they've already..." She paused and looked at the ground again before looking back to Shinkiro. "It makes me wonder what I've been doing with myself."


Seeing out of the corner of her eye how happy Miho and Tatsuya looked, aside from the massive blushing Argus caused them, Pyre felt a bit impatient. "You. Me. Bedroom. Now." The next thing anyone knew, she grabbed Shinkiro by the collar and dragged him away to the room they shared. She had special plans for him, especially considering that she didn't want to at least have that experience before she died whenever that might be.


Argus laughs at Shinkiro's predicament, "HAHAHAHA! Shinkiro, it seems you are going to be a man as well! MAKE HER HAPPY! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"


Noticing the two Novas introducing themselves, "Ah yes I am Argus the "Iron Wall", it is a pleasure to-" he drops the Hyena making a loud *CLANG*, he noticed the colors of the two Novas, one was cyan, and the other.......... red.


Argus widens his eyes, his voice trembling, "Zayra? Zayra is that you?"


"And why did you do all this? For what purpose? Tell me" Jinx reached into the Crewman's mind, searching among his fears to let her presence be known so that the Corpus really understood she meant business. She could of cores just go deeper and get the information anyway, but that was a waste of energy when this way was just as easy and by far more enjoyable on her part.


While Jinx had her fun scaring the living sh*t out of the Corpus op Arthur took a look around. They're all maniacs, he thought as he watched the events unfold in front of him. Over all the commotion about relations he barely noticed it had appeared a new one to the party. As he looked over to the new rival he said "Oh hello there...Who are you?"


The Corpus starts wetting himself, "I don't know! That was way above my pay grade! Only the ship captains and our commanders know! I'm just a squad leader! Please don't kill me, I DON'T WANNA DIE!"

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Ansilm looked on Nova twins, then on Rhino prime who dropped a grilled Hyena and then to Excalibur "Now if I would remember... And... I should just say... What the F*** is going on currently?" Ansilm said as his face went extremely questioning and unsure about health of Rhino Prime. "Right now there is only fragments of my memory available so I can not be sure what is my name. Call me whatever you want" He continued clearing his confusion and looking on Nyx quickly and then back to Excalibur who asked from him his name.


"And by guessing what I saw that... Ember Prime... Was that dragging an Ash... I can pretty much say that everything seems to be wrong much as my memory..." He ended his speech few times blinked eyes on the Nova twins then moved his eyes on the Rhino Prime then back to Excalibur. As the helmet allowed to his face to be seen.

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Argus laughs at Shinkiro's predicament, "HAHAHAHA! Shinkiro, it seems you are going to be a man as well! MAKE HER HAPPY! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"


Noticing the two Novas introducing themselves, "Ah yes I am Argus the "Iron Wall", it is a pleasure to-" he drops the Hyena making a loud *CLANG*, he noticed the colors of the two Novas, one was cyan, and the other.......... red.


Argus widens his eyes, his voice trembling, "Zayra? Zayra is that you?"

Gandraya and Aran looked at each other stood up and removed their helmets simultaneously.

"Argus, I'm sorry if you mistook me for someone you must have known and loved. But I'm not Zayra, I'm Gandraya. I'm not even tenno or human. I'm just a mass of argon radiation mutated Technocyte from Aran's DNA. Which explains why we look so alike."

"Yes I created Gandraya almost 20 years ago. She is basically a black haired, red eyed clone of me."

"Well I can shape shift seeing as I'm not really tenno its just I've never really tried it unless its my sphere form to the one you know as Gandraya."

"But we may have to try that later, 'Draya as it might not be the best time to try new things."

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Gaia nodded. "Thank you and yes, it is getting quite tiresome. However, I am needed here. If we are to strike, the surplus Acolytes will infiltrate the enemy vessels to cripple them from the inside while the church is operated by a skeleton crew." She was a Trinity with the strength of a Rhino but she wasn't personally going to attack unless provoked first such as when the Hyena tried to attack the wounded Tenno in the infirmary.

"You do what you need to do Gaia." He placed his hand on her shoulder "You truly are a pure soul. Don't ever change." He left her and made his way back to the hanger, he knew everyone was still there. He entered the hanger, Pyre and her Ash friend were gone.  Argus was still there, as well as Jinx and Arthur. It seemed Aran and Draya had come in as well. Miho and Tatsuya were also present. As he approached he noticed the Corpus in the corner cowering in fear. "I'd imagine the interrogation went well?"

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Gandraya and Aran looked at each other stood up and removed their helmets simultaneously.

