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A Better Way To Do The G3.


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Instead of a lame "Mission Failure + Grind for materials to remove the bolt", I think there's a better way we can do the G3.


Currently, the Harvester is far more interesting, because it makes you do a unique mission you can find nowhere else in the game, and it ties nicely in with in-game lore.


IMO, I'd rather they make another type of Escape Mission having to do with the G3. Maybe the G3 drag the Tenno to some Arena on Sedna where they train Grineer troops how to fight Tenno. They give you naught but a stick (an un-modded Bo) to defend yourself with, and they send various units in after you and you have to find a way to escape the Arena while fighting off the guys (I'm imagining some sort of air vent or something you have to crack open, and there's a reason why the Grineer can't follow you). Once you escape the Arena, you end up in some ductwork that the Grineer can't follow you in, and while you're in there, the Lotus can do a supply drop with real weapons (the weapons you chose to start the mission with) and you have to go find them while trying not to be seen by the Grineer.


Once you get your weapons, then it is a simple "Fight to get out". Maybe there's a Time Limit on it (when you are seen/discovered, it starts the timer), say, 3-5 minutes that you have to get to the extraction point. If you don't, the Grustrag Three show up again. If you beat them, you get the Brakk piece. If not... then you have to repeat the mission again.

Edited by Xylia
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Do want. The bolt was a mistake, but I could see us having the bolt on DURING your supposed Sedna mission, and the supply drops involving getting a removal tool, before we can escape. That would integrate it, while not being a grindy waste of our time and killer of fun.

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Do want. The bolt was a mistake, but I could see us having the bolt on DURING your supposed Sedna mission, and the supply drops involving getting a removal tool, before we can escape. That would integrate it, while not being a grindy waste of our time and killer of fun.


That would make sense, yeah. You're bolted until you get the supply drop. Afterall, they probably wouldn't want their training dummy to actually kill hordes of troops. Maybe this bolt makes offensive Warframe Powers unusable or maybe all powers unusable. You just got your Bo, and the ability to Block until you crack that vent open and escape.


As for why the Grineer can't follow you... maybe the Vent has to be broken open (which takes several hits while you are trying to dodge the Grineer Units' attacks) and to actually escape you have to slide through it because it is only waist-high and it is too small for the Grineer to really crawl through it?


Once you're in the ductwork, you can walk again and it is a maze of pipes. The alarms get reset automatically and the Grineer patrol the area looking for you. Once they see you, it starts the G3 timer and you can't actually hack the computer to reset the alarms (that'd be silly). So it'd be an actual stealth mission, and the tiles/areas would be designed with that in mind (lots of crates to duck behind, etc).

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