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Taxing Boosters?


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0ceanRain                                                                                                                                                                last Thursday at 17:51


"I also want to ask. When the Dark Sectors tax my credits or resources, and I have a credit and/or resource booster on, do they tax what I get from those boosters?"


[DE]Matt                                                                                                                                                                                    Today at 8:20


"As far as the taxes, they are applied to your mission results as a whole, but what you see in your rewards screen is your "take home" rewards with the tax already applied."


So basically we pay for a booster and for some reason it's income gets taxed, yet our boosters don't work on the battle pay from helping them?

Edited by 0ceanRain
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yea i get ya, but itd be kind of weird to be payed more by players because ya payed the devs. i mean i got a credit boosters myself so id love it if it applied but it just feels odd in this specific case.

Edited by Aver
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My problem really isn't whether or not the credit boosters work on the battle pay, that was simply pointing out how ridiculous it is.


If I pay for a credit booster with platinum/money, it should not get taxed like that.

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Thievery. If I pay for something in-game with real money, I should not have it stolen away by another player by any means.


And why shouldn't I get double battle pay because of my credit booster? It boosts credits, battle pay IS credits. If they can take double credits from me, I should be just as warranted to take double credits from them.

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Nice emotive language, but lets look at content.


1) You ARE getting double credits. Not taxing the boosted portion would actually result in MORE than double credits. Lets do some algebra.
x=actual pay
y=base pay
z=tax %
Normal situation: x=y-zy
Current, boosted situation: x=2y-2zy
What you propose:x=2y-zy
You might notice that the current boosters are simply double normal, so this is appropriate.

2) Credit Booster: Doubles the amount of credits gained from pickups. Now, this would actually imply that many things we currently get boosted should not be, but at any rate, player-given battle pay seems significantly different from any in-game source. It would seem ridiculous that a Lotus token would apply to player to player platinum transactions, so why should credit boosters apply to player to player interactions?

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You seem to be missing that by making the Dark Sectors only accessible via a player versus player setup, it itself is a player to player interaction. I am being taxed by a player to do an activity. Therefore if they can tax MY booster, I should be allowed to boost their battle pay.


I'm actually proposing.


x = 2y - y + (y - zy)

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You seem to be missing that by making the Dark Sectors only accessible via a player versus player setup, it itself is a player to player interaction. I am being taxed by a player to do an activity. Therefore if they can tax MY booster, I should be allowed to boost their battle pay.


Battlepay, unlike credit drops, comes from a living and finite stock of credits in the paying clan's vaults. It's not the same as the infinite and endless surplus of credits that enemy factions have to offer, nor is it the same as a 500+ bundle dropped by some random AI scrub. You're asking for a boost to something that is limited in its value just because you're being taxed for something that has no limit, doubled or not.


Are there ways for DE to make the boosters non taxed? Sure. But until such a thing is implemented (if ever), draining a clan's resources to provide us with these rails in the first place by having our boosters suck even more money from their pockets is NOT the way to do it...

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You're right. It's infinite. However my time, money, and booster are not. Whether I am being taxed or not does not matter either. It's the fact that when I buy a booster that boosters benefit should not be stolen by any other player.


And if you think about it, DE is losing out on money, in a way, because now those clans are getting bonuses from people that actually pay for credit boosters, without having to pay for them.


I don't actually want the battle pay taxed, I just want my credit booster income to stop being taxed/stolen. I am only providing the example of their battle pay being taxed to show how ridiculous it is for my booster to be taxed, seeing that my booster is also not infinite.


This isn't even touching on whether or not the resource booster income gets taxed, which would be even worse.

Edited by 0ceanRain
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This is a very miniscule issue really. You're getting more than you would have in any case, and taxes are pretty low, so a 10% here or there isn't going to cut into your profit. If it bugs you that much, stick to the old grinding until then, or don't buy a booster while taxes need to be running to support rail health.


With how much one can make in the badlands, a 10% cut of double credits is still a pretty sweet thing overall. This isn't such a high priority issue as, say, people having their boosters wasted due to connectivity issues like the other day...

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