"Argus, I'm sorry if you mistook me for someone you must have known and loved. But I'm not Zayra, I'm Gandraya. I'm not even tenno or human. I'm just a mass of argon radiation mutated Technocyte from Aran's DNA. Which explains why we look so alike."

"Yes I created Gandraya almost 20 years ago. She is basically a black haired, red eyed clone of me."

"Well I can shape shift seeing as I'm not really tenno its just I've never really tried it unless its my sphere form to the one you know as Gandraya."

"But we may have to try that later, 'Draya as it might not be the best time to try new things."


Argus wipes the lone tear in his eye, "I am sorry, your warframe reminded me of my late wife, I thought I just saw a ghost."


Miho and Tatsuya overheard the conversation between the Nova twins and Argus. Miho lets out a small tear, she wraps her arms around her lover and places her head on his chest. Tatsuya who knew Zayra, and what kind of woman she was, places an arm around Miho, both of them, thankful, that they have each other.



"And why did you do all this? For what purpose? Tell me" Jinx reached into the Crewman's mind, searching among his fears to let her presence be known so that the Corpus really understood she meant business. She could of cores just go deeper and get the information anyway, but that was a waste of energy when this way was just as easy and by far more enjoyable on her part.


While Jinx had her fun scaring the living sh*t out of the Corpus op Arthur took a look around. They're all maniacs, he thought as he watched the events unfold in front of him. Over all the commotion about relations he barely noticed it had appeared a new one to the party. As he looked over to the new rival he said "Oh hello there...Who are you?"


Yuzuki who notices Jinx interrogating the Corpus approaches Arthur, nudging his leg with his right paw.


"Beep Beep."

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The Corpus starts wetting himself, "I don't know! That was way above my pay grade! Only the ship captains and our commanders know! I'm just a squad leader! Please don't kill me, I DON'T WANNA DIE!"

Jinx didn't have to dig around much to know the Corpus op had told the truth. She then replied in a calm manner as she stroke his head "Shhshhshhhh It's okay, I know you're not lying. I know." With that Jinx grabbed hold of the back of his head and smashed it down face first into the floor, knocking the Corpus unconscious once more. "Aaaand that's for talking about my arse" She then looked at the now unconscious operative and sighed "What a sad, sad sod"


Yuzuki who notices Jinx interrogating the Corpus approaches Arthur, nudging his leg with his right paw.


"Beep Beep."

"Hu?" Arthur looked down and felt his entire body tense as he saw the harvester "What is that thing doing here?"

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Taranis ran to where he heard the loud crash. On his way there something came up on his HUD and made his heart skip a beat. 


Can't I-Wha-F*ck, man.


You have to. I'm sure there are others that can deal with whatever's going on.


A few moments later, Taranis jumped down from an infested vine that was in the main hall, and rolled as soon as he hit the floor. He remembered where he heard the crashing sound a headed there. Once he arrived, he noticed the well-done Hyena with a metal rod straight through it, a Corpus Crewman sitting in the fetal position on the floor, and several Tenno.


In a serious and monotone voice, he spoke, "It seems there wasn't much trouble with these. Everyone all right?"

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Pyre looked up at Shinkiro, quiet at first before she sighed softly. "I'm a little envious of those two.", she said softly so as not to let Miho, Tatsuya or Argus hear. "I mean...they're so young and yet they've already..." She paused and looked at the ground again before looking back to Shinkiro. "It makes me wonder what I've been doing with myself."


Seeing out of the corner of her eye how happy Miho and Tatsuya looked, aside from the massive blushing Argus caused them, Pyre felt a bit impatient. "You. Me. Bedroom. Now." The next thing anyone knew, she grabbed Shinkiro by the collar and dragged him away to the room they shared. She had special plans for him, especially considering that she didn't want to at least have that experience before she died whenever that might be.


Argus laughs at Shinkiro's predicament, "HAHAHAHA! Shinkiro, it seems you are going to be a man as well! MAKE HER HAPPY! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"


"Pyre, milady. Its perfectly fine to be a little jealous.... Even if they did... Er... You know. Anyway, you'll have your time as patience is-" Shinkiro felt a hand grab him by the collar and was being dragged away by his lady friend. "Wait excuse me?!" Argus again did not help the Ash in his case. "I am in my 30s! I'm pretty sure I'm quite ahead from a mere boy...! Also you're not helping!" His voice echos as the two exited the hanger. He let out a sigh as he crosses his arms while being dragged away.

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"Hu?" Arthur looked down and felt his entire body tense as he saw the harvester "What is that thing doing here?"


The gray Zanuka Prime looks up and beeps, tilting its head sideways. Yuzuki sits down and wags his tail, he nudges Arthur's leg again, "Beep Beep." wagging his tail once more, "Beep Beep."


