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Nvidia Physx Permanently Disabled


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So I have an Nvidia Graphics card (GTX 66Ti) which ran the game perfectly fine on high with PhysX ON. Though I logged in today and noticed it was turned off. After checking the options menu I noticed the option was turned off and grayed out.

So for some reason I can't turn it on anymore. I don't know when this happened but it might have been update 13 itself or the recent hotfix(es). If anyone else has this problem please let me know if you found a solution. I don't mind playing without it but it just looks awesome and I'd be sad if we wouldn't see it back. It just gives that extra bit of awesome to weapons like the Jat Kittag or some abilities.


EDIT: Wasn't sure whether to post this under general or art so sorry if it's misplaced.

Edited by zY_Spartan_Yz
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Hey zY_Spartan_Yz, 


There's one known problem: if you have updated your driver (there was a recent driver upgrade recently), you have to reboot in order to activate the PhysX effect.


If you still have the problem, can you forward me your EE.log ? You can usually find it at  C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Warframe\EE.log

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Hey zY_Spartan_Yz, 
There's one known problem: if you have updated your driver (there was a recent driver upgrade recently), you have to reboot in order to activate the PhysX effect.
If you still have the problem, can you forward me your EE.log ? You can usually find it at  C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Warframe\EE.log


Well I have updated it a while ago I think but I didn't update anything before I started warframe so that's not it.

As for my EE.log... how would I send it to you? I assume just upload somewhere and send a link?


Got it right here: -snip-

If you want me to send it in some other way please let me know.


(To download click on the text "Download: EE.log" at the top of the page. NOT the download button at the bottom, I assume that's an ad)


Also... this is the direct link: -snip- just to make sure you get the right one.

Edited by Letter13
Upload EE.log files to a support ticket! These logs contain account details you don't want random folks to know.
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Okay, here are the errors in the log


4.021 Phys [Error]: PhysXDevice.dll is not available
4.021 Phys [info]: No PhysX capable GPU suggested.
4.021 Phys [info]: If you have a PhysX capable GPU, verify that PhysX is not set to CPU in the NVIDIA Control Panel.

4.021 Sys [Error]: Error creating CUDA Context Manager




First: as it says, check that PhysX is not set to CPU in the control panel .




We have seen the PhysXDevice.dll missing in the past. That would happen on a fresh installation of Windows if you use Microsoft's default NVidia Driver. It used to go away with a Driver update.


It's very weird that the DLL is not available anymore. Could you install the NVidia PhysX Drivers: http://www.nvidia.com/object/physx-9.12.0613-driver.html ?


Normally this step is not necessary, but it should solve the missing PhysXDevice,dll


Edited by DE_Js
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Thanks for the info, I'll have a look later today. It's odd this happened since I don't mess around with my drivers. I don't use beta drivers either. Anyway thanks a lot :)


EDIT: Typo ^^


Found the source of the problem: In the Nvidia controll panel PhysX was set to auto detect, setting it to my GPU fixed it instantly after rebooting the game. I guess the latest driver reset a few settings or something. Thanks again for the help!

Edited by zY_Spartan_Yz
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Ok so for some reason it is happening again but this time changing settings in the Nvidia control panel does nothing. Auto-detect or my GPU both don't work. I tried updating my PhysX driver with the link you've sent me but this doesn't work since I have the newest version installed. Also checked for updates on my main GPU drivers but everything is up to date.


Any idea what could be going wrong here? Incompatibility of warframe with the latest drivers perhaps? Or is the problem on my end?


EDIT: I checked Nvidia GeForce Experience for optimisation but it shows me PhysX is enabled with my current settings. Even though it's turned off in the options menu and unchangeable.


EDIT 2: I don't even know what's going on anymore, just launched the game and all the sudden it works again. I didn't change anything ingame or with my GPU / drivers. I have a feeling it won't work again tomorrow so I guess someone will need to look into what's going on.

Edited by zY_Spartan_Yz
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  • 1 month later...

Okay, here are the errors in the log


4.021 Phys [Error]: PhysXDevice.dll is not available
4.021 Phys [info]: No PhysX capable GPU suggested.
4.021 Phys [info]: If you have a PhysX capable GPU, verify that PhysX is not set to CPU in the NVIDIA Control Panel.

4.021 Sys [Error]: Error creating CUDA Context Manager




First: as it says, check that PhysX is not set to CPU in the control panel .




We have seen the PhysXDevice.dll missing in the past. That would happen on a fresh installation of Windows if you use Microsoft's default NVidia Driver. It used to go away with a Driver update.


It's very weird that the DLL is not available anymore. Could you install the NVidia PhysX Drivers: http://www.nvidia.com/object/physx-9.12.0613-driver.html ?


Normally this step is not necessary, but it should solve the missing PhysXDevice,dll


:D thx a lot now i can enjoy the greatness of physx

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