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Great Game, Great Concept. Terrible Character Art


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When I first started playing, I thought that the lack of visual appeal of the warframes was contended only by the microwaves with legs, guns, and jumpjets found in Hawken. However, after playing the game for a couple of hours (assuming "couple" can mean more than 50), I've realised that I really like how original the designs are. I really like the lack of distinct eyes, it makes them seem way more futuristic (as they should seem), and the muscle assentuations are beautiful.

My favourite is actually the Loki. The essence helmet just makes so much sense. I always use enemy sense, and the top half of the helmet even looks like it has some kind of radar going on. Then there is the whole hammer head thing, except that it has a little dot at each end. How else am I seeing around corners?

I think that the only warframe that I don't really like is the Ash's unlockable helmet.

TL;DR - I love the warframe art. It is unique and beautiful.

Cathode Ray Tube Recruit XD

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tbh I like the way most of the warframe's look. I don't much care for loki's hammerhead or ash's weird looking arms, but that's me. I do like the way frost and volt look, and excaliber has a very clean-cut appearance only topped by excaliber prime. I really can't complain about the character art aside from the fact that color mapping is not accurate between weapon and character models. Weapons often turning out much darker or brighter shades of the color selected.

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I quite like the way the characters have been modelled, they have a sleek and deadly look to them, It kinda compliments the fact they is swords. look a bit $&*&*#(%& if the guy looked like a steel tank with a sleek sword

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Loki is gorgeous, Banshee is gorgeous, Frost is bloody amazing.

The art styles of the warframes are what drew me to this game, the combat is whats keeping me. (that and hunting for new frame bits).

I played the hell out of mass effect 3's multiplayer, and all of their customizeable character options. IMO only the geth and the paladin could be made to look cool. everything else was generic and bland, except the krogan which could be made to be laughably ugly.

The art style of this game is different, avant-garde and alltogether awesome. dont change anything!

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I have never seen powered armor like the Warframes before. In fact, they were one of the big things that drew me in- They just look really, really sleek and advanced.

I am also a fan of Loki's hammerhead helmet.

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The art Style is amazing.

They think out of the standarts when it comes to battle suits, love it!

And to answer one of the earlier posts of the OP, no I don't think this game is only played by people below 25 and I also don't think that people above 25 wouldn't enjoy that unique and special Art Style.

Guess you're just one of these persons that hate everything new and special.

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