Tilting his head to left this time, watching in curiosity.


"Yuzuki! What are you doing over there? Come over here!" Yuzuki hears Miho's voice and complies, he gets up and walks back to his masters.

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Nobody seemed to have noticed him return, or heard him for that matter. He shuffled his way past everyone in the hanger and sat down on the body of the Hyena Jinx and Arthur had killed. He removed his helmet and let out a long sigh. "This is all becoming quite tiresome... What did the Corpus come here for? what did they hope to gain by using such a weak force to attack the Church?" He looked over at Jinx, he was certain she was the one who interrogated the Corpus Crewman, she had a grin on her face. "What did our cowardly friend tell you girl? What did they come here for? With such a weak force the only thing they could have gotten from this was an early grave."

Edited by MasterDread
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The gray Zanuka Prime looks up and beeps, tilting its head sideways. Yuzuki sits down and wags his tail, he nudges Arthur's leg again, "Beep Beep." wagging his tail once more, "Beep Beep."


Tilting his head to left this time, watching in curiosity.


"Yuzuki! What are you doing over there? Come over here!" Yuzuki hears Miho's voice and complies, he gets up and walks back to his masters.


Nobody seemed to have noticed him return, or heard him for that matter. He shuffled his way past everyone in the hanger and sat down on the body of the Hyena Jinx and Arthur had killed. He removed his helmet and let out a long sigh. "This is all becoming quite tiresome... What did the Corpus come here for? what did they hope to gain by using such a weak force to attack the Church?" He looked over at Jinx, he was certain she was the one who interrogated the Corpus Crewman, she had a grin on her face. "What did our cowardly friend tell you girl? What did they come here for? With such a weak force the only thing they could have gotten from this was an early grave."

Arthur just stared at the Harvester as it like a dog walked over to the young couple.


Looking up at the dark Oberon Jinx waited for him to be done talking before she answered him "They used the harvesters as a distraction to get the Herald off the church, that would explain why we haven't heard her yelling out any orders over the intercom system lately. Knowing why they needed her was apparently way above his pay grade...And we have a shape shifting mole among us. A Loki to be exact." Jinx grin faded as she just realised something "Oh"


"What do you mean by "Oh"?" Arthur asked, as that word alone had snapped him out of his own thoughts.


"That's why that Temperance guys presence felt so off. It could have been the mole"

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Arthur just stared at the Harvester as it like a dog walked over to the young couple.


Looking up at the dark Oberon Jinx waited for him to be done talking before she answered him "They used the harvesters as a distraction to get the Herald off the church, that would explain why we haven't heard her yelling out any orders over the intercom system lately. Knowing why they needed her was apparently way above his pay grade...And we have a shape shifting mole among us. A Loki to be exact." Jinx grin faded as she just realised something "Oh"


"What do you mean by "Oh"?" Arthur asked, as that word alone had snapped him out of his own thoughts.


"That's why that Temperance guys presence felt so off. It could have been the mole"

He paused for a moment, this news was something most would think to report as soon as possible. But this would alert whoever had taken Temperance's form. "So hes taken the form of Temperance then. It could be problematic if hes running around causing trouble. Knowing the Church they'll have the real Temperance killed. But i'm afraid we can't report this to anyone. Our little shape shifter will know we are on to him... Jinx can you track him?"

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"What!-" Cardina stepped forward, staring shocked at nothing. "Temperance, what are you doing! Why- why are you- you attacking my Acolytes?" Cardina's fists clenched as her anger boiled over the link, her slowly replenishing energy making her rage seep into the minds of anyone near her. "Damin. Let's go. I need to talk some sense into my boyfriend."

"With pleasure"

Wasting no time, Damin lead Cardina through the maze like hallways of the ship, dispatching any poor souls that were foolish enough to try and stop them. On their way to the hanger he mentally queued his comms, opening a channel with the Lotus corvettes standing by outside. "Good news ladies and gents, I have recovered Cardina, however there is a slight change of plans regarding our extraction. The hanger bay doors are still lacking power, so we will have to improvise. Return to the derelict, we're going to need all the firepower we can get." Damin didn't wait for a reply, turning off his comms as they arrived at the hanger housing the Corpus Navi.

"Hmmm, I think I know a way through those doors"

Walking over to the entrance ramp of the Navi, Damin smiled as he stood beside it and bowed to Cardina.

"Your chariot my lady, compliments of the Captain. You don't think he would mind us...borrowing...his ship do you? Then again, I don't think he'll be minding much from now on, so..." he gestured towards the ship, "ladies first."


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